Angry Birds Friends 2016 Valentine’s Tournament Level 2 Week 196 Walkthrough

Below you will find our highscore Power-Up and non Power-Up walkthrough video strategies for Angry Birds Friends 2016 Valentine’s Tournament Level #2 Week 196. To play head on over to Facebook or download the Angry Birds Friends app for iOS or Android.

3-Star Walkthrough – Score: 166,390

Power-up Walkthrough – Score: 213,800

Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.

Are you looking for help beyond this weeks tournament? You have an idea, or need a challenge? Be sure to check our Angry Birds Friends Forum.

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Comments (40)

Rank: Sling God with 56720 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 169,960

Jingle Sling-No P/U’s Blue bird to upper tight structure. 2nd blue bird to lower left side. Black bird to between 2nd & 3rd heart. 168k

Rank: Out of this World with 2900 points
By jack-ryan (@jack-ryan)

Week 196 – NoPU – Level 2 – 193570

Rank: Shooter with 950 points
By Bree (@brookes)

I have someone at first place in my league with a 296, 000 for this! Is this a cheater? I can’t see how this is possible, 3 star group

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 247,980

@brookes Such a high score may be possible using power-ups. Top score so far on my FB list of trusted friends is 260k. On my “other” list, top score is just shy of 300k. Let’s give it a few days while the dust settles, k? ;) Cheaters never prosper, and they won’t get a new car or a toaster oven :)

Rank: Debriefed with 1320 points
By DODO (@kyal)

Hi makin-bakin! (Cool name!) how did you get 231k for this level? I’ve only managed 212k and that was hard to get! Any suggestions?
I use PUs….

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 247,980

@kyal I didn’t post my strat because there are better strats out there. Trusted friends on my FB list have scores in the 260k range with top score of 266k so far. They just haven’t posted their strats yet. So I’m unsure how they’re doing it. I also have another list of friends that I don’t know. Several of them have scores over 280k with top score at 299k. I suspect such high scores are either a glitch or they’re using cheat-hack software. They’ll be discovered soon enough and removed from leaderboards by Rovio.

In the meantime, here’s what I did on iPad Mini with PUs for 231k:
1) Blues+Golden (no PUs) on almost max arc. Split late just before it enters the large pit on bottom right. Avoid hitting the big diamond heart that turns ice into stone;
2) same shot as first bird to mop up as much as possible;
3) Black+KS to get all of structure on top right. Debris will blow back and hit big diamond heart and knock over the tower underneath;
4) WM+Bouncy+PP on downward angle to mop up as much as possible. With a little luck, WM will pick up a lot more points.

Let’s ask @angrychicken how he got 237k, k? :)

Rank: Sling God with 20685 points
By Angrychicken (@angrychicken)Score: 247,710

@dseufert 247k now with power-ups on pc as follows:

1: KS, any sling, aim so one of the blues breaks the crystal heart and one pops the first balloon of the upper right structure.
2: JS, down at the first hut, closest to the sling. if needed, aim a little higher to take outthe wooden support of the second hut with the jingles so that completely collapses.
3: JS or stone crusher at the half-destroyed structure at the top right to wipe it out.
4: WM, PP, bouncy sling, straight ahead, bouncing off the wall down into the structure at the bottom right (see screenshot)


Not sure how 260k would be achieved. Could be a mobile thing.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 247,980

@angrychicken Thanks for sharing. Nice score. Tough level with or without PUs. On my list of trusted FB friends, Pjetlic (not a Nester) has top score of 266k so far. Is he on your FB list? For that matter, am I on your FB list? PM me, please :) I’m currently #61 on this level on my FB list of 500+/- friends. –MB :)

Rank: Debriefed with 1320 points
By DODO (@kyal)

Thanks makin bakin and angry Chicken! I will give these strats a go!!! ?

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9735 points
By oldman23 (@dad2324)Score: 247,870

Bob, King Sling stays with you for the current game. Not per bird. If you use it on the first bird it will be with you on the last bird. No extra charge.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1830 points
By BeachsideBob (@bob-keller-37)Score: 248,140

247 too, using jingle sling, not using king sling unti the last bird….. saves on powerups..

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 247,980

UPDATE: This level eats PUs :) It’s tough to score well. I spent almost 3 hours and a lot of PUs this morning on this level alone! This level may favor the PC platform. But here’s what I did on mobile (iPad Mini) for 247k:
1) Blues+Golden (no PUs yet) on max arc. Split very late so that BB goes “down the shaft” to get ice just to the lower right of the big diamond heart. Tip: do not break the diamond heart!
2) Blues (no PUs yet) on steep downward angle to get nearest structure and all dice on lower left. Tip: do not break the diamond heart!
3) Black+KS to get everything on upper right tier. Some debris should blow back and break the diamond heart while toppling the tower underneath;
4) WM+PP on slight upward angle to “scoop up” remaining pigs, dice, and stone debris in the middle pit. Tough shot. Good luck. I have a screenshot, if anyone wants to see it. But I’m way back in the pack. Top scores are in the 260k range on PC.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 247,980

I need just one more bird, darn it :)


I had a guy in my friend list, he got about +100k points more every level as the best players…, now he isnt my “friend” anymore

Rank: Shooter with 950 points
By Bree (@brookes)

Thanks for the response, but when I see the top player in my group with over 200,000 more points than the rest of us in the top 10 spots it makes me think ‘cheater’. I don’t want to spend money to play and be kicked down the road by someone who isn’t playing by the rules. The person in second place is also in the same situation with 200,000 more points. It just doesn’t seem possible.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 247,980

Hi Bree @brookes I know the frustration you may be feeling. There are generally two groups of ABF players:’those who use power-ups and those who do not. It is nearly impossible for those who do not use power-ups to compete with those who do. The difference in scores can be several thousand k-points, or even 100-200k as you mentioned.

If you suspect cheaters here on the Nest, you can flag them on your summary leaderboard page. This will alert Sal and other moderators of the Nest’s admin staff to further review. The Nest is completely separate and independent of Rovio’s ABF league play, however. If you suspect cheaters in your league, then report them directly to

Besides Sal’s excellent walk-through videos each week, I find non-PU strats by @terribletom to be extremely useful, too. Their strats are a good starting point to modify and create your own strat, with or without PUs.

In any case, regardless of scores, the Nest is the only “safe” place to share strats, screenshots, videos, and post comments. It’s a social forum to meet new friends with AB games in common. You won’t find such a forum on Rovio but a link right back here to Thanks for sharing, Bree. Sorry I can’t be more help.

–MB :)

Rank: DaBomb with 470 points
By akabruno (@matthew-stollak)

I’m in the same league as you this week, you’re currently at 14 with 1,583,740 and I’m at 23 with 1,537,510 (akaBruno)….I’m shocked at the top 11 scores. I’ve seen some of these names before (Sharad, Dariusz), and am at a loss how some have scores 200K more than me.

Rank: Shooter with 950 points
By Bree (@brookes)

MB, thanks yes I’m in Diamond league and always use power ups. But I have never seen the top two in any league be over 200,000 points ahead of the rest of us in the top ten. I will contact Sal to look at this. I’m surprised they have lasted this long. Normally I see the cheating weasels pulled very quickly. I’m in a 3 star player Diamond group so not our first rodeo lol!

I always look at the great stats everyone posts and find them extremely helpful. I’m a pretty decent player and love the game, but get frustrated when cheaters show up. My current scores are pretty good and I’m in line with the leaderboards, however I am totally stumped on #3, just can’t get my little birdies to do what I want, oh well still in the top 10. Well for now anyway lol! Thanks for being so very nice and providing guidance, us old nana ladies love the game!!! But cheaters should not be messing with us grannies haha!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 247,980

Bree, @brookes Send me a friend request here on the Nest. We can chat in private. I’m “more mature,” too (60yo, tired and retired community college instructor :) I’ve got… lemme think… four grandkids. The youngest just turned 1yo last week. The oldest (7yo?) got his first iPad last Christmas and has started to play ABF! LOL :D

Rank: Shooter with 950 points
By Bree (@brookes)

Thanks mb I accepted your friend request, don’t even start on the kids lol! I have little baby girl interns working for me and they are amazing ! They do all my computer work I love them! We are using the grand kids like wifi slaves, don’t know what we would do without them! They are little geniuses ! Again thanks for the friendship much appreciated! Xo

Rank: Explosive with 2070 points
By crimsonphoenix11 (@crimsonphoenix11)Score: 264,290

@sal9 Please raise the score limit, I got 264k.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11985 points
By thevs (@thevs)Score: 250,830

Can you describe your strategy for us?

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

@crimsonphoenix11 @thevs Go ahead, I raised the cap.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5545 points
By tntbomb (@ghazal1)Score: 234,110

level 2 : no power 208.580 k

use 3 birds
Send a bird to the last tower , Send to a bird big heart , Send a bird to the last tower

power up 234.110 k

use 5 birds
using the unique tree slingshot , king sling , Send a bird to the last tower , Send a bird to the first tower , Sling bone , Send to a bird stone cubes ,
wingman , power potion , Send a bird to the last pigs

Rank: Pig Leader with 11985 points
By thevs (@thevs)Score: 250,830

I did by your PU strat, and something happened with last shot (WM+PP) and I’ve suddenly got 250k points. It might be a glitch or something like that.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11985 points
By thevs (@thevs)Score: 250,830

Also @sal9 – please rise the upper limit on scoreboard. Thanks.

By Angela

I hear things on here of people cheating, but I still don’t understand how you can even cheat on this game. Unless you have a way to get free money to buy power ups or something.

While I’m here, I want to thank all the contributors who post their strategies. They help me a lot.

Rank: Shooter with 950 points
By Bree (@brookes)

Yes it is frustrating, however folks like makin bakin are fighting the good fight for us, hang in there I believe in the end we will come out on top

Rank: Explosive with 2275 points
By getty79 (@getty79)

Same as vid except took me 3 goes….twice whacked my head trying to do boune the bouncy sling….also top rite debris fell inwards towards the heart rather than off to fall…but after 3 goes at vid method I yield 209 970 ..some might say that’s gd snuff :)

By susan morgan

would love to have more members so can get more gifts and more challenges, thanks if anyone would like to add me, would greatly appreciate it, thanks

Rank: Pig Leader with 11985 points
By thevs (@thevs)Score: 250,830

Waiting for @campingled to come, to know REAL top scores limit. :)

Rank: Pig Leader with 11315 points
By CampingLED (@campingled)Score: 262,080

Thank you for your faith in me @thevs but I hardly played this week. Only tried each level 3 times on PC only and not mobile. Will start to play tomorrow. We are playing a FB team tournament on 3 story levels and my focus is there at the moment. My FB friends list does include the best legit players in the world and 5 of my friends have scores in 266k. Highest known legit score at the moment is 266960 in this level. Highest score in my league is also 298k and an obvious cheater score. I am starting to lose interest in the game due to the cheaters being forced on us. In friends I can kick them easy and do it. In leagues we have little to no control. I stopped sending requests to Rovio about cheaters since it wastes my playing time only.

Rank: Shooter with 950 points
By Bree (@brookes)

Well the cheaters in my group are gone this morning! Thanks Sal for taking care of that, much appreciated

Rank: Master Slinger with 5535 points
By zeek (@dcp77)Score: 264,060

@bobby-staller Please show a screenshot of your score for this level as it is so implausibly high that I think I would consider betting the farm that it is a typo, randomly entered or obtained using a third party cheat aid.

CC: @sal9 and @dseufert

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By jodelson (@)Score: 260,200
Rank: Pig Leader with 11315 points
By CampingLED (@campingled)Score: 262,080

@thevs Took me a while to get to 262k and I did it the same as this video by @jodelson except I used Bouncy sling and a high arc for the WM shot.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11985 points
By thevs (@thevs)Score: 250,830

What the spooky sling does?

Rank: Deputized with 235 points
By bobby-staller (@bobby-staller)

Here are my scores for each level of the tournament.
The #20 spot in the Star Player Rank 2 League has 1,610,460 in total. My scores for each level aren’t even the top scores.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11985 points
By thevs (@thevs)Score: 250,830

No. This is only a proof that you have played.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 247,980

@bobby-staller @thevs @sal9 @campingled @dcp77
Bobby, your scores are way too high to be credible. On this level, 267k is legit max among the top players worldwide. Verified by screenshots or videos per level, not summary score page. Please provide the rest of us with a screenshot, video, or at least a text-description of your score(s). Competition is fierce :)

Total score for all levels among top legit players worldwide for this tournament is currently 1700k. Any scores over 1700k, like yours, may be questionable.

What browser are you using? IE, Safari, Firefox, or BlueStacks?
What platform are you using: PC or mobile?

We would like to know so we might be able to achieve excellent scores such as yours. Thanks for sharing, Bobby, and Happy Flinging! –MB :)

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