The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2633
  • I know there is a forum about seasons easier @knichy i haven't really gone through it yet,
    Ya gotta be careful dude, those young un's will get ya lol;)
  • Going flinging while i still have time
    I'll be back
    Hi @lurkingumby
    {{{{{Lurking mode on...
  • @knichy you're lucky you weren't playing it 5 years ago, you've been spared the frustration of some of the levels. But there are still a lot of awful levels there, & of course the SHG levels where getting above average can be really hard.
  • @Ma I said salt tablet, not sodium. Salt is nothing but sodium and chloride. You can get salt tablets anywhere. No prescription required.
  • When I find the obvious ones I try to mention on the BP.
    School night, set me up a nice Jamieson and a side of high quality h2o. Or a glass of wine and I'll go hit those levels that only have two stars - OB wait, there aren't any 8*).
  • Thanks @Pa I think salt tablets will help, I'll look for them;) Yes they don't sell sodium supplements, which makes no sense to me, they sell stuff to control everything else:/
  • Don't take my word for it @Ma. Ask your doctor.
    Nite nite Ma♥
  • @karen68 both 16 & 17 still a b with an itch. Just realized I didn't even 3star 16, need to go back.
    18 definitely easier, 3rd fling had 115 and left a pig.
  • Hello guys.
    Sad, sadder saddest. No Challenge for me today. I'm still struggling with these daily missions. When I remember, play three of them. Have to wait for three new missions, but still no new games are opened. Yak.
    Ok, more FHM for me today.
  • @bernersenn I feel your pain! before I completely bricked my phone I made my way through space, paying no attention to daily missions because I didn't realize they had an end result of opening up levels later. when I finally got to brass hogs I was surprised to find I had to go through the missions, and even more so that as you progress, it takes more and more missions to get to the next level, and by the way, the top scoring missions are the "beat your score on ...", when I was already well above average on most levels. New phone, new year, I haven't had the heart to go back to space, I got sidetracked finishing ABO and now Seasons.

    Maybe now i'll hit space once a day just to do some missions and open up BH for when I get back to Space.
  • @bernersenn @Knichy
    Rat's Tip o' the Day:
    There's a much quicker way to play the daily missions. Go to your devices time settings and move it forward one day. Then move it back. It's just a couple of keystrokes to eliminate all that waiting.
  • @rat thanks for the tip. Gonna try it, as soon as possible. Today I thought "why not, play some mirrorlevels, gaining points". Well, result was zip, zero, nothing.
    Lately I had to better my own score, a score that I bettered a few days ago during the Challenge. Brought me a puppy, and even had to better it. Again, zero, zip.
    Last year I lost lots of time during my foundation period.

  • Something else,
    In the badges forum I have suggested to get rid of all these Underdog badges. Not completely eliminating them, but instead of a badge for 1, 10, 20, 30 and 40 puppies, just offer the badge to the player that applies. So when you receive the tenth puppy, you will receive the 10-badge but also loose the 1-badge. Etc.

    @sweetp is also thinking about this, because players would like all these underdog puppies (assumption). But, our friend @comex666 got his 100th puppy this week. What to do with him? And with "what to do" I'm thinking of a reward!
  • @comex666 needs a new badge @admins ONE HUNDRED PUPPIES!
    @bernersenn I totally disagree. I have original pup and bronze pup, I love them both, and look forward to more puppy badges...
    Who mentioned "Season Just Got Easier" forum? Here it is, I started and edit it
  • @hunnybunny see? So it's good to discuss this.
  • I have a 5-year, 10-year, 15-year, 20 year, and 25-year pin from work that I proudly display, even though it's obvious that if I have a 25 year I'll have a 5, 10, 15, and 20 in a drawer somewhere. But I don't wear them all on my lapel at the same time ....

    Of course, I don't have any badges for anything 8*( I guess, "badges, we don't need no stinkin' badges." (Somebody's got to go back to town and get a &@^load of dimes!)
  • Indeed, @bernersenn
    Any new @wolf pictures?
    There's one certain thing: all of OB's customers love Wolf!
  • Hee hee @knichy one of The Greatest Movie Lines Evah!!
    @hunnybunny that was me that mentioned your forum, as @bernersenn (i think) commented on SG level that seemed easier:) of course no one else could edit it, i don't think?
  • Hiya all.

    Don't worry @hunnybunny, I'm not going to remove anyone's badges because they're our precious puppies we've all worked hard for.

    And speaking of... I'm thinking of a special award for that 100th puppy and running it by the other admins first. So stay tuned!
  • Oops sorry @sweetp i was talking over ya! Yes comex definitely deserves a prize, and isn't @Karen68 close on his heels?
  • I have a dilemma, I've improved the first 10 levels of FHM , but could definitely do better
    Should i just keep working on those 10 until they are satisfactory Or should i continue on and go back through them All after I've got them all above average?
    Hmmmm OB I'll have a Long Island Iced Tea to start with:)
  • @hunnybunny idk whatchu mean text speak. I figured the sheriff came from the same movie.....
  • Hey @Pa What's up with sending the sheriff to MY door?????
    *taps foot, hands on hips* tap tap tap!!!???
  • While you're making up new badges @Sweetp, how about a Top Ten or Top Five badge.
  • Sorry @Ma. You were in 1st place on the daily challenge. The key word here is "were".
  • Thanks @Pa I Guess i forgive ya *begrudgingly says* Congrats on the puppy;)
  • That was me @knichy not @hunnybunny, maybe that movie Is where the Sherriff come from, have to ask @admins
  • I left you in 1st place until it was the Daily challenge Ma. I was happy in 2nd place behind the Queen. But looking at all the fluffy Wolf pictures made me want a puppy too. Sorry Ma.
  • @kinchy you post a completely different language from me. I use grammar; (note my semi colon here) you say: (note grammatically correct colon) idk 8*(
    LOL just messing....
    @rat been through that badge debate before, it lead to nothing other than "puppies"
    @kathy I'm in Easter Eggs. Hadn't played for years. I was 118 on leaderboard, now 21. I went through getting every score in top 100. Last one left to complete.
    I'll go back more selectively. Ones that I'm 99 or 98 (there's certainly two of them!), ones where I'm over 10k below the top score, and any level that's in the seasons got easier forum, which I never look at on the first pass, hoping I'll find a new one....

  • What are you still doing up Mrs. Bunny?

    Edit: You should go pick out a puppy. I left bread crumbs.
  • Nice flinging @hunnybunny !! 118 -21 is awseome
    Unfortunately it's too soon for FHM to have any 'easier' levels and it probably never will id think
    I guess I'll play through till i get them all above average and in the top 100 then think about going back, mind I've already played through when it came out and basically just 3 * them all
  • No worries @Pa i was just jokin with ya:)
  • @rat too late for me to get a puppy. Didn't look at the challenge earlier, but it was a Space level I enjoyed. One I could actually work out where more points could be found. Of course, the King and Queen of Space made my attempts look feeble...

    And I'm off to bed, but may give a final fling on EE 2-3....
  • @hunnybunny I am capable of using grammatically correct sentences, in fact I have many papers published in international technical journals, it just that when I get to flingin' I gots to leave all that behind.
  • It's the East coast accent @knichy, @hunnybunny we tend to relax when in the nest:)
    We are capable of proper grammar when nessacary (i can never spell that tight and I'm an Ace spelled usually) anyway i was an A student b in grammar , and all that goes with it, but when relaxing i don't really think about it;)
    Sweet Dreams nighty night
  • And It's Wednesday that means Blues Night!!
    @gumby Where are you? Wwwaaasuuupp!!!
  • @kathy WASSSSUUPP I just got back home and I am knackered, I will see what tunes I can kick up before the sandman comes and takes me away
  • Kk @gumby I'm just eating ,then I'll find some too; )
  • I may not be awake for very long. @kathy you should have mentioned blues night earlier when many others were on, we could get a larger participation maybe :)
  • I don't have volume on, I'm on my phone, watching a show, hope these are o.k
  • something is wrong with my you tube, anything youtube isn't working for me :(
  • To start more to come in a bit:)
  • Me too @gumby working on my phone only:(
  • ???? YouTube works with a wide range of browsers. However, if you'd like to use many of our latest and greatest features, please upgrade to a modern, fully supported browser.

    Find the latest versions of our supported browsers below.

    I haven't changed my browser ????
  • Ah well next week we'll start earlier:/
  • What happen to my post, I said you tube not working? I must not have hit send. .I give up lol
    Oh well we tried, got a couple in. .
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