Below you will find our highscore Power-Up and non Power-Up walkthrough video strategies for Angry Birds Friends 2015 #UpForSchool Tournament Level #2 Week 163. To play head on over to Facebook or download the Angry Birds Friends app for iOS or Android.
3-Star Walkthrough – Score: 292,290
Power-up Walkthrough – Score: 299,540
Top 5 Level #2 - View
Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.
Are you looking for help beyond this weeks tournament? You have an idea, or need a challenge? Be sure to check our Angry Birds Friends Forum.
Jingle Sling-No P/U’s Blue bird to glass splitting just before contact. Black Bird to left side stone structure. Keep sending birds to structure. Had 1 bird left. 295k
Same strat on PC w/o Jingle Sling using all birds – 298,170
I just kept sending birds into structure for 307k with JS, no PU :)
A little tricky to 3-star without PUs. Bird 1 to glass structure. Bird 2 at the second stone block from the bottom in the first structure. Bird 3 at the wooden part of the middle structure. Bird 4 somewhat low, drop egg on debris and pop the balloons. Bird 5 long. Bird 6 bonus bird. 296k.
Thank you! I was struggling to get above two stars with this one. Your strategy helped me. I play on my iPhone 6 and don’t use power ups other than special slings.
289,640 – 2*
290,700 – 3*
312K Power Up
240,220 with your way :)
Sorry 309,580
I had to use BQ after 2nd bird and all came down 301,710 only after a thousand tries lol!
Did it your way. Got 307k. Thanks!
FLW + BS to 2nd pig from top of glass.
2nd to base of crayons (last but one tower base)
Chuck to remove front stone tower and pencils
Certain amount of luck with first shot
PC; Pure; 299,410 >>>>>>
306,380 jingle sling
use 5 birds
Send a bird to the center of the glass tower , Send a bird to the Red Balloon , Send a red balloon bird to the tower before the last , Send a bird amid the rubble
power up 319.830 k
use 2 birds
bouncy sling, king sling, power potion, using the unique tree slingshot , Send a bird to the top of the glass tower ,using the unique tree slingshot ,
Send a bird to the last tower
Video for 335,920:
This was done on Android, NOT Facebook/PC.
MAN…that score ROCKS…I will give your strategy some worthy tries.
Your strategy worked well on the ipod also. Thanks.