Bird levels in AB2

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Bird levels in AB2

  • Hello everyone, I tried to find explanation on Forum and Nest’s posts but I couldn’t find it, I need explanation on how birds level up in game. I noticed in Arena that there different star levels, feather levels and also different frames.
    What does frame colour mean? How many different frames we can get? What are requirements for leveling up from one level to next level, what are total reqirements for leveling up from level one to max?
    Does anyone make calculation on how many feathers are required to progress and level up bird from start to maximum?

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  • RedYoshi45

    Birds level up by collecting enough feathers of the respective colour (red for Red, yellow for Chuck etc.). The frame colour shows what bird level you currently have. Starting at vanilla (1), going on to bronze, silver, gold, azure, emerald, amethyst, diamond and finally elder bronze at 9 (scheduled to continue up to elder diamond which would be 15). That’s what we have so far.
    From level 1 to 2, it takes 100.
    From level 2 to 3, it takes 250.
    From level 3 to 4, it takes 550.
    From level 4 to 5, it takes 950.
    From level 5 to 6, it takes 1400.
    Can’t say further because my birds haven’t levelled up beyond 5 yet.


    Thanks @smwforever45. I have just one more question, when we level up bird with silver frame to max level, do we get gold frame for bird level one? I am sorry for my terrible English, hope you understand me…Honestly, I couldn’t explain what i mean better in my naitive language.


    A bird with a silver frame is level 3 and level 3 only. Once you get to level 4, the bird will have a golden frame. When you get to level 5 it will get an azure frame. And so on.


    Thanks @smwforever45, finally I got it. I have azure frame then, I thought it is silver, to be honest colour is not greyish (like silver) but it is far from azzure blue.


    This is an older screenshot of mine but it shows what azure level birds look like:

    Red, Bomb and Silver are azure rank here.


    Thanks again, you explained perfectly and I understand it now. What was confusing is that I thought my birds are level 5 with silver feathers and I saw many players with golden frame – level 4. So I thought I have to progress to gold and level up all birds from 1 to 9 each time for each frame.


    Don’t worry, it’s not THAT hard :) The feathers’ colours don’t change with better ranks.


    Any body remember how many feather for level 7 and 8 ?


    It was 1600 to get to level 7 and 1800 to get to level 8 if I remember correctly.

    Angry Beaver

    1900 to level 9 and 2100 to level 10 and 2300 to level 11

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Bird levels in AB2

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