The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2573
  • @kathy No I have 2 levels left, but was super busy at work so I guess they will just have to wait LOL
  • Lol @gumby I'll have to give you some pointers;)
  • I'm not quite done with SoS or Pig Days but I could use a break from seasons periodically and I'm sure my SW leaderboard could use some sprucing up, plus I'll have to report all those PU users, the admins are gonna get sick of me quickly so i might have to restrain myself:/
  • @kathy lol, ok I should be sleeping but I couldn't resist. Tatooine level 1 I have exactly 45k but trying for higher.
  • O.k @gumby game on, not sure of my score on Tatoonie level 1 ,i have to pull up my board..
    You going to sleep at 9:30 on a Saturday night ¿ gotta work?
  • @kathy yep work 12 hours tomm. did 14 today
  • O.k not bad for a beginner @gumby my score is 45970 on tatoonie level 1
  • @kathy seems tough to get anything over 45k so great job :)
  • Yikes @gumby get some rest;)
    Nighty night
  • Ya thanks, @gumby but looking at the 40 scores above mine, all legit definitely can do better:
  • @kathy yikes 40 scores higher than yours EEKS, well I just improved 200 points 45200 now
  • Ya @gumby and most are reputable flingers, including the top score of 46k+ got some work to do lol..
  • @gumby how did you get the lightsabre without playing tatoonie¿
  • @Kathy I got it when I played a daily challenge tattooing. S tocktoad told me how to get it. But didnt really play, just 1 star was enuff I had tofinish 8 or 9 levels to get it.
  • @kathy Out at The Fours having a few. Sorry OB. Probably bounce from here to 5 or 6 other bars before the night is done.
  • @kathy whaddya doing in Star Wars? :)
    I saw your question - I'm just helping my daughter with something then I'll take a peek.
    OB could you get the Scotch ready please? I'll be needing a wee bit when I return.
  • Ohoh @gumby be careful! Hope your taking a cab, and I don't mean yours lol!
    @Karen68 gumby dragged me into SW and I noticed I never finished MoE , actually got a decent score on 22 I never figured out how to get both tnt and have lasers bit the logs ,I actually don't know what i did lol, just kept flinging. So no rush but if you get a chance I'm curious to know how that second shot is supposed to go.
    OB I'll make up for gumbys absence and take a double pigkiller please, and you know the special stick for Karen, I can never remember 2 or 3 fingers but ahh you know
  • @kathy lol if needed I know a few cabbies around here :) and its 5 fingers for good measure
  • Kk @gumby I h hope those few cabbies you know aren't With you hee hee,
    Nah Karen never drinks 5 fingers i know that much lol, welll not in one drink haha
  • @kathy no none of the cabbies are with me. At Clash of the Ash now :)
  • Lol @gumby I think 5 fingers would be too much for me, even on a bad day.
    But OB I will take 2 right now thank you!
    @kathy I peeked at which level that was, & I remember it & that annoying speeder. Glad you got a nice score, but I will go & refresh my memory a bit.
  • Thanks @karen68 I've been out of practice on these SW birds lol, takes a bit :/

  • Birds begin a New Year: Cornell Ornithology Lab:

    Restful music for @kathy and all going to sleep now: Intermezzo from Fedora, lovely images:

  • @kathy I made it home safe :) OH and I passed your score on Tatooine level 2 and 3 sorry, and Im closing in on 4. Passed you on 4 and work in on 5

    @karen68 5 fingers makes it all feel better, just ask OB
  • yo.... didn't know where to post this..... maybe it is well known.... but I recently discovered the king sling on ABF shoots exactly the same distance as the boomerang bird shoots normally.

    Has anyone noted this ever? lol, I'm sure it has been figured out, I just never knew till about 2 weeks ago
  • @crash -- Have you been in the BP before? Don't remember 'cause I've seen you around. If not -- Welcome! Please read the first page, and order anything you want to eat or drink from OB or the Blues.
    As for ABF, there is a whole forum devoted to it, so you would have a better chance of a response if you posted there. Most of the BP regulars don't play ABF. I do, but I don't think I have a king sling.
  • where is everyone?
  • @gumby -- Good question. It's actually raining in LA today. Real rain -- the kind that generates debris flows from last year's burn areas, not to mention mud-slides from unstable hills. Glad I'm not near either.
    So anyway, no golf today. Yes, we in S CA are real wimps, we don't play golf in the rain. Now, if I were on the LPGA and had a chance of winning some real money, that would be different.
  • I'm here was at work yesterday, came home sick, stayed home today mostly cuz it was -2° this morning brrrrr..

    Nice to see you here @crash hope you pop in more often ,i see @mvnla2 welcomed you properly:) ty mvnla2
  • Where is Pa?
  • @Kathy -- Hope you feel good enough to fling, and get well soon.
  • Thanks @mvnla2 yes I've been flinging in SW MoE trying to fill in the second half and improve the first, so happens MoE 5~3 is today's challenge , no way I'm going to get a puppy but I've improved quite a bit:)
  • @Kathy -2! With windchill is was -2 here but 16 actual. Big difeence from 75 on Christmas, although I was sitting on a beach in FL at 87. Kinda hard to rub it in back home, though, when it's 40 degrees above normal. Get well soon!

    @MVNLA2 - kinda chilly out there too, rainy and 50s.

    Working on ABO Golden eggs today, oh what fun!
  • Hey @knichy welcome back lol,I wish i could be in Fla even just for a short time, but yes must be tough coming back to -2° whether wind chill or not brrrr...
  • Hi Ma. I only fling when I smoke and it's been too cold to smoke much. But I'm still here.
  • Hi Pa :) yep it's been pretty darn cold, but hey peek your nose outta the wall once in a while, or make some scratchy noises , whatever it is Rats do lol, so we know your still alive in there, should I order more insulation?
  • @mvnla2 better than cold and snow, luckily haven't really had any snow this year or cold except the past 2 days been cold.

    @kathy haven't caught you on level 5 yet, but really close on level 6 maybe Im not using Obi-Wan correctly.

    @knichy it sounds like you live close by. It was 13 earlier and warmed to around 24 and was a bit windy.Are you working on getting the eggs or on improving your scores?
  • @kathy hope ya feel better soon also

    EDIT to previous post, 2nd place score on level 6 now
  • Thanks @gumby:)
    Don't worry I'll get back to tatoonie , just finishing up Moon of Endor , never finished the second half, well now i did, but trying to spruce up my scores;) great flinging in Tatoonie btw!
    And I'd rather have snow then bitter cold truthfully I'd rather have neither lol
  • @kathy yea we have been spoiled os far this year
  • Yes we have @gumby until now lol..
  • @kathy Ill take the cold over the snow we had last year
  • @gumby @knichy @kathy -- Wow! It is really cold here! Must have started out close to 40, and high of 60? plus rain most of the day. : D Somehow I don't think I'll get much sympathy. Oh, well.
  • @mvnla2 LOL cold there
  • Haha no sympathy here @mvnla2 sorry I'd kill for 60° currently 19° 'real feel' 10°
    I wasn't gonna smoke but i am. .:(
  • Heck I'd kill for 40°《atm brrrrr...
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