Angry Birds Friends Halloween 2013 Tournament Level 6 – October 23rd

Walkthrough video and strategy for Angry Birds Friends on Facebook Halloween 2013 Tournament Level #6 (this tournament began on October 23rd, 2013).

* Note, this is a special tournament (more info) celebrating Halloween and will run for one week only. If you truly want the highest possible scores in these levels you’ll probably need to use Terence (aka, “The Wingman”). Since you have to purchase him we want to show you a non power-up strategy that doesn’t require his use.

Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.

Are you looking for help beyond this weeks tournament? You have an idea, or need a challenge? Be sure to check our Angry Birds Friends Forum.

Higher Score Strategy

Below is a Highscore strategy, using Terence “The Wingman” and the “Golden Slingshot”. It yields a final score of 147,350, but I’m sure it could be higher with a few more attempts.

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Comments (6)

Rank: Sling God with 57260 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)

1st White Bird up over serpents? to pigs & TNT! Red Bird to take out balloons holding serpent. White Bird to serpent and pig in pit. Green Bird to platform taking out Zombie Pigs. 3rd White Bird to clean out any remaining pigs/zombie pigs. 132k!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6595 points
By Caw Caw (@quetzal)

147,640. Using gold sling. KS white bird at serpents dropping egg where they join and allowing bird to punch through serpents. Then SS Terrance and aim towards TNT and hope for a lucky bounce and shot. Then I used Wingman for third bird to clear up any zombie/pigs that were left.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9055 points
By magsy79 (@magsy79)Score: 153,210

I started out with this strat, but used additional birds for as much damage as possible (ended up with two-bird bonus and very little debris left).

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16710 points
By thee-michelle (@thee-michelle)Score: 139,840

It is the same strategy without power-ups. Because one zombie pig remained, I used the white bird.
Thank you for a splendid video!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1650 points
By Wave (@renderedwave)

Great video. Got over 139K. Thanks so much!

Rank: Fling King with 4110 points
By iBird (@ibird)

Great strategy, I got 137k :)

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