Testing Fate: Stats for Wheel, Caldron and Anvil

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Testing Fate: Stats for Wheel, Caldron and Anvil

  • I was curious to see if the “wheel of fortune” ran true, or if it was as lopsided as a carnival barker’s. In the process I was spurred into testing the caldron/anvil die ratios by this thread. Here are my results:

    Wheel of Fortune (800 spins)

    Direction      Expect  Actual
    UL (1st Star)   100     101
    UP (2nd Star)   100     106
    UR (3rd Star)   100     114
    Right           100     103
    Down-Right      100      92
    Down            100     107
    Down-Left       100      84
    Left            100      93
                    ---     ---
                    800     800

    Conclusion: Wheel is balanced at 1/8 odds per wedge.

    The direction listed is based on where the main prize fell relative to the center. Even though some of the figures may seem out of whack, none of the variances are statistically significant.

    Golden Caldron/[Anvil] (140 rolls)

    Stars  Count  Expect
      0       1*     0
      1      17     20
      2      79     80
      3      43     40
            ---    ---
            140    140

    *There is a bug with the golden crafters that will sometimes yield 0.

    Conclusion: Stars 0-3 in ratio 0:1:4:2.

    This is a good match to the concluding ratio, though the number of rolls is too small for a statistically confident conclusion.

    HERE IS WHERE YOU COME IN! I need more data on the crafters (caldron and anvil), especially the normal and diamond versions. I assumed above that the anvil follows the caldron, but confirmation would be nice. If you can, PLEASE craft some ingredients/items and keep track of your rolls. When you have at least 80 you want to submit, reply to this post and I will update the stats.

    Hope this helps, and thanks!

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Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Testing Fate: Stats for Wheel, Caldron and Anvil

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