Angry Birds Friends 2017 Tournament 258-B On Now!

Below you will find our highscore Power-Up walkthrough video strategies for Angry Birds Friends 2017 Tournament 258-B, which started on Monday May 1st, 2017. To compete head on over to Facebook or download the Angry Birds Friends app for iOS or Android.

Power-up Walkthrough — Enter Your Scores

Level 1 – 487,072
Level 2 – 325,938
Level 3 – 448,563
Level 4 – 362,508
Level 5 – 391,976
Level 6 – 302,802

Top Flingers - Enter Your Scores

Level Leader Highscore Avg 3-Star
Level #1, May 1stRank: Flinger with 0 pts
Platform: None Entered
Level #2, May 1stFinnRank: Out of this World with 2985 pts
Platform: iPad
Level #3, May 1stTerribletomRank: Sling God with 57260 pts
Platform: Android Tablet
* Certified Nester
Level #4, May 1stMDFMKRank: Master Slinger with 5550 pts
Platform: Android Tablet
Level #5, May 1stFinnRank: Out of this World with 2985 pts
Platform: iPad
Level #6, May 1stFinnRank: Out of this World with 2985 pts
Platform: iPad

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Comments (33)

By Cindy

Is no one posting how to do these levels WITHOUT using any power ups? All i’ve seen over the past few tournaments is only using power ups

Rank: Out of this World with 2755 points
By DribBird (@dribbird)

Nope. ROVIO & NEST are separate. ROVIO does not control NEST. Nest controls NEST. NEST decided NOT to do it anymore. ROVIO’s wisdom rubbed off on NEST….lol. u b kool ;-)

By Cindy

Thanks, but I wish someone would just post them without using P/U..

Rank: Out of this World with 2755 points
By DribBird (@dribbird)

I AGREE ;-).

By Rick Brian

I agree some of don’t have the cheat codes lol !!(anyone know them lol) wood like to know ???

Rank: Out of this World with 2755 points
By DribBird (@dribbird)

I agree. But Nest thinks it’s all that & then some. They believe ONLY what THEY want should be said & done. Here are players wanting NON-PU’s Vids. NEST is refusing. If NEST is so concerned about ABF players. They’d help in every way. So bottom line. They do not. I could go on. ABFriends is a great game. All of AB’s is great. The rigging & not complying to the wishes of players/customers is counter & non-productive. Shall I go on?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Hi @dribbird, i know how you feel and i truly wish we could continue to create both non-PU and PU walkthroughs. Unfortunately, we no longer have the resources at our disposal so we don’t have a choice. i appreciate your understanding. as always, flingers are welcomed and encouraged to share their own strategies through text for video. happy to even post community vidoes for all to see.

Rank: Shooter with 945 points
By Lady Harley (@ladyharley)

@birdleader I mentioned it before… in case it wasn’t seen… I’d be happy to help post non-power up videos, if someone will tell me how to record while I play? But I mainly play on an iPad… if it’s absolutely required to use a PC… I will still need to know how to record while I play. (If you can send a private message or email to help me. That would be great.) Thanks, LH. :)

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Hi @ladyharley thanks for the kind offer. would be happy to share your strategies. how to record gameplay videos varies widely by device / OS. your best bet is likely to google it while including the details of your device. i record using “Display Recorder”, but that requires a jailbroken iPad which is becoming harder and harder to do. best of luck and thanks again.

Rank: Out of this World with 2755 points
By DribBird (@dribbird)

Yo birdleader===>Nope not “US” w/non-PU’s. The kids use PU’s. So please stop saying “we” etc… ok ;-). It is the many others who do NOT use PU’s that I am referring. Otherwise my concern is NEST NOT satisfying other ABF players. So simple.

Rank: Shooter with 945 points
By Lady Harley (@ladyharley)

As an adult (48 y/o!) I use the PU’s! So, it’s NOT just the kids! So, stop saying it’s “the kids”! (Hey, if @birdleader can’t generalize it, you can’t either!!)

They’re not posting the non-PU videos, because they’re not able to anymore! Please remember the Nest has NOTHING to do with Rovio! They have NO agenda, no ploy… nothing! It’s run by the fans, for the fans!

Furthermore… if you watch the Power Up videos, you can pretty much figure out how to get 3 stars without the PU’s.

Btw, you do NOT have to buy power up’s! Watch the free ad videos & gain power up’s that way! (See my other comments!) Use the Jingle Sling all the time, if you have it. So worth spending your coins on it… especially if you’re not spending coins on PU’s. (The videos to gain free power up’s is in the PU shop… not just the daily spin wheel!) :)

Good luck, LH.

Rank: Shooter with 945 points
By Lady Harley (@ladyharley)

A few weeks ago, it was posted, they (Angry Birds Nest) will no longer post any non power up levels.

My advice, is watch all the video ads (in the game) to get the FREE power ups. (1 is on the wheel spin every 24 hours. Also, in the power ups shop… gives you a random power up after each video. There are 4 videos & if timed right you can do that at least twice a day… which can net you a total of 8 power ups, each day!) :)

Also, buy (if you hadn’t yet) the Jingle (Christmas tree) Sling… It helps a great deal, even when NOT using power ups! I use it every level.

Good luck!! :)
P.S. If you don’t have the Jingle Sling yet, please reply & let me know if it cost only coins… or is it real money? I bought it long ago, I forget! I think it’s just coins… either way, it is TOTALLY worth it!! :D

By Cindy

Thanks…I’d prefer not to use my P/U’s…i just like to see the hints on how to get a good score…

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8565 points
By lvmh (@lvmh)

I am the same, Cindy, but Nest decided the PUs users were more important. Certainly, their scores are much higher, so a common board didn’t make any sense. Sigh… too bad. I sometimes find a couple of postings on YouTube, but that’s it. Nonetheless I persevere! And it’s still very satisfying, clinging to my Diamond League ranking with no help.
Good luck to you, Cindy, and happy flinging.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6890 points
By Cate (@catie)

Hi Lady Harley @ladyharley. Players can choose whether to buy slings with earned coins or real money. The jingle sling cost me $10 but I would have had enough coins to get it free if I’d waited another two weeks.

It’s the only money I’ve ever spent on the game because I don’t use pu’s until the last day of the tournament – I have a personal challenge to better my score, just using slings.

I agree that the jingle sling is very good and wished I’d obtained it sooner once I had a play with it.

Rank: Sling God with 57260 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)

Levels ALL seem to favour Mobile!! If you’re using a PC…..Don’t waster P/U’s

By Cindy

i’m using my Mac but they used to post both with and without PU…now its only with Power ups…I’d like to see how it can get done without using mine

Rank: Out of this World with 2755 points
By DribBird (@dribbird)

AGREED ;-). BUT, sometimes PC’s win out. It has it’s quirks ;-)… .

No more ABF here at the Community Center(s) until ROVIO remedy “ALL” the issue(s). The kids are fed up. NEST is a platform to communicate with players. Why NEST complains people ask why ABFriends PU’s are inconsistent is laughable.

Hope you do well flinging ;-)… .
You take care & Blessings ;-)… .

By trusty

you should add stella to angry birds friends! she’d be happy to be in it!

Rank: Flinger with 50 points
By Enrique Herrera (@enrique-herrera)

I’ve tried contacting via Facebook and twitter. Can’t post in the forums. This is literally a cut and paste message I posted on the Facebook. I am 100% legit, you have permission to delete my account if I’m found to be a liar. :) Here ya go; “Hey, in the near future 5 other lucky people and myself will be receiving a post card with a hidden message from Ro‬vio! We’ll need to hunt down the other lucky people so we can put together the hidden message. May we reveal the message together. (Rovio told me to start the hunt over at your site!” So any other nesters want to come forward? :>

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)

NO POWER UPS – iPad. I used Jingle Sling on every bird, all levels for 3-stars (Slings are not considered “power ups” because you buy it once, either cash or coins, and use it forever):

1) 398k
2) 222k
3) 387k
4) 254k
5) 276k
6) 201k

Ask me here if you want a text description, bird by bird strat for 3-stars all levels using NO POWER UPS. Hope this may be helpful to some. –MB :)

Rank: Shooter with 945 points
By Lady Harley (@ladyharley)

Thanks MB for this… at least now I know my scores are close to what others are getting with the iPad AND the Jingle Sling.
Mine are (no PU’s)
1) 395,244
2) 250,877
3) 369,304
4) 260,095
5) 259,571
6) 201,631 (this is a very tough level, do you agree?) Maybe you can tell us how you got to the 201k… because I can’t get my birds to duplicate my score, or better it for lvl 6. LOL
Thanks, LH :)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)

@ladyharley Yes! Very tough level without PUs. Just read your post and tried a few more times. Best I got was 211k. I used a WM at the very last and picked up another 50k for 261k:
1) LR+Jingle on medium high arc to bring down as much as possible in “sky;)
2) Chuck into the pit with diamonds and crowns;
3) Matilda carefully aimed to get remaining pigs while ornaments from Jingle do a lot more damage;
4) Matilda, same as Step 3 to mop up. Stop there for almost 212k, or…
5) WM to mop up for another 49-50k, if you should choose to use a PU :)
Hope this helps! :)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)

For years we’ve known the difference between Microsoft products and Apple products. Microsoft = a Volkswagen you can drive at 90kph just about anywhere and take advantage of every road leading to lots of inexpensive “excursions.” In contrast, Apple = a Ferrari you can drive at well over 150kph but the “streets” are limited. The “excursions” (aka software) is very expensive compared to Mocrosoft.

They’re two different “consumer-based” operating systems vying for control over the same consumer market. Both OSs behave differently. Even for a huge corporation like Rovio, give ’em a break :) It is impossible to level the playing field cross two different operating systems, but they try. Then there’s another OS: UNIX. Haven’t heard a word from anyone re: UNIX probably because it’s way over all of our heads and is not designed for gaming but robotics and high-powered number-crunching.

Back to ABF and Rovio… In their defense, they’ve done an excellent job in managing the difference between the two main platforms: PC/FB and Mobile. Tell me if I’m wrong, but I believe all online gaming is expensive. 1) You either pay cash upfront once for downloading the game; or, 2) You get the gaming app for free, then pay in-app purchases for “extra power;” or, 3) You pay a combination of the two. The last option is to shut down your PC and Mobile completely and go to the movies at your local cinema :)

Rank: Sling God with 57260 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)

Level 3 Mobile…..Bone Sling PP/KS/Scope….Send Matilda on a low angle, tracer over the low pig on bottom…let it go a bit and click!!! Should come all the way back to the left!! BQ……Should get two of the structures to drop.

Matilda to take out last structure, if needed. Black bird to debris pile on lower right side. Wingman left. 457k

Rank: Slinger with 1085 points
By WendelDearth (@wendeldearth)

Any tips/strats on level 4 (with PU)? I simply cannot replicate the video on ipad (all other levels pretty well copied). WM doesn’t clear the middle platform or bounces short… Tried it with bouncy for slightly better result but only up to 312k

Rank: Deputized with 195 points
By Batty (@nasserbatty)

Hhhh its good treatment am no 1 ?Love that

Rank: Debriefed with 1420 points
By NoPU (@nopu)

For all of you who wants to see the “no power up” videos, here is a link. Not truly “without” power Ups but it´s a beginning ->

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)

There is a closed group of pro ABF players worldwide on FB who never pay Rovio for PUs because they’ve got at least 300-400 FB friends online with whom they exchange daily gifts in the form of PUs or bird coins. FRIENDS is the key, fully legit by Rovio. You’ll need at least 300 FB friends. Many veteran Nesters have migrated to the pro group yet some come back faithfully and post on Nest in an effort to help you.

The pro group is intense and prolific. Very competitive. Bunch of nerds :) Unless you’re prepared on all platforms and gadgets and third-party plugins just short of cheating, then kindly be quiet :)

For over two years, you’ve been given the chance to join the pro group instead of whining or complaining. Dig. Search. :)

I could be wrong, but the Nest is the only fully licensed fan club site by Rovio for ALL AB gaming, not just AB Friends. Give ’em a break. A well-placed “thank you” is likely in order. Just IMHO. –MB :)

Rank: Sling God with 70300 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)

My respect and admiration for @birdleader, he lays his cards on the table in stating that the resources in his organization are no longer available and is very forthright and honest in his response. There is no slam to anyone or anything.

The people-power is not there to do what all the members want and desire. As a result not all requests can be fulfilled. There is no lack of respect for the membership in the lack of resources to do everything for everyone. It is just what it is…just saying. One or two folks cannot do it all.

So who is willing to step up and provide the assistance that is required by the membership? It is time to step up and contribute to this great fan based site.

I would myself but I am dumber than a door nail in computers and IT subjects. Would not have a clue to a jail broken iPad and what that is, let alone how to post a video.

But I do understand misplaced anger and cheap shots to those who are doing their best and have done so since 2010 in providing a great service on a fan based web site and helping many individuals appreciate and understand a group of games they love to play.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)

Verstör :)

Rank: Debriefed with 1420 points
By NoPU (@nopu)

Just forget PU. It´s a passion to play without PU. I have lots of PUs ans Birdcoins but I don´t use them.It´s the honest way to play ABF. It´s easy to get three stars WITH PU but it´s a challenge to do it WITHOUT. How often I had seen that PU-Players added the WINGMAN as last bird without flinging them just because to earn additional 10000 Points. No, that´s not my way to play ABF….

By Charlene

What’s up with the star cup I keep hearing about has anyone else not getting it on their app?

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