Halloween! – New Event!

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Halloween! – New Event!

  • At last the new Character’s event is here the new character is top prize. The “Enslavers” are the leading squad and also we can use one bot and an ener/con.

    Good luck people and have fun.

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  • Optimus_Pig

    Just purchased Nemesis Hot Rod for 1,000 gems.

    This got me:

    – NHR

    – Chrome Exhaust (10% fire rate) accessory

    – 10,000 Sparks


    Same bundle for me.  Looks like the Loonie appreciated


    NHR requires Deceptigears to upgrade


    A one bot event for a new character.  What a bunch of jerks.  And 5 point targets to boot.

    The Dark Knight

    i am absolute disappointed same ability as Nemesis Prime lifts up and through away to dept of field of the screen the objects it’s pushing up and away.

    Nothing new here honestly!


    I HATE single bot events with decorations as the scoring targets. This sucks.


    Got a 750 gem bundle. The guy, one gold crate, 10K coins and 2k sparks. I like how the game has bundles that let us skip the boring events. Well it’s beneficial for me.


    5 point infrequent targets are an absolute joke.


    Today’s scoring is horrendous.

    And the cherry on top is the Red Crown NHR in my grouping.


    Agreed.  Destroying everything on the board still gets a base score average of 446.  Squad members are useless on all these dark stone blocks.  I can’t believe they made this a one bot event.  I don’t see how anyone could crack 50k, or why they’d want to spend the gems to try.  Forget 10k tokens, about to forget 7500.

    The Dark Knight

    @seaspray obviously they did it so that people spend money on gems to by the bundles or gems to – recharge and continuous to play.


    Even putting aside the cost of recharges in gems, I am simply not willing to play the number of runs it would take to achieve any useful scores in a single bot event unless I happen to have a max promotion in that squad (or close to it). So I will continue to avoid these events unless they adjust the scoring to account for only having 1 bot.


    What accessories become available in the token exchange for the new bot after you obtain him? Especially interested in what they cost.




    4th run.  Hound wasn’t more than 5 steps out of Astrotrain before Astrotrain flew over.  118 base score.  Rad…   Meanwhile, the leader has either recharged 4 times already, or has gotten 4 Unicron runs in a row.  So ridiculous.  The thing about the one bot events is it’s really easy to see the bots in the board.  There’re no “cheaters” other than Rovio.


    #1 and #2 in my group yesterday – neither of them were in the Bonus Squad!

    Why is everyone saying that this is a one bot event. I’m able to use two bots with this event.




    It really is a one bot + enercon event.

    Anyway, I just had a ridiculously lame Unicron run that ended prematurely (I think) because of a glitch. Although I had complained about some ridiculously lame Unicron runs previously that were due to terribly low scoring, they were still complete runs. What I experienced about an hour ago was a Unicron run in which the Astro Train arrives before I am even halfway through the run, and Unicron Pig’s life force bar remained on the screen even as the Astro Train is leaving. And the run only gave (approximately) 650 points before the bonus was applied. This is the first time I have encountered this probable glitch (lately), especially with this event. All of my previous Unicron runs that I’ve had lately (including previous Unicron runs in this event, specifically) have been complete runs.

    Has anyone else encountered this probable Unicron run glitch, lately, especially during this event?


    @deindiaan   I don’t think so. I am getting a two bot + Energonicon event like I always do whenever there is a new Transformer character available to unlock in the Token Exchange.

    If you guys are only able to use one bot with an Energonicon during this event then somebody at Rovio/Exient has screwed up majorly, which is probably why it was a good idea on my part for why I haven’t yet downloaded the latest hard update for the game.



    That’s bizarre.  I can only use one TF.

    Are you fully updated?

    I would say, don’t question it and just enjoy it while it lasts.

    @optimuspig   No, I’m not fully updated. I haven’t yet downloaded the latest hard update. This is why I say that what you guys are experiencing is just another Rovio screw up.

    I’ll post some screenshots as proof just in case some of you guys don’t believe me.



    I believe you, that’s not the point.

    I think that one TF is what’s supposed to be happening.

    It’s the fact that you’re not updated that’s allowing you to run with two of them, even though you’re not supposed to.

    I seem to recall at least one case in the past where a Hard update was released just before a new Event started, and the players who updated were playing a different Event from the ones that hadn’t.



    Dude they’re flying astrotrain as soon as I get out of astrotrain.  At least you got Unicron and some points out of it.  I’ve had 1 Unicron in the last 90 runs.  I haven’t had Boss Pig in 110 runs.  Game didn’t save today and I lost 6 runs.  How can the leaderboard update after runs and then when I reopen the game after golf it’s back to when I woke up?  That’s a bifurcated leaderboard and necessarily implies I’m not playing real people.  Their crappy, junky servers can’t handle a mmog and that’s blatantly obvious, not even considering all the crashes which would totally eliminate any continuity.  And now some players have a 2 bot event?  Do some have a 3 bot event?  I’m not annoyed anymore, I’m freaking mad now.  EVERYONE IN YOUR LEADERBOARD IS A NPC

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Halloween! – New Event!

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