Angry Birds Friends 2016 Tournament Level 1 Week 201 Walkthrough

Below you will find our highscore Power-Up and non Power-Up walkthrough video strategies for Angry Birds Friends 2016 Tournament Level #1 Week 201. To play head on over to Facebook or download the Angry Birds Friends app for iOS or Android.

3-Star Walkthrough – Score: 149,990

Power-up Walkthrough – Score: 165,600

Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.

Are you looking for help beyond this weeks tournament? You have an idea, or need a challenge? Be sure to check our Angry Birds Friends Forum.

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Comments (32)

By Nameless

Do we have a glitch angain? :/

Rank: Out of this World with 2710 points
By PetesGirl (@petesgirl)Score: 190,410

For 190,410, I had to use all birds plus FLW. I’m guessing if you cleared it in two birds 209,000 is very possible.

By Nameless

All birds, no powerups (except slingshots)

Is there any way to attach a picture here?

Rank: Sling God with 37645 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

You can upload an image in your album and then just copy the code that is given to you.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9735 points
By oldman23 (@dad2324)Score: 177,420

I’m sorry. Guess I’m a little slow. Do we get four Power-Up’s per play now?

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9735 points
By oldman23 (@dad2324)Score: 177,420

Sorry again. Just saw it on my IOS.

Rank: Champion with 3645 points
By Ron14 (@ron14)

@dad2324 I can only use 2 power-ups as always. Hummm….

Rank: Master Slinger with 5545 points
By tntbomb (@ghazal1)Score: 175,050

level 1 : no power : 148.740 k

use 4 birds
Send a bird to a balloon at the top , Send a bird to a balloon at the top , Send to a bird rubble

level 1 : power up 175.050 k

use 5 birds
using the unique tree slingshot , king sling , using birdquake , Send a bird to the balloons at the top , Send a bird to the balloons at the top ,
Send a bird to the balloons at the top , Send a bird to the last rubble , using wingman , Send a bird amid the rubble

Rank: Hardened with 560 points
By linda.furio (@linda-furio)
This popped up when I was logging into the game. Does it mean we have unlimited use of power ups while playing this week’s tournament?

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

@linda-furio No, it is not unlimited. The “special” power-up feature this week allows you to use all 5 power ups once per level.

By Quilly

Except that feature just stopped on my android. Would that be an email to customer support?

Rank: Out of this World with 2710 points
By PetesGirl (@petesgirl)Score: 190,410

Yes! Contact Rovio support!

By doctorjonn

before you start using any of the vids posted above, try the bird quake first, you might have to pick your shots with a little more care to clear up, but it should help

Rank: Well Traveled with 1615 points
By saffron (@saffronseed)

i think there is a glitch on level 1 – was using bouncy sling and suddenly on bird 4 it after I bombed the scattered remains there was a shake and my score increased by about 25,000 – I then used the 5th bird to clear up so my score of 234,920 on this level is not a cheat just a glitch i think there must be a ‘hidden’ bomb on the floor somewhere towards the end of the structure and this gives a lot of points if you manage to find it

Rank: Pig Leader with 11315 points
By CampingLED (@campingled)Score: 200,200

Looks like the glitches are unfortunately still with us on mobile devices after the forced game update. Then we get an option to use all 5 power ups per level. Cool for them, now we use more PUs. Then they remove it again and unreachable scores are already set. Bad for all since we stopped playing and using PUs for the rest of the week.

Rank: Debriefed with 1320 points
By DODO (@kyal)

Why did they remove it? How can they allow unlimited PUs for one day only? It doesn’t make any sense! There’s no way anyone can compete against that now. So what…we just sit and wait until next week? This is poor strategy on rovios part! Many will lose interest. I wish someone with better management and customer care would come up with a slinging game like this! I’d move over in a heartbeat! There are way too many issues with Rovio at the moment….the glitches….the cheaters (who they could easily remove, but they just move them over to another league!), …..the increase in power up prices……and now this BS with taking away the unlimited PUs. I’ve had enough. No other game charges or costs this much, and they still have a cheek to give such bad service! It’s not fun if it’s not an even playing field!
I feel like I’m being ripped off, so I’m hitting the delete button! It will be hard….I will grieve. I don’t know what I will do with all the spare time on my hands! But hey….I will have extra cash each month!
Cheers fellow finger flingers!

Rank: Pig Leader with 11315 points
By CampingLED (@campingled)Score: 200,200

They probably hired some consultants who uses a shotgun approach. Pity that a once awesome game is screwed up so much lately.

Rank: Debriefed with 1320 points
By DODO (@kyal)

Yeah….they’ve gotten too big for their boots now! I’m also from SA by the way. Cape Town. (So yes I’ve been paying in Rands!) Youve been here a while too. I’ve followed some of your strats. I havent seen masaitra, cricketluv, makin bakin, or a few others lately! Maybe they’ve left the game too!

Rank: Champion with 3870 points
By Petrel (@petrel)Score: 192,080

Makin Bakin is still playing, have him on Facebook.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9735 points
By oldman23 (@dad2324)Score: 177,420

Looks to me like Rovio is using our money to fix a problem they have with cheaters. They set up the Tournament allowing all players to use 5 Power-up’s per game and then turned the switch off hoping to catch the cheaters still using more Power-up’s than allowed. Problem is that they are using our money with Power-up’s to do this. This tournament is junk!

Rank: Out of this World with 2940 points
By CricketLuv (@cricketluv)Score: 203,930

I’m still here too @kyal just was sick for a bit and had lots of other stuff going on..

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 187,060

@kyal I’m still around and read posts regularly :) I usually post a strat when I’m in the top 10. With the glitch in recent weeks, I haven’t had very good scores, so don’t post as often. But I’m still playing, watching, and reading posts :)

By David Pickering

I don’t normally have any gripes about these games, but I haven’t had ANY exceptions to regular game play, ie: ability to use more than the allowed power-ups per game, can someone explain what exactly is, if any, the specialty in this tournament? Thank You

By HoneyBird Hendricks

Okay Ya’ll I p[urchased $35.00 worth of powerups just like i do every week and I always start with level 6 and work my way down by the time i got to level 2 with the scores i liked on 6, 5, 4, and 3, the “all use” of all powe3rupsis not working, it only lets me use 2 like normally allowed, can someone please tell me wth is going on this is unfair i paid good money for those powerups and should be allowed to use them like i was in levels 6,5,4 & 3. please advise??? (playing on the Facebook, on my laptop like always)

By HoneyBird Hendricks

Alrighty then, thanks for all your comments replys and useless info! not one of you have replied and it has been quite sometime since I posted. I understand I am not “all that” like the rest of you with your 234K scores on level one with my measley 178K but how is anyone supposed to get better if you dont even bother to help a fellow flinger (i know its not bcuz I’m female and all you ‘experts are male, right?) Cmon Guys geez, will you please tell me wtheck is going on and how can i get my 12 powerups restored and be able to use all powerups on all levels again, I even refreshed and I normally dont have to do that not even on my samsung galaxy mega, which btw wont let me use but 2 pu’s on any of the levels, so i cannot even have a fair play unless I am at home on laptop. Not even mentioning the price increase on power ups as of late which is RIDICULOUS, to say the least. Thanks for your input I really do appreciate the fact that you guys are here and do post a lot of great info, bcuz of you I have been reigning champion amongst my friends for months! It is so AWESOME! thx and plz gimme a lil bit of help[ here…thx again HoneyBir

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9975 points
By Rooth (@rooth)

You may have gathered by now that the use all power up facility disappeared after one day. But it’s back now so grab it while you can!

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 190,980

Slow your roll, there, HoneyBird – you posted at 5:30am and waited a whole 90 minutes before slamming an entire community for not RUSHING to your side. Did it ever occur to you that people might be sleeping? Or just getting to work or in the middle of a commute (to allow for several time zones. And clearly you didn’t READ before slamming everyone because it’s in this very page that others stated the 5 PU was allowed and then taken away. I got to play every level but didn’t get to REALLY play so I’m not so competitive this week either. And I don’t use BlueStacks so I don’t get the Matilda Glitch which is alive and well on this level. I have seen videos on YouTube showing it in action on this level. So calm down and direct your anger at Rovio who seen hell bent on ruining every aspect of these games, especially AB2 and Friends.

Rank: Champion with 3645 points
By Ron14 (@ron14)
Rank: Explosive with 2295 points
By Marvin (@marvintayler)Score: 198,780

Mobile/ BS – No Glitch strat – 198k.

BQ – JS + KS Blues to the top – FLWM to clear the floor.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 190,980

I can’t get this to happen. The third brown box falls with only the piece of glass holding onto it. You get EVERYRGING on the left that is under the balloons to fall which is absolutely necessary for the second blue birds and the jingle ornaments to drop the rest of the balloons. When that doesn’t happen the third bird can’t be the FLW leaving 20k. I wasted TWENTY BQ in a row and not once did the left side fall. I think you got very lucky and it’s not exactly a repeatable strategy. Great flinging, though!

Rank: Explosive with 2295 points
By Marvin (@marvintayler)Score: 198,780

It happens 1 in 10 times to me @maiasatara. If not pls try to reload the game. Helps me sometimes. :-/ More important is that the chocolate on the bottom left is cracked so the WM goes all the way down. Good Luck and Happy Flinging either way. :-)

Rank: Champion with 3870 points
By Petrel (@petrel)Score: 192,080

Thanx @marvintayler , i have the same problem in this level, i can compete in most levels but this one is really biased to some players…..
Tried all strats except the glitches, but 192K is really maximum, bird quake is not working properly even after several restarts and 721 ( !! ) consecutive attempts.
Same problem in level4, but here you don’t need a 100% bird quake for a proper score.

Anyway thanx a lot for posting your strats, learned a lot from you last year !

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