Angry Birds Friends Tournament Level 3 Week 81 – December 2nd 2013

Walkthrough video and non power-up strategy for Angry Birds Friends on Facebook Tournament Level 3 Week 81, which began the week of December 2nd, 2013. Our strategy for this level is to fling the Bomb bird into the first stone tower. The falling debris should clear many glass blocks, and expose the tnt below. Then simply loft Matilda, and drop the egg bomb on the tnt on the ground. The score in the video below is 140,060.

Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.

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Comments (26)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6270 points
By joaoryo (@joaoryo)Score: 165,570

My strategy for 166K points with power-ups. Wingman SS KS and white bird:

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Pew-pew (@)
Rank: Master Slinger with 7455 points
By sasilik (@sasilik)Score: 159,510

159,510 without PU’s. Bomb at the other side stone tower with high arc. Destroyed first stone block, bomb dropped down and exploded. Stones went also down, hit TNT and almost all was destroyed. For additional points white bird to first stone tower and pushed it down.

Rank: Fling King with 4240 points
By ZAR (@thvar)Score: 165,440

nice one, 163k possible :)

Rank: Fling King with 4240 points
By ZAR (@thvar)Score: 165,440

1 bird (fully loaded WM)
Aim at the lower stone on the right, what you want is to bounce WM back at the some stone on the right tower, WM will go down and keep destroying ice til TNT, 1 out 4 times it will get all the pigs.
there will be a lot of things left at the bottom, it is your choice to use WB to bomb it.

Rank: Sling God with 57410 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 166,970

No P/U’s. Black Bird on a high arc, so it nicks upper right stone structure, and continues into glass pit. Between bomb, and falling stone debris.. most of glass destroyed. 136.8k. Will retry this later, as lots of debris left

Rank: Sling God with 57410 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 166,970

Same method, but also used white bird to take out upper left tower, knocking tower over, and sending stone debris to pit, destroying any leftover glass. 155.9k

Rank: Master Slinger with 5305 points
By penguinpaw (@penguinpaw)Score: 169,720

169 k no pu’s

Rank: Master Slinger with 7235 points
By rlggwzlm (@rlggwzlm)Score: 160,590


Rank: Master Slinger with 5305 points
By penguinpaw (@penguinpaw)Score: 169,720

first bomb lay up to bottom of closest stone scaffold blow up and into glass below
next fire bird at bottom of furthest stone hitting the bottom closest leg with bird and if you want egg into glass below that scaffold should also fall to below a little slower but stronger then the first one went
then fire bomb to clean up last of the glass in the pit 169,720
easy peasy

Rank: Master Slinger with 5700 points
By anasx (@anasx)Score: 163,990

nice shot @penguinpaw
same as your strategy no power ups 2 birds 163,990 :)

Rank: Hardened with 505 points
By brn (@brendafd25)Score: 163,530

Three bird strategy without PU score – 163530.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7320 points
By bambenio (@bambenio)Score: 169,490

any hints to this score

Rank: Master Slinger with 5305 points
By penguinpaw (@penguinpaw)Score: 169,720

i think i explained it to the best of my ability above i dont have much more then that to put down

Rank: Master Slinger with 7320 points
By bambenio (@bambenio)Score: 169,490

cool but is that how he got that score
we have deleted scores in 170k

Rank: Master Slinger with 5305 points
By penguinpaw (@penguinpaw)Score: 169,720

i don’t know i mean 170,000 seems probable i came close but didn’t destroy every last thing do i need to send you a screen shot so you can see my score? cause i don’t know how to do that

Rank: Master Slinger with 7320 points
By bambenio (@bambenio)Score: 169,490

no screen shot needed
just like to know how people get the high scores
if u have one u should share how u did it
like to try all the options

Rank: Master Slinger with 5305 points
By penguinpaw (@penguinpaw)Score: 169,720

but i did share in detail!

By penguinpaw (@penguinpaw) on Dec 2, ’13 at 12:49 pm → Score: 169,720
first bomb lay up to bottom of closest stone scaffold blow up and into glass below
next fire bird at bottom of furthest stone hitting the bottom closest leg with bird and if you want egg into glass below that scaffold should also fall to below a little slower but stronger then the first one went
then fire bomb to clean up last of the glass in the pit 169,720
easy peasy

Rank: Master Slinger with 7320 points
By bambenio (@bambenio)Score: 169,490

i know u did but u no longer have high score
i was just checking to see if he did it the same way

Rank: Champion with 3745 points
By luisG (@luisg)Score: 170,060

Hi sorry for late reply. I got 170k no power ups just follow the logic lol black bird 1st structure try to get small stone balls together and located to drop the egg and make the 2nd structure fallen. I have screenshots if needed

Rank: Hardened with 595 points
By stevoAB (@stefan-h)

166.500 – 2 birds – golden sling – PC

Black bird to triangle stone on left structure. Rocks wil fall en get a lot of glass damaged, if lucky, also tnt.
Then white bird to the right structure trying to get the bottom stone broken on the left. (don’t forget to drop the egg) Most of the structure will fall down to the left corner and take out a lot of glass.

Rank: Champion with 3350 points
By Birdslinger (@birdslinger)

One of my FB friends got 174 440 :o

By justin buck

I got 169 000 with this same method only using scope…

Rank: Hardened with 595 points
By stevoAB (@stefan-h)

Very nice. Congrats! ^_^

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By TienShenLong (@)Score: 171,060

2-Birds No-PU’s GoldenSling PC 171k

Aim at the middle of the stone triangle (left); detonate manually and at contact… then middle arc white bird aiming for the lower stone column on the right, release bomb at last moment and the white bird replaced the column, then fall with the tower and detonated both TNT’s clearing most stuff.
Here the pic before the unused birds bonus was added.

Rank: Champion with 3745 points
By luisG (@luisg)Score: 170,060

177k oh well..

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