Angry Birds BirdDay 5 Level 30-15 Walkthrough

Here is our strategy for Angry Birds BirdDay 5 Level 30-11. The score in the video below yields a score of 183,800.

Golden Egg #32 Alert!

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Rank: Sling God with 56720 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 195,150

Another level that had me stumped. Had to use the walkthrough video, to obtain 3 stars. 184k

Rank: Sling God with 56720 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 195,150

After 20+ attempts, finally got the Gold Egg. On tablet the top part of where the egg is, I cannot see. I didn’t see the tunnel/angle until I saw the video here!! Difficult shooting blind!

Rank: Sling God with 25800 points
By MG516 (@mg516)Score: 196,660

@terribletom – what approach did you use to get the Golden Egg? I shot YB in a high arch, activating immediately, YB landed on the ledge and rolled through the passage. Happy flinging!

Rank: Sling God with 56720 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 195,150

@mg516 Yes exactly how I was able to get it. My problem was the top of the ledge holding the egg, I couldn’t see on the Tablet. I was flinging a few times blind, before I finally got it!! The Egg level Is interesting as well!!

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 195,810

Finally got 3* following video. IMO this is the hardest level in BD 5 to get 3 stars. Second hardest goes to @les-toreadors (forget which level that is).

Rank: Master Slinger with 5110 points
By Jkhab69 (@jkhab69)Score: 186,550

@mvnla2 I agree, very difficult level, and of course it usually times out very quickly, but at keast it’s better than the one bird targetting one pixel levels we’ve seen so much lately.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 183,400

I still can’t do it; even with the video. I’m not getting enough debris and have been stuck at 181k since release. I would really like to enter my scores but until everything is 3*… I can’t remember NOT earning three stars on a level! Maybe it took time to get above average then top 100, top 50. Frustrating. Good luck to anyone else still working. We can make a sad little club, lol.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 214,180

Fling yellow straight ahead, above the block and below the horizontal slab, going on to hit TNT.

Blue to the top, spreading wide, getting all upper pigs.

White straight ahead to take out the left side.

If upper right pig remains, Yellow up top to take out right tree.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13165 points
By birdMeister (@birdmeister)Score: 207,900

@bonnypattycat, wow!!! Getting all piggies on top with one blue bird is quite a feat. It took me blue to the TNT, white to the right top and finally a tricky shot with yellow bird to get the two trees on the left and the last piggie. There was nothing left but a few chinks of wood on the right side.

I had cleared the bottom on my first YB to the TNT. Seems like my 207K is beatable.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5110 points
By Jkhab69 (@jkhab69)Score: 186,550

@bonneypat , I think I’m close to figuring rhe aiming point for the bluebird. haven’t quite gotten there yet but about a 45° angle up splitting immediately usually takes out first and second Pigs, and then the dynamite if it’s hit, takes out the third. I took your strat and kind of modified it. what I like to do is take the first Yellowbird low on the base of the first left structure which causes it to collapse and leaves a wide gap came through for the fourth bird, the second yellow, so I have an easier time getting the dynamite. I wouldn’t have figured it out without your initial strategy, so thanks again for yet another helpful post!

Rank: Master Slinger with 5110 points
By Jkhab69 (@jkhab69)Score: 186,550

actually, a better way for me is to target the small upside down pig on the first structure, carrying through to break the second vertical crossbeam so that the entire top of that first structure collapses, then go up at a 45° angle on the second bird splitting almost immediately. third bird to the bottom to set off the TNT, then fourth bird, the yellow bird,top right. still working on getting the max points possible for this.

Rank: Explosive with 2445 points
By brandenburg5 (@brandenburg5)

Yellow bird on high arc, comes down just to the left of the top TNT so the TNT falls a bit before exploding. (This got me the golden egg as well.) blue bird to clear the top right pig. Mathilda at a low angle, release so she flies up and clears the first tower. Yellow bird to explode the TNT in the second tower for 191720.

Rank: Shooter with 935 points
By h82loze (@h82loze)

Thanks! This is the strategy that worked for me.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 214,180

Thank you @brandenburg5, this was good for 197k.

Rank: Explosive with 2445 points
By brandenburg5 (@brandenburg5)

You are all welcome. I’m glad my method is helpful.

Rank: Out of this World with 2785 points
By Eddie (@eddiemazza)Score: 200,010

I know its getting redundan but i owe you big @brandenburg5 i must have had about 5 total hours stuck at 184k and within 1 try you upped me to 190k currently at 199160 and that was actually with all birds i had the pig stuck in the right top stone enclosure and the whole tree above him if he would have been killed i wouldnt have tried to get rid of tree but it seems that tree had to be worth about 12-14k anyway muchas gracias

Rank: Explosive with 2445 points
By brandenburg5 (@brandenburg5)

De nada.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9145 points
By Furfeather (@furfeather)Score: 196,260

Oooh! Lovely strategy @brandenburg5! Increased my score by 8k so far. I especially love the exploding ice from the first shot. Didn’t get that troublesome golden egg for me yet, though, darn.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11530 points
By redzym (@redzym)Score: 196,880

I got the Golden Egg with the egg bird. Explode the TNT with bird one, get rid of some pesky icicles with the blue then launch Egg Bird high releasing the eff when nearly over tge middle, it takes a few tries but nowhere near as painful as trying to get the yellow to roll down a hidden ledge.

Not many points yet, but have 3* accidently finding the above strategy but nowhere near what others have achieved. Will keep trying now I know there are more available. Thought I had done well till coming here and seeing what others had done. Certainly puts things into persoective.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9485 points
By to mock a mockingbird (@vuelva)

211430/3 using that 1st, but reversing the 2nd and 3rd (2nd: straight, split quite late to push the tower over; and 3rd: high arc, release late to take out the base of the trees). this gives three chances to take out the bottom-right structure without having to use a 4th bird: by the 2nd when the bottom-left structure falls to the right as a whole to take out the hollow square at the base of the bottom-right structure; the same but then by the egg released by the 3rd; or by the bird/tree falling to the right and bouncing back to destabilise the right side of the bottom-right structure. neither of these seems very frequent/easy, but after settling for this strategy, i got two 211k scores in an hour of play (and 206k and 207k scores using 4 birds). more, say 217k, definitely possible as there was more than 5k debris left in both cases, debris that had been taken out on other occasions.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 214,180

Thanks again to @brandenburg5 and to @vuelva. I had near complete destruction, with I brick left on the upper right, and three bricks on the lower right. I didn’t have time to notice what, if any thing remained on the lower left, but the upper left tree was completely gone.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7125 points
By Campbell1969 (@campbell1969)Score: 213,830

This is the method I used, 1st to the left of the top tnt, dropping it into the gap, before it explodes and takes out all the top 4 trees from the left, and the X bridge below.
The second, to the bottom left, split late at and above the stone box, to knock it all over, and the 3rd, the hardest shot, to the left edge / base of the top right floating island, dropping the egg, so it clips the bottom square wood (taking it all out below), then the bird slams into the top right trees, taking them all out, and the pig on far right.
I found you need 3 perfect shots. The last shot, the hardest.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18085 points
By jrsquonk (@jrsquonk)Score: 216,010

I used @vuelva‘s variation on @brandenburg5‘s strat. Specifically I dropped the egg from Matilda to take out the hollow square at the base of the bottom right hand structure, and the rebounding bird took out the trees at top right and the piggie in the shed next to the tire swing. It’s a very difficult shot to get just right, and a high score requires a very effective first and second shot, but it pays off! Thanks to both of you.

Rank: Sling God with 24465 points
By justpast40 (@justpast40)Score: 199,110

@brandenburg5, I used what I’ll call a medium lob rather than a high arc boosting when just about over the leftmost top pig. As you said, the idea is for the YB to hit left of the TNT, but when hit just right, YB will gently fall onto the wood left & below TNT causing it to collapse. The TNT will roll to the left before exploding on its own & desimate the top left side. I’ve had over 100k after the 1st shot.

Rank: Boss Hog with 12650 points
By rosconz (@rosconz)Score: 205,700

Like justpast40 says, when done right (as described above) the first yellow bird can quite regularly reach scores of around 100K (I got quite a bit more once when the TNT on the right tower was set off as well by the fallout from the tree branches). My next shot is to take out the left column with blue birds, then with the middle all cleared by the first yellow bird, Matilda can take out the right tower dropping her egg on the base for total destruction. Then last yellow has a clean shot at the base of the top right tree and you can cut it totally down. Best score with this approach for me is 205700, but more to be got by this method and maybe a three birder if the right tower comes down with the first bird).

Rank: Champion with 3220 points
By Eagleeye (@eagleeye)

Yes, finally! Thank you for saving my sanity!

Rank: Master Slinger with 7445 points
By DrRoadRunner (@peter-fanning)Score: 194,160

Thankyou @brandenburg5– this level was killing me till I tried your strategy!

Rank: Deputized with 245 points
By rgaillard (@rgaillard)

Thank you very much, it did the job!

Rank: Sling God with 24395 points
By rush (@rush)Score: 215,480

Thanks Brandenburg,jusppast40 and Tmam. A combination of your inputs got me topscore for now. Blue birds to first “tower” and luckly à long stone plank got the Wood squere. Matilda to top right.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8970 points
By grrtammy (@grrtammy)Score: 198,340

I’m submitting this as an “alternate” strategy though it’s a combination of @bonneypattycat and @brandenburg5. Yellow just as @bonneypattycat. I really like this shot as it’s highly reproducible. Second, Blue just as in @brandenburg5. Aim for the thinnest spot in the ice left of the TNT, splitting just before it hits, to make a hole for the TNT to collapse into. The farther the TNT falls, the better the destruction. Tough to get it to work, but when it does it takes out all the birds on top about 1/3 of the time. I haven’t got total destruction of the top yet, but I got 198K after taking out the right tree with Yellow.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6930 points
By Bevryche (@bevryche)Score: 202,460

Is the location of the golden egg on this level visible or do you just have to shoot blindly? I don’t see where to shoot on my screen. Thanks.

Rank: Sling God with 33190 points
By asher (@asher)Score: 217,450

217450 with 3 birds.

Nothing new, I have been using the @brandenburg5 strategy, with @vuelva suggestions to reverse the shots.

The real trick – if there is one – is to create a breach large enough so that the TNT on the first bird is taking care of all the top left platform.

Here is the trajectory and the situation just before the TNT explosion.

I managed to completely clear the top left platform a couple of times with this.
And if after this shot you have too much debris on the left, or not enough damage on the top platform or debris in front of the trees on the right platform… just reset to avoid wasting time.

The second bird is not really hard. Most of the time I did not manage to clean all the large stone blocks, but here is one good attempt.

Finally, the last shot has a razor thin margin of error.

Here is the result after my best third shot.

And the highscore screenshot.

BTW, there is still more to get on this level. This is a 210k score with 4 birds (sent out of spite after an epic failure with the third one).
So 220k+ scores are definitely possible here.

Hope it helps.

Rank: Sling God with 45680 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 210,210

thx a lot to @asher for great pictures
and many thanks to @brandenburg5 and @vuelva for strat and details (reverse the shots is brilliant)
here a video with 210k

Rank: Sling God with 46680 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)Score: 219,850

@asher brilliant strategy! It took a while before all went well. Just didn’t break the 220k.
Cc @sweetp

Here the tally screen: ABO Birdday 5 30-15

Rank: Sling God with 46680 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)Score: 219,850

Oops, forgot to thank @comex666 for his clear video. Pictures from @asher were already clear, a video is always easier to follow.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 189,440

Wooot!!! Great flingng @bernersenn Congrats on the puppy ? and the Trophy ?

Rank: Sling God with 45680 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 210,210

congratulation @bernersenn for the super-puppy my friend, great job

Rank: Boss Hog with 14175 points
By knichy (@knichy)Score: 193,150

Just for the halibut, I noticed that the left tree sways one or two cycles so I started trying a quick-fling with Chuck to hit as high as possible on the tree at the peak of its sway. lo and behold, it sliced through and dropped all three trees, blew the TNT, and dropped the entire center structure. Haven’t figured out how to break 190 with the next birds yet, but it is a cool shot and one to brag about if you hit it!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18405 points
By JTB (@jtb)Score: 195,980

Wow, this level is just stupid difficult. I can’t get close to breaking 200K let alone get an “average” score. Maybe the old “post a complaint then immediately get a good score” trick will work…

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18405 points
By JTB (@jtb)Score: 195,980

….and…just over average, I’ll take it.

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