Galvatron Targeting Issue

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Galvatron Targeting Issue

  • Galvatron (both basic and energon versions) is generally very accurate – for example he can shoot missiles down in a single shot – however I’ve noticed that sometimes he has problems hitting inanimate objects such as glass, wood, or bricks.

    Even though I’m sure the his laser beam was targeted properly, it seems to pass straight through the object without causing any damage.

    On many occasions I’ve even hit dynamite crates to no effect whatsoever.

    Anyone else notice anything like this?

    Is it Galvatron-specific, or am I just noticing it more because of the way his weapon works?

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  • cheeky

    this happened to me too, i kept having my game crash constantly on an energon galvatron level (resetting my health to full, thank god for that) and my laser doing absolutely nothing!


    I’ve noticed that even “buddy” Galvatron experiences targeting issues. If anything, you’d expect the computer-controlled version to be super accurate.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Galvatron Targeting Issue

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