• E-Star has received the Anchors Away badge! 11 years, 3 months ago

    • @E-Star congrats on Anchors Away!!!!! :)

    • WTG @E-star! :D

    • Thanks all *Big Smile* what cha mean addict, who me? hahaha
      And sure @JLZ666 indeed no biggie (but don’t ask Hubby about it, he hasn’t seen me the last couple of days LOL).

      @Kimmiecv Yeahhhhh if you are above 140k, the glitch is working its magic.. now the only thing that can go wrong is ermmmmm let’s call it a human error tee hee!

      • IKR @estar!! It’s at 145k right now and my biggest worry is Tig or me hitting a button!! LOL Fingers crossed, I DONT want to ever do this again!! ;D

        • Wow, good acomplishment @e-star. I personally think that Rovio purposely made the glitch, because they noticed they made the Score Addict for Pig Dipper, 350k too low. So they wanted to still have that edge, that will keep someone hooked to getting the right score! So I imagine that they will ‘fix’ the glitch and increase the Score Addict by at least 300k in the next update:) Happy flingin’

    • @E-Star
      Congrats on receiving the AA badge. Sorry for being late but been out of pocket for about 4 weeks with did not provide the time to check this page. Nice work at play!!!

      • Thanks Pops and again, you don’t have to be sorry… I know I am always late or even never there to do the congratz, just can’t keep up and get it into my schedule to check in… to busy with all other aspects of the Nest. So thanks for taking the precious time to readi that far back to do the congratz. You are an amazing and kind to do so! warms my heart :D