Angry Birds Friends Tournament Level 2 – Week 5 – Jun 18th

Walkthrough video and strategy for Angry Birds Friends on Facebook Tournament Level #2 Week 5 (this tournament began the week of June 18th 2012). Our strategy is to fire the bomb bird up and over, hitting the stone triangle supporting the TNT, causing it to fall below. Use the remaining bomb birds to mop things up and pump up your score. The score in the video is 115,360.

Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.

Are you looking for help beyond this weeks tournament? You have an idea, or need a challenge? Be sure to check our Angry Birds Friends Forum.

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Comments (67)

By eggomaniac

125,200 3 bird, 1rst straight in to front, 2nd in the middle, 3rd like the 1rst in the vid, just a touch higher so the TNT drops and the bird slides along the back wall.

Rank: Fling King with 4000 points
By Bill (@dollarbill2208)Score: 138,890

Let me know if you have a better strat than this here.

Rank: Out of this World with 2550 points
By Shelly (@shelly)Score: 130,410

@dollarbill2208 I just started trying this level. Without looking at any videos, my first thought was to sling a bomb bird over to the top right where the stack of TNT is. The bird hits that bottom triangle, which topples over the boxes of TNT and it n falls down before detonating, doing damage below. I haven’t played around with the power-ups yet to figure out which bird would be best to topple that TNT and if it will give a high enough score to proceed with this method, but since it works, it’s worth a try.

Rank: Out of this World with 2550 points
By Shelly (@shelly)Score: 130,410

Well gosh…don’t I feel like the fool..LOL I just watched the video and that is exactly what was done. Still wondering if the first bird is the best to use???

Rank: Deputized with 105 points
By zwizda (@zwizda)

Your method, 142,900.. Thnx.

Rank: Fling King with 4000 points
By Bill (@dollarbill2208)Score: 138,890

My idea is to wait until the end, that way it “finishes it off” so to speak. But I think your method works fine. @zwizda seriously, why don’t you post a score like that on the leaderboards? I will have to see a pic of it though.

By eggomaniac

can, easily, show a ‘picture’ 251,137… a bit of ‘fun’ with Paint Program. video is the only ‘proof’ that is positive.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

And we would be able to tear that apart. We’re very good at analyzing images. Pictures are fine as evidence as long as they are good quality.

Rank: Slinger with 1245 points
By Jonsered (@jonsered)Score: 138,210

138k just like in the video. Although I had only one pig alive before last bird.

By wilso

Your method as well, 142,820. Thanks a lot, that was perfect.

By Carrie Batts

O my gosh Bill you have been such a help on so many of these levels. Thank You so much for all the help you give us!!! :)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8570 points
By Kartflyer (@kartflyer)Score: 129,200

Perfect strategy @dollarbill2208! Thanks, and we hope to see you soon :)

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Sheikhoo (@)Score: 138,480

I have a non power-up strat for 133k (I believe you can go higher if you have the patience). You have to use all your birds. Here is the vid

Rank: Fling King with 4000 points
By Bill (@dollarbill2208)Score: 138,890

@sheikhoo very impressive! That video makes a great alternate strat to mine.

Rank: Fling King with 4000 points
By Bill (@dollarbill2208)Score: 138,890

@shelly you should probably take a look at this one, although you already have a good score as well

Rank: Fling King with 4000 points
By Bill (@dollarbill2208)Score: 138,890

actually, it’s the same method you described above. silly me! nice job.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Sheikhoo (@)Score: 138,480

@dollarbill2208 Cheers. I have to say your strat is the impressive one =) I just tried it a few times but the Birdquake failed me. lol. I’ll try it again when I have some more power-ups =) Thanks

Rank: Fling King with 4000 points
By Bill (@dollarbill2208)Score: 138,890

yeah, I got that score fairly quickly, but it has taken me a while to beat it. Unfortunately the TNT will hardly ever fall the right way.

By Cristiano

I got 137.290 with two birds following your method. Lucky second shot. Here is the pic:

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Sheikhoo (@)Score: 138,480

Did the second shot take out the whole right side? I managed 128k with two birds but couldn’t increase the score.

Rank: DaBomb with 430 points
By ReyDavid (@samu82)Score: 138,230

wonderful!!! 130K with this same strategy, my idea for the my next attempt is to see my score before the last shot: this time I was at 103K, great score; at this point I will use the power-up and see what will happen :)

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Sheikhoo (@)Score: 138,480

Kewl. You can always change the sequence of the shots as well. Replacing my second shot with the first got me similar scores. Also taking out the right side and the left side first also got similar scores. I’m not sure which method is the best but I’m fairly sure a lot more points are there to be had even without power-ups.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Sheikhoo (@)Score: 138,480

In my latest strat for this level I got 103k after the second shot as well which was key to getting to 138k with the last shot, the last shot being the same as my old strat. If I had the tiniest bit of extra luck I would have gotten 140k. Oh well! =)

Rank: Slinger with 1170 points
By HANI (@hani)Score: 139,200

your start are awesome i got 134,860 using u’r strategy
thank’s dude

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Sheikhoo (@)Score: 138,480

Thanks @hani. I have found a different non power-up strategy for 138k by swapping the first two shots. Video is here:

Rank: Slinger with 1170 points
By HANI (@hani)Score: 139,200

man u’r strategy is perfect
check out here ::

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Sheikhoo (@)Score: 138,480

Excellent. Good Job. =) One guy said he got 140k using this strat. I wonder what the max score could be.

Rank: Slinger with 1170 points
By HANI (@hani)Score: 139,200

@sheikhoo a little pit semi impossible(that what am think) to get more than 143k coz with my score here just a few stone did not explode by the last bombbird so i hope to see a higher score with u’r strategy,, =)

Rank: Shooter with 750 points
By Marabus (@tmarosi)Score: 136,050

i managed to do 136k with this strategy…NO powerups used

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Sheikhoo (@)Score: 138,480

Awesome. =)

Rank: DaBomb with 430 points
By ReyDavid (@samu82)Score: 138,230

137K, same strat as in the video!!! I was at 98K before the last shot, and 2 pigs remained… I used super seed for the last shot and BAMMMM… 137K

Rank: DaBomb with 430 points
By ReyDavid (@samu82)Score: 138,230

sorry, I’ve wrong video… this is the one I was referring:
I use this strat

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Sheikhoo (@)Score: 138,480

@samu82 That is the last video that I posted =)

Rank: DaBomb with 430 points
By ReyDavid (@samu82)Score: 138,230

ah yes it’s true!!! I couldn’t find it in this page before, thaks a lot for this video, this strategy is great!!! I’m trying to find a different way to play, to improve my score, but for the moment this is the best for me :)

Rank: Slinger with 1170 points
By HANI (@hani)Score: 139,200

hhhhhhhh totally it’s your video man :D

Rank: DaBomb with 430 points
By ReyDavid (@samu82)Score: 138,230

wait wait XD Absolutely, I didn’t want to take the merit of the video, if someone understood that it was MY video… come on, I have no merit for my score, except that I watched the @sheikhoo video and reproduce it after tons of attempts. I only wanted to say what I wrote: “I use this strat” :P
Now that I achieved 137K I’m studying to find a better way, I hope to post my video the next time, with a bigger score eheh ;)

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Sheikhoo (@)Score: 138,480

lol I think my comment was misunderstood here XD I just meant that I had posted that video earlier in this thread so @samu82 was infact referring to the correct video when he/she mentioned his/her strat. =)

Rank: Deputized with 215 points
By SK15 (@sk15)

I made 118k with 2 birds and no items … Video follows:

Rank: Pig Leader with 11630 points
By kevin (@kcox2116)

These are my favorite types of levels, lots of stone and all bomb birds

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Sheikhoo (@)Score: 138,480

Ditto! any level with a black bird, I find awesome =)

Rank: DaBomb with 430 points
By ReyDavid (@samu82)Score: 138,230

totally agree. This is a great level, during this week we found a lot of valid strategies, I think I can count about 4-5 different strategies where I’ve achieved +130K, the best tournament level until now, waiting for other ones in few hours ;)

Rank: Out of this World with 2550 points
By Shelly (@shelly)Score: 130,410

I know this isn’t strategy but I don’t know where else to ask this…It seems today they have added those annoying ads in between games. Every since these appeared, I am having problems playing the game. My slingshot seems to “stick” Example: The bird is in the slingshot, sometimes it takes at least twice to pull him back (1st bird), when I try to release the bird to shoot him, he doesn’t go anywhere; it stays in the slingshot. I have to click the screen(like if I am exploding a bomb or powering a bird) That makes the bird go, then I have to hurry and replace my cursor in order to explode, etc. It’s very annoying and really throwing off my game. I’ve logged out of FB and back in but am still having the same problem. Is anyone else experiencing this?

Rank: Slinger with 1075 points
By vista (@myvista-com)Score: 128,140

I’ve seen those ads for last few days now. But didn’t had any problem, with it. I used to play full-screen. Try it. Also, try clearing the browser cache, it might help too.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Sheikhoo (@)Score: 138,480

I use Firefox and I have the problem of not being able to pull the Black bird the first time. That is really annoying and it only happens with the Black bird. I only have the sticking problem when pulling back though. Once the bird is yanked back I don’t have to click twice to release like you do. Maybe its a web browser specific problem. Which browser do you use?

Rank: Out of this World with 2550 points
By Shelly (@shelly)Score: 130,410

I use Google Chrome. I’ll try clearing my cache and hope it helps but I can’t help to “blame” it on those new ads. Last night was the first I’ve seen them and that is when my problems started :(

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Sheikhoo (@)Score: 138,480

Well hopefully clearing the cache will sort the problem out. My problem has been there forever though so it’s probably not related. If you look at the last vid I posted above you’ll see that for every shot I have to pull on the bird twice.

Rank: Fling King with 4000 points
By Bill (@dollarbill2208)Score: 138,890

@sheikhoo I see you got yourself an avatar, which means you are formally welcomed (not to say that you weren’t before). I have seen your other videos on youtube, they are some of the best, and most helpful for high scores that I have ever seen. Keep it up, you’ll be a great competitor, and a great asset to the site.

Rank: Slinger with 1170 points
By HANI (@hani)Score: 139,200

@dollarbill2208 till now am using hes start in all tournament level’s and am got a high score every time following step by step hes bird’s shot :)

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Sheikhoo (@)Score: 138,480

Thank you @dollarbill2208 and @hani. I feel welcomed =)

Rank: DaBomb with 315 points
By Luís Rochinha (@luis-rochinha)Score: 130,810

Me too, I use FF and the black bird only “pulls” at the 2nd attempt! Not an horrible thing but slightly annoying. :(

By aksu

They’ve added a piggy to the bottom right corner of the screen where the ad appears, hit the porky and the ad goes away. You need to hide it everytime you load the game.

Rank: DaBomb with 315 points
By Luís Rochinha (@luis-rochinha)Score: 130,810

I’m a good AB player but I always improve (a lot) my scores by watching @dollarbill2208 and @Sheikhoo YT videos. Thanks guys!

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Sheikhoo (@)Score: 138,480

No problem =)

Rank: Flinger with 55 points
By boast88 (@boast88)

For +145K I basically used super seeds for all three birds. Here is the screenshot:

Rank: Fling King with 4000 points
By Bill (@dollarbill2208)Score: 138,890

super seeds for all three birds? I didn’t think it works that way. you only get 1 super seed use per level.

Rank: Flinger with 55 points
By boast88 (@boast88)

Yes sorry you are right. I meant I used super seed for the 1st bird, then quake and then used last 2 birds for almost total destruction. I used to think before that super seed would make all the birds bigger, I still forget that sometimes.

Rank: Fling King with 4000 points
By Bill (@dollarbill2208)Score: 138,890


Rank: Flinger with 55 points
By boast88 (@boast88)

If i can remember correctly, not every glass fell down for me, but when most of it crashed down the score was around 199K, then things were still crashing down at the pit below and score increased to 202K. I still cant believe the score. And yes I do agree that some days I do end up with high scores using same technique I used before that did not work before. Im sure there is a glitch in angry birds algorithm.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10780 points
By mobus1603 (@mobus1603)Score: 135,540

I smell BS. He has insanely good scores, almost beyond belief, that put him among the most elite…and he forgot that the Super Seed Power-Up doesn’t make all of the birds bigger?!?! Something is extremely fishy about this player. I won’t believe it unless he’s my FB friend at this point. I understand privacy, but it’s still odd that his scores are so good, and he blacks out anything that could identify him or his friends.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10780 points
By mobus1603 (@mobus1603)Score: 135,540

Actually, he kind of changed his story. Fist, he said that he used Super Seeds for all three birds. He clearly thought that you could use Super Seeds on each of the birds. Then, he says that he used a Super Seed and a Quake, and that he forgot that Super Seed doesn’t make all of the bids bigger. Dude is a liar. Nobody that good would mess that up. I call shenanigans on this guy.

Rank: Slinger with 1170 points
By HANI (@hani)Score: 139,200

actually even with u’r screenshot here for the score’s am not sure in level 3 u can got 202k, coz with 195k all the glass fall down from where the reset till 202k came from !!!(yes u came with u’r proof but sorry am still not believe this score =) )

Rank: DaBomb with 430 points
By ReyDavid (@samu82)Score: 138,230

The only possible answer is a birdquake, but I’ve tried more than one time and nothing moved a lot. I suppose to explode TNT with a birdquake is an event so rare, if not impossible, even. I’m sorry, I agree with you @hani, I’ll never consider an image like a proof, but well, this is only my opinion… If you really did that super 202K, I suppose you’ll be happy for yourself, most of all, and if you want, try to record a video, to share with us your improvements, and to delete our doubts, too :)

Rank: DaBomb with 430 points
By ReyDavid (@samu82)Score: 138,230

This is me, finally :P
I’ve recorded my 1st video to show you my new technique, and most of all to ask you if this is amendable: in fact in my 1st attempt I’ve calculated that it was my new record and I haven’t risk the 3rd bird, because I didn’t know how to point it to score a lot of points, but the next time I’ll try to shot it. Enjoy ;)

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Sheikhoo (@)Score: 138,480

I tried this strategy a lot but couldn’t find a way to get a high score. If you managed 138k with this then it is a good strategy. I think if you use Birdquake after the first shot and it lands in the correct place then saving two birds might give a 140k+ score. Well done on your first video =)

Rank: DaBomb with 430 points
By ReyDavid (@samu82)Score: 138,230

Thank you :) And… OMG, it’s true!!! the birdquake, WTF, it could be useful, even if all times I tried to use it in this level, the 2 TNT never felt down :/
I hate that power-up, because his effect is always different, totally unpredictable :(

Rank: Master Slinger with 5165 points
By MiltosDelis (@r3dvil23)Score: 121,680 148.960 how…;

Rank: Well Traveled with 1930 points
By Gstah (@blinddwag)Score: 137,020

148,960 !!! simply WOW!!

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