Below you will find our highscore Power-Up and non Power-Up walkthrough video strategies for Angry Birds Friends 2015 Tournament Level #1 Week 156. To play head on over to Facebook or download the Angry Birds Friends app for iOS or Android.
3-Star Walkthrough – Score: 152,620
Power-up Walkthrough – Score: 184,590
Top 5 Level #1 - View
Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.
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Just have to vent for a second. I’m working on closing the 3* threshold gap – currently 146,890 – 2*
150,050 – 3* – and after 2 birds I had 139 and change. Gorgeous. Except that I had picked up the third bird prematurely (it happens to everyone) and then the level WOULD NOT END! When one wants to rack up debris points the levels time out while towers are mid-collapse. So I used the home button on my iPhone and as the app closed – I HEARD IT FLING THE BIRD! I’ve never had that happen before. Of course the score was nowhere near the 149,000 I needed. Anyone know how to force a game to end while holding a bird on the sling? And unless there’s a trick I don’t know I am unable to replace birds on slings. I read that here often and can’t do it. The double arrow bottom right is obviously not an option as my finger is already maintaining contact with the sling. Let me know; I’d appreciate the advice. Back to get the elusive 149,000…
@maiasatara… Laughs. No, I’m not laughing at you, but I know your frustration well trying to get bird back in sling. I can’t do it. Ever.
On my Kindle, I have to continue to hold bird with right hand, with left hand turn machine around to side, lay it down to get leverage, and as I push it against my right arm (still holding bird), I reach over to press quickly On/Off button. Which sends machine to sleep. Then, I can let go with my right hand. Click same button again waking machine, put in password and it takes me right to game, which is now on pause.
Hmmm… that makes me wonder, will have to test, see if I can hit pause and have it work while holding bird. Would be so much easier.
I feel your frustration, I have faith you can figure it out. Think happy thoughts. :)
@rambleberry – just knowing you made the effort to figure that out confirms in with my people, lol. I have a new theory today regarding never getting back up to my original good scores. When a person takes the computerized GED, it’s much more important to answer the first few questions correctly (the easier ones) than the last few (the difficult ones. This is because the computer puts you on a certain question track based on how you handle the easy stuff. If you can’t answer those then you’re put on a track on which the max score is low. If you do well early, your track is tougher with the potential to obtain the 800. Now to relate it to AB…
For several weeks now I’ve been making the effort to be up at 3am on Sundays and really work at nailing down the 2 and 3 star thresholds. And I’ve been hovering around the 15th-20th spot in my Diamond league; neither earning nor losing points. EXCEPT last week. I didn’t set the alarm and didn’t do thresholds. I came in 7th place with much less effort than the weeks where I was fighting daly just to stay above 20. The difference? On Sunday night, I didn’t spend 3 hours TRYING to get lower scores! Last week I finished the morning in 3rd place with 90% league participation and not a using a single powerup. Today I’m wrapping up the morning around 27th. I wonder if there is some anti-cheating algorithm that decides your skill level early then prevents you from scoring DRASTICALLY better later because the assumption is that if a person improves that much (x%) there’s a likelihood of cheating.
I think despite my missing the old QA stuff I might take a pass next week on the threshold stuff and just fight for improvement from the beginning and see if I get the same result. Interesting! And long, lol, sorry!
OMG – *GRE not GED, lmao. Graduate Record Exam. Darn it!!!
Laughs… okay, this time it was at you. ;)
Gotta ask, it confirms what with your people? (Grins) Am glad I’m not only one staying up till 3am.
See, I understood what a GED was, but have no clue about GRE. I’ll have to look that up.
Oh, I did check on my machine about pressing pause at same time as holding bird. No go. :( So for me I still have to be a contortionist with my arms. :D
My fingers are crossed for ya. Okay, that doesn’t work for flinging. I’ll cross toes instead.
Oops, that reply was to @maiasatara.
how do you get bird coins
josey, you can either purchase them or they can be gifted by friends through Facebook. I don’t know if there are other ways, those are the ones that I know of. :)
IF I begin before my friends, and play each level until it reaches 3 stars,
Then it seems I obtain higher scores, with less effort, in less time
and win more.
Else it is a struggle
149,840 – 2*
150,050 – 3*
@maiasatara To put birds back on the sling you have to reduce the speed to almost nothing, so that your finger (or cursor) is between the fork of the sling and then ‘release’ it. Then you can just hit the double arrow to finish the level. This works for PC and iOS at least, I can’t say if it will for other devices.
Jingle Sling-No P/U’s Yellow bird to upper level of balloons. Should cause upper level to collapse. Black Bird into debris pile. 165k
@terribletom nearly the same strategy. Used BS for the 1st shoot. Then switched to JS. BB to the front of the debris pile and OB to the remaining pile. 175k. Thanks…
I sent YB to lower level to destroy lower left part, and then BB to take balloons and send the top part down. 176k with JS, no PU
score with power ups 184,610
– king sling to the upper balloons
-FLW to clean up
two birds = 158,350
no power ups, no special slings
yellow bird into balloons half way up the stack
bomb bird hit lower balloon on the ground, let it roll, this should bring the rest of the stack down
there is a 1 bird finish, with lucky shrapnel damage!
1 bird = 165,450
no power ups, no special slings
yellow bird into balloon in middle of the stack again, but
if you get the correct angle, it goes through, hits the cement block tower, knocks it over to collapse the right side of structure
this gave me 145 plus change, plus two other bird totals
purists rule
Same strat, 170k
Far from spoiling everyone’s “fun” at figuring out the 2* 3* scores can’t you take a video of a 3* score and slow it right down to see when the 3rd star kicks in, or is it not synced that accurately?
It does not tally like that Gary. We’ve tried ;)
no power : 167.640 k
Send to a bird pink balloons in the middle , Send a bird to the stone column base , Send a bird to the front of the rubble
power up 192.590 k
using the unique tree slingshot, king sling , power potion ,wingman , Send a bird to the front of the tower
@ghazal1 I enjoy watching your videos and there are times your strategy gets me up in ranking. But one request; can you please specify what device you captured the video from? I assumed it was always PC, but I have tried this level 20+ times and never get the upper platform to fall.
Keep up the great flinging.
Thanks! 193K from your strat.
Me too…tried it a lot of times…no chance! I think there is the complication between the different devices! When i watch your video, it seams you aim horizontal…when i start the level at my device then ist the Jingle sling with WM higher than the point where WM hit the wood. So i must aim in a deeper angle as in your video…i think that is the problem, there is no chance that the vertival stone hit the baloon to come upper down.
But…sometimes you win…sometimes you loose :D
@divelucaya and @tommy-de – I also enjoy the videos by @ghazal1.
Like you though, this level, making upper part fall as in video is not happening. I’m still trying variations though. :)
Good luck and happy flinging.
189,150 – Kindle
@divelucaya @tommy-de @ghazal1 @rambleberry
i tried it too, didn’t work so I switched to bouncy sling instead and it worked. The most I can get so far is 187k so far but not enough to beat my score yet. On ipad
Gotta aim it right to get it to bounce just under the concrete. Doesnt take long to figure where exactly, i was able to do it twice already.
Thank you @cricketluv ….it worked!
@tommy-de Your welcome and cool.. I was able to up my score too
The power-up video was done on a web browser on a PC or Mac. You can tell by the “+” and “-” incremental zooming buttons in the lower left. The mobile versions (including the emulated mobile version in BlueStacks) has “all or nothing” zooming, so you’ll see only a “+” button or a “-” button, and it will be a lot bigger and placed in the very corner of the screen.
No PUs 2-birder : Chuck on lower balloons, Bomb on middle ballons and explode near the stone column. 155,300.
173K NoPU, NoSpecial Sling PC ->
@jodelson thanks for the great no power up vid, very helpful.
179,680 – No P/U’s – PC/ FB.
Jingle Sling Chuck to upper level of balloons. Should cause all level to collapse.
Jingle Sling BB to the front of the debris pile.
Stone Sling OB to the remaining pile.
Anyone notice that the background for this tournament has changed. I had certain “tick marks” for making shots on all the levels for this week but now with the new background I have to start over. Not sure if it is worth it with only hours left to play. I was hoping to move up from 7th place but doubtful now.
@divelucaya – mine changed last week with game update. I’ve been trying to learn new spots since.
Mine had the fence and light towers like most of the videos show. I didn’t play since maybe Wednesday because I spend too many PU’s moving up only to be knocked back down so I wait until the last 24 hours. So I don’t know when the background switch was made but it stunk because I couldn’t find my “sweet spots.”
@divelucaya – yup it stinks. I agree. Hoping for happy flinging with the new backgrounds.