Angry Birds Advent Challenge and Winter Wonderland Competition

The Angry Birds Advent Challenge is a two-part Christmas themed cross-promotion for the new Samsung Galaxy Note.

The first part is brand new web-based Angry Birds game featured on that is similar in many respects to Bejeweled (screenshot below).  You swap birds and piggies to make matches, which in turn slide over and decorate the Christmas tree.  You play until all your candles are extinguished.  There is a bit more to it than that so be sure to check out the complete instructions on the site.  There are also leaderboards so you can compare your score to others around the world.

The second part is a contest that focuses around level 5 of Angry Birds Chrome Seasons Greedings (found in, which they’re calling the “Winter Wonderland Level”. We have a walkthrough for this level and details of the competition can be found on the site, but I’ve included them here because they’re a bit hard to find:

Squawk!!! To enter our unique competition, play the “Samsung GALAXY Note” Winter Wonderland level on Google Chrome and submit your highest score. It’s that simple!

The highest 50 scores will win prizes. A further 50 people, selected completely at random, will also win prizes. Please note that you may only enter the competition by submitting your score via Google Chrome.First prize is a Samsung GALAXY Note and a selection of 10 Angry Birds Merchandise items. Second prize is a Samsung GALAXY Note and 5 large Angry Birds toys. Third prize is a Samsung GALAXY Note and1 large Angry Birds toy. Fourth to Tenth Prizes are 3 small Angry Birds Toys for each winner. All other winners will receive 1 Angry Birds Toy.

Competition ends on 31st December…

Sounds fun!  We should know more soon.  In the meantime if you have had a chance to play the level and/or enter the contest before we do please let us know.

Lastly, I should mention that there are also digital Angry Birds Greedings Cards available on A big thanks to teogeo for tipping us off to this!

Comments (156)

By Monique

How can I submit my score? It was my first time to play this and I dont have any idea how to submit my score. :(

By Jo

Click the Submit Score on top of the pop up window that was showed after you win (the one with your star rating)

By Monique

Does the competition concentrates on the 5th level only?
I’m trying to finish all the levels not just the 5th level,
the competition’s mechanic is too limited, I can’t understand the
mechanics fully, I’m so confused. :(

By Jo

Yes, 5th level only.

What do you mean the mechanic is too limited??? Just go to, everything’s there

Rank: Flinger with 70 points
By BATTLEGEAR (@battlegear)

hey guyz,
the highscores in this contest are somewhat doubtful,
people are making high score(top 2 or 3) which are doubtful,
i mean we cant make that much highscore(like 587720) for that level(level 5th,day 5 from winter wonderland levels).In my opinion its impossible.Are they using any hacks or other stuff,or is it legal.please let me know.

Thank You!

By Jo

Look at the first page of the comments. We already have a looong discussion about it

Rank: Flinger with 70 points
By BATTLEGEAR (@battlegear)

If they hacking then why don’t the admins ban them???

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Rovio said they are investigating. Likely they will just disallow those scores.

Rank: Flinger with 70 points
By BATTLEGEAR (@battlegear)

nice,hope they will do as soon as possible.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13330 points
By kathi17 (@kathi17)

I’m really glad Rovio is investigating, the cheaters ruined it for all of us.

By Arush Sharma

yes… even i was demotivated…

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Can’t ban them outright because they don’t want to block IPs. Instead they will likely just skip those scores and move down the list.

By Jo

The question is whether they can identify all of the cheaters or not. Because the way I see it, if their scores don’t really stand out then they won’t be caught. Hopefully that’s not the case

By Karan Bhatia

Ranks 1,2 and 3 are the only ones having unbelievable scores. Rank 4 onwards are all around the 2,00,000 mark which is quite achievable, i scored around 2,00,000 too

Rank: Boss Hog with 13330 points
By kathi17 (@kathi17)

I agree. The cheaters will just post the highest scores possible, and legitimate people will be forced down the list.

I’m not just having sour grapes, with my highest score at just under 200,000, I didn’t stand a chance even without cheaters, but I feel bad for the people who didn’t cheat and got bumped down the list because of it.

By Jo

Rovio has deleted the top 5, but they still left the 258k score at the top. I don’t think that’s achievable. I even doubt the 226k score to some degrees.

By Karan Bhatia

yeah jsut now i also noticed, 258 top at the moment, QinQin from Malaysia, i think that might be achievable, remember you can throw the boomerang bird in wrong direction and then tap to turn it in the right direction, also the more triangle glasses you topple the more you score, hey everyone let’s share tips and tricks, may one of us become the top scorer

Rank: Flinger with 70 points
By BATTLEGEAR (@battlegear)

258k is also not a fair score i guess….

By Jo

Not just QinQin. I think skr, walker, and Insane are the previous cheaters. They just changed their names, and they’re playing safe this time. They keep updating their scores but they make it high enough just so they can get into the top 3.

By mab


Rank: Flinger with 70 points
By BATTLEGEAR (@battlegear)


By Karan Bhatia

yeah, they’ll do that if they’re smart, well Rovio’s fault, they should not make a game that’s hackable, or they should keep live moderators watching players play randomly, that way they can catch cheaters if they can see how exactly they are playing and scoring.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Or they can do a 1-time purge at the very end. That’s more money-smart.

By Bill

And that would mean those that haven’t used a cheat would be purged as well? Hardly fair to exclude us, when Rivio ‘should’ know it’s product, and what can and can’t be accomplished for each level.
If Rovio, Google, and Samsung are not willing to actively monitor, knowing there are cheats, the contest should never have started.

By daniel balding

open ab chrome and you get new opening image

Rank: Flinger with 70 points
By BATTLEGEAR (@battlegear)

wat do u mean daniel??

Rank: Explosive with 2240 points
By ksfno1 (@ksfno1)

The top score is now 258320 by QINQIN from Malaysia; however, I doubt this player has cheated cos it is impossible to reach that score even if everything seen in Winter Wonderland Level is destroyed.

Rank: Explosive with 2240 points
By ksfno1 (@ksfno1)

Here is the screenshot showing the current top scores.

By Karan Bhatia

i went so far ahead as to break down all the scorable items in the game, the totals come to around 150k only, which is weird coz i myself always score above 170k, the best i have managed is 186k, it is almost impossible to score above 200k let alone 250k, the top 2 are definitely hackers but i wonder how the rest 98 got scores above 200k, i have tried everything, my best strategy – launch the first 3-in-1 straight into the main deck above the first tower, then use the boomerang in the opposite direction (i.e. launch it in the wrong direction and then immediately click and make it turn 180) then the use of the next two birds is what i have tried 100s of ways, never able to score above 200 even with all towers down

here is the break down of all scorable items

By Jo

Yeah, I’ve tried to find out the max high score the way you did too before. But that’s the wrong way because when the birds hit the objects, they’ll give some extra scores as well. Instead, try to play the level first, then count the remaining objects, and add it up to your current score.

And btw, I’m one of those who can reach 210k-219k and I can tell you that it’s totally achievable. Maybe, with some luck, 220k is possible, though I still somewhat doubt it. But for beyond 230k, I don’t know how.

By Karan

Can you please make a youtube video of you scoring above 200k i’d really like t oget some tips on how to score above 200k, you can use on of the many free screen video grabbing software to make your YouTube video

Rank: Explosive with 2240 points
By ksfno1 (@ksfno1)

Have you succeeded in destroying all the mobiles?

By Karan

the 3 mobiles are non destructible, they are just ads, however since there is the stylus justting out and acting like an angled surface you can use it innovatively to reach tough angles by hitting birds onto that and getting deflected

By Karan Bhatia

if QinQin can do it legitimately he should upload a YT video showing him how he got 250k, unless it was a fluke he should be able to reproduce this score

Rank: Explosive with 2240 points
By ksfno1 (@ksfno1)

I think it can’t be even a fluke.

By Bill

Somewhere above it states Rovio is investigating the fluky high scores. If Rovio NEEDS to investigate, then they haven’t a clue as to what the actual max score is!

The new scores posted as of today are still fluky. Several of the ‘users’ are trading highs just to keep at the top by 10 or so points. THAT in itself is enough to warrant an investigation!

Either Rovio knows the product it invented, or it needs to get a lot more familiar with it.

By Karan Bhatia

it’s possible that Rovio is allowing these high scores to create an impression of AB being a competitive game, which it hardly is. By posting unrealistically high scores, what is happening, is the rest of us who manage 188k and 200 something k, are desperately trying to reach 220k and 250k which seems impossible.

By Karan Bhatia

can scores be submitted only through desktop chrome or can the game be also played on a samsung note and scores submitted from it?

By Chris

Somewhere I saw a level select screen with 5 snowflakes levels, but I don’t remember where it was. Does anybody know what I’m talking about?

By Karan Bhatia

no, care to explain more?

By Oliwer

Half of posts are not useful because you talk about cheaters.Create this level strategies , useful tips .That is important for most players.One said that he gained 180000 with one bird.How?Player tell us strategy. People where are you ?;DDD

By Karan Bhatia

i 2nd that oliver, make a new thread that only has straegy and tips for scoring over 200k, where every post has to compulsorily have at least a screen shot and ideally a screencast of the game played according to the best strategy

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Why not put your strategies on the actual Level 1-5 walkthrough page? Seems more useful there.

By Arush Sharma

hey slim this is to inform i have got the email from rovio regarding “Samsung GALAXY Note Winter Wonderland Competition Winner!” we have to submit our details by 25feb 2012 for confirmation of price…..

By Jo

I got one too. But the sender is, who seems to be the organizer of the event.

Unfortunately, they didn’t release the final standings.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7525 points
By Evelyn (TeeVex) (@habink)

Was the Advent Challenge like Bejewled, or something completely different?

Rank: Deputized with 110 points
By MrCrow (@mrcrow)

hey here video: (Samsung Galaxy Note Level 1-5)

go to 2:45

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