Angry Birds Friends Tournament Level 3 – Week 14 – August 20th

Walkthrough video and strategy for Angry Birds Friends on Facebook Tournament Level #3 Week 14 (this tournament began the week of August 20th, 2012). Our strategy for this level is a 1-birder from @playdbird and a few others. Fire the yellow bird straight into the tiny wood beams at the top of the left structure. Speed boost so the yellow bird smashes through them and then flies to the far right side structure, taking it down as well. The score in the video is 131,230, but others have gotten close to 140 K with this strategy.

This is a repeat of level 3 from week 3, so feel free to check that post for additional walkthroughs strategies. You’re also welcome to post new ones here.

Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.

Are you looking for help beyond this weeks tournament? You have an idea, or need a challenge? Be sure to check our Angry Birds Friends Forum.

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Comments (21)

By Renneo 141,545

No power-up. 1-birder. Same as video, just aim and repeated until I got this score.

Rank: Fling King with 4705 points
By Lord Elrond (@lord-elrond)Score: 145,180

1 bird, no toys, just speeder.. top score for a little while

Rank: DaBomb with 465 points
By PaulAnthony63 (@plydon)

SS’d first YB through top left structure. I was aiming at the middle of the wood. It picked up speed and went through middle of the right structure. It bounced off the pink “bouncy thing” sending it BACK across to the remaining left structure and hit THAT pink bouncy thing. It then rolled down destroying “almost” everything. I can’t imagine but maybe 1k or 2k left to get. I am the first to admit that it was a very lucky shot. I probably spent an hour or so on it. I don’t know this for sure, but I would be willing to bet the house that a no-birder will NOT work on this level. Right?!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1930 points
By Gstah (@blinddwag)Score: 142,240

well done @plydon! :)

Rank: DaBomb with 465 points
By PaulAnthony63 (@plydon)

Thank you ~

Rank: Fling King with 4415 points
By Congo (@congo)Score: 145,330

Dear @plydon, let Dr. Congo explain: There are two key components for hitting the sweet spot and ensuring a bouncy result (highly repeatable for high 130Ks and low 140Ks; luck needed for more). The first one is the release angle, for which you need to find the part of the wall that resembles the yellow bird (was it on purpose??). Secondly, you need to ensure that the superspeed is activated right when it reaches the tree. Here is a picture for illustration purposes:

Rank: DaBomb with 465 points
By PaulAnthony63 (@plydon)

Dear, Dr. @congo ….I like your diagnosis. (By the way, I am feeling very “blue”. Can you prescribe anything??) LMFBO!! ((By-by the way…since this is a family-friendly site..LMFBO = Laughing My Freudian Buttocks Off ))Okay…back to the lecture at hand. Upon further review and a splendid illustration I might add, there may be more points there than originally thought. HAPPY HUNTING PEEPS! ;-D

Rank: Fling King with 4000 points
By Bill (@dollarbill2208)Score: 144,330

Paul, that’s right. A no-birder may be possible? Not sure. I haven’t really tried because I don’t think you are going to score nearly as high as the 1-bird method. Nice flinging, and nice comments, helping fellow nestmates in need!

Rank: DaBomb with 465 points
By PaulAnthony63 (@plydon)

Ya, I think you are right about that. I tried the BQ. I was watching a movie on veetle. So…I was flipping back and forth. Maybe 7 times out of ten…the left side falls, but there isn’t much damage. The right side sways a little…but stays in tact for the most part.

Thank you for your kind comments. With anything in life, there is a culture on how to do things. The same holds true here in the Nest. I really do want to help and be a part of the positive process. Usually, I am the quiet uncomfortable one in the room. An observer if you will. That’s where my humor comes in. It helps me overcome many obstacles in life. I just need to remember to change the filter often because I tend to shoot first and ask questions after.

Rank: DaBomb with 465 points
By PaulAnthony63 (@plydon)

Uh…the whole point about the movie comments were…it takes some time before the left side falls. I left that part out.

Rank: Flinger with 55 points
By jatt (@harman)

after all effort still on 2nd position!!

By Suz

You people LIE! There is no way you can score 140+ with one bird and NO goodies! I have been at it for DAYS and the best I can get is 138K with powerups! Need to beat 141K! UGGGGHHHHHHH I want this week to be over :-(

Rank: DaBomb with 465 points
By PaulAnthony63 (@plydon)

Hello Suz. I know how playing this game can sometimes be frustrating. AND…I also know how sometimes people will post strategies here that seem unreasonable. The reason I know this stuff is because those kinds of things happened to me. So, because I was feeling emotional when I responded to someone here, I was actually too strong in my response. After my incident, AND…after I apologized, I was told that I can catch more flies with honey than vinegar. It’s weird…but it seems to be a natural course for some on this site. OKAY…all that said, you will find that there are many friendly and honest people here in the nest that will help and assist you. I would suggest that you maybe take a few minutes and surf through the nest in the past weeks walkthroughs. You will see that there are plenty poeple who would be willing to help your cause. As for your problem today, I am not sure if there is a 1 bird, no power-up strategy that will yield you 140+ points. My strategy above did work for me, but I used a Super Seed and King Sling on the first yellow bird. (I noticed just now that I left out the KS in my strategy…sorry) I hope my words help you in some way. I sorry that you are so frustrated.

Rank: Fling King with 4415 points
By Congo (@congo)Score: 145,330

Hi Suz, just to clarify that in my strategy above, including the picture in zoom out mode, I did NOT use the KS. I only used the Super Seed for the first bird. The angle is quite narrow and you really need to click at the right time (computers with high latency suck big time), but with a few tries you should manage to get to 140k at least when it bounces to the other side. Good luck!

By Suz

Thank you, thank you for the picture! It was worth 148K points for me! Never did figure the right angle with the yellow bird wall thing, but, it did take me 65 SS to find the “sweet” spot, ugggg.
Again, I am humbled, it can be done with 1 bird and a power up!
Now to go get some more pigs in Green Day!
I am so addicted to this game! I have Birds and Space on iPhone, play everyday on FaceBook, is there a Birdaholics Anonymous Group??? LOL

Rank: Fling King with 4415 points
By Congo (@congo)Score: 145,330

Suz, I am glad that it helped. Funny enough, it never worked out again for me, so I ended up 20th in the board after being 2nd most of the week. oh well, I guess it’s payback and karma for passing @dollarbill2208 in Green Day level 6! ha, ha, ha :P

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Sheikhoo (@)Score: 145,700

One bird power-up strategy for 145k in video:

Rank: DaBomb with 465 points
By excalibur (@excalibur)

i knew the method but now 23h before the time i got my result. all week countless hours with this level. im was losing hope

Rank: Fling King with 4415 points
By Congo (@congo)Score: 145,330

Thanks @sheikhoo for capturing it on video. I always like copying your strategies, but I always find difficult because your screen resolution is different than mine (so the reference points seem to change!).

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Sheikhoo (@)Score: 145,700

Can you test this one though please? I did it zoomed in hoping the reference points might be the same. Thanks

Rank: Fling King with 4000 points
By Bill (@dollarbill2208)Score: 144,330

it looks fine. only problem is there is some death metal playing in the background :D

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