Below you will find our highscore Power-Up and non Power-Up walkthrough video strategies for Angry Birds Friends 2015 Tournament Level #6 Week 156. To play head on over to Facebook or download the Angry Birds Friends app for iOS or Android.
3-Star Walkthrough – Score: 150,950
Power-up Walkthrough – Score: 169,460
Top 5 Level #6 - View
Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.
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Jingle Sling-N P/U’s Red bird to pole holding donut. Green bird gentle arc to right side. Black bird to left side of structure, manually exploding. Big Red to right side, bouncing off pink pads, and clearing out lower right side. 165k
I got 168,600
149,730 – 2*
150,650 – 3*
3 birds = 146,950
same way as video, just not as well!
no special slings no power ups
purists rule
correction, 4 birds used
JS, first bird to first big pig on top, the stone ball must roll to left and broke the glas pieces and pigs. Aim hal to the 3 donuts, with a little luck the TNT explode. BB far right to destroy the glass and pigs. Big red to the violet pad to bounce left down. Now FLW at the same like big red.
180,550 – Kindle
Similar to @tommy-de‘s strat.
JS, send red to stone brick, right above pig on glass. Should push donut pole toward right, while sending boulder and bricks to the left.
Hal in low arc, not bringing him back around, so he drops down breaking glass in pole if it didn’t break when it fell.
BB low arc toward bottom bouncy pillow, explode manually. Follow with Big Red to same bouncy pillow.
FLW toward middle bouncy pillow, should shoot it off toward the left, exploding TNT.
Lots of room for improvement I think.
Here’s a better non-PU strategy:
Aim first bird at the horizontal stone beam below the boulder. The stone structure will fall left and the pole will fall right. Second bird on high arc to cause some destruction in the glass to the right. No need to trigger his ability. Third bird at the first TNT (detonate through the wall). This will detonate the rest of the TNTs. Fourth bird to clear glass debris to the right.
184,400 – No P/U’s – Mobile/ BlueStacks.
1. Jingle Sling Red send red to stone brick, right above pig on glass.
2. Jingle Sling Hal in high arc, not bringing him back around, so he drops down breaking glass on the right side.
3. Jingle Sling Black in low arc to the first TNT.
4. Stone Sling Big Red to the middle violet pad to bounce left down.
PC; Pure; 161,010 video>>
Explode BB straight on against the slanted wall, it will take out both TNT’s.
192,770 with a PC attempt:
…….forgot to mention, that strat was how I got the 192K. Still trying for the amazing 202K+ results
for scores higher than 200K there MIGHT be a 3 bird strategy!
No PU, No special slings, No WM.
1st over the top and bounce off middle rubber. This will take out most of the pigs on RHS
2nd over the top to clear the RHS. Do not activate.
3rd slightly down through the glass to the wall and blow the TNT,s.
4th over whats left to bottom rubber to clear up.
My best so far is 164K.