The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2855
  • Thanks again @kathy. Yes, done this a bunch of times, but it's never easy knowing things could just be gone tomorrow. It is what it is, and we are part of an awesome community. The eclipse was my awesome after party!
  • Whoop! Hurricane page changing!
  • Nice!!! page change @ABCrazy!!
    Yep you can't beat a Total Eclipse of the Sun for an After party!!
  • Hurricane party is a Texas gulf coast tradition (I'm ignoring how ill-advised it is since the strongest winds are now gone). Hello BP! Drinks are on me as long as wi-fi and cell are still available. Both Comcast and vzw have opened/unlimited data in our storm affected area. That's reason enough to party. OB are my 4th of July fireworks still stashed in the back?
  • Woot!! @ABCrazy!!
    OB l have a Blue Mongo with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion please!!
    @Gumby @Knichy come join the party!! I believe our friends across the pond are sound asleep atm..
    it is early but my eyes are heavy also, I'll try to stay awake for some fireworks though :D
  • I've been watching that @ABCrazy although i don't know exactly where you are in relation
    If you gotta duck, stop drop and roll whatever, x just be safe!!
  • Ooohhhh!!! Ahhhhhhh !! :D
  • Those are my favorite!!b the sizzley ones:)
  • @kathy I'm the blue dot to the right of that belt of red & yellow moving in our direction. That is A line of strong thunderstorms similar to what we have been looking at since Thurs and expect to keep seeing until next Thurs. It comes with flash flood and tornado warnings. The screeching noise warnings come so often we are starting to ignore them. The (big) grey overlayed ghost balls indicate the predicted area where the storm could go over the next few days - normally that would track northeast, in this case, who knows?
  • oopsy started dozing off there for a minute..
  • Oohh I see the blue dot. That's pretty close @ABCrazy . yikes!
  • Sorry if i disappear. my eyes are Having a tough time staying open lol.
  • Ooohh!! Ahhhh!!! That woke me up lol!!! heehee :D
  • Woooot!! Ooohh ahhhh lol!! ;)
  • OB a round of drinks on me. Cheers everyone! See you on the other side of the red line.
  • Gotta get some sleep

    Thanks fr the show @ABCrazy. be safe!
    Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡
  • That was a long night. We are still dry for now, but many many many around us are not. Please keep us in your thoughts. This will not end any time soon. I'll try to check in again when I can.
  • @abcrazy hope you are still dry, safe, and partying...
  • Thanks @hunnybunny we are. We are very fortunate to have one of the higher houses in the neighborhood so we are ok for now. Many houses are flooded though. The whole city is a mess, and this is a huge city. The storm is not moving much, so we may have a few more days to deal with this. I appreciate your thoughts.
  • Sorry i haven't been around all day, I was up ag hospital, BP high woke up With a bloody nose !Happy to hear your still safe @ABCrazy , My prayers are with you all down there.
    @ABCrazy dry is good, hope all is well
    @hunnybunny was sup my long eared friend
  • Hi and bye @abcrazy @kathy @gumby
    Glad you are all safe and well, if not having the best of times.
    See you tomorrow xx

    PS no puppy for me, don't think I've flung Mirror World before. But the joy of flinging right handed!!
  • @gumby Waassssupppp
    hi @HunnyBunny :D
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡
  • Thinking of you @abcrazy, fingers crossed. . .

    @kathy @all Hope this lovely version of "Across the Universe" will help you sleep:

  • @tompuss, @kathy, @hunnybunny, @gumby thanks again for keeping me in mind. We are still ok. The rain keeps coming, the streets and homes around us keep flooding. If you are watching it on the news, it really is THAT bad. They were calling it a 900 years flood yesterday. It's mind boggling. Most people I know are also fine, either hunkered down, or already evacuated. 2 or 3 more days to go.
  • @abcrazy we are watching on the news....
    Glad you are safe
  • Thank you @Tompuss for the music to send me of to Dreamland :D. headed there now
    @ABCrazy happy to hear you are still safe. ya the news looks bad. so many
    still in danger..Stay safe!
  • Nighty night @Pa♡♡♡
  • @abcrazy still safe? The news from Houston is getting worse. Ex-colleague's sister and family stuck in Europe as can't fly home...
  • Hi @hunnybunny we are still safe. It's still raining, and the wind has gotten stronger again, but at least Harvey is finally starting to move away. The streets are starting to drain of flood water in my neighborhood. The worst parts seem to be on the north and west sides of Houston at this point with overflowing reservoirs. Although the town just south of here recorded the highest rainfall measurement for the whole metro area at 49 inches, or just over 4 feet (not quite 1.5 meters). It's still rather surreal to try to comprehend. Both airports are still closed due to flooding as far as I know. Your friends might be able to get into Austin or San Antonio, certainly Dallas. No point in trying to get into Houston any time soon unless they have a boat. Then again, even the cruise ships are staying offshore, out of port.
  • @ABCrazy happy to hear your still safe , and that Harvey has started to move on! Watching the news again atm, it's so devastating :( I can't fathom how people are going to begin to recover, i really can't! Like finding a place to live, the money to start over, what about the job that had, is it still there Wtf!! it's just unbelievable , i can't imagine! like you said surreal !! how to begin?
    My thoughts my prayers everything is with all o of Texas affected by Harvey. makes our little minor daily complaints seem so selfish in the big picture!
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡
    @ABCrazy glad to hear you are ok, and hopefully that is still the case.
  • @Gumby Waaassssuupppp???
    @ABCrazy good to hear your still safe! thanks for keeping us updated on your situation .
  • @mighty-red-1 I didn't know where else to post this, @bernersenn told me you were experiencing trouble opening Seasons today, me to,, actually @Gumby just posted this to me and it worked.
    "Kathy mean guy posted at the same time as me. He got his fixed the same way I did. Turn off wifi then hard close Seasons. Then reopen Seasons"

    hope you see this
    @ABCrazy hoping all is well

  • @Gumby Wwwaaassssuuuppp???
    @ABCrazy still hoping all is well, keep us posted
    @hunnybunny thats a funny pic from stocktoad LOL
  • @Gumby Waaassssuupppp??
    Yes @ABCrazy That was my next question, how are things? hopefully still going safely for you?
    @Hunnybunny Roflmao !!! @Stocktoad toooo funny!! heeeheee!
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡♡
  • Hello guys,
    Good morning.
    Just poppin' in to celebrate @sweetp with her birthday. Happy birthday Penny, enjoy your day!
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