Angry Birds Friends 2015 Halloween Tournament Level 1 Week 179 Walkthrough

Below you will find our highscore Power-Up and non Power-Up walkthrough video strategies for Angry Birds Friends 2015 Halloween Tournament (Part 2) Level #1 Week 179. To play head on over to Facebook or download the Angry Birds Friends app for iOS or Android.

3-Star Walkthrough – Score: 262,080

Power-up Walkthrough – Score: 300,230

Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.

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Comments (58)

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 340,800

After 2 hours I haven’t nailed down ONE 3* threshold. This might be because half of the times I pull back on the slingshot the birds are just slamming out on their own before I send them! Across all levels and regardless of bird or sling. Bomb bird blows up on the slingshot, yellow activates then hits the sling and falls limp, etc. this started in the last hour of last week’s tournament. I’ll keep at it but not fun so far. Good luck, all!

Rank: Pig Leader with 12275 points
By dysted (@dysted)Score: 310,970

@maiasatara I’m not sure you’re having the same problem I did, but some time ago I experienced the same thing, and I fixed it by ‘abusing’ the mouse = beating it repeatedly. It turned out the left click was ‘sticky’ so I was getting really angry (fitting when playing AB ;) ). This will of course only work if you’re playing AB using a mouse.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1725 points
By nyGus (@tomasz-tegoniemasz)Score: 342,330
Rank: Sling God with 56720 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 279,400

Jingle Sling-No P/U’s Key on this one, is bring the roof down.

Red bird to glass orb. Yellow bird to left side of roof. Black birds into stone debris pile. White bird in and drop egg, so it brings down right side of roof. 279k

Rank: Boss Hog with 12515 points
By Rowdypup (@rowdypup)

291,290- used Pigquake and the church roof collapsed (the bells did major damage because they are really tough)

Rank: Deputized with 125 points
By copyu (@copyu)

WEEK 179: Last Monday, 15:30pm on my iPad, with half an hour to go before the end of the tourney, I was #1 in silver league. In desperation for a better score, to guarantee my ranking, I used Pig-quake and got 3 stars using ZERO birds on level 1, with a score of 311k+ on my iPad.
Surely, this was the greatest ‘fluke’ in history! (Or more likely a “glitch” in the program.) I think it was a glitch, as a few minutes later I tried the same move on the iPhone and I got a near-300K score in gold league. On the second try, my iPhone game froze up totally and only came back to life today (Thursday 29 Oct) in Japan.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1830 points
By BeachsideBob (@bob-keller-37)Score: 337,710

Gonna be a long week, Rovio changed my league….. Every player has 13 or 14 stars……

Rank: Sling God with 20685 points
By Angrychicken (@angrychicken)Score: 336,780

@bob-keller-37 Same here, every single person has 18, 19 or 20 stars. Must be something they changed. I like it! Last week’s competition was boring. Nobody even broke a million points.

Rank: Pig Leader with 12195 points
By Tommy-DE (@tommy-de)Score: 336,100

Same here in my League :D

Rank: Well Traveled with 1830 points
By BeachsideBob (@bob-keller-37)Score: 337,710

I had over a million…

Rank: Out of this World with 2940 points
By CricketLuv (@cricketluv)Score: 339,320

I think nygus @tomasz-tegoniemasz is in my league he’s #1 ( for now anyhow , lol )

Rank: Well Traveled with 1725 points
By nyGus (@tomasz-tegoniemasz)Score: 342,330

@cricketluv indeed! promises to be a good magnificent ! :-D Also thought that something had happened to this there are the players themselves who are the stars 13-14 , ehhh , I always usually I managed to win the first prize , I suspect that now with these players who have a concept and a lot of previous experience will be heavy : P

Rank: Out of this World with 2940 points
By CricketLuv (@cricketluv)Score: 339,320

You are right @tomasz-tegoniemasz I actually kinda like it like this . Was starting to feeling sorry for the no star players. No way can they win 1st place for a star if they going up against 10 players with lots of them .

Rank: Sling God with 20685 points
By Angrychicken (@angrychicken)Score: 336,780

Dear god, I’m in a league with @marvintayler. What did I do to deserve this faith?

@bob-keller-37 I meant nobody else in my league had over a million points.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1830 points
By BeachsideBob (@bob-keller-37)Score: 337,710

I think Rovio is trying to get us to spend money!! I usually win, and have plenty of coins… Put all the top players together, and no more 3000 free coins per week!!

Rank: Out of this World with 2885 points
By nicki.s.wilson (@nicki-s-wilson)

And how did you get 3000 free coins every week?

Rank: Well Traveled with 1830 points
By BeachsideBob (@bob-keller-37)Score: 337,710


By Rudolf Hofer

That’s correct – more money for Rovio, the force up in a harder competition to buy more Powerups.
Clever – I like the game but now is it to expensive to be in the top rankings.

By AGeekGod

I’m liking the change even though I’m mired in the middle of the pack. Every player in the league is at the same star level this week.

By Mark

Just checked, everyone in my league is a 6-star which is the same as me…

Rank: Well Traveled with 1655 points
By Rudolf Hofer (@rudolf-hofer)

Very clever strategy from Rovio. More Player with the same level of playing – the competition is harder between the Player. And than more using of powerups = more money for Rovio.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1830 points
By BeachsideBob (@bob-keller-37)Score: 337,710

My league has at least 4 regulars from here!!! Choppa and I are just barely outside the top 10, and Nygus and Cricketluv are 1 and 2!!!

Rank: Fling King with 4615 points
By welshwitch55 (@welshwitch55)

They did something because everybody in my league has 1 star (like myself). I used to compete with people who had 3-4 stars and I rarely could get into the top 10, much less be in first. I think they’ve tried to level the playing field.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7455 points
By sasilik (@sasilik)

266K, no PU’s and special slings, on PC, one-birder. Sent small red at the first lower tile of slanted wooden(?) roof. It got first bell out of place and most of the building crumbled down killing all pigs.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7455 points
By sasilik (@sasilik)

And upped score to 284K when first hit to same place didn’t get all pigs. Used other birds to get them and clear debris. Matilda remained at the end.

Rank: Pig Leader with 12275 points
By dysted (@dysted)Score: 310,970

Nice- thx : 282k on first try :)

Rank: Well Traveled with 1830 points
By BeachsideBob (@bob-keller-37)Score: 337,710

Birdquake, 311,010…

Rank: Out of this World with 2710 points
By PetesGirl (@petesgirl)Score: 326,560

The bells are tough to take out but they are worth 15,000 each.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9930 points
By Jopet (@jopet)Score: 342,760

Birdquake, +300.000 + power potion Wingman, I hit 1 bell + some stones 333.830, with more luck 340.000 must be possible….

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8310 points
By ALYOURPAL (@alyourpal)Score: 333,000

some thing is not right this week
I have 5 people over 1,600,000
and 1 at 1,675,000
all have 13-15 stars
what happened
don’t think ill place this week
probably going to take it off

Rank: Out of this World with 2940 points
By CricketLuv (@cricketluv)Score: 339,320

@alyourpal Yeah, it’s a surprise to all of us . Seems they are grouping star levels in leagues now. Don’t give up though. it’s only monday. I was about to give up too when I first saw this weeks league, but I’m climbing up the Ranks. Don’t forget many probably don’t have enough power ups, some probably just play for fun. Others work and can’t play all day etc. Plus many others probably don’t know about this site for strategies.

Not sure how many stars you have but if you not equal to the ones in your league, then that is not fair.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5545 points
By tntbomb (@ghazal1)Score: 324,970

no power : 292.750 k

use 4 birds
Send to a bird wooden blocks , Send a bird to the bell , Send a bird to rubble , Send a bird to the same rubble

power up 324.970 k

use 3 birds
using the unique tree slingshot , birdquake , king sling , wingman , Send a bird to the first pig , Send birds on trees , Send a bird to rubble

By Uncle Mary

tntbomb, I always enjoy the videos you post, Thank you!
Did you notice, that if you had stopped flinging birds after the FLW, you would have had a score of 329,870?

By Uncle Mary

I just tried your way, with stopping after the FLW and got a 336,400 score. Thanks again!!!

By Uncle Mary

Oh, I used the PP instead of the King Sling.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5535 points
By zeek (@dcp77)Score: 346,710
Rank: Out of this World with 2940 points
By CricketLuv (@cricketluv)Score: 339,320

I have just wasted 3hrs and lots of p/ups on every level and have gotten absolutely nowhere. Seems everyone including me in my league is at a standstill. Sad part is most seem to be only about 1000k apart. Try, try, try and Just can’t get any higher which is irritating. I have also noticed that no one in my league leads top score in more than one level. Where as in the past I or anyone else were always leading in 3 or more levels. It’s really weird.

Rank: Out of this World with 2710 points
By PetesGirl (@petesgirl)Score: 326,560

@cricketluv I know, right?? I haven’t been below top 5 in months. At least you’re still at top. I’m currently 15 and every level has different top scorers. (None of those being me) I’m not saying I don’t like the new league grouping but my ego is likely to take a beating. I think most players at this level have a better supply of P/U’s. I normally wait till Sunday to use them and counted on getting mine by being 1st or 2nd. Wonder if this is permanent?

Rank: Well Traveled with 1905 points
By DILLIGAF (@dilligaf)Score: 315,850

@petesgirl,I do believe this is the way it’s going to be.I can’t see myself spending a $100 every week.Just not that

Good luck,DILLIGAF.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1905 points
By DILLIGAF (@dilligaf)Score: 315,850

I feel your pain @cricketluv,Iv’e done the same thing.Spent over $100 in power ups and they’re all gone. :-( It’s a lot tougher the way Rovio has it set up now.I guess there are a lot more players with better skill.I have 3 players in my league with over 1,750,000.I don’t think they’re cheaters cause the league I’m in had 37 players to start and today I checked and there is only 32.Good luck.I guess it’s set in stone the way it is now.Rovio is going to make a lot of monies the way it’s set up now.

Good luck,DILLIGAF.

Rank: Out of this World with 2940 points
By CricketLuv (@cricketluv)Score: 339,320

Thanks all for your support. @petesgirl and @dilligaf i know what you mean petesgirl as far as not being lower than 5. No longer in 1st now pushed down to 4th but not much seperates the top 5 at least Choppa from here has more a chance than me. And if I cant win it this week i hope he, nygus or beachsidebob can do it in my league.

Good luck too.

Rank: Out of this World with 2710 points
By PetesGirl (@petesgirl)Score: 326,560

@cricketluv I’m betting that scores are considerably higher across the board because of the new star level grouping but I’m really glad that I’m a few levels below your group. I really enjoy the challenge so I’ll just keep at it. Good luck to you too!!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1830 points
By BeachsideBob (@bob-keller-37)Score: 337,710

I made it into the top 10………… humbling experience!!! Since I learned about blustacks here, I am generally 1st, or second…… It is fun though… one great level can move you up 10 spots…

Rank: Fling King with 4940 points
By secoinc (@secoinc)

Cricketluv, you are so right out of the gate. I have spent so much time and power ups to get about an advance of maybe 2,000 pts. in two nights. I’m playing tonight at all six levels, no advance, no more play on this tournament. BTW, you are awesome at the play I must say.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1830 points
By BeachsideBob (@bob-keller-37)Score: 337,710

Amazingly enough, there is a coin sale now……………………….

Rank: Out of this World with 2940 points
By CricketLuv (@cricketluv)Score: 339,320

@bob-keller-37 Yeah, and those prices should always have been that way. I bought one deal but now knowing again they can reduce them, will just wait for the next sale. Basically just getting almost the same before they up charged the prices over a month ago.

Rank: Out of this World with 2940 points
By CricketLuv (@cricketluv)Score: 339,320

Thanks @secoinc I appreciate the compliment. Yea, save your powerups for the next tournament. I’ve only been able to advance myself with less than 5,000 In the past few days myself. Very frustrating and Just have to give up on this week.

If they can figure out how to put equal star players in a league, surely they can figure out how to put equal star PC players only in a league. As well as ios/android players with equal stars in their own leagues too. Because it still isn’t fair. The old way they did at least I was able to get in top 3 if not 1

Rank: Sling God with 20685 points
By Angrychicken (@angrychicken)Score: 336,780

@cricketluv That would be great if they did that, but it will only happen if Rovio believes there is any money in it. I already gave up after 3 days because there was no way I could beat those with access to mobile or bluestacks. Before it didn’t really matter which platform you used because the leagues were so unbalanced, but now that everyone is thrown together it does matter so they are unbalanced again.
They should also make a league for players who still want to use both platforms, otherwise it would limit those who still want to play the tournament to its maximum potential.

Also, hopefully next week will involve a little less luck. This week was too dependent on birdquakes and lucky bounces. I’m just praying we don’t see those blasted bells again…

Rank: Out of this World with 2940 points
By CricketLuv (@cricketluv)Score: 339,320

@angrychicken Yes, I agree about the money bit as well, but In a way If you think about it, they could actually make more money if they made an ios and android only app. One where you could not log in from pc/facebook and use your gifted powereups and coins because they dont buy them . An app where you have to actually buy birdcoins but charge cheaper than they do already in the combined FB/ios app in order to make it fair. I’d be for all that.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 340,800

Hoping @admins can help. I just improved my score on this level from 307,000 to 320,980 which is enough to put me in 2nd and possibly 1st place in my diamond league this week. The game froze at that moment (I got a screenshot of the final score screen) and OF COURSE when the game rebooted it did not save the new high score. I tweeted Rovio but don’t know if there is someone on ABN that is with Rovio that I can tag here so they see this. I know that people have reported cheaters and Rovio has removed them from the Leagues before the Sunday night new build is released. If they can do that I’m hoping they can do this with my screenshot proof. It may be a small thing to people with thousands of powerups but I’m getting them 2 at a time with very limited coins. It’s a big deal to me to rank this high and earn bragging rights and get thousands of coins. I’ve worked hard for this – why didn’t it fail when I increased by 100 points instead of 14,000????? Any advice/assistance is appreciated! Thank you!

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 340,800

I went back and checked. This score would put me in first place with a lead of 6,000 points.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)

@maiasatara I unfortunately don’t know enough about the Tournament to give you any advice, also we at ABN can not change anything in the game. But maybe our Celebrity Judges @flassari or @roviokien inside Rovio can help you out?

CC @Sal9

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

@maiasatara Unfortunately there is little we can do – I understand your frustration.
You’re best shot would be to contact Rovio Support directly:

Rovio rarely offers tech support via Twitter.

cc: @e-star

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 340,800

Thanks @e-star and @sal9 – I did realize actual ABN people can’t actually help betting commiserating but I WAS hoping for names like @flassari and @roviokien (members here who are also inside Rovio.) As for Twitter, calling attention in a way that I know people at least check on weekends. I sent a detailed email to general Rovio Support but the link you provided seems far more specific so I’ll send a duplicate there, thank you! I REALLY work at this and am rarely a serious threat to first place because of my limited powerups. So to make that happen, only to watch it freeze and fail…maybe a grown woman shouldn’t be so attached but I am VERY competitive, lol. I blame being a musician from the age of 8. To get anywhere with that, one needs to be competitive and practice and never give up. I would even forego seeing my name in first place if the proper league points and coins can ultimately be awarded. Thanks again – I’ll let you know how it plays out! : )

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 340,800

Well – Rovio support gave me a ticket # but a 48-hour turn around time. Bigger news – I fought my way into first place (by a tiny margin) by increasing my scores in 3 other levels plus getting Level 1 up to 314k. I’m still owed 6,000 points there which I would need to stay in position. (That player had also increased h/er total score today.) As I said – as long as rank points and coins are ultimately awarded I’ll be satisfied. I noticed I will advance to the first League past the entry Diamond if I stay in the top 2 positions. Obviously if anyone legitimately surpasses my REAL total then that’s fine. My photos are now littered with every increase made today for fear of more crashing. Thanks for listening and being supportive. See you at 3am EST for 3* threshold determination! : )

Rank: Out of this World with 2940 points
By CricketLuv (@cricketluv)Score: 339,320

Good Job ! Had read thru the posts and felt bad for ya , but you did it so congrats

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 340,800

Thanks @cricketluv – I just had a last minute streak of luck and scored 340k on this one with an hour to spare! I’m 43,000 above second place so unless a player had held out and not played an entire level until now I think I’m ok. My first time getting first place in Diamond League. (I have in silver and gold maybe twice.) Man, did I work and am I glad to be able to stop discussing. : )

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 340,800

*beyond commiserating (not betting)

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