Sazae Event Rankings

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Sazae Event Rankings

  • It is very frustrating to spend long hours and many gems to play these events, only to do poorly in rankings because of blatantly obvious cheating. These ‘top’ scores are impossible to achieve when playing by the rules! Can’t Rovio do anything about this???

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  • TomT

    @gemmoon4 So, what’s new?


    It’s not “new,” but it is simply getting more pathetic. Do these people cheat because it thrills them to see themselves as #1?! I play for the challenge, they play to make their sad little lives seem better… *sigh*


    There’s 3 reasons people cheat in games.

    1. To look like they’re skilled when they’re terrible at the game.

    2. To get the special items without putting any actual effort into it.

    3. To annoy the heck out of people. Yep there’s sick people out there who do that for fun.


    I was consistently in top 300-600 probably throughout all 10 days until the last 2 days where I actually played less than more, ha. Hope my final ranking is high 800-low 900, not a surprise change to over 1,000.

    At the beginning, I didn’t understand how top 200 leaderboard was quite ahead of me but realized that many must have used a good number of gems. I didn’t even know you could use 1 gem to get instant 3 ship energy until in the middle of that event!

    Wonder if that is a big factor? The sales during the event is pretty good… did I see something like 14 gems & 5 ship energy & 5000 coins for only $7.99? I’m sure some have no problems charging that to their credit cards, lol?

    * CalvinTy


    I personally loved this event this time as I was off on paternity leave and being kept awake at various stages it meant I could storm through loads of monster attacks. Although the ticket slot wins were rubbish I am happy to have got around the 745 mark at the end so now have the whole ship. The bonus about this is that I have the Matilda Special Mast so get two times the attack so happy days here. For the record I spend no cash doing this just hard work playing loads.


    I ended with rank 259 on Sazae Family event and got the ship, is awesome (well except the mast)! Sheep Hull and Bow does the work then my 2xBird masts do their job :)


    Well said, Partshade, well said! I just wish Rovio could/would DO something!


    @gemmoon4 Hmm… I am as frustrated as you, but I don’t think there is much Rovio can do, UNLESS they change the whole coding of the game, which is a lot of work,
    it’s not impossible, but a lot of work.

    The best they can do right now is to catch as many cheaters as they can, but you can’t catch every fish in the sea, and new fish is born everyday.

    What pisses me off the most is the slot. Rovio keeps adding junk items, what the hell is that about?


    @tomt They do that to keep you spending the same amount of gems while getting less OP gear. Hurts us but helps them just as much…


    @partshade I have realized that, and prizes from monster events are getting worse and worse, it’s not even worth my while to play in the events now.

    But hey, it gives me a reason to explore other games.


    I’m happy that I got my Sheep Ship Bow because it can help to replace my Grape Bow which I got from the previous Sazae family event but the slots are really terrible in my opinion.

    I just wish they didn’t add too many A items in special slots because it’s annoying. I spend 15 or 16 tickets and most of them ended up getting mostly A items and some S items. Since you can also get A items from the GG slot, it’s useless they put the A items in special slots. I know they add A items in special slots to make things fair for some players and encouraging the spending of gems but hoping they’ll reconsider the amount of A items though.

    Well, the more events they launch, the worse the prizes get.


    @kogurazul @tomt Well said. They are running out of ideas, and the prizes are getting worse and worse….. now, the Big Apple Ship is worthless for me, as long as I have Sheep Bow, Bomb Special Mast and Sheep Hull. There’s no reason why we need to collect these worthless items anymore……. Maybe if we send them ideas, this will might help them put better prizes on monster events.


    Deleted – sorry, posted in wrong wrong forum.


    Hey guys, we are continuously working hard to ensure the playing field is fair. Event prizes are only given out once the scores have been verified and any cheaters have been removed.


    A fair playing field is great, but a fair opportunity to improve my crew is what I would like to see. Based on what I have observed, the higher you get in Fight Points, the worse your outcome in the slots. My son just started playing and he’s gotten great ship parts in all 3 slots; free, monster, and premium. That is appreciated and does even the playing field and gives him a chance to compete in the events.

    That being said, the premium and monster slots are all but a worthless gamble for me. My last 20 gems roll got me a duplicate SS Blue Ice Figure and 3 A items. I cannot see spending $12.99US for 20 more gems and that’s a problem.

    In original versions of Fight I see on youtube, coins were used to buy items. Maybe a marketplace needs to be brought back, only this time with gems. Keep the slots, but allow me to purchase a specific SS item for something outrageous like 50, 75, or 100 gems. That would at least give me an opportunity to improve my crew, where as now it is nearly impossible. This is a great game, so give me the incentive to continue the grind or open up my wallet and make more gem purchases.




    As I mentioned it before, a fisherman cannot catch all the fish in the sea, just as Rovio can’t catch all the cheaters in the game. There is no way to absolutely deter cheaters UNLESS Rovio completely redesign the game’s structure.

    The cheaters that are caught are just low-level cheaters. They simply download widely available hacks on the internet.

    High-level cheaters will never share their hacks, and when you catch them, they just start over again and quickly rise to the top.

    Every company is profit driven, so I don’t blame Rovio for making it more difficult to get good items in the slot. It’s extremely annoying with all the extra crap items in the slot, which makes it harder for NEW players to obtain good items.

    I feel sorry for these new players. I was lucky to obtain the full set of SS items. When I fight people without panel-appearance items, they get ravaged. Sorry to say this, but I completely destroy them with my panel-appearance item.

    So…… to sum up.

    #1. forget about the cheaters, there is no way to get rid of them
    #2. Rovio should do something to help people without panel-appearance items, because these items are way way too powerful.



    It’s a relief to know that Rovio is trying to help in tuis situation. I also appreciate their monitoring of this forum!


    @tomt I completely agree with you about the Panel Increase items being OP beyond the stars and that something needs done.

    Back in the Red Master Cup AND the latest Matilda Master Cup, I got win streaks up to 13 (And I’m awful at match-3 games) because of my gold level panel increasers. Every opponent just got absolutely wasted because of the fact that they couldn’t make many moves due to the constant Sabotage’s.

    The only time I actually lost a fight was when I… You guessed it… Met an opponent with a panel increaser. It’s the only time I actually might be out-matched. Those offhands are just too powerful.


    @partshade My arena winning steak was 27 with Red. My pvp winning streak is over 50 with Red.

    My nemeses are poker cards and curry pot. Whenever I match with players using these two items, I go “oh fudge”! Because for some reason, maybe psychological, these two items trigger sabotages way more often than the perfume bottle or rock star glasses, or masquerade glasses.

    I hate poker cards and curry pot.


    @tomt Surprising that you said that because I have the exact problems with those items.

    What surprises me even more is that every game I play with Red compared to Matilda, I get many more sabotages with Red even though he has the Golden Hourglass while Matilda has the Christmas Glasses.

    Strange that the silver effect is better than the gold. O.o

    Netto JM

    @partshade @tomt I have all Golden Panel Increase items besides the ones for Chuck and Bomb, and with these 4 birds that a have the item, I can do more sabotages with Blues and Stella, and less with Matilda.

    And for me the most OP item is Rock Star Glasses, I have it and one time I got 60 wins in a row using only Red, his special give us so many points and make matchs a lot easier!

    Sorry my bad english.


    @netto-jm Again, I hate poker cards and curry pot, they are crazy. Rock Star Glasses is kind of crazy too, but you can’t do two sabotages consecutively, meaning, when the first sabotage erases all Red panels, and you trigger another right away, you get other birds sabotage because there is no Red panel on the screen.

    Again, I hate poker cards and curry pot.

    But you know, Rovio can’t just tune down these items. These items are what attract people to play the slot.


    @tomt @netto-jm I wouldn’t necessarily say that the panel increasers are the only reason people play the slot.

    The items in general are just good overall. People rely too much on the OP offhands (Me included), But the items that give boosts against win streaks or by matching panels of your specific birds are definitely worth playing for.

    There’s also the lab pig items which are not only helpful for the newest lab levels but they also provide the highest stats of all the slot items, which can be very helpful for the ship.

    There’s also the Sabotage blockers which can be super helpful in the arena.

    Obviously you already know all this but I’m just making a point. I just know that if the panel increasers we’re removed I would still spend all the gems I have on the slot.


    @partshade Ya I guess you are right. Some people like “cute” items, but for me, I don’t care how it looks. I’m more into practicality. Like the rock star glasses, they are uber oooogly, but I still use them because they got really good skill boost.

    There is no turning back now. Can you imagine if Rovio took out the panel increasing items? That would totally piss off a whole lot of people.


    @tomt Agreed. That would cause a public outrage. :P

    I….. Actually wouldn’t mind if they got removed though. Yeah I’m nuts.

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