Angry Birds Facebook Surf and Turf Level 24 Walkthrough

Our strategy for Angry Birds Facebook Surf and Turf level 24 is to fire the red bird straight ahead splitting the ropes holding up the boulders. The main goals here are to split both ropes while popping the one pig directly below the boulders. Now fire the white bird at a similar trajectory and drop the egg bomb so the white bird flies back up and breaks the wood beam beneath the topmost structure. By breaking this beam everything should come crashing down. If there are any pigs left use the remaining yellow bird to mop things up. The score in the video below is 95,300.

Our Angry Birds Facebook walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars, most of the time without the aid of Power-Ups (we do make exceptions). If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments, as that's what the Facebook leaderboard is for.

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Comments (34)

Rank: Fling King with 4000 points
By Bill (@dollarbill2208)Score: 120,180

Another level I don’t like. Maybe it’s because power ups don’t seem to help all that much. Maybe you could try shaking it… or using super seeds with the white bird and do just like the video suggests, but I haven’t figured out a way to destroy too much more than that.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10780 points
By mobus1603 (@mobus1603)Score: 155,690

I managed to get my score using all three birds, but, ideally, I’d like to do it with just two. I’ve used the video’s strategy, but I feel like the white bird is wasting the egg when doing it that way. Another strategy is to use the red bird to hit the small & narrow board (a support beam) on the top structure, which is between a little cement cube and a slightly longer narrow board, which causes a lot of debris to fall onto the structure below and will sometimes knock over the top structure. Then, after dropping the egg into the debris below, the white bird can actually be launched through the ropes holding all of the little cement boulders and still break the glass floor on occasion. I know this strategy has a lot of potential, but I just don’t have it down yet, because it is pretty tough.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10780 points
By mobus1603 (@mobus1603)Score: 155,690

Well, the strategy finally paid off.

Rank: Fling King with 4000 points
By Bill (@dollarbill2208)Score: 120,180

@mobus1603 humph, and in negative 25 minutes! Just kidding. Nice shooting. Here’s to many more records, and score of 7 mil+.

Rank: Fling King with 4000 points
By Bill (@dollarbill2208)Score: 120,180

Whoops! AM vs PM

Rank: Pig Leader with 10780 points
By mobus1603 (@mobus1603)Score: 155,690

Two-birder, no Power-Ups, using my strategy above. Don’t ask me why, but I wanted to own this level, and now I think that I just might hold onto the high score for awhile.

Rank: Fling King with 4000 points
By Bill (@dollarbill2208)Score: 120,180

Here’s a video of mobus1603’s strategy. I finally got a good score with it. Give it a minute, it’s being slow to process.

Rank: Flinger with 90 points
By summer (@summer7777)Score: 109,220

Got 110k with this strategy without superseed!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1930 points
By Gstah (@blinddwag)Score: 101,160

thanks @dollarbill2208! but without SS it seems impossible to me! :/

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By El Capitano (@)

Was a good strategy, thanks for showing it. With this method I got a 1 birder once… for 89k points lol.

All I can add is fist bird needs to roll triangles off and roll down to, in order to destroy below. The shot to release boulders and smash through is tricky, I had better luck releasing lower and double bouncing. For me was more consistant. No SS might actually make it easier as the bird is small, haven’t tried though. Also be quick with BQ, it can disappear very quickly.

I found this kind of fun, will revisit, as 110k+ im sure is do-able.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8570 points
By Kartflyer (@kartflyer)Score: 102,390

I’m definitely will come back to this level, looks like a ton more points to be earned here! ;)

Thanks for the strategy @mobus1603, and the video @dollarbill2208! You guys are ABFB geniuses! :D

Rank: Deputized with 130 points
By valentinos1234 (@valentinos)

i made 119k.. used king sling and super seed..i shout the egg of white bird on the rocks under him and got good points..i wish i could explain more but my English dont allow me :S

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8745 points
By xpogi (@xpogi)Score: 127,160

I think I know what you mean:)
Almost the same as the video suggest, but aim white bird a bit lower, and drop bomb on the stone balls.
In my case, all the pigs below were killed after the first shot, but if not, use SS+KS yb to the debris and pigs left.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10780 points
By mobus1603 (@mobus1603)Score: 155,690

Nice one, @xpogi ! There are just so many points in any type of stone balls or boulders that not extracting as many points as you can from such a concentrated source is a mistake. I had been working on the same thing with bombing the stone balls, but I gave up and figured I would come back to it later. Glad it worked for you. It encouraged me to revisit the level sooner.
I got a slightly higher score than what I had before using three birds, but it wasn’t exactly what I had in mind. I’ll probably keep workin’ on it.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8745 points
By xpogi (@xpogi)Score: 127,160

yes, it seems that the score mainly depends on those little stone balls left, I had in most of the cases 6-7 stones left, and much lower scores…

Rank: Pig Leader with 10780 points
By mobus1603 (@mobus1603)Score: 155,690

The best I can do with the stone balls is leaving four; although, those four had probably been damaged. I was able to get a few more points by superseeding the third bird and shooting it into the wood debris at the bottom.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8745 points
By xpogi (@xpogi)Score: 127,160

@mobus1603, thank you for making me compete, now I reached 120k ;)

Rank: Pig Leader with 10780 points
By mobus1603 (@mobus1603)Score: 155,690

Been going through some of these S&T levels to see if the new sling shot would help. I think it helped me up my score on this one, anyway.

Rank: Sling God with 57060 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 149,540

Thanks for the strats….just bettered my score by over 12k. Screenshot below

Rank: Pig Leader with 10780 points
By mobus1603 (@mobus1603)Score: 155,690

You’re welcome, @terribletom . Thanks for sharing so many of your strategies in return. We really appreciate it!

Rank: Pig Leader with 10780 points
By mobus1603 (@mobus1603)Score: 155,690

So glad that we could help you out, @terribletom . It’s the least we could do for someone like you who’s so generous with all of his tips & tricks.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10780 points
By mobus1603 (@mobus1603)Score: 155,690

@terribletom I’m friends with you on FB, and it only shows that you have a score of 133,130 on there. How come?

Rank: Sling God with 57060 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 149,540

@mobus1603 How are you? Haven’t been in touch for some time!!! Reason being, this account was created, strictly for the “Free P/U’s” My personal account has too much info. The account you are friends, has never had any scores entered on the Nest. By the way, what is your username??? Regards!!

Rank: Pig Leader with 10780 points
By mobus1603 (@mobus1603)Score: 155,690

I have two accounts. One is a faux account, Kiara ‘Kiki’ Jenkins, and the other is Moses Bussey. I just joined up with the Angry Birds Friends group on FB within the last month, which I should have done ages ago, but I was busy traveling around the country for work. I had to miss the tourney for almost two months at the beginning of the year, which was hard since I’ve never missed anything since I joined the ABN over two years ago.

Rank: Sling God with 57060 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 149,540

@mobus1603….Ah, now that makes sense!! I had noticed you hadn’t played earlier in the year for some time! Yes, Work always comes first!! Me still looking, semi-retired for now!!
I’ve been on the FB group since late May.

Rank: Sling God with 57060 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 149,540

@mobus1603 I have both of your accounts as friends on FB. My 2nd account is just starting out, as some of the story levels scores, were thrown out of whack a few weeks back, by that Forward button glitch. I have no slings or P/U’s on that account. It will take another week or so to get an arsenal going, and I may delete the original account?? It’s just that I have so many coins & P/U’s accumulated, seems a waste. Rovio is seeing if the can insert a Reset button!! We shall see!!

Rank: Pig Leader with 10780 points
By mobus1603 (@mobus1603)Score: 155,690

Bummer! Guess I didn’t hear about the forward button glitch. What exactly did it do?

Rank: Sling God with 57060 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 149,540

@mobus1603 It doubled the number of points for leftover birds (if you had 3 birds left you got 30k, plus another 30k, by pressing the button)

Rank: Sling God with 57060 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 149,540

Nicely done @mobus1603

Rank: Pig Leader with 10780 points
By mobus1603 (@mobus1603)Score: 155,690
Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By WereWolf69 (@werewolf69)Score: 109,210

This one gave me a big headache and fits but eventually I did the best I could, it took the Quake and Sling Scope on two birds to finish it after countless tries because of the lag time between the time I click and the time to lay the egg.

Rank: Fling King with 4415 points
By Congo (@congo)Score: 135,840

Yet another level where the strategy changed with the new slings:
First BQ: things whould lean to the LEFT; if to the right, it will not work.
Second: use red bird for the thing holding the rocks; best outcome if stones left on the extreme left, but can also be played otherwise;
Third: use white bird to drops bomb on rocks, break the glass in the middle and hopefully all pigs die in the top; the result shoulde be a bunch of wood and a few rocks packed in the bottom.
Punch line: SS yellow bird to finish the job below.
More possible, but this is proof of 126K:

Rank: Fling King with 4415 points
By Congo (@congo)Score: 135,840

I forgot to say that all the shots were done with the Golden Sling, but the stone crusher may help to get more points from the rocks in the second and the last one.

Rank: Fling King with 4415 points
By Congo (@congo)Score: 135,840

I ended up doing it differently using stone crusher. First shot should bring down the rocks WITHOUT bring the platform to the left (difficult to find a point, but it’s somewhere close to the black diagonal line on the left). Then follow as described by all the comments above. Third shot to be thrown before the debris pushes the tower in the bottom that remains standing to the left. This isa picture with the proof of 133.700:

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