Advice from veteran players required

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  • I have been playing for about a year.  I don’t spend money on the game

    My flock power is in the mid six hundreds, I have just reached the exotic hats and I play in the lowest diamond league.

    My progression has been fine to date but the amount of pearls to get a hat is now enormous and obviously slingshot upgrade is very slow.  My luck in the Arena has gone and I don’t do well in the Tower or the Bootcamp.  My clan isn’t doing well either.

    Is this a bump in the road?  Is there any advice from veterans?

    Help appreciated.

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  • Replies
  • Token McCloud

    I’m about the same. Started playing june 2021, flock power mid 600. Never spent a dime.

    it’s a very big step to get a hat set of 10k per hat. I have completed Magical, but not a single exotic set. Will take months. I counted 37 exotic hat sets, which will be 37*7*10,000 =2.59 million blask pearls to complete all the exotic sets.

    My strategy is to work on the hat sets, where I got at least 1 hat from a hat event TOF. In my case 14 out of the 37. The Daily offers frequently gives an exotic hat for 5K. When I have 5K black pearls, I take the offer when it’s in a set I already have at least 1 hat in – but I let it go if it’s a completely blank hat set.

    Slowly the 14 sets gets more and more complete. Eventually the 14 sets will complete (I hope so), then I will work on maybe 10 new sets.

    I notice that the offers never offer hats I already possess.


    I have a similar approach as Token McCloud. My FP is 1150+ and I have 150,000 black pearls accumulated.  This sounds a lot, but looking at Token’s math you realize it’s not.

    I save all pearls I earn, and in the Daily Deals I only purchase hats in a set where I have 4 or more.  If I have a hat set where I only need 1 hat, then I would always keep 5,000 pearls in the bank just in case that hat is offered at 50% off.   You will find that over time your bank will grow, your hat set will start to get completed and your FP will increase.

    ZeZe, I am the leader of the Clan ‘Champs (#408496),’ and if you’re looking for a great Clan to be a part of, we would welcome you aboard!  We have just won our 15th consecutive game, and if you did join you would put us permanently in Emerald status.  We are a clan that helps each other during the game, so we might be able to assist you in strategies for the arena, boot camp and the game in general. If you’re the leader of your clan then maybe a merge with us would work? I would make you a co-leader straight away as long as other members join with you.

    Even if you do not join us, I wish you all the best in playing and progressing through AB2.


    Thanks for the replies.

    My tactic at the moment is to collect pearls to finish the Calavera set as I have four hats.  Other sets  I only have zero, one or two. Once I have the first set finished, I will follow your lead.

    With the Arena, I get so far up Diamond league then descend to Amethyst. I assume that I’m at the bottom level of Diamond league players.  I tend to have days when I score zero in the Arena and others when I have four wins in a row.

    I used to complete the Daily Challenge every day but not recently.  I get to level five if I’m lucky in the  Bootcamp.

    Gems I keep for apples (level three hatchling) and I save Spells for the chance to buy pearls.

    I was in two clans earlier and played in winning battles then was ejected.  My current clan suffers from non- players who are kicked then are replaced by the same :(. Our leader left recently and that resulted in some of our best players going.  I feel loyalty but will keep your offer in mind.

    Any advice is much appreciated.



    Another question to the Wiser than Me ones.

    What is the best tactic to progress bird power?  At the moment, my main birds are in the ’80’s and my extra birds in the ’70’s.

    I tend to move my main birds up a card level (presently 32) and then take my extra birds up a level.



    Hi ZeZe,

    It seems as though you’re on the right path, tactic-wise, but I wouldn’t complete the Calavera set first, even if you have 4 hats.  My reasoning for this is that you would end up spending 5,000 x 3 = 15,000 pearls at a minimum, whereas you could wait until the Calavera hats are back as a Hat Event; you could end up winning some more hats in the Tower and that would save your pearls.  And I would do this with other hats from events, such as the Parade, SnowPig and Midsummer to name a few.

    I wouldn’t spend the gems on apples. Even at FP 1150 my hatchling is level 2, as that’s a realistic amount of apples per day. At 25 apples per day I was only feeding every 2 days (before the timer ran out), but you actually receive more rainbow feathers at level 2 and feeding every day. (1,000/day vs 1,500/2 days).  (so in response to your second message, a lower hatchling fed more often would get your birds leveled up slightly quicker).  Instead, bank your gems to use in the Tower when there are Hat Events. It really is great to complete a hat set and not spend any pearls!

    The other way to level up your birds the quickest is to complete hat sets, and it helps to be on a winning clan to claim pearls.  I understand your loyalty, as I have been there too, but you have to do what’s best for you. I feel you should be part of a successful clan if you want to progress quicker, whether it’s the Champs or any other clan you choose.  You get the pearls depending on your position in the battle, and then you may get some in the chest. If you were to join us we would be winning Legendary Chests, and you could get 1,500 pearls + the position pearls! Not bad…

    And for the cards, I try to level all my cards at the same rate, with the exception of Bubbles, who is now slightly higher than the rest, as the damage caused seems to be greater, so I might as well get more points for more damage.


    I wish I’d had some advice sooner.

    Is Bubbles the pink bird or the brown bird?  I find them both useful.

    I’ll start levelling up my extra birds now.

    I looked at my hatchling and I don’t see how to level it down.  Advice please?

    I take your point about clan battles.  I post on the chat often and try to get the non players out as the win provides great rewards for winners.  I don’t understand why players join a clan if they don’t compete.

    How long have you been playing Champ?


    Bubbles is the brownish-orange bird that inflates, and is my first-choice extra bird. After that it is Stella, the pink bird.

    Unfortunately the only way to level down the hatchling is to stop feeding it, let it leave and then hatch a new one. This will day a few days, but in my opinion, worth it.

    I don’t understand why players join and then never play either, but this is common with a lot of clans.  I have been playing around 2 and a half years, and started the Champs 1 and a half years ago.  I thought I’d have a Diamond ranked clan fairly soon, but it’s hard to get new players to see your clan.  I really think you’d benefit from joining us, and we’d love to have a dedicated player like yourself.  I bet as soon as you click to leave your clan you won’t even think about them again :-)

    I have some other tips on leveling up your birds but don’t want to give our opponents too much info over this forum…


    We’re in the midst of a battle now with 24 non players each side and we’re losing.

    I’ll see how the battle goes as it’s an unfair thing to leave while in a battle.

    Constant loses are very depressing.


    I fully understand. We’re mid battle,too. 7 players in the top 10 and winning by 150 million.

    We’re a smaller clan than yours but we have great, solid players.


    What percentage of your members play?

    Just now we’ve got 22 out of 38 non players :(


    We have anywhere between 85 – 100%. Right now we have a co-leader taking a short break, and 1 player that doesn’t always play on weekends, so we may not see him during this battle.  That being said, we’re still winning by a good margin, and this could be win 16 in a row.


    Losing with 18 out of 28 non-players from my clan.

    Very depressing.  I think this will be our third loss in a row.


    Try not to let it get you down and have fun playing the game.

    As a somewhat geeky leader I keep stats on our players, the teams we play and how much we win/lose by.


    Hi Champ or is it Pistol Pete?

    I read your clan is on ios.  Does that mean all members have to be on ios?



    Hi ZeZe,

    I use Pistol Pete on the web, but Champ in AB2. Either works for me.

    I tried to create a third account on my laptop, but you play against different players, as though iOS and Windows is separate. Not sure about Android, though.

    If you do want to join us then try, and if it doesn’t work then I hope you find a better clan than your current one.



    You know, I think someone mentioned they were on Android, so it should work out for us!


    Hey ZeZe,

    If you do try to join us I think you need to put the ‘#’ then type ‘408496’ – we had a member try to rejoin and they didn’t find us by typing in ‘The Champs’



    Today would be a great day to join us! There is a new Battle starting tonight and we’d love to have you as part of our winning streak.

    My email address is in the banner on our clan page and I can offer you some strategies on leveling up your birds.


    Give me a day or two.  My clan is having discussions on our run of bad luck.


    No problem! We’re always here and always looking to add committed players


    How did your clan fair in this battle, ZeZe?  We won our 17th, but only just; it was a slog to the end, but we came out victorious.


    We lost badly again.  It was a real mismatch.  About 10 non players but doubt it would make a difference.  The non players were kicked but we soon filled up again.  We’re diamond league but losing hope.


    Sorry to hear, ZeZe.

    We have another Battle starting tonight if you’re interested. You’d be a great fit for our clan. (sounding really desperate with every post…)


    Let me have a few days.  I feel a sense of loyalty still but my lack of progress is getting to me.


    @pistolpete, I am sure it is only the windows players that are segregated. I had the same question as @zeze, about android because I’d like to bring over all 8 regular players if they want to come but one for sure is android and likely others.

    , in the old days using the @ sign with the name in blue (e.g. Champ) did nothing so I use the @handle to be sure they get notifications. Complex, I remember so much confusion when people put spaces in their @names and nothing worked lol.

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