Angry Birds Big Setup 3 Star Walkthrough Level 10-7

Big Setup level 10-7 can be cleared with a single bird. The strategy is to fire Big Brother through the horizontal wooden plank on the left side. The TNT within should detonate, causing the entire structure to collapse. The score in the video below is 91,300.

Version 2022:

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Comments (21)

Rank: Sling God with 70300 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 94,300

Used 3 birds. First BB same as video. Sometimes the right two pigs remain. Fire the second BB to get them and the last quickly to clean up the debris.
This technique also worked using two birds but the tnt needs to be activated. Zoom out. Gained 4k.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9940 points
By kimmiecv (@kimmiecv)Score: 94,690

Used 2 birds 1st same as video 2 BB I aimed low for the triangle block and was able to smash though to the other side for max destruction 3rd BB extra 10k! Hope this helps Gl

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9940 points
By kimmiecv (@kimmiecv)Score: 94,690

Oops should clarify 2 BB was aimed to the far right piggies!

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 91,990

Whinnnneee Factor! !!! I cant do it!!
Only at 888k:(

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 91,990

well that worked! ! Got just above average 91990;) good enough for Joe thanks for the motivation @Kimmiecv :)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9940 points
By kimmiecv (@kimmiecv)Score: 94,690

Hee hee love it @Kathy!! :D you go girl!!

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 96,660

I remember being thrilled to get 94k on this level. Now, I want more. I will try a call in the dark….


Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 96,660

2k more with 1-birder. Thank you Bird Gods!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9485 points
By to mock a mockingbird (@vuelva)

100,430 with three. here’s a screenshot showing the result and the trajectory of the 3rd for that score.
i was playing the 1st as mentioned above occasionally giving a 1-birder. my best with that was 98k. i think the best scores are with 2 birds and obtained by slicing through the tower holding the two rightmost pigs, but the screenshot shows that this cleaning up may even pay off after a 3rd.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14935 points
By swellD (@swelld)Score: 100,910

@vuelva thanks for the screenshot and strat.

Rank: Debriefed with 1480 points
By WileE.Bird (@wilee-bird)Score: 91,180

That shot looks so easy on the video………….sigh

Rank: Pig Leader with 10395 points
By Kayreen (@kareen)Score: 102,170

Flingling all day. The best I can offer is if the first BB hits just high on the horizontal wood board, first tower, and manages to plow through, blow the tNT, and get 52K, a second BB to just at/low on the horizontal of the right tower.

Rank: Sling God with 37385 points
By HallieGinSB (@hallieginsb)Score: 110,478

Two birds in Classics yield higher scores. First shot I aimed for the tnt with Terrence passing just at or underneath the horizontal wood plank with 1 tiny and 3 bigger stacked stone blocks on top. Scores above 60k are the best results, provided one pig is left – one birders are possible but are not high scoring. For the second shot I aimed low for the left end of the platform. If the remaining debris is favorable, you can get a bowling ball effect such that Terrence passes all the way across the platform and into the debris on the right of the platform.

Score proof:

Rank: Sling God with 37685 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 100,740

@desperate-dan Hi. Is your score here on original or the new one? I’m trying to establish what I’m aiming for. Thanks.

Rank: Sling God with 21315 points
By Desperate Dan (@desperate-dan)Score: 113,645


Rank: Avian Overlord with 16155 points
By Brian N (@briann)Score: 111,801

Same two shots as described by @hallieginsb.With the first there is a reasonably good chance you can hit the tnt directly then carry on to it the base of the concrete structure in the middle. Obviously the more you can soften it the further Terrance 2 can travel along the platform. Two other scores over 110k tonight suggest more puppies could be on.

Thanks @sweetp

Rank: Sling God with 21315 points
By Desperate Dan (@desperate-dan)Score: 113,645

113645/2 using Classics as per @hallieginsb as well. More luck but on the second shot, nothing really spectacular on the first. 115k I think possible by an AB demi-god.
Thanks @sweetp, finally up to 30 pups, I think.

Rank: Sling God with 39390 points
By meanguy (@meanguy)Score: 112,417

To play AB Classic, I aquired an Amazon Fire 8 tablet. AB Classic would not work on my old Android-based tablets.

While trying to take a screenshot, the Tally screen disappeared.
By the time I figured it out, all I could get was the pic I’ve included.
If it does not qualify, I will understand.

@sweetp – the only screenshot I could get;

Congrats to the new Puppy owners !!
Good luck and happy flinging to all !!!

Rank: Sling God with 26640 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)Score: 92,590

Unfortunately, the screenshot you provided is not acceptable. As been mentioned before, the only picture that we will allow as proof is the 3-star tally screen. Rules are rules, so if we allow anything else for one person, then we’d have to allow everyone else the same privilege.

Hope you understand.

cc: @admins, @karen68, @hallieginsb, @comex666

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16155 points
By Brian N (@briann)Score: 111,801

Hi @meanguy sorry to hear about your device problem, we’ve all been there. Just thought I’d touch base to make sure you knew about a clarification of the rules that took place a few months ago. I’m not sure what your technical problem is(and afraid I couldn’t be much help if I did) but if you can now record a screenshot of the tally page(after replaying said level to a finish) you still qualify for a puppy as the screenshot will show your high score underneath.

There’s a discussion about it on the Rio Jungle Escape 28 walk through page.

Rank: Sling God with 39390 points
By meanguy (@meanguy)Score: 112,417

Thanks to all who commented.

@sweetp & @briann – I fully understand not receiving a puppy for this level.
As I tried to state above, I couldn’t get AB Classics to work on either of my older Android-based tablets.
A relative had an Amazon Fire 8 they were not using, so I tried AB Classics on it & it works.
Unfortunately for me, I had no idea of how to take a screenshot on it. By the time I figured it out, the level had rebooted.
Oh well! I already have over 300 Under Dog Awards.
Maybe next time I’ll remember how to get the right screenshot.

Thanks again to those kind enough to comment.
Happy flinging !!!

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