Angry Birds Epic Maelstrom Walkthrough

Angry Birds Epic Maelstrom is the swirling vortex in the middle of the lagoon. Unfortunately, Poseidon Pig has over 32,000 health and a 500-damage offensive attack with healing backlash. At this time, we haven’t come anywhere close to beating this level. Instead, the far easier and safer path in Limestone Lagoon is to Shipwreck Reef.

Note: In the initial release, this level was mistakenly named Limestone Lagoon Level 6. Unfortunately, there was another level with the same name. This error was corrected in v1.0.2.

If you have a different strategy for completing this level feel free to leave a comment below. Be sure to check out the rest of our Angry Birds Epic walkthroughs here as well as join the conversation in the Epic Forum.

Comments (108)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)

This level is pretty easy. I won battle using Elite Paladin, Elite Wizard and Elite Rogues and. lots of ultra hot chilli cake Paladin and Wizard for simple attack and Rogues fed with chilli cake to stn Poseidin for one turn.Really easy level….

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9830 points
By Chris (@chriss)

Was there any reward?

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)

@chriss nothing special. One of rewards on fortune wheel is chest, but I wasn’t lucky to get it. After reaching level 41, I can’t play any more so I’ll have to wait update that will fix bugs. Just make lots of hot chilly cake and go for it. Level is really, really easy.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9830 points
By Chris (@chriss)

Oh okay. So your birds were in level 40 when you passed it?
Did you also get 3 stars or are there no stars in this level?

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)

@chriss my birds were at level 33 or 34 when I took this battle, but generally level isn’t important at all. Only thing that matter is to keep Poseidon stunned. That is guaranteed with Blues and chilly rage.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1990 points
By Sandeep (@sandeep-kamath)

@cosmo2503 , how do you access this level? Is is just by tapping on the whirlpool, or it is unlocked by completing a later level?

Rank: Champion with 3060 points
By DH Kim (@dh-kim)

Getting Submarine is required.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1990 points
By Sandeep (@sandeep-kamath)

oh. thank you!

By Hansworth

What does a Submarine do and how do I obtain it?

Rank: Well Traveled with 1990 points
By Sandeep (@sandeep-kamath)

Submarine is used to access levels underwater.

By Ag

I beat it at level 16 no potions just princess wizard and knight really easy

Only wizard was veteran everything else was normal and my posidon has 41000

Rank: Champion with 3060 points
By DH Kim (@dh-kim)

Thinking of using Wizard to beat this. Wizard’s Energize can stun Poseidon Pig by 20% chance, by as this pig attacks 5 times, we have 1-(0.8)^5=67% chance to stun him.

Paladin + Wizard + Princess combination will be working, I guess. Continuously forcing the pig to attack paladin with Royal Order, Paladin with Devotion onto himself will suffer only 5×70 damage. Princess can heal Paladin greatly, while Paladin himself can as well.

By jeff

I’ve beaten this with two configurations so far:

1) paladin, princess, wizard
2) knight, archmage, spies

Only two stars on each, no consumables.

Trick seems to be forcing the dude to attack a single bird and mitigating/healing that bird.

By ralph

That second configuration is a neat combination. Shock Shield does so much damage that using Glee on Knight keeps him very well-healed.

By Cakezor

Beat this at level 19.
Veteran Knight + Mage + Veteran Princess.
Shock Shield + Protect on Knight, Attack with Princess.
From then on, make sure Posiedon is always targeting Knight, with Protect and Shock Shield on him.
Posiedon takes Shock Shield damage x5, with any extra attacks you can get in otherwise.
Knight: 166/902
Mage: 224/363
Princess: 166/722

Rank: Champion with 3080 points
By Woodbreaker (@dzung)

I used the same birds as you, but with different strategy. None of my hats are upgraded, but I managed to survive. At first I used Protect and Shock Shield on Red, then attack with Princess. Afterwards, I kept on healing Red with Princess (Princess heals 242, while Poseidon only deals 46×5 damage), used boost on Red if needed, and attack if Red and Chuck had a chance. I used Rage Chili on Chuck only. The result is that all of my birds were in full health, but gained only 2 stars.

By czare

I used the same birds too but chuck only are veteran. I used the steps as you also and i used a pattern on feeding rage chili to the birds

1st rage chili:matilda
2nd rage chili:chuck
3rd rage chili:Matilda
4th rage chili:chuck/Matilda

Feed rage chili to Matilda if red is almost to out in the battle

Remember,if you retry in maelstrom/whirlpool and you finished
Wait to poseidon pig to echo 3 times to get the chest if not, try another plan :-)

Rank: Champion with 3060 points
By DH Kim (@dh-kim)

Similar one to above, but as I mentioned,Wizard is a good choice for the level. I beat that level with level 15 no upgrade birds.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

Hey all,

What’s a Level 25 team to do with over 200 slices of Burning Veggie Cake? Kill Maelstrom, of course! (and it only took a little over 30 slices…)

Nothing elegant about the brute-force method listed below — the key is to never let the opponent make a move, as most have probably already surmised.

That means using the Blue Birds’ “Egg Surprise” Chili ability to hit and stun Maelstrom so it can never hit back.

Here was Maelstrom when I faced it:

Level: 40 (I assume that is the max, since I am maxed at level 25)
HP: 41,925
ATT: 5 x 108 against a single target (each turn, target random)
Heals for 100% of damage dealt.

Here was my team:
Blue Birds: Veteran (specific class doesn’t matter, as only the birds Rage Chili power is utilized).
Black Bird: Veteran Berserk (this will hit the hardest when the Rage Chili is full).
Red Bird: Elite Samurai. My hardest hitter, because it is the only Elite class I have unlocked for Red.
Burning Veggie Cakes (BVC): you will want 35-40 of them, though I think 33 will do.

No need for healing birds, we just want Blue and his hardest-hitting friends.

The methodology:

First Round:
1. Take TWO slices of BVC (hitting with Red and Black and taking one slice was not enough to fill the Chili, I tried).
2. Hit opponent with Black Bird (approx. 384 damage).
3. Hit opponent with Red Bird (approx. 330 damage, though Critical Hits can make a difference there).
4. Use Rage Chili on Blue Bird, hitting the opponent for 587 damage and stunning it.

Subsequent Rounds (Lather, Rinse, Repeat):
1. Take ONE slice of BVC.
2. Hit with Red Bird.
3. Hit with Black Bird (he will hit for around 377 since the Rage Chili isn’t quuuuiiiite full yet before his attack).
4. With Rage Chili now filled, use it on Blue again.

Total damage per round is just shy of 1300 points, depending on how many crits Red gets. This finishes Maelstrom off in about 32 rounds, using up about 33 slices of BVC.

The rewards? Meager. Maelstrom dropped 25 snoutlings as it breathed its last, and the worse thing is that this only gave an ending rating of TWO STARS. How someone could kill the beast in fewer rounds or end with more health (not possible, since no Bird should even take a hit) I’ve no idea.

The spinner at the end contains a treasure chest, water, and limestone. I didn’t get the treasure the first time, but I re-rolled and got lucky. The chest contained 3 gold, 2 vials, and 2 fossils (skulls).

Overall? Can’t say it is worth it. Nothing changes on the map when you come back, and even if it did, it would probably only be a two-star slap in the face. There isn’t even a Google Play achievement for it — I am still at 18/19, having not been able to afford a Hero class helmet yet. Come on, let’s at least get an achievement for this!

Good luck, maritime whirlpool warriors!


By Pehmolelu

At level 22 I used:

And 3 potions to beat the poseidon. Having elite Princess will probably make you need less potions. The strategy was fairly simple:

1. Round: Protect with knight itself, use Shock Shield on Knight and attack with princess.

After this first round always just heal Knight with Princess.

2. Round: Attack with knight, Attack with Mage
3. Round: Protect with knight itself, attack with Mage
4. Round Attack with Knight, use Shock Shield on Knight

Repeat 2-4 steps until Chili is full, then use the chili on Mage, unless Shock shield is needed on Knight.

When Knights HP is too low, heal with potion.

Alternate method for healing, but more risky, is to attack with Princess and Protect Princess with knight and use Shock Shield on Princess, for 1 turn. Then use chili on princess to heal both Knight and Princess. Protect with Knight itself and attack with Mage. The risky part is that you must hope that the Poseidon attacks either Princess or Knight (Since they are both protected and have Shock Shield). Then attack with Knight to make Poseidon attack Knight again and heal Princess or Knight depending which one Poseidon attacked. Repeat steps 2-4. My own Mage has so little health that if Poseidon attacked it without it having protection, it was one hit K.O.

Got 2 stars and the chest. Chest contained 3 lucky coins and basic items.

Rank: Shooter with 800 points
By Danke_ (@danke)

This can be done using Canooneer, Princess and Knight.
1st round: Attack with Princess and Canooneer. Use Knight’s support ability on himself.
P. Pig’s Round: He’ll deal 38.88 damage per attack (excluding the fact that the player may have Vigor or any damage reduction item)
2nd round: Use Princess’s support ability on Knight, Attack with Canooneer and Knight.
3rd Round and above: Refresh Knight’s ability when it runs out, Heal him with Princess and attack with Canooneer. Attack with Knight when he has a free round.

By illawarrior

Using your basic methodology, but with some higher powered weaponry, I managed to complete this in 18 rounds, and the birds taking no hits, due to blue’s continuous stunning, and it still only scored 3 stars, 37500 points

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9830 points
By Chris (@chriss)

Only 3 stars? How many stars did you exspect? ;-)

Rank: Debriefed with 1255 points
By illawarrior (@illawarrior2)

sorry, that was a typo. I only got 2 stars

Rank: Debriefed with 1255 points
By illawarrior (@illawarrior2)

Has anyone managed 3 stars on this? if so, how many rounds?

Rank: Shooter with 760 points
By SliferRed (@sliferred)


This is what I use to get a 3 star!

Level: 25
Valuables: Golden Chili
Birds: Master Wizard, Master Sea Dog, Master Tricksters
Set Items: Twin Lightning, Pickpocket, Artillery Strike
Items: Burning Veggie Cake
Abilities: Gang Up
Rage Attack: Egg Surprise, Speed of Light

Total Turns: 10
Cakes used: around 25
Score: 48000
Stars: 3

Every turn: Gang Up, Egg Surprise
Every other turn: Gang Up, Egg Surprise and Speed of Light

Basically use “Gang Up” and 2 rage attacks per turn if possible with Egg Surprise as the priority!

Rank: Champion with 3060 points
By DH Kim (@dh-kim)

@SliferRed At least it is absolutely doable. I used 18 cakes and conumed 11 turns to get 46500 – it was 3star anyway.

I guess 45K is the 3star limit – 12 turns. That will require 3500 damage per turn + 540 healing per turn for full HP. This shouldn’t be possible without cakes :o

Rank: Debriefed with 1255 points
By illawarrior (@illawarrior2)

did your birds also have master classes?

Rank: Champion with 3060 points
By DH Kim (@dh-kim)

Skulkers (instead of Tricksters) were Elite, and the rest were Masters.

Rank: Shooter with 760 points
By SliferRed (@sliferred)


Good to know

By ralph

FYI, I just finished with exactly 45,000 points, and ended up with 3 stars.

Rank: Debriefed with 1255 points
By illawarrior (@illawarrior2)

Thanks. I don’t have any master classes – they are too expensive. I guess I will have to settle for 2 stars. Bummer!

Rank: Shooter with 760 points
By SliferRed (@sliferred)


For your Elite birds you can try using the same strategy with Pirate instead of Sea Dog with Pirate’s buff ability to increase your atk by 25% to all birds, along with watching the ad that increases your atk by 10% and Skulkers instead of Tricksters for Skulkers ability “Weak Spot” to increase you damage overall! Don’t know if this will work, but you can try this strategy! Also make 30+ cakes just encase 20 is not enough for this strategy to get 3 star!

Rank: Shooter with 760 points
By SliferRed (@sliferred)

I forgot weak spot ability will interfere with egg surprise strategy, since this strategy relies on stunning the enemy without having to heal. Just use Tricksters.

Rank: Champion with 3935 points
By greatleo (@greatleo)

Lightning + Sea Dog is better than Wizard + Pirate, by a lot.

I have Master Wizard and Master Pirate, but only Elite Lightning and Elite Sea Dog, and they still deliver more damage, especially against a single opponent.

When I get the rested bonus, I play Mouth Pool with Lightning, Sea Dog and Skulkers to level up more quickly. Use Gang Up + Lightning Fast for 2 hits on the first turn. On the 2nd turn Sea Dog can then hit Spirit Caller 4 more times. All without using the Rage Chili. Skulkers’ 30% is an added bonus. I save the Chili for the later rounds when I need to knock off the other opponents first.
I regularly knock off Spirit Caller 7 or 8 times in the 10 wave battle. He’s worth 10 snoutlings.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)


Good stuff, nice info!

As far as leveling up and gaining snoutlings, isn’t Western Cobalt Plateau (I think that is the name) still better? Ten or eleven snoutlings per battle, and a lot of stars (no real way to tell how much XP a battle gives, is there?)

I used Western Cobalt to level up four times from 29 to 33 after this last Epic update. Takes a while, but I’ve never found anything faster in real time…


By wild dolphin

Lvl 16,no paladin, 2 apple juices only. Did it with veteran druid(normal gear), second red’s hat(the fortress one) and veteran cannoneer(w/ rock). Took me 15~20 min. The strategy is really simple, apply both red and bomb debuffs, shield with red always it’s down, heal with druid. I used a bed time on both red and matilda, its a long fight and you’re going to be hitting with red almost always. Save the chilli for white -always- sometimes the pig goes on a rampage and hits the same bird 4+ times in a row. In my case I was dealing a minimum of 288/374 max per turn and the pig was healing for 180. Took some time but is a very safe one. Good luck everyone

By Crimefighter

The combination to use without burning any items is – Knight, Druid & Rogues.

Most of the damage you’ll be doing to the boss will be by sliming & vining. Also you’ll be using the rogues to set a trap, and rotating which bird has the trap on them and shielded depending on health. By setting the trap, all the stolen health gained via enemy damage is cancelled out, while the slime & vines do most of the damage. When the rage chili is full use the rogues to stun him. The druid will heal the bird taking the hits while re-raising the thorns on the boss.

By Draghici Cristian

You can beat it very easily using red with first helmet,matilda with cleric and wizard with 1st use the wizards spell on red,shield on red and the behemoth will kill itself.all you do is heal red.

Rank: Champion with 3485 points
By Mousiepossum (@mousiepossum)

At level 19 I used

Elite Paladin

Elite Druid

Veteran Spies

My pali had dragontooth and titan’s grip.

My Druid had yin (yin/yang weapon) and the pig reaper off hand.

My Spies had the remote control and rc robot.

BTW i also had the golden chili.

At the start, rage chili blues. Then attack with the rest.
Attack with everybody on next turn. Shield when someone gets hurt, (almost) always use chili on blues and keep on healing. use potions IF you need them. Beat with one star.

By Jaan

I beat the level without using potions of any kind. I am level 18 and i used elite knight, veteran wizard and veteran druid. In the beginning attack it with Red, so the ghost will attack Red only, use Chuck’s ability on red wich almost stuns that ghost every other turn, and use heals from Mathilda on Red. Use shield for Red after that afcourse. The rage chili gets full very soon and i mostly used it on Chuck. When Red’s hp is low you can use the rage chili on Mathilda for extra heals. I hope this helped end if you have any questions inwill check them and try to answer them. :)

By RubixDragonZA

Level 18

Veteran Samurai
Veteran Druid
Veteran Rogues

No potions or cakes
2 stars

First round:
Blue – sticky goo
Red – defensive formation
White – thorny vine

Thereafter use blue ‘cupcake trap’ on healthiest bird (to make ghost target that bird) plus RED ‘defensive formation’ then use WHITE ‘regrowth’ on most damaged bird.
When you can, attack with blue for extra damage.

When chilli is full, use with BLUE for a knockout.

If you repeat ‘cupcake trap’ on strongest bird every third turn and swap strongest bird you will never have to use a potion or cake.

This strategy does take a long time… But it is fool proof.

Rank: Champion with 3060 points
By DH Kim (@dh-kim)

Okay, now this level has become a total piece of cake, so what about 3starring this without potions.

By Ian

I beat this without using any potions or cakes. Very repetitive but it works:
Elite samurai
Elite Druid
Elite rogues
Use bubble shield from samurai every time to protect all birds. Make sure the Druid and rogues poisonous effects are always on the target. Use Druid to heal every round unless you need to replace the vines. When the rage chili fills up use rogues to knock out enemy and then You can attack with your samurai.

Rinse and repeat until you win.

By bob

just beat it at level 17, no elite birds:


using the shield and both cannoneer’s and gaurdian’s attack lower abilty lowers his damage to 45 x5
took about 25 minutes, but i was a hero my twos boy at the end

no real reward, my 6 year old said it was a bit of a troll, and i kind of agree

By Linus

3 star ,finally I have it with Avenger Red,Mage Chuck and Spies for Glues.

Round 1is to have all secondaries skills on Loose

Round 2 is all attack

Round 3 is to give I Dare You to Sues,attack with Chuck and Lous.

Round 4 is to attack with Red,Protect with Chuck and Drew.

Round 5 is repeat round 3

Round 6 is all attack.

Repeat it and “ye” will get 3 star.

By Linus

No Potions used

Golden Chilli(finally earned it!)

Level 41

All Eltie (Mistakenly upgraded Zpies.)

By Brian Tanner

I was able to beat this level using Paladin Red, Princess White, and Skulker Blues. The ghost would attack Red while the Blues would slowly reduce the ghosts health. Tje chest reward is three gold coins and a few random ingredients.

By Kurt famin

I won against him without potions using elite samurai, elite princess and normal rouge without potions
Requirements matilda/princess heals more than 270 health, samurai having most health and samurai having a hight defence or when he guards with defensive formation enemy only deals 5×54 damage
Step 1 attack with princess
Stp 2 activate defensive formation and cupcake trap on red/samurai
Step 3 heal red using royal aid of matilda
Step 4 attack with rouges / the blues
Step 5 keep defending with red’s defensive formation
Step 6 keep healing red with matilda’s royal aid
Step 7 if the cupcake trap gets removed activate it again on red
Step 8 repeat until rage chili is full and drag rage chili to the blues at this turn no need to activate defensive formation just attack with red because by using the blues rage ability you stun the poseidon pig by one turn
step 9 repeat step 2
Step 10 repeat step 1
Step 11 repeat everything until the poseidon pig is defeated

By Jacob

Lvl 29, no items, but only 2 stars
Elite paladin w/ dragon set
Elite bard w/ honey set
Elite wizard (don’t have a set of legendary items yet)

Also beaten it by replacing elite wizard w/ elite skulkers. Trying to make a team to drain Poseidon Pig’s health faster and earn 3 stars. These teams win in a matter of minutes though (how do people stay in a battle for 20+ minutes??)

By Max

I won the level nothing special (you dont even get. A flag!) exept the tressar
Chest and dont give mutch ex/coins so ya
But here is my stratagy Paladin -35% damage +heal;)
2.the blues rogue cupcake trap on red (so the
Pig dont heal) and only needs to attack 1 on 3 times
Cous he has sticky gleu
3matilda princess not for damage but for graet

Sorry for my inglish

Rank: Well Traveled with 1900 points
By bouboule (@bouboule)

3 stars easily with only 1 potion :
Paladin (mine has the set item reducing the damage taken by 10%)
Rogues (artillery strike, but you really don’t care)
Paladin and mage were elite, rogues weren’t upgraded at all

Use the cupcake trap on red, the lightning shield, and watch the big ghost losing 2400HP each time he attacks.
I just used one potion on red at the end to have him at max health

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)


Can you tell us what your level is and what level Maelstrom is? Because I just did the same thing and only got 2 stars (39000 points).

OK, not quite the same. All my birds are Elite, and I used a different headgear on Red: Knight (I don’t have Avenger, saving gold to buy a Master class). So, I used:

Rogues: Cupcake Trap
(Arch)mage: Lightning Shield
Knight: Protect

With my (level 33) configuration, that means the bad guy took 2100 damage when he attacked. The only difference was that I needed to use more heal potions and that the Red Knight didn’t attack quite as often. I suppose that means a bit less damage overall, but I don’t think Avenger would gain me enough for three stars…

I tried again and went nuts with Burning Veggie Pies, using all I could to Hero Strike and Five-strike amidst this already-excellent strategy. Got 43915 points, still only two stars. And I didn’t even waste time shielding Red as much, so got more attacks from him. Really curious to know your level (and the creature’s) that you were able to get three stars.

Great strat, though, Nice pickup on the fact that he hits 5x, and I’ll definitely play with Cupcake Trap more for heavy hitters.


Rank: Well Traveled with 1900 points
By bouboule (@bouboule)

I’m level 33, it’s important to note that my gear is also level 33, which does make a nice difference. I’ve just tried with the knight, it’s definitely not working as well as with the Paladin (best class in the game btw). Also for the mage and rogues, be sure to use an off-hand weapon with force rather than vitality as they won’t get hit anyway.
Also all my weapons had the critical hit special effect, that may be what made the difference, I was slightly above 45k, so I suppose it’s the score to get for 3 stars.
Another combo that was working well against cave bosses (but I haven’t tried it here), was the Samurai+bard+lightning bird, with the 2 hammers for red and the nightmare set for mathilda. However I noticed that the nightmare set has been change during the last update, now it’s not inflicting twice Matilda’s attack to a stunned enemy, but only a flat 200 HP which basically ruins that combo.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)


Thanks for the follow up, very good info!

I am guessing it is the gear making a difference, because I don’t see how Knight vs. Paladin would make that much difference on offense. How hard does red hit, Knight vs Paladin? Because I also have the Tower Set, shield and sword. I am also level 33, so my Red is exactly the same as yours except for headgear.

I like defensive formations, so I use Samurai on Red almost all the time (he hits hardest with Samurai as well, if’n Ironclad is not in play…). My standard birds for the Caves are (Red) Samurai and (White) Princess. Princess has that wonderful heal/cleanse ability, and I like that she can force pigs to attack Red. I don’t use any friend birds other than the built-in Porky and Pigiana, and I use Burning Veggie cakes at the rate of roughly 50 per 10 waves (I want to three-star without messing around *smile*).

More crits and better offense from the Mage and Rogue (in your strat) could have given me the difference, I’ll bet. Though it still seems like I wouldn’t have been doing enough damage if I weren’t using Rage attacks. I was at 44,600, only 400 points off. Paladin would have also helped make sure I was topped off on Red’s health, which I wasn’t quite when I scored 44,600. After I have the gold for a Master class I’ll start saving for Paladin and test it out. Sounds like I might want to Master with Paladin instead of Samurai, but dang I love Samurai!

Thanks again for the great strat ideas and for the follow-ups…


Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

Correction to my methodology… By using Knight, I got the Knight’s “Attack” power (force attacks toward Red) confused with Cupcake Trap. So, I was not Cupcaking as optimally as I could have been.

I also used the Burning Veggie Cakes more efficiently, and eked out a slightly quicker win.

Still only two stars at 44,600 points. I am guessing the three-star limit is 45K?

Time to stop wasting time on Maelstrom, I’ve still got two more levels of the last new Cave left to beat!


By Skeebo

Level 17

Veteran Paladin
Veteran Princess
Standard Rouges

Use the Chili to stun,
Vines and Shield on the Paladin whenever the ghost isn’t stunned
Princess heals.

Used one potion, but I think I could’ve gotten away without.

The Pig had almost 42k health, think this came with an update.

By Dissappointed

i beat this lvl on lvl 18 and on needed 2 drinks and 3 cakes…..with that being said, the only point of this lvl is the chest which gives 3 coins

otherwise a worthless lvl

By Chris H

I used Level 27 birds: Elite Samurai, Elite Druid, Veteran Berserk. WARNING: 5 set items present. I didn’t need any potions. However, I do have quite a bit of experience. I am currently in Cure Cavern located in Chronicle Cave and the birds I used all had health over 1000.

By Harris M

I took a different approach to this level. Just became level 16 with no upgrades yet. I beat it without any drinks or cakes, just a lot of time. The birds used were the first levels. So here’s what I did.
Blue’s third headgear: make sure to always have glee put on red.
Chuck’s first headgear: make sure electric strike is always put on red.
Reds first headgear: make sure the shield is up on red at all times.
Hope that posiedon attacks red first. The shock damage will hurt posiedon more than he will heal, and red will be healed for between 220 and 260 once posiedons turn is over. If you want, you can use an apple juice, but it’s not necessary. Just make sure red always attacks when he doesn’t need the shield, Chuck attacks only when red has the electricity protection, and blue only attacks when red has glee. I recommend using blue’s chilli only when things go wrong. (Example: you forgot to put red’s shield up! No worries, blue will stun him. Put it up next round. Hope this helps!

By Chris H

I beat Maelstrom in 10 minutes.

By Chris H

If I have calculated correctly, my characters that I used combined can dish out 1470 or greater damage in one turn.

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