The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2635
  • @catsnbirds agreed, but I myself got excited and am through 7 trying to at least 3* all and seek the thresholds. It's obvious since I have A 2* in the middle of the board a lot are rushing through unlocking first and going back for score. Each has its allure. I am just tickled pink to have introduced the surprise to the BP and play new levels at the same time as everyone else.
  • Hi, @hunnybunny ! Jealous of your recent trip to the warmth. Had minor surgery on my right thumb and can't use it until Monday. Fortunately, still have fingers to fling with!

    @knichy It is fun to fling with the group in a new episode, so much to discover! Thanks for the update, Chris C.
  • Cats and birds are out of there cages. Fur and feathers are going to fly in Seasons tonight. Good luck everybody.
  • Nighty night all

    @catsnbird did well your strat, but not as good as you!

    Glad to know you still lurk!
  • @hunnybunny Yes, still a regular lurker. Just getting set to watch the Raonic v Kyrgios match in Miami. But, of course, sad that Federer had to withdraw. Sleep well!
  • @catsnbirds I forgot you're a tennis fan. Watching the match right now myself :)
  • @karen68 Hopeing Raonic gets into his groove soon! And...he held his serve!
  • Ohhh my busy busy night:) nice to see every one:)
    Sorry I'm late, had a tough night: (
  • @karen68 Looove the new Avatar:)
  • @catsnbirds tough first set. I hope Raonic picks it up in the 2nd set. He's been looking a bit off tonight.

    Hi @kathy thanks! Rainbows make me think happy thoughts of spring :)
  • Ohhh my I can't catch up: (
    @bernersenn I too had missed the Ham Dunk Finals , then i was all confused when it was combined into one:/ good luck if you fling it:)
  • OB I'll have a hmmm..a Glass Slipper with the blue stuff mongo loves and put one on ice for @knichy, looks like i missed the mad rush and everyone is off flinging. I've done backup and updated seasons , i might check it out, but I think I'm in @Karen68 frame of mind to finish FHM first...
  • @everyone hello
    @kathy WASSSUUPPP

    :( my back hurts
  • what a PITA this challenge level is
  • @gumby Waaassuppp!!
    Yw @Karen68 Rainbows are always Happy signs:)
  • Hi @catsnbirds sorry didn't mean to not say hi, :( nice to see you as always:)
  • Oohhh @gumby MoE yeppers tough challenge: ( good luck!
  • @kathy I am 3rd challenger and 22nd overall so far. Its a tough one
  • Hey, @kathy Hi to you too! And @rat9 and @gumby and @allotherlurkers
  • @gumby I'm good. Thunderstorms have finished, nighttime quiet has returned.
  • Nighttime Quiet is good @catsnbirds Im wishing we could get some, 60 mph winds all day and still some gusts :(
  • @catsnbirds the only thing I hate about Thunderstorms is the dogs go crazy. Other than that I like them especially when its snowing
  • @kathy yea that wind was mad crazy today
  • Nice flinging @gumby You'll get a puppy I can feel it in the wind lol;) Good luck I wouldn't touch that challenge if ya paid me, I had a tough night at my sisters she's a pita and I'm disowning her, I'm sad:(
  • No dogs, cats don't care, no snow, but did get some hail. An early start for April!
  • Uhmm Thundrestores in the snow @gumby??? Very unsual!
  • @catsnbirds shame he lost :( I'm not sure where you live but did you send your thumderstorms my way? Lots of lightning, thunder, wind & rain happening.
    Hellooo @gumby. Nice flinging on the Challenge. No joy for me on that one.
    @kathy I'm not enjoying FHM level 10. Very annoying.
  • @kathy You have never seen Thundersnow?
  • @kathy @karen68 thanks Im not feeling any love for this one either LOL
  • 95% of the time the AS-AT flips over and mows the grass, 4% of the time it flips and destroys itself and 1% of the time it does what you want but the level times out before getting snuff points LOL
  • @kathy Thundersnow!
    Sorry to hear you had a bad night with your sis. Siblings can be the best or the worst, sometimes both. But that bond is innate, the PITA hurts even more.
  • @karen68 Michigan, so yes, did send the storms your way!
  • LOL my buddy PeeJayDee just knocked me down 1 spot
  • Mmmmmmwah mongo want blue stuff!
    We get the hundersnow in MD, actually had some in the AM last month
  • Nope @gumby I've never seen Thundersnow??
    @catsnbirds Thanks yes it's a bond she came close to breaking, but i know my heart it won't break: ( I more sad for her than the fact that she ,, ah never mind, is a long story really she is just a pita!! And pissed me off , I'll get over it really;)
  • OB more Blue stuff for Mongo Pronto, before he gets out of hand, on its way @knichy:)
  • @kathy Thundersnow looks amazing
  • Ya never know with a name like 'mongo,i say give him whatever he wants lol;)
  • Well @gumby next time it happens let me know I'll be sure to look out for it:)
  • Kk I'm going flinging, it's getting late, i must be getting old, i used to be able to keep up lol;)
  • OB I'll have some more Blue stuff also:) give @knichy aka Mongo his fill , gotta keep Mongo happy , or who knows what would happen ¿¿¿¿
  • Ooohh @Karen68 ya level 10 took me a bit just to get to spot 29, ya gotta make sure you break the stick in the front and blues have to land just right, wait a bit for the mattreses to collapse because even if you didn't get the stove with the first shot, sometimes the mattresses sinking will push on the stove and explode it, it's a pita for sure though, that second shot with Matilda sux, better off having the 2 right piggies gone on the first. Good luck
  • Thanks @kathy - so far haven't got those 2 right piggies to go on the 1st shot but I guess they have to for a good score. Could be at this one a while!
    Sorry you had a rough evening - sisters can be challenging at times. I've been getting along better with mine now we're older, but we still have our challenges.

    @catsnbirds wow Michigan - you're just down the road from me. It's quiet here now but that was an impressive storm.
    I've seen thundersnow too - it's strange & a bit eerie, the thunder is almost muffled a bit by the falling snow. Pretty cool though.
  • @catsnbirds @karen68 @hunnybunny @kathy @rat @knichy @gunby @benersenn -- Wow! I can't believe how many pages they've been since I was last here. Hope you all are well. I need to improve my scores in the most recent Seasons update.
  • I'm beat work tommorow, have a great night all, g'nite
  • Ooh sorry @mvnla2. Hi , I know right some days last with the same page for days, then suddenly 3or pages go by at once lol..night night, good luck with the new episode:)
  • Nighty night @Pa
    Sorry you must feel left out with all this Seasons update hubbub :/
  • Anyone awake?
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