Angry Birds Mighty Hoax 3 Star Walkthrough: Chapter 5 Levels 15 thru 21

Combined walkthrough video strategy guide for Angry Birds Mighty Hoax Chapter 5 levels 15 through 21. Note, these are our older Mighty Hoax walkthroughs, so comments are now closed. Visit the new walkthrough pages to comment and find/share alternate strategies.

Golden Egg #2 Alert!: Found in Level 5-19

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Comments (77)

By bob dupuy

I have achieved 3 stars on every level (1-11), except one.
5-16 is not impossible i know, but seems so for me. i have reviewed the
walkthrough many times, and duplicated it many times, but have received
only 100,050 points. could i be overlooking something?

By reck1111

I’m having the same problem on this level. I got 111100 points and I still can’t get 3 stars.

By Mojoreaper

I got 3 stars on 5-16 with 117590 it was all based on the number of things I crashed took me several times to get it though

By reck1111

I finally got the 3 stars. My score was 121,290.

By Todd

115140 got me 3 stars.
you have to use all four birds and destroy as much glass as you can.

By Lynda

I also have gotten 3 stars on everything but 5-16! I can only get 1 star on it and have cleared it with 2 bombs left.

By sherwin

i think you will receive 3 star in 5-16 by earning 11500+ points

Rank: Sling God with 37795 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

The min 3 star score for 5-16 is 113,000. Just click or tap “3-Star Scores” above for the min 3 star score for each level.

By Margrethe

Could you please point out for a newbee where the “3-Star Scores” is? Thanks – it is driving me crazy!

Rank: Sling God with 37795 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Every 3 star walkthrough page shows the minimum 3 star score, though sometimes they’re estimated (denoted by an *). On pages like this one where there is more than one walkthrough you have to click on the text “3-Star Scores” that appears in the yellow toolbar below the walkthrough video above. Once you do it will list out all the 3 star scores for the levels contained in this walkthrough. Also, you can view min 3 star scores for each level on the leaderboard. Bottom-line, we’ve got you covered more ways than one.

By Annette glatterer

Having the same problem. I finally looked at the walk through and after several attempts reached a score of 111690 and still did not receive 3 stars, ( have 2 of 3). Any suggestions? Maybe something wrong with program? Help!

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

If you check in the gold bar under the video, you can see how many points are required for 3-stars. You’re getting close. Keep at it!

By mseh

I am about to check into the looney bin. 5-16 is insane. 108,950 is the closest I’ve gotten. This may truly drive me insane.

By Annette glatterer

Finally got my third star with a score of 114460. Thanks for the encouragement and support. Now I just need to get last star on 5-6 and be done.
There’s a reason it’s called “angry” Birds.

By Annette glatterer

My mistake it’s 5-7 I need to complete. My high score is 85820. Still trying.

By The Trout Whisperer

I found you need to start at the top level and knock them down 1 at a time, leaving no remaining bombs unused. I got 116980 on my iPhone. Wish I had an iPad to try.

By Doc H2

The 3 star walkthrough on level 5-15 shows a method for getting 61180 points, but the High Score for that level is listed as 71480. That is quite a difference! Did the player use the same method to get the 71480 score? I’m struggling to get much over 68000. Are there other walkthroughs that would be useful?

By Loupar

Can’t get three stars at 5-20. It’s impossible for me.

By rana

Can’t get 3 stars on 5-20, either. I’ve put HOURS into it. I’m duplicating exactly what the walkthroughs are doing, but my birds aren’t doing what theirs do! 5-20 is all I need to get my 3 star egg for mighty hoax. GRRRR!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)

I just got 101060 on my android phone-it took so long!! I think the most important thing is to get a really good shot at the center ice blocks. If you can get at least 40k after the first shot, it seems to be much easier to get the score you need. It just takes practice, practice, and more practice (or a really lucky shot:)).

By A.J. (Adam)

level 5-20 is very hard, but just keep trying. I have 3 stars, and my record is 100240. Look at other walkthroughs for different ways of beating it.


I just cannot get three stars on 5-21 despite following the walkthrough. My Angry Birds game is on Android. Could this be my problem? It does seem to run slow. Top score so far is 174,620…

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)

I have 176100 on an android hero, which is pretty slow. Have you tried turning off the background? It seems to run a bit faster this way. Also, on this level, if you can get the first black bird to land and breakthrough the stones and land inside the first box with the pig, you can get a better score and most of the time, all of the pigs before the beach ball will pop. You can get at least 95k, if you time it right. It just takes a lot of practice. Your score is so close, you will probably get it soon.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By daekru92 (@daekru92)

I have the same problem. I tried what the walkthrough showed so many times, it just doesn’t work. The first yellow bird kills the pig on the second level of the far tower but never breaks through to the first level. I started doing it a different way, sending the black bird to the middle of the second tower, kills all pigs except for in the first tower. Then two well placed hits with two yellow birds takes everything else out with the two white birds left. Still can’t score higher than 174,220. I also have a droid. And am very frustrated.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By daekru92 (@daekru92)

HAHAHAHAHAH!!! Two tries after my post and I DID IT!!! 183,100 points!! But by using only two birds!!! Sweeeeeeeet.

By wanda

Did you do it using the method you described? I am going to try that one again. Congrats on the score:).

By Courtney

Ok so I have tried both ways and I can’t seem to get it. My high score is 168k. Any suggestions?

By Snarfii

On Google Chrome (don’t know if this is similar on other devices), the tall towers on level 5-21 are both shorter than shown in the walkthrough. This means less stone to break and therefore less points. Also, it’s nearly impossible to have the far right tower break through to the pig on the bottom level because the stones don’t fall far enough. Bottom line, with the lower towers, it’s numerically impossible to score 3 stars. Rovio, PLEASE FIX THIS! Arghhh!

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I have 3 stars on that level in Chrome…

By snarfii

What method did you use?

By Glynnette

My high score is 124,680 on level 5-16. I use a different method than shown here and I use all four birds. I start at the top of the rock piles and work my way down. I have tried other methods but this one works best and I get the best score this way.

By Mickey

My high score is slightly over 130,000. Has anybody topped this?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

You can figure that out by competing with us on the Leaderboards

By bakpak

ok I have 3 stars on 5-19 and they said the egg is under 1st rocket i have destroyed that rocket and still no egg? help please

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

The egg is ABOVE the rocket. Check our golden egg walkthroughs if you need more help.

Rank: Explosive with 2105 points
By nascarboy (@nascarboy)

I tried getting the roket to hit it.

By Marilyn

I scored 105,740 on level 5-16using 2 bombs.What more do I have to do to get 3 stars?

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)

you need at least 113000 points. It helps to use more bird bombs, because you get much more than 10k points if you destroy the stones.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By JessicaSantillo (@jessicasantillo)

For anyone having trouble with 5-21, almost duplicate this but BACKWARDS. use the bomb to blow up the right little building, then yellow to push the top part with the pig in it and the whole thing shold come crashing down and all pigs get destroyed. I did this with just 2 birds, bomb and yellow birds. My score was 179,660.

By cindilou13

After trying the walkthrough method off and on for 3 days I noticed your comment and tried it backwards. Got 3 stars/177,160 on the 5th try. TY!

By Melissa

In regards to 5-16, someone had mentioned to do what the video shows, only in reverse starting with the top and working your way down. I can’t tell you HOW many times I tried exactly what the video showed with no luck. As soon as I started at the top, I got it on the first try. This is the key!!

Rank: Master Slinger with 5510 points
By pianistrevor (@tnatiuk17piano)

Good. I admit the 5-16 is for advanced difficulty. I did it on my, like, 50th try.

By Melissa

Finally! My 10 year old told me what was missing in my attempt to get 3 stars on 5-16. It was the only one for which I didn’t have 3 stars. The birds kept dropping back or bouncing and, therefore, not pushing the rocks out enough. I couldn’t get past 108,000. The secret (to me) was that these birds explode. I couldn’t get past 108,000. Tap to explode and voila! 116,080!

By Terri

Did it Jessicas way and after million times of doing the way the video showed.. her way worked better for me. Got after 5 tries.

Rank: Out of this World with 2560 points
By polzoom (@polzoom)

131200 level 5-18 here is a link to photo If anybody’s interested i will post my method.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5655 points
By Angrybirdy0420 (@angrybirdy0420)

Level 5-20 is the hardest level ever!!! It is the only Mighty Hoax level I haven’t gotten 3 stars on.

By DominiquePutu

about 100 time i lready tried level 5-16 but i still don’t get the three stars. it’s the last level to get the total destruction on mighty hoax.

By andromeda

been trying level 5-11 for almost 3 days but can not get through.

By andromeda

I finally did level 5-21 in Jessica’s way. Thanks, Jess. My score is 186.590

By Mark

I’m running Angry Birds in the Chrome Browser on my PC. Level 5-21 is the only one I haven’t achieved three stars on. I watched this walkthrough only to find out that its Level 5-21 is different from the one on the PC Chrome version, with the two towers on the right structure missing one level each.

Does anybody know of a walkthrough or description of how to beat this version of this level? I’m having a hard time getting all the birds, let alone getting three stars.

By Mark

Oops! There’s only one tower on the right-hand structure. But it’s still only two levels tall as opposed to three levels tall in the walkthrough.

By Pharoh Rage

I haven’t been able either, I hope there’s someone who can give insight on how to 3 star level 5-21 on Chrome. My score 165180 Is it glitched because the board is not the same in the other versions.

By Mark

I cracked 170,000 recently and had really hoped that was the three-star threshold. No such luck.

By morvin

I finally got 3 stars on the Chrome version of level 5-21 – the one with the shorter towers. 175,000 appears to be the threshold. I got 175,480 by bombing the first tower, just below the little shelf until I got rid of all the pigs in the tower and to the right of it, including the beach ball. I kept doing this until I scored at least 90,000 points with the bomb only. I then used the yellow birds to break a few stones and get a few extra points and then I launch the white bomber in a high arc and detonated it just before it hit the ground immediately adjacent to the right tower. I did the same thing with the second white bomber, only this time I aimed it a bit further to the right. After about a thousand or more tries, I finally got the three stars. So it can be done, but it’s extremely difficult. Good Luck!

By Snarfii

Finally got 3 stars on Chrome 5-21 (A Mighty Hoax). Nearly impossible, but do-able (barely). You have to destroy nearly every stone, brick, wood block, beach ball and, of course, pig on the whole board. Here’s my method… I threw the bomb bird at the two vertical stone pillars closest to the slingshot, about halfway up. Click to explode the bird early just as it breaks the pillars. With practice, you should be able to break the pillars as well as the two stone bricks right behind the pillars. Do this well and you release an avalanche of destruction that breaks almost all the stone and wood in the first tower. If there’s a pig or two left over, don’t worry. I got 176k with the pig king and helmet pig left. I used the yellow birds to kill these two pigs and break more stones, resulting in a score of about 98,000. You must have OVER 95,000, with the right tower intact, before you start slinging white birds or you should just reset. So here’s my big hint – if you haven’t destroyed almost all the stones in the first tower with the bomb bird, just reset. You’ll save a lot of time in the end. Took me about 50 tries. Then I slung the first white bird at the bottom left of the far right tower, dropping an egg just before the tower and breaking through the two stone bricks to kill the pig and drop the top-left and bottom-left squares. Then a high, arcing toss with the second white bird to drop an egg at the upper-left corner of the lower-right square brought the rest of the tower down and killed the last pigs.

By Mark

Congratulations, morvin!

I was figuring that 175,000 must be the magic number because it has to be very difficult to get much higher than that.

Your method is pretty much what I keep going back to, so at least I’m on the right track. This isn’t the first level that requires everything to fall just right in order to get three stars, or a maximum score. It’s just the first one I haven’t cracked yet.

Thanks for the info. I’ll keep plugging away.

By Mark

Well, I’ll be darned. Using morvin’s method, I was able to score 177,880 on my third try. Three stars at last!

I had been using the yellow birds to break down the far tower, but it looks like that only made it impossible to get a really high score. Using them to break some of the debris from the near tower instead, then using the white birds as morvin described, did the trick. Thanks, morvin!

By Pharoh Rage

Finally got lucky and got 3 stars on chrome 5-21 with 1 bird remaining final score 184510

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)

Seems I have forgotten how challenging some of these levels in can be:( can’t seem to make average on many of the late ones. Any hnts on 5-17. How yo get the leftmost bottom pig?ty for help:)

By Mark

It doesn’t seem possible to hit that pig directly. However, once you’ve removed most of the stuff above the pig, you can eliminate it by launching as close to straight up as possible. When the bird comes down, it should take out the wood over the pig (the “roof,” if you will), allowing some of the stuff above to fall down and smush it.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)

Ty I managed almost 16000:) good advice

Rank: Champion with 3295 points
By Laurence (@laurence)

I know, some of these levels are really hard! I’ve played through them all on iPhone, then Chrome, then PC, and I’m sure they got harder each time! I just hope I don’t get to Android, cos then I won’t even be able to pass them let alone 3 star them :)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)

Hmmmm. I am using android, is it reaaly harder?,

Rank: Champion with 3295 points
By Laurence (@laurence)

No, all devices are the same, its just a personal feeling, probably more to do with frustration than anything else!

By Snarfii

Not entirely true… on Google Chrome, level 5-21 is missing a level of the tall stone towers on the left and right, making it all but impossible to get 3 stars. Morvin managed it but that’s the first I’ve ever heard. I’ve broken 170,000 but even that’s nearly impossible. Probably just a bug from Rovio that hasn’t gotten fixed yet.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

We consider Chrome completely separate from the normal app.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)

So do players with chrome score higher? If so how does that affect the leaderboards?ty for help:)

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Sometimes, sometimes the opposite.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)

It doesnt seem fair if they have a chance to score higher and post it so some of us have no chance at achieving the high score, I’m confused as usual ssry.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

The levels don’t vary too much. We plan to create a separate Chrome leaderboard at some point.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)

Oh ok ty:) btw I still can’t check my pts when I touch my avatar or my delicious watermelon it still keeps refreshing the page.ty for help:)

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I’ll let BirdLeader know, but when I tap the avatar on iPhone it displays correctly. Only when I click the rank logo do I get rerouted to the Badges/Ranks page.

Alternatively, you can click your username to go to your profile and tap the watermelon on the profile page.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Sorry, again tap your avatar, NOT the watermelon

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)

Ok ty:)

By Mark

I don’t think it’s a bug–it’s just a very hard level that has to be played in just the right way. I was almost there, but I was using the yellow birds incorrectly. It took morvin’s description for me to get over the top; that was one of the few ways of playing I hadn’t tried before.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)

5-21. 184370 using Jessicas method. On android ty ev1 for help:) and gl

Rank: Flinger with 50 points
By fo0bar (@fo0bar)


Managed 175840 at 5-21 on Chrome. Took me just about 1k tries to get above the 175k 3 star barrier (after reaching ~173k 500 tries before). Since I had reached ~173k I never even made it close again to 170k. And finally 175k.

My work is done, the world can end now. Photoproof

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