Incoming Monster! The Squid Pig has escaped! In this Monster Pig Event you must defeat the Monster Pigs to claim big rewards. Don’t forget to ask your friends for help, as teamwork is key here.
- You’ll encounter Monster Pigs randomly after playing against other players
- Earn Events Points by defeating as many Monster Pigs as you can during the time limit
- Having difficulties beating the Monster Pig … Ask for help!
- Fight together to succeed! All participants will get event points
If anyone here has more info or general thoughts please share them in the comments below.
Youre a pig now! Youre a squid now!
mmmmm! calamari sounds really good right now! (licks lips)
Best way to defeat the monster pigs is to scan the board for about two seconds and begin a series of 3-match panels which can stretch up to 40 combos (for me at least). That trumps constant 4-match or even 5-match for damage and defense (these do help so don’t ignore them but don’t spend a lot of time trying to set them up).