The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2851
  • @hunnybunny

    Just to make sure about the new badge: you want the tally score screenshot of any attempt on the level, provided that it shows the user best score in addition to the score obtained with this attempt (regardless it puts the user within the top 10/20 of the leaderboard), or do you request the tally score of a successful attempt? I hope that the first possibility is OK.

    Also, since for Space and SW there is a visible distinction between PU and no-PU score, would it be OK for those episodes to put a vid where one would open in rapid succession all the episode levels as a global proof of all the scores?

  • (oops, sorry @kathy, I did not mean to steal your pagechanger queen status)
  • lol That's o.k @Sglouk is great to see you pop in
    I just asked kinda the same question,, there is a new topic @hunnybunny created in the General Discussion section, just for these kind of questions.
    But I think that , if you get a 3 Star screen that shows your highscore is sufficient, as we all didn't take screenshots of all levels that made top 10 ,I think.. will check with @hunnybunny to be sure I'll post the link to the new forum here for you .
  • @sglouk new badge page updated
    Screenshot OK, tally score (shows best score underneath current score) OK, video OK
    We are learning as we go along.
    Go and get both badges, only two claimed so far. The Top Twenty. I'm sure you have Top Ten! I'm working on Top Ten...
  • @Gumby Waaaassuppp??? Where ya been???
  • @kathy WASSSUUUPPP Ive been flinging , napping , flinging, eating, watching GoT, flinging
  • @Gumby Waaaassuppp??? Flinging Where? I'm in 3-15 getting frustrated!!
    see my note in the Pm..
    OB Drinks on me , I'll have a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion.. almost time for Dreamland!!
  • oooohhh. ahhhhhh thanks foe the pic @Hunnybunny I missed it earlier !
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡
    Get in here soon and claim your badgees! I'll help if i can ♡♡
  • Loving the new badges, two awarded in SharpShooter, one more to come (mine, all mine!) and @sglouk has ultra badge as well
    @rat it's taken years, but worth it
    Pellystar in Tahiti. I am not jealous, at all, seriously, not at all :-(
    And @karen pointed out I had a top score in TT, which I hadn't posted, stole the trophy, sorry @kathy, and made me Queen of TT again woo hoo....
    I'm trying now, with Pellystar to overtake Asher in ACB, and get Ultra badge in TT. It may take some time....
  • Woot!! Wtg @hunnybunny Nice Flinging !
    Drinks all around OB to celebrate the New Badges! They are Definitely bringing Flingers to life !!
    Hopefully some of the old Flingers will return for the Challenge!
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡♡
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp???
    awfully quiet in heere:(
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡
  • @kathy WAAASSSUUUUPPP yep its been awful quiet in the BP lately
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp???? eerily quiet!!
    We must have a birthday coming up soon!!
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡♡♡
  • Hey @kathy, @gumby, @all!
    Wish I could find walkthroughs for Seasons Pig Challenge. . . don't know why I play it, I must be some kind of masochist -:)

    @kathy Here's THE cutest sleeping kitten ever! ❤❤
  • Hey @Tompuss We play it to!!! Join us here

    We started the forum too share starts and help each other out! much more fun this way:)
    @tompuss ya we all play the Pig Challenge. Some of those are pretty tough, many easy though. Power ups are a necessary evil for the Pig Challenge. I used waaaaay too many to get the Platinum trophy this week.
  • @Gumby Wasssuuuppp???
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡♡
  • Thanks @kathy, @gumby! But I'm still struggling. . . don't use PUs -:) wondered how those flingers were getting such high scores!

    @kathy A song for you: "Angel Eyes" by Jeff Healy:

  • Thanks for the Great song @Tompuss
    Yes we struggled with that issue at first, but then realized it doesn't affect your real score at all, you don't get a separate score down with a lightning bolt and is allowed in the Pig Challenge , it's actually nessacary to get 4 stars, and to get Platinum trophy.
    I Don't know how those players listed on that Leaderboard get those high of scores though!!
    Our little group is just for fun, and a simple group that just enjoys the challenge:)
    Please check out our Forum
  • Watching the movie Patriots Day!! sad really sad to remember that day!!
    I'll never forget when it happened during the marathon, i was just Flinging Dave was in the yard, i had the t.v on and v suddenly!!! boom!! @Amslimfordy said to me, or i said to him, i don't remember it was all confusion and chaos I yelled out the window to Dave "they f'n bombed the marathon!! so sad!!
  • @Gumby Waaassssuupppp???
    I'm headed to Dreamland shortly..zzzzz
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡
  • time stamp is way off!! its Now 10:20 Time stamp says 12:ish
  • Wow Where it's everyone??
    Update about @Rat9 My dear Pa
    , This was from 2 days ago sorry for the late update

    He came home from rehab yesterday. He's been busy focusing on his recovery, which is one of the reasons he hasn't been in the BP. The other reason is that one of the side affects is that his eyesight has gotten worse and he needs new glasses. Obviously, having his eyes checked and getting new glasses has not been a priority.

    Until he gets new glasses, he probably won't be spending much time in the nest. He did ask me to tell you that he appreciates the prayers and support from you and his other AB friends.
  • @Gumby Waasssuuuppp¿ No sign of you?
  • Even though i know your not here, just in case your lurking
    Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡
    Wishing you a speedy recovery ♡♡♡
    miss you lots and want you to collect your new badges!!
  • @kathy I think this is a first. Not a single post in the BP all day from anybody until now ???
  • @Gumby Waaassssuupppp???
    I think your right , first day ever with no posts!!
    I think we have a birthday!! lemme check!!
  • 'Nope no birthday until the 15th ABCrazy then 23rd Ripsy and 24th Jlz 666
    Mark you calendar!
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡♡♡
  • sooo quiet.. not even a heyougettouttamyway' stirring!!
    *tiptoes behind the bar, so as not to disturb OB , fixes herself a Blue Mongo with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion, and tiptoes out*
  • *sneaks in the back door.. hears OB snoring lightly, helps herself to another drink and some crispy bacon bits*
    Pooof !!
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡
  • @kathy and other Seasons flingers, would you mind to have a look at Wreck the Halls 1-25? It seems that with the last version of the game, even maximally zooming out does not allow you to see the whole level. I have this on Nox emulator, iPhone and Samsung Galaxy Note 1. I would like some other people to confirm this before bringing this to Rovio's attention.
  • @sglouk I can see the whole level on my iPad, don't even have to zoom all the way out. Sorry, it is so annoying not to be able to see all of what you are flinging at!
  • @sglouk I have version 6.6.1 On WtH I can only see half the level zoomed out on my 8" Android tablet!! that stinks!
  • I'll look on my old Nexus , bit i imagine it's the same!
  • And it doesn't even pan over when you fling a bird, so you can't even see where the bird hit!!
    @sglouk I tried flinging ME hoping it would pan over and follow his path but No.
    You could mention it to wingmanjuan in the Rovio support forum , may get answer quicker than opening a ticket with Rovio.
    @sglouk I can only see half of the WtH level 1-25 now, and just a few months back I could see the whole level.
  • @Gumby Waaaassuppp???
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡♡
  • @sglouk WTF (as it is known!) 1-25 opens perfectly on iPad Air2
    OB three fingers of the special stock please, I'm sure Karen won't mind.
Post in the New Forum!