The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2572
  • Woohoo and The Princess wishes you all a Happy New Year as well, may you all have a healthy happy, peaceful 2016:)
    And thank you all, patrons and lurkers for making the BP the best forum for making friends in the Nest. And A Big thanks to @Birdleader and all the hardworking @admins for making the Nest a special place :)
  • Mine didn't roll either Ma, until it did!
  • Lol Pa hoping mine will dammit !! I've given another year hey! ! Hope 2016 wakes up these birds! ! And where's our Space update? What are we paying taxes for Nasa to do? Sleep on the job what about Mars didn't they make a movie? Can't they make an AB update as well? Alright ya I'm overtired lol.
  • Happy New Year to all! It's not quite New Year here, but close enough. I'm totally into being asleep when the new year starts. By far the best way to start the year.
  • Thanks @mvnla2 Happy New year to you also:) and ty for all your help with the BP is greatly appreciated !
  • Nighty night all. ..
  • Nighty night Ma
  • Happy New year to @all may 2016 be a year of fun, love and laughter for each and everyone of the wonderful patrons of the BP.
  • Happy 2016 everyone! Wishing all my flinging friends a wonderful Happy New Year :D
    Took 24 hours out with friends, champagne, seafood, good bread and cheese, red wine, fireworks, feeling jaded.
    Hope you all have a wonderful 2016
  • @kathy yes I am speed flinging LOL. I got the green lightsabre :) only had to finish 40 levels with so called birds that I have no clue what some of them do. It took me a while to figure out Obi-wan. Now C3PO and R2D2 for the bonus level I unlocked. Im starting to get the hang of the whole star wars thing.
  • @hunnybunny :) caught you in the BP
  • @kathy now only 2/3 of those are 3starred, if I 3 star them all will a new episode become available?
  • @kathy LOL I think my phone is trying to tell me something. it said Unfortunately Angry Birds has stopped.
  • Hee hee @gumby I was just about to send a BP patrol looking for ya, thought the Force had kidnapped you.. Hum i don't remember but I think yes y you 3 star them, then at some point i think the 3rd leverl you get your lightsabre upgrade, as i said look through the walkthroughs as kimmie and i left many comments good luck
  • Oh never mind loli should have read more carefully, o.k you got your green light saber whadda ya mean 'new episode'¿ you should have All of Sw to play not just POTJ ¿ you don't?
  • If Your phone said AB unfortunately stopped working, go to your settings 'application manager' find ABSW 'clear cache' and force stop DONT hit clear Data you will lose everything!
  • @kathy no I have Path of the Jedi and Tatooine and bonus levels as I unlock them
  • @gumby you played through Tatoonie ? I Think you have to 3 star them in order, for the next one to unlock. Not sure is been a while
  • @kathy OB found me under one of the tables passed out
  • No haven't played Tatooine
  • Ohh and just remembered @Gumby the bird with the cloak power gets stronger after your second time through, he's tough to get used to, just practice, hitting before a wall or after for his force to do the most damage, it just takes keep trying.
  • @kathy ??? cloak power
  • Ya @gumby you need to go in order, I think there may be an option to pay to unlock them, not sure, but yes start with tatoonie, is easy, while we've been talking I've already 3 starred the first 6 levels;)
  • @kathy nice :) I am trying to 3 star J-19 what a pain in the feathers LOL
  • Yes @Gumby the bird with the cloak, if you aim him at ,say a wall, and press on the other side of the wall, he sends out a'force' that pushes everything forward. Note it depends on the situation wher you aim the force, *sigh * brb
  • @kathy OH you mean Obi-Wan yea he uses the force
  • @kathy remember I am playing on a phone, I can't even see his cloak LOL
  • After level 4 or 5 ,on tatoonie there's a little tutorial type thing that shows you the cloak bird and how ti use him, I'm playing on my phone to atm, and yes agreed is really far away ,
    So when you play tatoonie, (i thought he was in potj to?) You will see this cloaked bird for the first time, when you fling him ,click on your screen just before hitting your target and you will see the force he throws, sorry it's hard to explain:( Im trying
  • Ya ya obi-wan..o.k so you got that, he's hard to get used to.
    Darn now you've drawn me back lol..
    Gotta go take a showa be back soon, play tatoonie and the others should unlock one at a time; )
  • @kathy yea hes in Jedi, took me a while to figure him out as there were none of those tutorials for him there.
  • @Gumby the reason no tutorial for him in POTJ is because it's in tattoonie so they figure you know how to use him, you lucky you got to get your green sabre first before playing through the other levels, did you pay to unlock POTJ.? I really can't remember if i did our not, it's been 2 years i think, or almost anyway
  • @kathy I can't remember either, its possible when I got my new phone
  • Level J-19 is snuff to drive you mad.

    edit WOOT finally eked out a 3 star score
  • Well what a coincidence @gumby , I'm on SoS 19 and I'm about to tear my hair out, throw my tablet then scream very loudly!!
    Argghh *sigh* WWwwwwwhhhhhiiiiinnnnnneeeeee
    OB Idk give me something a double shot of Something :\
  • @kathy finally barely got a 3 star score for it
  • Good flinging @gumby, are you looking at the walkthroughs¿ Please do it would be nice to know that my comments and tips could help someone? Don't make me go there lol, now you have me curious to see if i left anything useful, I'm telling ya you really should start with tatoonie, but meh' you aren't listening lol..
  • @kathy I watched 2 or 3 vids not scrolling down to comments :( I will when I return for high scores atm just going for the 3 star. Im sure your comments and others will be very helpful in obtaining higher scores as usual :)
  • @kathy I will start with Tatooine after I 3 star the remaining 8 levels of Jedi
  • Kk @gumby sorry , You can do it !!:) I'll probably join you because seasons not being very nice to me atm, and I have to return to Pig Days soon: ( but a nice break to reup my scores in SW can't hurt last me know when you start tatoonie:)
  • OB I've just about had it with SoS please fix me a Hot Chocolate with a shot of Baileys I need to get sleepy, busy day tomorrow and jeesh these birds just aren't cooperating, can you give them a little pep talk please ¿? Then I'm out is getting late..
  • Nighty night all I can't take anymore
    Night Pa ♡
    Happy New year
  • Happy New Year @all!

    WOW!! BACON!!! A future flinger here, I think! LOL!

  • Hahaha OMGiffafe Me thinks your right @Tompuss , tooo cute!
    Happy New Year to you also:)
  • OB wake up! ! * searches for the bluettes* hmmm looks like they flew the coop?
    Ah well I'll get my own..*fixes herself a Pigkiller with a double shot of @sunshines secret stuff and poofs back to SoS* poof
  • @kathy YO wake up lol, I will most likely start Tatooine levels tomorrow :)
  • Oopsy @gumby lol, you have to yell louder than that to wake me up haha!!
    Woot! Tatoonie sounds good:) so you 3 starred POTJ i take it?
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