Angry Birds BirdDay 5 Level 30-27 Walkthrough

Here is our strategy for Angry Birds BirdDay 5 Level 30-27. The score in the video below yields a score of 131,090.

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Rank: Sling God with 21565 points
By dmsral (@dmsral)Score: 156,440

Bomb bird up to the top left structure. I still haven’t found the best location to aim for or detonate on but here are some things you want to happen. The best seems to be to get the stone ball to roll slowly to the left, fall down and bounce back to the right after hitting the rhino. This will undercut the two parts of the structure touching the ground. Sometimes the right stone ball rolls down and does damage instead. Send Terrence up to skip off the cleared top platform and into the top right part of the structure to bring it down. Results will vary considerably. 156440 w/3, but definitely more points and/or a better strategy should be coming.

Rank: Sling God with 57260 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 162,040

@dmsral I would have to believe your method is the best for max points. After a few attempts of sending black bird to upper left, the combined explosion brought the whole upper level down. 162k. Thanks!!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8810 points
By jwgardenwiz (@jwgardenwiz)Score: 184,660

@dmsral – i had better luck going underneath the platform in the upper-left and manually detonating. Controlling the path of the TNT seemed to be a matter of luck. Sometimes I could get it to fall into the middle several times in a row but frequently it immediately exploded or was flung far to the right. I finally got a one-birder when it fell into the middle and everything everything else fell right — albeit agonizingly slowly.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 180,080

First bird straight ahead, activate just before the cage. throwing debris to the right.

Second bird to the TNT up top.

Third bird, bounce off the right edge of the platform where the TNTS used to be. Bird should bounce to the right, doing a lot of damage to the whole right side top to bottom.

Fourth, bonus


Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 180,080

This strategy should be ignored ;)

Rank: Pig Leader with 10660 points
By bastieroxxor (@bastieroxxor)Score: 174,870

1st bird: cut the rope under the little pig and detonate, the tnt is ejected to the right, everything can get down. I had got 141k with a cake left and the big pig with the ballon left. 180k is doable.
2nd bird: killed the left pig to reach a “little” 169k.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 180,080

Thank you @bastieroxxor! I just got a very nice 1-birder for 180k. I could not master the shot described below by @vuelva, so I returned to activating the bird close, and below the little pig. With this shot, it is possible to get the TNT to roll over the top of a ballon, then fall slightly before exploding. The bottom right cage remained, so still higher scores to come I am sure.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10660 points
By bastieroxxor (@bastieroxxor)Score: 174,870

Nice top score @bonneypattycat ! I’m glad to see that the strat works so very well. I will come back to this level, there are lot of points to gain for me..

We can say that this strat was a way for me to thank you for yours in level 17-14 :)

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 180,080

Mine and Dine 17-14! I still cannot face that level again, soooo frustrating!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9485 points
By to mock a mockingbird (@vuelva)

@bonneypattycat that’s an excellent score. haven’t been able to get it, yet, using the strategy described in my earlier comment (see below), but up from 177k to 179310 now by that strategy, here’s the final destruction picture to go with it:

my previous best (179160 as shown in the picture) was obtained by that same strategy but with 3 birds, when the 3rd sliced through most of the debris at the bottom (after the 1st had left one pig alive). despite not getting the same score, i don’t think it really matters for the score which shot one uses; both should have the same potential.

wrt the 1st bird in my strategy: i don’t `master’ that shot either and get it right only 1 in, say, 4 (with my best sequence being hitting it 5 times in a row). what i do is to send it onto the boulder, letting it roll up a little bit before activating it.

wrt higher scores; i agree that they are certainly possible (clear just by looking at the debris in the picture above), but i guess that the cake is not that important, as it may be another fake-cake, fake in the sense that it’s lying about its value (as pointed out by @bastieroxxor before, for many cakes in the birdday levels upon destroying them `3000′ is shown on screen, but your score then only increases by .5k or 1k; this is most clear for Birdday 5 Level 4 where aiming just for the cage with the pig and the cake with the 1st, does shown 3000 (for the cake) and 5000 (for the pig) but gives a 6k not an 8k score).

wrt the rhinos mentioned by @maiasatara; i have been using the left rhino to bounce the 3rd off, to either destroy the upper right structures (when not destroyed by the 1st) or to go horizontal, but these shots need a lot of precision; in some cases terrence fell down on the right bouncing back from the right rhino, but it never happened to me that it bounced back and forth between both.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17995 points
By kpnanny (@kpnanny)Score: 181,920

@bonneypattycat @vuelva and @bastieroxxor Top score for a minute using variations of your shots. The one that got this score and several other 170s came from sending BB to just below the horizontal wooden plank under the little pig and manually exploding JUST before reaching the rope. The TNT flies up and down into the middle of the level AND the rock rolled left to bounce off the rhino and into the bottom of the structures. It took several hundred tries and I reset every time the TNT exploded before dropping into the middle or flying into the elephant structure on the top right. Both cages and the cake were destroyed in this shot, but there was still debris on the ground, so there are more points to be had.

Rank: Sling God with 37385 points
By HallieGinSB (@hallieginsb)Score: 190,560

Replaying this level, I found the method described by @bastieroxxor gave me the best results. Cutting the rope with the first bird and detonating directly below the upper left bolder without striking any part of the platform first was most likely to get the left boulder to fall down, then bounce to the right after hitting the rhino horn. Also, the tnt was more likely to bounce up and to the right, then fall down into the structure before blowing up. Most of the time it hit a balloon instead, and most of the time I ended up using three birds to get the most destruction. This level is pretty unstable on my older Android device, and several times when I thought I had a good one-birder, the game crashed before the level finished. Very frustrating, but when it did finally finish after a good first shot, I ended up with 190k! Here are photos of the tally screen and the level start screen showing the high score.

Rank: Sling God with 36590 points
By PeeJayDee27 (@peejaydee27)Score: 191,240

Replaying ABO levels that I never went back to after getting above average scores first time round. Got really lucky with this one also using @bastieroxxor original strat, but playing around with detonation points. This time broke the rope just at the point where it meets the upper plank and detonated right away. The tnt flew to the right and fell into the main structure (mostly it touches a balloon which sets it off prematurely), and the explosion set off a chain reaction taking everything down.
Top score proof in album if needed.

Rank: Sling God with 37685 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 189,070

Thanks for the strat. I did a video

Rank: Sling God with 37685 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 189,070

I must have been very lucky to get this score as I’m mostly 15k or more away from it and that’s when it all goes well. Anyway I’ve tried this on BlueStacks with very mixed results. I’ve been using a Tap spot of X 18.34 and Y 65.38 and exploding just after it goes through the rope. Random results every fling. GL.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9485 points
By to mock a mockingbird (@vuelva)

177770/1 essentially as mentioned in the above comments or similar to them in intended effect (tnt to right as mentioned by by @bastieroxxor), but a bit different: detonate the bomb bird at the upper-left side of the big boulder; this should make the tnt go just over the top-right structure initiating a chain reaction giving (almost) total destruction for a 160k+ score. this is quite repeatable (detonating too low/early makes the tnt stay too low and hit the top-right structure yielding still good but more messy results; detonating too high/late makes the tnt fly high and far away or explode).

before getting this 177k score (still not the optimal result for this strategy; e.g. a cake left) i had had several 165k+ 1-birders this way and also some 130k scores after the 1st with 2 pigs left; in such a case you can take them out with the 2nd and quicly throw the 3rd into the debris (got 170k this way) which can be effective both at the ground floor (have had more than 25k damage due to it (without collapses)) and the first floor (throwing on top of the stuff on the leftmost platform for an unpredictable but sometimes quite good result).

Rank: Sling God with 37685 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 189,070

Just reading this again. Am I missing something or do you have your numbers slightly wrong here? Surely the 160K + mentioned in both paragraphs, with 1 bird, would yield a much higher score than you have posted?

Rank: Sling God with 37685 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 189,070

After several re-reads I think I see you what you mean. Apologies.

Rank: Sling God with 31890 points
By ABeggerToo (@abeggertoo)Score: 170,830

Had been trying a shot similar to this without being able to get the TNT consistently over the balloons. Switched to @bastieroxxor‘s and tried for an hour without success. Then read @vuelva‘s aiming point and hit two immediate 2-birders for above average (for now) scores. Will come back to this strat to try for a 1-birder.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18085 points
By jrsquonk (@jrsquonk)Score: 184,200

@vuelva‘s strat is sound and repeatable. The key is the first shot, but the results vary widely. I have had luck with both the ground floor and second floor strats described above for subsequent shots, as well as lofting Terence and bouncing him off the upper platform. You have to make a decision based on the destruction wrought by the first bird.

A bit of aiming help for the first bird. On my Android tablet, I angle the black bird such that the tip of his fuse is just a pixel or two inside the inner edge of the cloud in the background. Then I detonate the bird right as he strikes the big rock to the right of the leftmost piggie on the top platform. I have gotten the TNT to loft to the elephant as many as 10 times in a row when I was counting.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18085 points
By jrsquonk (@jrsquonk)Score: 184,200

Hmm…seems like they changed the background or zoom factor on this level. The above aiming suggestions no longer works. Curious.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 151,300

I was going for the ME and my third bird Terrence bounced back and forth vigorously between the two rhinos. It seemed deliberate but I can’t determine what triggers it. Am really surprised no one else has posted the “how” for this yet. I’m a decent player but many are better and must have stumbled upon this. Maybe in a previous level? Maybe there’s a generic bird days post to describe the rhinos? I’ve been wondering about their purpose as there’s no way they are a random decorative element. I really don’t want to scroll through 30 levels to find the others so if someone knows the how and why please post it here. Thanks! Good luck, all!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6020 points
By Graypets (@graypets)Score: 157,000

I don’t really know-I suspect they’re like the pink or red bumpers elsewhere in the AB games-for bounce action. I’m disappointed the Eagle doesn’t at least take the shackles off of them.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14175 points
By knichy (@knichy)Score: 165,600

Pretty easy way to go above average, I was trying the @dmsral @jwgardenwiz strats without breaking 155 and didn’t have access to ABN so tried this and got >avg in about 3 minutes

first bird low. my first several flings I clipped the concrete platform and went on to the structure dropping everything on the left. for my 165 I missed.

second little red bird high arc to hit the TNT. blasted most everything at the top left. the middle structure remained unscathed with two pigs and a balloon mocking me.

I was getting ready to toss Terrence straight when something started bouncing around the Rhinos and knocked it all out for me, so did the 45 degree toss – bounce off the platform and into the elephant. Terry rolled right as everything was falling, hit the right rhino and obliterated much of the debris on the ground.

Anyway, not a huge score but above average and only took about 5 tries. And it is a completely unique strat – at least undocumented here.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14175 points
By knichy (@knichy)Score: 165,600

repeated a few >160s.

first bird slightly above horizontal into the vertical stone block at the bottom of the lowest structure.

second bird actually clips the cage and drops the TNT to the platform. 3 out of 5 created stuff flying around that got bounced into that middle structure.

Terrance gets a nice acceleration from that platform if you hit it just right.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8810 points
By jwgardenwiz (@jwgardenwiz)Score: 184,660

@knichy – happy to see others replaying early games too. I only have a few top scores and this level is one of them. I should have added in my original comment that I spent quite a while playing it before I succeeded in getting the TNT to fall slightly to the right toppling the upper structure onto the one beneath. Success was a combination of persistance and good fortune.

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