Angry Birds Free 3 Star Walkthrough Level 7-2

I originally thought this level was impossible, but Scarbzscope proved me (and a lot of other people) wrong. This is probably one of the hardest level in Angry Birds history. Nice one, a Scarbzscope — and to anyone else who 3 stars this one!

This is probably the only method to pass this level. It requires that all 3 bomb birds are strategically shot — and a little bit of luck doesn’t hurt either. I believe 94,000 is the 3 star mark. Good luck. Post your scores if you got’em.

Below is another video by FujiToast that includes annotations, which are quite helpful.

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Category: Angry Birds, Angry Birds Free & Lite Editions, Walkthroughs
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Comments (111)

By YSR50

I thought it was only me.

By FujiToast

Agreed. I just hit 89190 and still nothing more than 1 star.

By Dan

Just out of interest, will you be publishing walkthroughs for AB Seasons Free? I know the Halloween ones aren’t new and I’ve three starred all 6 levels anyway, but just wondering? Same question re AB Lite as well. Great site by the way!!

By Dan

P.S. Anyone having problems with the Block Smasher (500 blocks smashed) achievement in AB Seasons Free? I know I’ve smashed a hell of a lot more but it doesn’t show in Game Center. All the other ones are fine. Anyone else having this problem?

Rank: Sling God with 37300 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 91,980

My goal is to have a 3 star walkthrough for every level, so yes, that is the plan.


I am also having a problem with the blocksmasher achievement

By Daniel

also can u contact them about level 6-4! we all know about that level

Rank: Sling God with 37300 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 91,980

Already done. They are aware.

By Scarbzscope

Its not i three starred it! 96,000 + you need!

Rank: Sling God with 37300 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 91,980

Nice one!


95 ikely the 3 star threshhold I have 95280 and 3 stars

By cams

Finally got 95530.
Seriously, the 3 star score should be set to 85000.

Rank: Sling God with 37300 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 91,980

I agree!

By Dan

Does anyone have 2 stars on this level? All I’ve seen is 1 or 3 stars. Would be interesting to know the required scores.

Rank: Sling God with 37300 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 91,980

I have 89 K and that is still 1 star.

By Dan

Yeah, I’ve got 93,290 and only 1 star.

By Habanero

My best is 93,670 and that just gives 1 star, although have scored 10K less on rounds
where I thought I did equal or possibly more damage? Cannot work out the scoring or starring on this level at all? I’ve virtually wiped everything out and only got about 83K.

Will play occasionally to see if I can get over 3 stars but I won’t hold my breath as the level seems to randomly magic up extra points occasionally?
Threshold seems to be about 94K based on Marwi’s 3 star score and my 1 star score?

By 4R2

There’s a bug preventing the game to give out 2 stars for the completion. This will be fixed in the next update for the Free version :)


By Marwi

I got 94820 and i have 3 Stars!

By Christos

At last!!!! After 3 days I did it! 97,980 !!!!

By Dan

Wow!! That’s huge!! Did you use the method in the video or do did you do it another way?

By Christos

I used the above mentioned method. The “trick” is when you send the second bird you must explode it before it hit the pig or the ground. That way you break some of the wood and that gives you extra points.

By Dan

BOOM!!!!!! Finally did it after days of trying!!!! 94,250.

By YSR50

Question foe those who have 3 stars on this level. Can you consistently score 3 stars? I have 3 stars on every level of every version. But this level will cause me to hate this game. I have over 91000 and still one star. It’s killing me

By Habanero

Using Scarzscope’s method above I tend to score between 81K to 90K about 99% of the time. I have very occasionally had scores of 92K and my best 93.6 is just short of the 3 star mark. Have had better clearances give smaller scores though?

As I know the level is glitched (2 star does not exist ) I am not too bothered about this. I may play it a few hundred more tines to see if I can get the extra 1K I need to crack 3 stars but guess I will probably get tired of it first…

By Marcello

93850 and 1 star… damn!

By Marcello

95190, yeeeeeesssss!!!

By cissybks

after many hours I got it at 94080

By Habanero

Oh joy of joys!! Mission impossible is finally 3-starred. Never thought it was going to happen, but a score of 97,440 has finally nailed this, the level from hell!

Thanks to FujiToast for that annotated walkthrough which helped a bundle :-)

By Silje

What level is this in the paid version? I remember it.

By YSR50

AB Free is all new.

By ohdjunior

Yes, 95290 and 3 stars after many hours!
Thanks for the video.

By Marc

After many many many tries, using the video as a guide, I fluked out a 96730. My finger was shaking after I had about 77000 after the second bird.

Rank: Sling God with 37300 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 91,980

Congrats! I am still working on this one. I guess I shouldn’t head to Vegas anytime soon.

By DianeC

I think the glitch with this level extends beyond how may stars get displayed. I’ve noticed quite a number of times that my damage will still be counting up when the final score is imposed overtop. I’m not getting credit for all the damage I’m actually doing with the birds!

Using the same method as illustrated on YouTube, I tend to score between 82K to 92K consistently, with damage often still being done but not credited at the end.

I’m not sure why you’d want to make a level this difficult in a supposed introduction/sales-come-on version of the game?! A free intro should offer a handful of relatively easy to moderately difficult levels, featuring a variety of birds, so you get a nice cross-section of what you’d get in a real game. To feature a super difficult glitchy level is a turn off imho. If this were my intro to the game, I wouldn’t be purchasing it, as I’d be afraid of seeing too many similarly impossible or glitchy levels in the real thing.

By SteveJo

My sentiments exactly!

By Dan

Got 3 stars on this level the other day after about 5 days of trying, played it again today and beat my 3 star score twice in about 10 goes!!!! Work that out!! BTW, has anyone else noticed that in the adverts for AB Free (in the app store etc.) level 4-2 is showed in a forest level, but in the game is actually in the cloud world?

By Habanero

Similar experience to Dan … it took me 2 or 3 days of intensive play to finally 3-star this level, but this morning I had another go (as it is also a strangely addictive level) and I 3-starred it on my very first go?? Weird and glitchy but a sort of historic Angry Birds level, but seriously, I do think the 3 star should be awarded at around 85 to 88K as DianeC’s point is a good one. I have e-mailed Rovio to ask their thoughts?

Hope they sort out the Mighty Eagle Level 6-4 issue too. 2 very minor quibbles though
as AB is a truly and utterly fantastic game!!!

By DianeC

It would be nice if Rovio added a trial Mighty Eagle to the ABFRee version. I’m sure I’m not the only person who is curious but reluctant to purchase it, and adding it to a level or two of ABFree would be a great way to introduce it to a whole new audience.

By sobassassin

Angry birds: trying to get number 1 spot in the world?
I’m currently number five in the Angry Birds free version and I’m trying to get the top spot. What levels do I have the most potential to improve in? Any suggestions on a method?

Here are my scores by level

3. 56030

1. 62040
2. 82210
3. 54140

1. 61640
3. 105100

1. 116510
2. 93460


By Habanero

One idea…

Check the leaderboards world by world and work on the 3 levels of the world where you are lowest in the rankings. Keep checking progress etc etc… Good luck.

By Dy Lon

This is so gay, my high score right now is 93,820 and I still only have 1 star!

By Tom

i’m going mental! I now have 93990. Are they joking..

By Tom

Yes!!!!! Got it 96580. Finally after i guess 3000 attempts.
80000 after two shots. Hardest level ever!!!!!!!

By Mike

95,180 after a few hundred thousand attempts I vowed not to ever play this level again!!

By Mdn

men it was hardware as @&€)(;(€&$|}~ but after Manu hours finally got it 97000

By May

This is like the last level I have to win.
I’ve won all three stars on all other levels. Halloween, seasons, full version, I finished them all. Only this level just doesn’t seem possible.
I’m stuck at +- 92700 points. It’s frustrating!

By Kieran

May – same here. 93,260 after I think at least a thousand attempts. A high 70K+ score after the first two birds does not generally translate to a 90K+ score. On the other hand, I have gotten 90K+ from a 67K score after first two birds.

By Kieran

Update – 94,320 at last after about 200 more attempts! Thanks to the video posted above of course. My additional tips for what they are worth (I stand correctable):

1) My 2nd bird crashed through the first wall lower than the desired position showed in the video but was still able to detonate most of everything to the left of the right pedestal. Reached between 70 to 71K after that.

2) Useful to have the tower of wood immediately left of the right hand pedestal still standing after the 2nd bird because its eventual destruction by the detonation of the 3rd bird appears to generate higher points than if it had already been destroyed by the detonation of the 2nd bird (the force of direct impact is more powerful than secondary shock waves from the TNT?). Positioning of the 3rd bird should be between the wood tower and the stone blocks to the right of course, and the bird should be detonated almost immediately upon crashing for further leverage on the force of the impact.

By May

Congrats ;).

By Cathy

I have been trying to get 3 stars for 5 days. Thought I would never do it. Today I got 3 stars 94220. I have gotten 3 stars on every other AB. I do think this level has a bug and I never got 2 stars once. Thanks for your assistance.

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