Angry Birds Birdday Party Cake 3 Level 14 (19-14) Walkthrough

Our strategy for Angry Birds Birdday Party (Birthday Party) level 19-14 is to loft the Boomerang bird high, targeting his reversal to topple the left tower. Send one Yellow bird through the cake in the center of the level, then another into the tower-encased pig on the right side. The score in the video below is 132,010.

Golden Egg #28 Alert!

Version 2022:

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Category: 07. Birdday Party, Angry Birds, Walkthroughs
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Comments (45)

Rank: Sling God with 21565 points
By dmsral (@dmsral)Score: 149,670

1st bird like video, got a very good collapse of left structure and even some of the center structure. 2nd bird straight across into the right structure, pushing most of it off the edge. Weird part: The yellow bird ended up in the center trough and chewed up the debris. It was actually spinning! Thousands of extra points right at the end due to this. I’ve seen it spin on other attempts but nothing like on this one.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8565 points
By lvmh (@lvmh)Score: 141,970

I think it’s the hat which acts like a firecracker. Happened to me also.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16895 points
By bikkit (@bikkit)Score: 140,910

Hah, I wondered what was happening, thought I’d found a handy glitch in the coding!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9485 points
By to mock a mockingbird (@vuelva)

indeed it’s the hats. to force your luck you can try to consistently make the hat fall into either of the two gaps, by shooting the boomerang bird high (to make it end up in the left gap; this makes it not so easy to hit your target with the boomerang bird; but if it works and it ends up on top/to the left of the hat, you can get scores of 70k+ (not so infrequent) or even 80k (rare) after the first bird with the middle/left part totally destructed) or slightly lower (to make it end up in the right gap, then shoot to make the second bird or wooden boulders end up on top of the hat to push the middle structure over). both work (can get you 145k+ scores) although i don’t know which one is best (note: often the level times out while there’s still activity). got my current score of 148,330 this way. think a 1-bird 155k+ score should be possible e.g. if the boomerang bird ends up in the left gap and pushes the right structure over by spinning against the hat; but that will require lots of luck (had two such 1-birdies, but destruction of the middle/right part was terrible).

Rank: Shooter with 865 points
By Mighty Dragon (@ayan)Score: 141,890

Same thought on that. This “hat glitch” happened to me on a couple of other levels also. This level gave me a hard time getting a high score, so tried to let debris fall on the hats(these also bounce and break after some time but the catch is to let some pigs live for that). After significant points have been obtained, then we can kill them. ;)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9940 points
By kimmiecv (@kimmiecv)Score: 143,780

Finally!! Thanks for the tip on the hat spin, took Forever but I got the spin to last more than a couple of seconds! Not a huge score but I’m taking it and running!!

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 142,820

Great score.@Kimmiecv honestly I’m having some trouble with this one..boomer won’t behave as usual!! I’m trying lol:)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9940 points
By kimmiecv (@kimmiecv)Score: 143,780

@Kathy this one and the last took me sooo long!! The spinning hat is hard to make happen long enough to really do damage, but if you can get it, your score will really jump up. However you have to fling and pray a Lot to get there!! That’s what finally got my numbers up! Grrrrrr not a fun one at all, it’s bummer whaaaa :(

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9940 points
By kimmiecv (@kimmiecv)Score: 143,780

Ooopsy I meant boomer!! @Kathy LOL ;D

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 142,820

Lol @Kimmiecv Both any level with Boomer is a bummer….Roflmao !!! Current score had a little hat spin..I above average but I’m gonna try a little more:)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9940 points
By kimmiecv (@kimmiecv)Score: 143,780

Yeah @Kathy you jumped up a lot!! Good for you! Hahahaa good point it is the boomer bummer isn’t it!! ;D

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 142,820

@Kimmiecv well no spinny hat but a 2 Birdie..:( slowly but surely i hate that i lose my Patience when nearing the end of the a great downfall in my overall ranking..

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9940 points
By kimmiecv (@kimmiecv)Score: 143,780

IKR @Kathy!! But what a fab score!! You done Gooood!! :) fight that impatience don’t let it win!! You can do it!! Rah Rah goooo Kathy!!!! :ad

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 142,820

@Kimmiecv lol i give up..the sad part is before i looked at the walkthrough and i started playing..i had the red hat and the yellow pig spinning away, but i was at work so i figured it was just a fluke..i was actually trying to remember mentioning how funny it was but then when i came here and saw all the comments i wanted kick myself..anyway i give up..not gonna get it to happen again..I’m above average good enough:)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 142,820

Acckkk @Kimmiecv lol i was trying for 149k i misread the been doing fine all along..oh my!!! Whew!!!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9940 points
By kimmiecv (@kimmiecv)Score: 143,780

Ohhh noooo @Kathy :( but you are in the top 50 I’m betting so (can’t remember) sooo pooh on the piggies!! ;D

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15955 points
By jlz-666 (@jlz-666)Score: 158,410

@kimmiecv @kathy you guys aren’t going to believe this but I just got myself another precioussssss! I’d been thinking about the space glitch & realised I hadn’t got the spinning hat glitch here. I came back & after about 1/2hr flinging got amazing destruction with the first bird. The hat dropped to the bottom of the pile and everything that landed on top was churned around smashed to smithereens,it was fantastic to see! The second shot went perfect and cut through the far right tower toppling it over. There was still the stone box & a couple of wooden blocks remaining on the right but it was pretty close to complete clearance. Yayyyy me!!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9940 points
By kimmiecv (@kimmiecv)Score: 143,780

Hahahaa well at least Birday was good to one of my friends!! Big huge Congrats @JLZ-666!! Love it!! You have two precioussssessss now in Birday!! Scary………;)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 142,820

Awesome @Jlz666 woo hoo WTG!!! My precciioussss …hahaha lol so funny:)

Rank: Boss Hog with 14310 points
By Pointdexter5 (@pointdexter5)Score: 148,530

It’s been a while since I have played this level and was revisiting it again. Don’t remember how I reached my score here. Wonder if that hat glitch is gone. Are we talking about that paper hat on top of the center pig, or the hat on top of the birds that we’re using? If the latter, does it have to be a specific style/color hat on bird 1 versus bird 2. Most hats drop of the birds before reaching the destination and disintegrate before doing anything. Been trying different things, just not seeing this happen.

By zlyeptitsy

Somewhat easier to hit the three star minimum as a two-birder than as a three-birder, since the three bird strat requires near-total destruction. First bird as in the video, second directly into the far tower will, with a bit of luck, take out all remaining birds.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9325 points
By f91jsw (@f91jsw)Score: 139,560

1-birder for 139k. Same shot as first bird in video.

Rank: Sling God with 37110 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 148,360

This level is very weird! Or maybe I just haven’t noticed it on other levels. After each reset the birds change hats. It seems to be random and the three cornered hat does do damage. As lvmh says it acts like a firecracker.

Rank: Sling God with 37110 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 148,360

Ref above. I’ve just seen it happen! The yellow bird got stuck inside the cornet shaped had and started to spin like mad. Sadly it was my third bird so no big score.

Rank: Sling God with 37110 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 148,360

It’s not just this level that the hats change on. Interesting maybe?

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

That happens on every birdday 2 level. A nice little extra if you ask me.
Also, try to use the reply button to keep thread intact … thank you.

Rank: Sling God with 37110 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 148,360

Sorry. My mum told me that talking to myself was the first sign of madness!

By Liam

142680 2 birds. First two like the the video. Got lucky and the far tower collapsed for lots of points. I couldn’t ell if the Y/B did it’s spin thing or not. It all happened too fast.

Rank: Sling God with 69570 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 147,485

Used Sal’s video above for the first two birds. Some aiming tips:
1. Zoom in
2. Barely touch the Boomerang Bird’s beak to the base of the sling
3. Active the BB when it comes close to the biggest puff in the set of clouds that are to the left of the birthday cake.
4. Good debris fall with the right structure aids in the higher score.
The vibrating hat with a bird did not occur for this score.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15905 points
By Ladybird (@diannas)Score: 139,370

Thank you wrw01 for your great tip on lining up Boomering Bird, works like a charm!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8480 points
By Philsey (@philsey)Score: 134,370

Party hats now destruct following latest update so the “hat trick” is no longer available….too bad for me.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7940 points
By mars805 (@mars805)Score: 133,880

i agree @Philsey! while the order of the hats still varies, i havent seen anything special in the way they react or rack up points. hard road to 3stars here now…..anyone have any new strats?

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15905 points
By Ladybird (@diannas)Score: 139,370

Agreed.. Hat trick is gone. The hats now just disappear when they touch anything.

And I also believe the birds much less power. The YB will not cut through more than one thing. It can not go through the mustache pig and wood of next tower…maybe push a little on tower. Not even like walkthrough video. I have tried every angle and excel power times (both far and close range) and YB just will not cut through more than one thing (either wood or a pig, but not both). No power.

Bummer, will never be able to reach higher score without same benefits as those who scored before. Struggled to get 139k ( 2 bird score). No hat tricks and lack of bird power!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8970 points
By grrtammy (@grrtammy)Score: 142,140

And with v5.x the hats are now gone. So sad.

Rank: Sling God with 37110 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 148,360

Just revisiting. Amazed that the high score is in the 160’s. Wow! Would really appreciate any clues from @Anpo or anyone else especially as the hat trick has reportedly disappeared.

Rank: Sling God with 56720 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)

Used all 3 birds. only 123k. But did find the Golden Egg by accident. Will have to revisit, as there was a fair amount of debris left!!

Rank: Sling God with 56720 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)

Finally got the missing 3rd star!! 131k

Rank: Sling God with 27155 points
By Tiffin (@tiffin)Score: 139,110

Revisiting to see if I couldimprove my score and get back above average.

I tried a different approach, using a reverse Remi shot to hit the little pig in the box on the first tower, then YB at a high arc to come down at speed on the cake and finally shot three as per the video into the third tower. After a load of attempts I finally improved my score to an above average 139110, up 5k from my previous best and I will leave it at that. Lots of luck needed but worth a try.

By Fishbulb

I cannot get the first bird to throw high as depicted in the video. No matter how vertically I aim it, it always ‘snaps’ to the right at about a 60 degree angle as it leaves the slingshot. As a result of the lower angle of the throw, the bird always changes to horizontal flight when activated. It won’t curve gently and ends up just skimming the top. Any ideas?

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 144,820

Ah shoot, yet another “hat” level where high scores are no longer possible :(

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8480 points
By Philsey (@philsey)Score: 134,370

Unfortunately, I agree. Just like that damn Santa hat level in Seasons. I came back to push scores up above average and can’t seem to get higher than my original 133K. I’ll save this one for later and just repeat and repeat until I can, hopefully, at least get close to average.

By Winza

I got a score of 134,610. I did the first 2 moves in the video above and that ended up being enough for killing all the pigs.

Rank: Sling God with 46670 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)Score: 140,780

No hats means no good scores anymore?

Rank: Out of this World with 2560 points
By Ben W (@bennyboy10)Score: 136,190

Well – above average scores are still possible sans hats. First like video – second high and collapsed far structure into middle structure

Rank: Sling God with 20790 points
By Desperate Dan (@desperate-dan)Score: 153,502

Forget your spinning hats, get over here with Classics. Added 15k very quickly with the conventional 2 bird approach. Is a top score attainable? I
think probably out of reach.

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