The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2632
  • @kathy yes to both
  • She'll get to it @gumby, she always does:)
    Almost charged up!! Is killing me lol
    OB I'll have the rest of that Tequila I Know @Pa didn't finish it lol, he probably had two shots and was out like a light;)
  • @Ma, @bernersenn, @Hunnybunny, @Gumby
    Sorry for not answering sooner. I was nursing a hangover. I had a pity party last night about @Romo's superiority complex in Mirrors Cold Cuts and maybe I had one shot too many. Dadburn that @Romo! Every time I get close he raises the bar.
    But I think I have him snookered. He's run out of places to find points (all but two of his levels are in the top four) while I still have fifteen levels I haven't played yet this round and I'm back within two grand of him. Dead man walking. Or is it flinging? he he

    Now if I could just get my iPad to work. It locked up while I was watching a Rovio cartoon this morning. Any tips?
  • Aww @Pa You'll get that Romo I know it
    Tip #1 don't watch Rovio toons:/
  • Restart ,clear cache from running apps? Idk I don't watch them let me think. ...
  • Did it shut off @Pa or just totally freeze?
    If you can shut it down, i would then go to app manager, and clear cache on you tube, i imagine that's what they use to view
  • @rat youll get romo, you can do it :)
  • I'm turning it on whether it's at 100% or not, I'm getting twitchy fingers lol
  • Never mind. A hard power reset did the trick. Yea! Time for a backup.
    iPads don't have a clear cache function @Ma. Or at least I don't think they do.
  • Hmmm they should @Pa If you go to your settings , then apps , then All apps , go through the list and should be an option to clear cache, but maybe not, @hunnybunny would know probably or @mvnla2 maybe @estar would definitely know but she's not been around, busy busy bee our Star:)
  • Nope @Ma. Not there.
    It's a vicious battle @Ma and @Gumby. But I'm up for it. Taking back a few top scores from @Sglouk is just gravy. lol
  • Hmmm then idk @Pa maybe hunnybunny will know something..
  • Ya right @sglouk is just stretching exercise for your there, before you hit the real flinging against Romo;)
  • @rat go to settings - I use Safari as a search engine, so this is how I do it. Click on Safari, scroll down & you'll see "clear history & website data". That should do it.
    @gumby congrats on the shiny new badge :)

    Been a long day - OB 2 fingers of Scotch please? I'll leave the tequila for @rat.
  • @karen68 thanks, when did that appear? It wasnt there about an hour ago.
    @rat if you use Safari there is an option in developer option to empty cache. I think developer tab is hidden, but there is a way to get it to be visible. Same as the quit Finder option, hidden but there is a way to make it visible.
  • In the Safari menu bar, click the Safari option.Select the Preferences link.In the Preferences window, click the Advanced tab.At the bottom of the window, select the Show Develop menu in menu bar checkbox.Return to the Safari menu bar and click the Develop option.Select the Empty Caches link.

  • @pa after that make sure you go back and uncheck the show develop menu button, i think is not good to keep it in, but idk about safari, must be an iPhone thing
    @gumby I thought you had android? Hmm
  • @kathy I have Safari on my Macbook, and leaving the developer tab is ok, it makes it simple to clear cache. I left mine there.
  • Thanks @Karen68 and @Gumby. I'll take a look.
  • Oh o.k @gumby on my android i have to make sure it's shut off after i do a backup, i don't need that to clear app caches i just clear them from my settings..
    Gonna put in my book and call it a night, I'm beat
    Night night
  • CongRATz on the Jedi Addict badge @Gumby.
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • What aliment do you have or had @Ma?
  • We missed you yesterday.
    Good Night @Ma
  • @rat thanks
    @kathy sleep well
  • Doesn't he look happy.
  • Well, it's been a strange couple of days :

    You may have (but probably not, and I don't blame you there) remembered that I had a really "manky" foot. It's nearly cleared up, but gingerly walking down the stairs, on tippy toe, as it still hurt, I missed a step and fell. Now have bruises on arms, back and a "pita"

    You may also remember that a colleague of mine died recently. Fifty six years old, and a true gentleman. So sad. Went to his funeral today. It wasn't my type: little acknowledge of his life, family, achievements, just pushing religion, and three hymns nobody knew. But saw so many ex-colleagues that I really liked / loved / hated!

    And @Mvnla2 will remember another ex-colleague who hadn't spoken to me for twenty five years after I beat him in a promotion race. He spoke today!

    Sad that only funerals bring people together, make them forget feuds, and petty injury (like mine)

    God Bless my ex-colleague xx
  • @Hunnybunny -- Yes I do remember you're mentioning that colleague! As they say, funerals are for the living.
    I don't remember your foot problem? What did you do to the foot and how long ago? Glad you only had a few bruises; falling down stairs is definitely not a good thing. If you really still have to go tippy-toe down the stairs, hold on tight to the railing.
    @Rat -- As far as a Rovio game locking up, do you periodically do a hard close of all apps running in the background?
  • @gumby -- Thanks for the tip about "clear cache". You used to be able to do that from the Safari menu. Now the only chance you have is to clear history, which clears all the cookies also. Unfortunately, I've started using cookies so that I don't have to remember all my accounts and passwords. Only passwords for unimportant sites like ABN, of course.
  • @mvnla2 four pharmacists, three doctors, seven different diagnosis, eight creams, a course of antibiotics and a foot soak: who the heck knew what it was? But the last pharmacist in Spain, when on holiday a couple of weeks ago gave me an ointment that seems to have worked. Not life threatening, just bloody annoying and painful....
  • Better story about me and stairs:

    (For those who don't know, my kitchen is a floor below my sitting room)

    About four years ago I gave up drinking whiskey for New Year. On 4th Jan I spring up the stairs from the kitchen, carrying a thick bottomed whiskey tumbler, full of water. Wearing glasses, as I was watching TV. Fall. Presence of mind makes me push heavy glass away. My nose hits top stair, not broken, but bruised, two black eyes. Glasses move upwards and make two deep cuts in forehead. I still have the scars.

    I drink whiskey again now!

    Enough of me and stairs (I hope!)

    OB three fingers of Jameson's please.

    Hope you lot are well, flinging well and not falling on stairs.

    Nighty night xx
  • Oohh my @bernersenn lol Wolf sure does look comfy:)
    @hunnybunny no sorry I didn't remember about your " manky" foot, so you Got it from falling down the stairs, or it caused you to fall and further injured yourself?
    Sorry to hear about your colleague, very sad and young: ( agree , actually No type of funeral is my type, but it is sad that, even within family' aunts, uncles, cousins etc.. Is the only time we get together, and old colleagues, yes the same and we Always say "we should get together sometime, instead of just at funerals" but it never happens.
    So you say an old colleague that wasn't speaking to you spoke, kinda burying the hatchet, so to speak?
    And yeppsers I've had my'incidents' with stairs as well.
    Night night Sweet dreams
  • Sorry Pa didn't see your question last night, ailment was of my own fault, was helping my sis out on Saturday, she's moving, i forgot to eat and my sodium levels dropped, not sure if your remember a couple years back i was hospitalized for three days when my sodium went low. My own fault as i said: (
  • @mvnla2 I do the same , using cookies to pw' s but if you click the 'remember me' box even if you clear cache most sites still remember . i know ABN does
    On my phone if i clear cache though i have to sign on again, but not on my tablet for some reason.
  • Thanks OB again for remembering the earplugs for Whine Tuesday I'll have a Pigkiller please, not very creative today, flinging in FHM and can't think of a suitable drink.
  • @kathy just read above, popping in before I went to bed. As we all do, after saying Goodnight, just to see what's happening...
    I used to not eat, and occasionally pass out, when I was a teenager. You are old enough to know better. Even its only a crispy pizza, but some proper food, like fruit and veg and protein would be better xx
  • OB a protein shake for @kathy please, followed by one of those horrendous green sludge things teenagers drink today. Hold your nose @kathy gulp it down.
    Now relax, a Long Island Iced Tea laced with Sunshine's special flinging brew.
    That should sort you out.
    Nighty night, for the second time
  • Lol Thanks @hunnybunny * holds nose* Gulllpp , patewww yuck yuck!! *quickly sips Long Island Iced tea...* ahhhh...
    Night night bunny
  • Well I'm gonna Wwwwwhhiiinnnneee Just cuz I can and it's Tuesday!! FHM takes a lot of the 3 P' s I know there are now 5 but i forget the other 2 @ wrw01 added so just the 3 for now and a prayer to the AngryBirdsGoddess for a bit of b the 'L' factor!
    OB another Long Island Iced Tea please, before my battery goes low and i have to plug in again!
  • Can anyone play the stairs game. I fell going down the stairs in 2006. Not to worry. I was only six steps from the bottom so I never touched another step on the way down. It's those steps that will break body parts. But the wall at the bottom of the stairs was a real attention getter. ha ha Had to peel me off of it. I promised myself that would never happen again. Broke that promise in 2010 because someone left a tripping hazard on the landing. *grrrr* But I was only three steps from the bottom and no wall that time. And I wonder why my spine hurts. lol

    @Mvnla2 Hard close of apps? No, never done that. Should I? These things should come with a manual because I have no children to teach me.

    It's not just funerals that bring family together Mrs. Bunny. I had a niece get married last weekend. And we had a family reunion last fall. With everybody spread out over the country you have to plan your visits here. But I've seen your European documentaries like "Keeping Up Appearances". So I understand people like you and the Bucket's, or is it Bouquet, just drive across town to visit family. Must be nice. he he

    @Ma Take care of yourself. Maybe a salt tablet in your purse?

    Can you believe it Ma? Another Mirrors Space World fell victim to a young whippersnapper last night. Lucky for me I was fling worthy and took it back. I also took back Cold Cuts from @Romo but I had to get every level into the top five to do it. He is a tough competitor.

  • @Rat -- Glad you're feeling good enough to fling some.
    As for hard-closing apps in the background -- This is what you should do frequently on any IOS device and daily if you are playing AB:
    1) Double-click the round close button on the top surface of your device. It's usually on the left for me, but depends on how you orient your device. This brings up a screen that has all the apps running in the background (everything since you last hard-closed them). I don't think even a hard power-down gets rid of them.
    2) Swipe each app off the screen to the top.
  • Whoa! I had a lot of apps running and never knew it. Thanks @Mvnla2.
  • @Pa i got you beat on the stairs , I lived the third floor, and heard a dog get hit by a car, I heard the screech of brakes and the dog yelp, my feet barely hit One stair until i got outside to the steps where i stumbled ( but didn't fall) I got to the dog and comforted him with his head in my lap until the ambulance came (Yes i called 911) they took care of the pup and I went upstairs with a little limp, next day my foot was black and blue and swollen, went to the doc had 3 hairline fractures in the outside of my foot, was in a cast for 9 weeks, still hurts till this day when it's damp out: (
    And then another time almost the same story as yours but it was 12 steps and yep the wall at the bottom stopped me by the hip, again still hurts off and on.
    Guess we all should live on a one floor flat lol!
    And my Doc says there's no such thing as sodium tablets, i asked:(
  • Happy you were able n to fight off that young Whippersnapper @Pa don't overdo;)
    Slow and steady wins the race:)
  • I went down an entire flight on my backside in 2002, I think I still have the bruise. Didn't hurt as bad as getting trucked tonight at soccer practice by a 160# 14 year old.
    @karen68 is right about seasons greedings 14. I was 20k over avg in 5 min
  • Nice flinging @knichy Seasons Greedings is tough!
    Were you coaching the soccer or actually playing?
  • I must have missed @karen68 note about SG
  • @kathy there are a few levels that are abviously easier if people are complaining about how thought they are and I get 5-10k above avg on the first attempt SG 1-14 is one.
    Coaching. I play goal during scrimmage to let the players get field time and I have a great perspective of the defense. And the oncoming offense. I don't let up so neither do the kids, even though I am technically old enough to be their grandpa.
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