The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2853
    @bernersenn looks like the doggies are having a great time :)
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp???
    Gumbycrownthreif!! 8~
  • I gotta eat bbiab
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡♡
  • Hello guys,
    Good afternoon.

    @gumby the doggies do have a great time, as we do as well
  • Hey Everyone n
    My daughter is again participating in The Walk to End Alzheimer's
    Thank you to those who gave generously last year, and again it's not expected, i just thought I'd share if anyone is interested in helping her out,

    "This year I am participating in the Walk to End Alzheimer's. Please help me raise money by following this link:"

    Thank you for your support!
  • Darn the link didn't work , Why? Kk I fixedfeed it,, but she had it called Jessica's Donation Page" I couldn't make it work that way.. but whatever, she's a smarter cookie than her Mother lol!!
  • @Gumby Waaassssuupppp????
    Bbbiaf gotta eat...
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡♡
    Hope your recovering and feeling better and stronger each day ♡
  • @bernersenn Gorgeous pix!!!

    @kathy It's a train, not a bus!

    @abcrazy Happy birthday!

    Angry Birds & Mighty Eagle:
  • Hello guys,

    @tompuss it is almost over for us here. This Saturday we will travel home.

    @kathy I appreciate all the work that you, your daughter and all these other people are doing for this amazing good goal. Over here we have also lots of initiatives in that direction, and many more. What I always am wondering about is why our governments not spent more money in this kind of researches. It would at the end bring much more benefits as many other useless things they spent money on nowadays. And, it would relieve lots of people. Not only the people who suffer, but also the people around them.

    Have a nice day
  • @kathy WASSSUUUPPP
    @bernersenn ya the worst part of vacation- going home
    @tompuss wheres those drinks at :P
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp???
  • @Tompuss .. huh?
    @Bernersenn told me it was a bus?
    What kind of of train? If it's a commuter train (as in I think you call it Metro) like inter-city Our commuter rails don't allow Dogs either I don't think? do they @Gumby?
  • Thank you for the kind words about my daughter @Bernersenn I am very proud of her for All the things she does, she went through some really , really tough times but she pulled through, she works hard and hours Above and Beyond to Help others.
    The Alzheimer's is a personal thing as her Nana (my Mom) suffered and passed away due to that sad disease. I wish i could walk with her, but alas.. old age and not such great uhmm shall we say 'fitness' prevents me from that.. And of course work 40 hours a week and Ahh crap. who am i kidding..I'm to Old hahaha!

    Also agree about the Govt (Taxpayer funded gov't) that give so much money to useless research, i mean some of the research they (read 'We') fund is really ridiculous!! ahhh *sigh* don't get me i could be the Princess for Life if I start talking Govt. stuff..
    that's why No politics allowed ..
  • @kathy I think only service animals are allowed, but I could be wrong.
  • That's what i think to @a Gumby..
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡
  • Good morning guys,

    Clearing up something:
    @Kathy I posted pictures from the dogs in a bus, about 2 weeks ago. The last picture shows the dogs in a train. It was the regular train from Interlaken to Grindelwald.
    And they are allowed here almost everywhere. Bus, train, boat. On the leash, and.. important for dutch people (haha) - they travel for free!

    And... I will certainly not talk about politics. Let me put it this way: there should be more public money available for research on nasty diseases like braindiseases, cancer, etc
  • @kathy Tons of congrats to your sister for what she's doing. . . What a terrible thing Alzheimer's is, I had a lovely friend who went from it. She was a great musician, and her husband kept music playing all day, every day, it kept her calm and happy in the final phase.

    You can see a pic of Grindelwald station, where @bernersenn was, here:

    Where I live, you can only take small animals on commuter trains, they have to be carried in a little cage or bag.

    Ugh, government research. . . and funding cuts for important things, enough said. .
    Here, general practioners are an endangered species, they're giving up in despair.

    @bernersenn Oh, the vacation's over so soon?

    I think I need one of those Blue Mongos of yours, Princess!
  • Oohh Theo my mix up on the pictures between bus and Train, no worries, over here No Dogs allowed anywhere, train bus,, no public transportation for them At all!! And they always have to be leashed, unless they are in their own private fenced in yard/property.
    Even at the Dog Park, they must be on a leash, lest they fight with the other dogs, :(

    Thanks @Tompuss,, but not my sister,, my daughter :D I'm very proud of her! she's got a big heart and a beautiful soul! I'm sorry about you friend, but what a wonderful man her husband, to play her music and keep her calm, true love !
    Thanks for the pics of the station also, my what a beautiful view!! i wonder if all those commuters take time to appreciate that view, or take it for granted in their day to day shuffle..

    @bernersenn Nooo Worries about the political/economy waste of taxpayer money talk, I was meaning Me shouldn't be started to talk of it, because it's a thorn in my side and once i get started I'll just go on and on and on.. it appalls me how much money the government (you say public money ,@bernersenn ,I say working people , taxpayer money ) after all the government has NO money unless they take it from the working people ) wastes unnecessarily and on the stupidest things! (see, one mention of it and I'm already going on a rant!) stopping now lol!!
  • OB Would you be a dear and next time @Tompuss pops in, give her as many Blue Mongos as she would like.. don't worry if she needs to get home, I'll poof her safely home to her snuggie bed and pillows..
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡♡
  • @kathy Oops sorry for the confusion. Thanks so much for the offer of Blue Mongos from the Princess' Special Reserve, what an honor!

    Song for sleeping: "Good night Moon":
  • No worries @Tompuss Lol I'm easily confused!!
    and of course i would Treat you to my special Reserve my dear friend, after all the beautiful videos you provide for my peaceful sleep , and for all the videos you provide that leave me in absolute stitches of laughter!! those funny animals ones
    But @bernersenn got me laughing hard with the pictures of 2 Bernese mountain dogs on a bus!! that's tops!! and the story of Daika making friends with the young kids and slobbering them with kisses ,, oh the picture in my mind is worth a thousand videos lol!!
    Bus.. Train.. same thing lol..
  • Thanks @kathy @bernersenn @tompuss. 5 decades & still kicking! Not much flinging going on for me lately. I left teaching to return to a job in a group I worked with before. My son graduated HS & already started college this summer. Life goes on. Cheers!
  • @bernersenn I love the pics of your dogs. Close friends and neighbor of us now have 4 berners. Katie is 'my baby', always has been since she was a fluffy puppy. She literally greets me with happy dance wiggles and grunts. Today we were 'singing' together. Good thing no one else was nearby to hear.
  • @ABCrazy Sooo nice to see you!! Surprised to hear you've left teaching, And you son Graduated!! wow How time flies!! Hope you in a happy place joining the previous group ?
    and hope you had a wonderful birthday!!
  • Hi @kathy I got an offer with a 50% pay raise. At about the same time college payments were about to come in. Not a hard choice. Yes, I'm very happy! My birthday was also good. I'll try to milk this one for a while longer.
  • Woot @ABCrazy ya That's what awesome offer!! good for you!! that's what ya get for being a Rocket scientist lol.. or somewhat lol!! Milk that as long as you can!! things are getting better day by day..
  • Thanks @kathy this community has been a great source of comfort over the years. It's amazing how so many people from across the world can come together, share a common past time and get to know each other in ways a popular game never thought possible. I'm always happy when I get notifications from the nest even if I can't respond immediately. (((Hugs))) to all.
  • You got that right @ABCrazy It's Amazing how a simple game and a website to support it can bring so many people from different cultures together.. if only the Whole World could unite through the birds and the Nest!!
    It's past my bedtime even for a Saturday.. please x pop in more often!! ((((((Hugs)))))
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡
  • ahhh Wth it's Saturday Night!! OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion !! Thanks !
  • Good morning guys,

    @abcrazy I can imagine the scene where you and "Katie" are having fun. Four Berneses, wow! We would have that amount of dogs, but couldn't travel anymore. No place where you are welcome with four dogs.

    @kathy I am glad you enjoyed the dog stories. The one with Daika and those teenagers was really great.

    Have a nice day guys
  • About 5 decades... next month I may take another decade on my shoulder. Time flies. I already joined the Nest for more than 5 years ago. 5 years
  • 6 Years for me @Bernersenn , i think i joined August , 2011 The Nest was 1 Year old when i found it!
    OB is very quiet in here,, Drinks on the House for the first Flingers today that pop in!
    I'll have a Blue Mongo please with a Shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion thank you..
  • HeeeHee I couldn't resist, it's been a long time!
  • @kathy EEEEEKKS its the return of the microphone of death.
  • Mwaaaauuhhaaaahhaa @Gumby !! Gotcha ;)
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
  • @bernersenn They travel a lot, in a motor home. No other way, even here. We have 3 dogs at this point, and we also travel with them a lot. But we too bring our own home. I don't think more than one or two dogs are welcomed anywhere otherwise.
  • Nighty night @ABCrazy ;) I'm happy your back. i just can't stay awake like i used to.. sleepy..
  • Hey everyone..
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion..
    I have some not so good news OB, not sure how much longer we'll be able to keep this place open..Read Here
    @ABCrazy hope ya slept well last night after Katy scared the poo out of everybody with that microphone of death LOL
  • @Gumby Waaassssuupppp???
    Lol @ABCrazy doesn't scare easily, she's a teacher from Texas!! gotta be a tough cookie for that!
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡♡
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