Below you will find our highscore Power-Up and non Power-Up walkthrough video strategies for Angry Birds Friends 2015 Tournament Level #3 Week 156. To play head on over to Facebook or download the Angry Birds Friends app for iOS or Android.
3-Star Walkthrough – Score: 111,960
Power-up Walkthrough – Score: 134,240
Top 5 Level #3 - View
Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.
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104,830 – 2*
105,470 – 3*
Jingle Sling-No P/U’s Blue bird to glass column, splitting just before. Yellow bird to wood, accelerating into it, pushing structure to the right.. 120k
Wingman Bouncy sling and PP aim towards glass under left side of boat and he should bounce into that little nub on the right to bounce back to left.
Bone Sling. Use KS and PP. Split blues just before impact. Three or four bits of rubble left for 138670.
Same strat as @cricketluv, except I went low.
136,950 – powerups – Kindle.
FLW, with Bouncy sling, aimed at bottom left glass blocks (the 3 blocks below empty block). This shot WM toward right, allowed to bounce back when it hit top portion of wall sticking up.
Tried quilly’s strat with GS, got about the same as I had, smidge lower. So, tried other slings.
137,290 – DS, PP and KS – aimed toward empty glass block. (I also tried DS with FLW, no improvement for me.)
Thanks quilly for making me think this early on a Monday. :)
Thanks! I started seeing that these levels are needing more than the classic Hulk Smash of GS FLW. Though I’m still trying to find a good use for the Dimond sling. :)
3 birds = only 107,670
no special slings no power ups
purists rule
Fully loaded bluebird (no need to spend a Wingman) with bouncy sling. 138110
@dmsral You are absolutely right. My original strat that said to use wingman was posted earlier in the day. Figured then since I had top score to post the way I achieved it… But , yes. I have since tried Quilly strat that he posted earlier. Tried with all slings and gets me roughly 136k – 138k
Didn’t even think about using bouncy sling but it worked to perfection! Thanks for the tip
You are right, works better F L BB than with Wingman, thanks
no power 116.180 k
Send a bird to the front of the tower ,Send a bird to rubble
power up 137.000 k
using the unique tree slingshot , king sling , power potion , wingman , Send a bird to the glass box
No PU: You had 79k with four birds remaining (no pigs left) after your first bird, so you could have gotten 119k, but thanks for showing your strat :)
I found that this level works best on mobile for me.
One-birder, using the glass slingshot, power potion and king sling. Aim straight at the middle of the glassblocks, divide birds just right before impact. 137,870 K
I got a lucky one-birder, no power up or special slings, on iPhone. 129,190 score! Almost all of the wood blocks broke upon collapse, small pile of glass blocks remained to the right.
That improvend my score up to 126,200 – Mobile/ BlueStacks.
Dangit, @admins! I accidentally entered my level 2 score here. Please, fix to be 140,660. Thanx!
@sal9, @birdleader
solved by his own means… lol
Thx for the recommendation, @tienshenlong!
Nevermind, I fixed my score.
@admins, @sal9, @birdleader
On Android; flinged blue-brothers +PP (or it was KS?)(not both on this variant!) and keept a BQ for some remaining stuff to be destroyed while falling (so activate ASAP)…
you can try: full-loaded blues, Bouncy sling or JS are handly.
FOR both ways, split blues to hit n break all left-side iced pieces (means Up, muddle and down spots). Mid blue have-to pass through all structure to and break mid-right side stuff too. Falling wooden pieces should get whatever is left-up-to this point.
Best results seems to be easier to get IF you left all wooden stuff “intact” to fall down after destroy the iced ones.
WM is not recomended for this lvl and should be avoided if you aiming for scores over 127K.
“FLing long and prosper” (SFlock)
139,990 – PU’s – PC/ FB
What a easy to remember score…