The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2854
  • @kathy Of course the Nest and the BP will stay open - where else can one find such intelligent conversation? Or Blue Mongos? ABN for ever!!!!
  • @kathy Oops sorry, I pinched your page-changer spot-:)
  • That's ok @Tompuss ;)

    anyone on Twitter , I tweeted the link to Rovio Rep in the Nest forum last page (the link i posted yesterday, with the caption "Rovio leaves thousands of Loyal Angry Birds Fans in the dust "
    Please retweet !!
    @mvnla2 ¿ maybe you could mention Peter Vestekaba
  • @kathy -- Peter Vesterbacka no longer works at Rovio. I added my 2 cents to the forum.
    I agree with @TomPuss -- I think ABN will stay open. There are still updates to AB Friends and the Mighty League part of ABO, which has one or 2 new levels every day.
  • Ohh Kk Thanks @mvnla2 ;)
    I hope your right about the Nest :/
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡
  • @Jlz-666 I wanted to to wake up with Happy Birthday wishes, to know I'm thinking of you and Wishing you the Best Birthday Ever!! Hopefully you have the day off an hubby treats you to all your birthday wishes come true!
    I'll be at work, but I'll try to pop in and join the party ! (
  • Thank you @kathy and @tompuss!
    @kathy I'm afraid I'm at work today. Started early and will be finishing late. The perils of being self employed when you want to take a vacation. We leave for Florence on Sat afternoon and I cannot wait!
    @tompuss What a fabulous frock!! I love it! Haven't got time ATM to check out the birthday ditty.
    Sorry but I've gotta run. Many thanks again. X
  • @jlz666 work or not. happy birthday anyway, enjoy your day
  • @JLZ666 Happy Birthday!!! Trip to Florence sounds like a fabulous celebration!
  • Happy Happy Birthday @jlz666!
    Sorry that you have to work, but nice that you're treating yourself to an amazing vacation.
  • Thank you @bernersenn Home now thank goodness!
    @rdnzlrips82 Happy Birthday to you also!
    Yeppers @catsnbirds I'm super excited! Love Italy!
    @karen68 thank you! Hope all is well XX
    @all drinks on me tonight. Open your nicest bottle of red for me and Ripsy please.
    Cheers everyone!
    Hubby making dinner so going to plonk myself on sofa with a large glass and open some more cards and pressies :D
  • Wow, oops.
    @jlz666 thanks for bringing this up.
    @rdnzlrips82 happy birthday to you as well. Have a nice day
  • Awww man So sorry @rdnzlrios82 !! I don't have a banner for you!!
    Happy Happy Birthday!! I was so concentrating on not missing @jlz-666 birthday , I always forget you guys have the same b'day!! it won't happen again,, i promise , and I'll search @ E-star storage area more thoroughly ! ( honestly i hope she doesn't pop in and peek down there, she'll kill me!) *makes a mental note, to get down there and straighten out the mess I've made*
    @jlz-666 HAPPY BIRTHDAY and after you have the dress will the girl be available :P
    @rdnzlrips82 enjoy your Birthday as well :)
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp!!
  • @rdnzlrips82 @Jlz666 -- Happy Birdday! Good to see that you still pop in at least as often as I do. : D
  • @kathy -- I've got to confess that the real reason I popped in is to make sure you know that there is a new episode in ABO!! Yea! Yea!
    While you're playing it, you might check out the mighty league, which has different levels every day. They changed it when the new episode was released, so no verdict from me yet, but the old league was fun because it had 2 totally new levels every day. Not sure they are doing that anymore.
    At the very least, Rovio is catering more to people, like me, who want "new" levels / competitions, as opposed to those that are trying to make it to the top of the leaderboard in old levels.
    So I would definitely recommend AB Friends, which you can download. It has new tournaments twice each week, and now a special competition that you can play every 4? hrs (max accumulation 3). If you have a reasonable number of Facebook friends (which I do on my gaming only FB account), you don't need to spend any money to progress to higher levels.
  • @bernersenn -- I lost my Mighty Eagle with the latest ABO update. Any suggestions? I suppose I will contact Rovio, which I haven't done for years.
  • It's no biggie, @Kathy. I don't really pop in enough to warrant a big affair. I have slipped to the corners of a busy life.
  • @gumby Waassssuuuppp! We've got a freaking big storm looking to dump several feet of water on us for the next few days. How cool is that! Ahhhhhh..... Life on the gulf coast.
  • Hi @mvnla2 @rdnzlrips82 Long time no see. :-)
  • @Mvnla2 Thanks!! I will check those out!! I saw the new ABO level and tried it..
    I never knew what the Mighty league was all about, but it sounds interesting! I've been playing the Pig Challenge , which is what started this whole conversation with wingmanjuan, because I've almost completed or and asked if therev would be an update! He led us to believe there would be No more updates in any of the original slingshot episodes! so i was happy to see a new ABO update.
    I'll have to learn more about Ab freinds and how much interaction you need with FB,, I'm not a big FB fan or user. but thanks for the suggestions!
    As always I'm so happy to see you pop in :D
  • Awww Ripsy your to nice..I should have at least searched for your banner! after all without you we wouldn't have this awesome pub! Not many folks pop in to often these days,, but often enough that their stools still have their butt imprints!! lol!!
    This is the place 'Where every one knows your name, and we're always glad you came' :D
  • @ABCrazy What a pleasure!! Happy you could pop in! I heard about the Storms coming your way, stay safe and on high ground!
    OB drinks on my tab!!
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡
  • Good morning guys.

    @mvnla2 I contacted the other admins about your Eagle issue. Will come back on it.

    Have a nice day guys
  • Guys,

    Uploaded two videos of our dogs to YouTube:

  • @bernersenn Wet dogs! What a joy! ❤
    @jlz-666 thanks I hope she's not a psycho thou. Nice girls are hard to find ( they are all taken ) LOL
    @ABCrazy the last time a big hurricane came thru here I fired up the grill and made chicken wings and beer while me and my friends watched trees falling everywhere ( not recommended to try this )
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp???
    Oh my i can't catch up now I'm on my tiny phone! will catch up soon..
  • @gumby We survived Ike, we'll survive this. The generator fired right up, we've got 30+ gallons each of gas & fresh water, plenty of food. So far it hasn't been too bad for us, we are on the ragged edge of it. Mostly gusty winds & rain with the occasional tornado warning. No flooding yet. My friends down the coast southwest of us are hanging in there so far... Haven't lost internet yet at least. The bigger concern for us will be where it goes over the next few days. They are predicting 35 - 40+ inches of rain (yes that is 3-4 Feet of water) for our area over the next 4ish days. Hoping for the best.
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡

    I'll catch up tomorrow
    @JLZ-666 have A wonderful Trip!! Enjoy vacation Arrivederci!!
    @ABCrazy maybe time to think about a boat? Thats a lot of water.
  • @Gumby Wwwaaassssuuuppp???
    @ABCrazy hope your doing ok?
    @jlz-666 hope your having a grand time in Italy!! pics please??
  • @kathy @gumby we are fine so far. Thanks for asking. We have been lucky with the rain band pattern so far. We had some heavy wind and rain, but also some fairly long breaks which help let things drain. Tonight will be another crazy one with more heavy rains and tornado warnings. The storm has essentially stalled in place so it is just churning away even though the winds are not as strong, it is still sucking in moisture from the gulf. As far as we know this weather will stick around until at least the middle of next week. It's unnerving, but we are far from the worst of the damage.
  • Good to hear your ok so far @ABCrazy, I've been watching the weather from there,lots of places look bad ! Hopefully it moves in outta there soon
  • Thanks @kathy That's the thing. It will not move out of here soon. This afternoon was a nice break, but this is only the beginning. We are as ready as we can be for the long haul.
  • Wish you Saftey and some luck @ABCrazy , I'm sure your prepared,, is not like your first time , you'll be fine.. keep in touch though as much as you can,.. Nice after party huh? Mother Nature wanted to throw you a Wild party for you Birdday!!
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