The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2571
  • Woot! Woot! No rubber room for me Ma. I started out the day in 15th place. I'm in 5th now.

    Sleep well knowing "Team BP" is represented now Ma.
  • Wooot! ! Wtg Pa knew team BP could count on you and @bernersenn to pull us through, I'm still trying but not looking good at least i made the top 50 :D
    Nightynight Pa♡
  • CongRATulations to @swelld for soundly winning the extremely difficult "Ski or Squeal" episode. Awesome flinging! I only bested you on one level. And then only by 700 points. Is this how you feel ALL the time when you play against me Mrs. Bunny? Yuck! I almost feel sorry for you. he he

    Happy New Year
  • Good afternoon everyone, Happy New Years Eve :)
  • Tacos, anyone? Lol!!!

    @kathy, @all Wishing you a great New Year's Eve!
  • Lol @tompuss very clever!! Happy New year to you:)
  • @kathy @rat9 @mvnla2 @hunnybunny @knichy and everyone else as well HAPPY NEW YEARS

    @kathy haha I lied I didn't get back to ABO, instead I played lots of Path of the Jedi. Some of those levels are actually fun, I think if I finish them all I will get a light saber upgrade, even if thats not the case I will finish them.
  • Happy New Year @all!
  • @sglouk and a safe one :)
  • Happy New Year to you also @sglouk and @gumby :)
    Yes gumby you kinda have to play through SW two or even best 3 times, you get the lightsabre update after your first, then i forget, but I think another upgrade after the send, @kimmiecv and I had great fun playing through all the levels, though I think we missed Moon of Endor episode:/ I'll probably go back again someday,
    My bucket list is to complete all Ab episodes lol..I'll be flinging on my deathbed
    Hear the fireworks? I think ftom Boston? I used to be able ti see them when i lived in Wollaston beach.
  • It's kinda early though, i think it was just a plane lol..
  • @kathy LOL I thought it was gunshots
  • Lol @gumby ya never know around here:/
  • No it was fireworks , but not the Boston ones
  • @kathy OK so its safe to venture outside then
  • @kathy all these new birds and abilities are keeping me busy, sometimes I forget which does what and use the bird thinking it does something different LOL. Makes for some very amusing goof ups
  • The force, strong to finish these levels, must be. Herh herh herh
  • I'm Rat Dagnabbit! Hear me squeak.
  • get back in your box lol
  • @gumby dammit Rat doesn't live in a box! ! He and his family live in the walls of the BP..jeez man you gotta read up on this stuff lol..
    @pa should we venture into the great unknown? I think you'd like SW and Me and Kimmie got lots of top scores for you to try and beat, *ahem * well we used to. .these kids and there power ups these days, who knows. .¿
  • Happy new year to me, bf truck broke down, thankfully only just up the street. But triple A says anywhere from 5 minute to an hour? :/ waiting for a phone call. .
  • @kathy when triple A says an hour they mean 2
  • Nope @gumby been there, picked up, truck in driveway all within 40 minutes
  • Know any good mechanics? Cheap lol?He Thinks is the starter, I think it's the gearbox, but wth do I Know¿¿¿ Obviously nothing, if I said starter he would say gearbox lol..
  • @gumby look at the walkthrough's Kimmie and I left tons of hints and lots of laughs use the ? At the beginning of the app to see which bird does what, it takes some getting used to. Also tricky to return to regular AB and realize you can't redirect chuck(yb aka pb) lol;) good luck mostly have fun is a whole new frontier hee hee..
  • @kathy lucky they were so quick, Blue Hills Auto on Willard st. Quincy
  • Not sure I'd enjoy SW Ma. All those power-up scores steal the fun of competing for me. I always play to win. At least when I'm healthy. I'm not too bad when I'm not. One good day got me to 5th on the Advent challenge. Getting level 14 didn't hurt. ha ha

    I didn't take your catch phrase @Dumby. I came up with my own. And you can't put me in a box. I wouldn't fit. Maybe a crate.
  • @kathy yea I still don't know what one of the birds does
  • @rat9 a BIG box maybe:P
  • Hmm No Pa I'm sure you'd like SW , If we did it together maybe if they have a new update TeamBP can storm it I'm not ready to return yet anyway.
    Thanks @gumby I'll recommend a different place, then drop subliminal hints to make him think he thought of blue hills auto on his own hee hee;)
  • Can you swap out the truck like you do with your tablets Ma? It can get real expensive fixing vehicles these days.
  • @rat9 she would, but she can't throw her truck out the window
  • Alright I'm missing the 'box' joke i guess hmmm
    OB ya another please, i gotta get flinging before the year is over, I'll never accomplish my bucket list this way..
  • @kathy you have to go back to before my gravatar was working to get the box joke
  • Sorry I got your name wrong @Dumbo. I didn't notice until after I hit enter. Oops again.
  • @rat9 I am Gumby Dammit lol
  • Since Gumby and Dumbo are trademarked, may you could be Gumbo or Gumboy.
  • Ya know Pa I would but it's not my truck also I would have brought it back to the mechanic who sold it to me while it was Still under warranty The Very First time I turned the key and it didn't start but at least the 'smart girl' *points at self* says "make sure it's in gear" lo and behold it started whadda ya know:/ then after the third, fourth time lo and behold it doesn't start, ya must be the starter.. Don't get me started!!
    Uhmm oohh guess i already got started, Hey at least something around here starts!! Now I'm gonna Start Flinging:)
  • I guess he "is" Gumby Dammit! ha ha
  • @rat9 Iam Gumby Dammit®
  • Where is @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster Ma? I liked toying with his name.
  • only 12 more Jedi levels to go, then I have a green lightsabre :)
  • Haven't seen @AngryBirdsSpaceTryer Pa lol..
    @gumby dammit whadda ya speed flinging¿ oyvay..
    Darn blue error box found me again..
    *puts on dark cloak, pulls up hood and poofs*
  • . I Need a good Wwwwwhhhhhhiiiiiinnnnnneeeeee! ! On SoS 17 if i get 157580 One More Time I'm gunna Scrrreeeeaaaammmm!! It's like a cut off score help me Pa Help me:(*whimper* *sniff*
  • Where does every body go?
  • 9 minutes :( OB wake up! ! I'm here alone on New years eve:(
    *pops a bottle of crystal*
  • @Ma The secret is to take out that stick of wood with a direct hit from red on your third shot so everything can flow downhill. Good luck.
  • I can't do it Pa i break the stick but my plow doesn't roll :(
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