ABN’s Bloated Pig Hits 100,000 Comments!

Honestly, there’s not much else to say. This is a huge milestone for the team behind the Bloated Pig: @rdnzlrips82, @Kathy, @E-Star, @sunshine, and @AngryPerson.

Congrats to the team and all the regular patrons!

To anyone who isn’t sure what the Bloated Pig is, why don’t you swing on by the old forum for some relaxed conversations with your fellow flingers!

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Comments (11)

Rank: Sling God with 36205 points
By Joey (@joeyba)

My comment was 100,100 . Never late for congratulations: BP members, you’re great

Rank: Sling God with 69570 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)

Congratulations to the Bloated Pig Team on this great accomplishment. Thank You to the ABN staff for hosting and supporting the BP on your site.

The other accomplishment the BP obtained was 2,000 pages a few days ago.

To all members, including myself, we all need to visit the BP once in a while just to say hi and have a few relaxing moments with the others in the Nest.

Rank: Explosive with 2055 points
By rost (@rost)

Congratulations to the Bloated Pig and its team. It’s a way to celebrate the relaxing forum by leaving a few more comments. Maybe we can reach 500,000 comments, or 1,000,000!

Rank: Shooter with 970 points
By Baddy2004 (@baddy2004)


Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

@AMSlimfordy and @BirdLeader — Thanks for this post and all your support over the years! @Rost and @Baddy2004 — Stop by the real Bloated Pig in the Old Forum (use Slim’s link above) and join the party. Since the BP patrons are from all over the world, parties tend to go for a couple of days. Food and drinks are free for the party, and free for new patrons on their first non-party visit.
@Rost — The BP started in April 2012, and we’re just now at 100,000, so 500,000 is a long way off.

Rank: Explosive with 2055 points
By rost (@rost)

Oh. Okay then, 150,000? ;)

Rank: Shooter with 970 points
By Baddy2004 (@baddy2004)

@mvnla2 , I am just keeping mah eye out for it.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9660 points
By Dr. Omega (@dr-omega)

Congrats to the whole BP Team!!!

By Qaz (The ol' AngryBrownBird)

I remember the days when we celebrated 100 pages. Oh! Were those the days…

It’s nice to visit ABN again

By Seth

Nicely done!

By Seth

OK. let’s see if we can get 200,000 of them this time!

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