The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3186
  • No, 1997 is bang on and you have the correct album about 5 posts back. Mojo don't always go for the obvious but you would be a better judge than me regarding that. You just need to link my comment to a song title somehow. There is a single word that is the trigger. That's yer lot.
  • Think someone mentioned continuity well "whoever said it" two for you on a post on previous page.
    Cut off at low tide
    10000 x 2 = 20000
  • Just seeing if you are awake @ixan57. Ok, I hold my hands up about the tide comment, although it works from a fish's point of view.

    The step calculation is correct. Twiggy gets x2 for double the legs and at least x5 for length of leg. I should have known that to get full marks I would have to show all my workings.

    Poor girl has clocked up 3 million steps in the last 3 weeks.
  • Top marks @DesperateDan on your math. I hope to see you and Twiggy explain the figures to the dragons in the next next series of dragons den with a doggy pedometer and app.
    PS if it works out i want a cut of the profit, pints of lager will be acceptable
  • Well of course, we do have dragons in Wales. I have seen evidence - large footprints, smouldering trees and the like.

    The pedometer would be crazy. She runs backwards and forwards and off to the side (all off lead) and I haven't even factored that in.
  • 40k gap to asher. He pulled 1k back today on the Challenge, could have been worse. I'm really struggling with it, never really got on with Red's Mighty Feathers. Before today, this level was one of only 6 (out of 699) where I was in worse than 100th place. Now crawled up to 62nd but painful.
  • I guess they're difficult to record on a loop.Anyway I'm getting bored with your Q @desperatedan .Must be a track from Levitate, you use the word disguised in your post so I'm going for Masquerade.That's yer lot.
  • Here's one from the glorious Brix era...
  • You're going to stay up till 3.00 am trying to beat my score aren't you Dan?
  • I know I'm the only person here who likes the high pitched one but you have to admit this is a beautiful song.
  • Masquerade is correct. That was painful. Good song though.
  • I admit nothing.
  • Black saucers at the back of your neck-uh.Did you notice he went all Elvis Presley at one point?MES that is not Higgsy.
  • I'm vapour in your love..that song blows my head open bit like the video.
  • Think India might win this one.So lucky to win the toss and bat first.
  • Wordle streak at 503. Apparently about 20% of all the 5 letter words have been used, given that they don't use the plurals of 4 letter words (although you can guess them), naughty words, non PC words and archaic words.
  • 25k behind asher. I swear I never want to touch this game for a month if I reach that total, it's doing my head in. 7 miles on beach with Twiggy to recharge - it's a very big beach.
  • 881 points behind.
  • My bottle of Merlot contains egg and milk, apparently. Is that a thing?
  • 531 points behind.
    This is excruciating,
  • Dan Dan a desperate man
  • Can't buy a point.
  • If I can buy me a point, I'll buy you a pint @ixan57.
  • Come on Dan I am rooting for you.
  • Come on @desperatedan,stop dragging it out.I want to crack open a Merlot or an egg.Are you worried if you pass Asher's mark it'll set off alarms in his underground bunker?
  • Burned out mate. Was doing yesterday's Challenge instead. Fancied another runt.
  • Got the runt (Market Mayhem 5). Got the trophy off @asher in fact. Cunning distraction tactics.
  • 179 points behind.
  • Doh, thought I'd staggered over the line but had entered score on wrong level. Still can't buy a point, it seems.
  • Wow! 219 points ahead. I can't believe it. Could be very temporary as I am sure @asher is trying to improve in today's Jurassic Pork Challenge.

    Quick, drink that Champagne.
  • Well done Dan Dan the happy man
  • Dan, take a screenshot of that scoreboard! Incredible job!!! Ah, the satisfaction of setting a goal then actually achieving it. The BP is so glad you are a member.
  • Thank goodness for that. Omelettes all round. I am literally just about to crack open a Merlot( no eggs or milk). Well done @desperatedan...
  • See those miserable whingebags in Plymouth griping about the inconvenience of having to leave their houses due to a WWII uxb? Yeah must've been tough being housed in a hotel and spending a night in a pub at someone else's expense. Try living in Ukraine you turds.
  • Good news, the wife is no longer between jobs which means on those skivy wind/rain/ice/snow/uxb days(did I ever mention cleaning windows during a bomb scare evacuation type situation?) Anyway on such days I won't have to listen to permatanned Cor Blimey Cockerneys whose teeth look like they've been irradiated and whose parents couldn't even spell Ryland on the birth certificate (I won't say who it is I'm talking about, that would be rude) chattering in a gaylord manner about how they like everything from coconut yoghurt to colonic irrigation.
    If on the other hand Victor Meldrew hosted This Morning I'd watch it.
  • I often wonder if the kid in this video grew up to be a twisted serial killer.
  • Well done, Dan!
    Champagne on me
  • On a totally unrelated subject (although trying to win) our local has started a Quiz Night
    Swap your papers for another team to mark
    They docked us points for spelling Aleisha Dixon’s name wrong, saying John Lennon and the Plastic Ono Band, when it was just him, missing out ‘Oh’ in Its oh so quiet!
    And not getting Hamza’s surname (the photographer who won Strictly)
    We didn’t win, but we beat them
    Can’t understand why people are so mean, when is it supposed to be a friendly night out
    Rant over
  • Would never have been like that in the Pineapple.

    Thank you all for your kind words. Obviously Classics has helped but removing those scores still puts me second, well clear of @steviep147. @asher is a star act and I owe a load to his strategies, as well as the many videos by @comex666 and the good Doctor. Even the @kathy whine played its small part.
  • Pub quizzers can be brutal @hunnybunny no such thing as a quiet pint for them.

    Dan you'll forever be looking over your shoulder wondering if Asher will ever put Classic(archaic version) scores in.
  • He doesn't need to resort to Classics. I think if he played outside the Challenges in Angry Birds (which he doesn't), I think he could keep his nose in front. I have about 20 JP levels untapped but l feel totally burned out.
  • Remember me whinging (seem to be doing that a lot tonight) about Rovio cloud system robbing me of glitchy pleasures re Pig Days? Course you do it's unforgettable drama, anyways just downloaded Eggsnatchers v and lo and behold I can access all the cloud based levels(jumps in the air and kicks heels - no more whinging tonight.
  • Sorry Dan missed your post and a bracket. Yes I do think he's a cut above. I'm amazed at his Seasons scores and even if I went ' nuclear' I don't think I could beat him. Having a go at the DC and ABO has been ok today but I think to get the best out of JP you need to give each level time. I find I get a series of average scores then suddenly one flies.Bit like Seasons really.
  • @BrianN tell me more of this secret eggsnatcher v
    Is it on a android tablet or PC and how do you download?
  • Hi @ixan57 are you being sarcastic?Surely not that would be totally out of character.
    You don't need PC but i find it a lot easier to down load using an emulator like Bluestacks.Just go to App Store like Uptodown key in ABS and you'll get an option to go to older versions(in the case of Eggsnatchers 5.3.1)
    Same process if you want to download straight to android device but if you already have ABS it will remove any progress you have unless you know how to back it up.

    Interesting fact about 5.3.1 is a glitch on Ham Dunk 4-15 that only appears on this version(mentioned on walkthrough page).Potential 0 birder but definitely gives higher 1 bird scores.Hope that helps.
  • I've no idea why the cloud allowed me to access older levels on this version when it wouldn't in On Finn Ice or Ham Dunk.
  • The Bunnyman and I had the best time in bed, last night: watching The Commitments!
  • Another runt this morning. Can't get to today's Challenge as I can't get any mighty eagles in Rio.
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