The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2547
  • @hunnybunny I will have a look overthere, till soon
  • What I did see is that he hasn't uploaded any picture. Very careful to be #1 in one of the episodes. No extreme scores, but average very good scores. We could ask him to upload some random pictures of his scores? What is you opinion @hunnybunny?
  • It's funny, I saw that I missed completely the episode Treasure hunt
  • @bernersenn
    Congrats for your puppy. I had predicted that my top score could be beaten... and I was right. Did you self activate, or did you use a subtle timing?
  • Sorry, forget flinging. Urgent notification for @jlz-666
    Dan Carter seen on beach by friend, close to here!
  • Ahhh those were fun days! Funny we were all thinking of @Fenikus and @kelani at the same time! Maybe cuz I popped into Rio yesterday spurred my thought
    @hunnybunny Yes a Blossom River reunion 'Take Back Our Boards'TBOB campaign!
    @rat9 you in?
    OB I'll have a Pigkillers please!!
  • @hunnybunny @all I'm not sure about the top overall score, In the whole episode?
    It doesn't seem unreasonably higher than second place, idk
  • @Tompuss I'll have to catch up with the videos, @hunnybunny who's Dan Carter ?

    @kathy off to bed, no time for flinging talk. Dan Carter is Jlz's most favourite rugby player, ever. Apparently for his playing skills, nothing to do with his looks. He's from New Zealand (thousands of miles away) but was seen on a beach very near to where I live. The rugby World Cup quarter finals are being played in the Millennium Staduim, which I used to be able to see from my house, until a new block of apartments went up some years ago. Which explains his presence

    Click on link above, he's showing off his rugby skills, and his manly prowess at rugby, and his rugby physique...

    OB iced water, please, a bucket full over head

    Thanks, that cooled me down
  • Hee heee @hunnybunny! Thanks for the info ,and guess I'll have a glass of iced water before i pwek..haha
    Sweet Dreams nighty night
    Going flinging
  • Yeah Ma. Where is Pa? I haven't seen him in a while.

    Edit: He told me he wasn't feeling well. Something about a French invasion of Space too.
  • :( Sorry @Pa I know your not feeling well, OB bring Pa a nice cuppa tea please..
  • OB Break out the bubbly, Our very own @bernersenn has brought home a new puppy!! Woot!!
  • Good night all ,tommorow is another day, hope is a good one for all.
  • @Mumsie Are you in San Diego having fun or back at home resting? And now that you've seen Kimmie, you can tell us. We can handle the truth. She not flinging birds because she's crushing candy isn't she? I thought it might be the candy that took her from us. Either that, or the snails took her hostage. They were massing for an attack before she disappeared. Free Kimmie! Free Kimmie!
  • Good morning to you @all.
    @Rat, get well soon pal. It is not nice to read that you're not well. OB, bring @Rat another cup op tea.
    @Sglouk about the new highscore, no, didn't do anything. Actually I was in a teleconference and pulled that sling, over and over. Suddenly I saw stopping the counter at 76K.
  • Greetings my fellow nesters... what is going on? (for me to oppose to that) ;P
    and after checking last entries: Special HI to @Rat @Kathy and @bernersenn
    (mentiioned also to check if Im the only one that get none notif from here...)
  • @tienshenlong it is rather quite here. I was talking to myself the last times I was here. Complete empty pub, even OB was gone. Anyway, nice to hear from you, has been a long time ago
  • @tienshenglong! ! Long time no happy you popped in, my battery unfortunatley is low atm, but good to see you hope you pop in more often!
    I get all notification from this forum, as long as you have the star at the top clicked you will. But yes @mention gets notice.
  • My 'Puter is back UP! @knichy might be in for some duels, time permitting. #&$^%# kids. Job. Just wanna fling
  • Woot !! Good you got your puter up and running :)
    Dontcha just hate when all that 'real life ' stuff interferes with your flingjng time lol:D
    OB bring @knichy whatever he/she wants on the house.
    I'm sorry knichy i didn't check your profile and i haven't asked , lol you say kids..job etc..somehow idk why i thougt you were a teen; ( forgive me please
  • Hi all - just a quick pop in before beddybyes- got to be up at 5:00 am!! Yes @rat in San Diego - very grey & cloudy this morning which was a surprise so we went to Mexico for an hour!
    Next time I pop in it will be f on the UK - have loved been this side of the pond with you all but all good things must come to an end!
    (Ps Kimmie's snails are making a comeback after a family of possums (well I think that's what she said) decimated them but then moved on! I suggested she adopt a possum!)
  • Did you see me out of your plane window as you passed over the east coast @Mumsie? That was me waving and holding the sign that said "Bye Bye Mumsie".
  • Yikes.....missed a whole week!
    Hi, hope everyone is well? Quick update. Lily is doing great but unfortunately we spent last Sunday in dental A&E at local hospital with hubby...karma?;) I had to quickly turn my attention to looking after him as he had a terrible abscess and had to get his back molar removed. I can laugh now but at the time he was in a lot of pain. All is well now *touch wood* I can now tick off 5 incident free days at home ;)
    Thanks for the lovely comments about Lily's pic.
    @mumsie42 Safe journey. Sorry it had to end but it sounds like you had an amazing trip! Hope you've got your thermal undies looked out? It's a wee bit nippy here compared to what you've been used to.
    @tompuss that's the best Simons cat for quite a while! I genuinely laughed out loud at the very familiar scenario!
    @hunnybunny Great photo! (Of course) How close did friend get to him?!!! Lucky,lucky woman! Good luck in today's game. I'm just home and getting settled in for an afternoon of what should be 2 awesome games. Of course my evening is complete with Mr Carter playing later :D
    I think I've covered everything apart from hi also to @bernersenn,@tienshenlong and @knichy.
    Righty ho,Time to turn Welsh for a couple of hrs ;)
  • Oh and @hunnybunny I'm heading down your way in Feb next year to watch the Wales/France game at millennium stadium! We're meeting up with 6 of hubby's French collegues. Well 2 of them are,the others are their friends. They came over to Scotland in Feb this year and we were at Murrayfield for Scotland /France. We let them pick the game for next year and Wales it is.
  • *whispers* Psssst OB........could you please put a very large glass of whatever @hunnybunny wants on my tab please? Is it for celebration or commiseration? Not saying until she pops in. Now the Haka!
  • ... and back again..." Hi to @ll . These days I've on-the-move travelling and have restricted conectivity capability (same as last 2 months) so as the devices on my grasp are just 1 lvl over "crap" can't play and only text, as the !"·$%& laptop assigned died on 1st week and the also !"·$%& one ( a Win Xp SP2 with 1Gb ram and 500MB video!) have no battery so to plug it have to be on a town/city that have electricity. :´( That is because I'm on a quest on the wild... Love it, but actually messed my perfect record on ABF and now got 12 blank-spaces on leaderboards... (I'm crying again... lol ;) Thanks to @sunshine I've dropped here again and I'll try to do it better than last times... when possible.
    @Kathy, luckly you my dear friend that got notifs... as for me not works at all despite I've already had the start marked and remarked too at all. And for add more detail: have none notif from mentions from you @Kathy, @bernersenn (and less from the @rat ;) at all but after a manuall visual-checking just the mention from @jlz_666 , to whom I've send my regards the same as he did.
    Have to move again so BYE for now... but, as usual, the bird-quote for closing:

    "Two birds or not two-birds. That is the question..." (ShakesBIRD)
  • Testing
    .Testing... @tienshenglong. Hmm you got @jlz666 notification but that is all?
    Maybe I'm typing your @name wrong¿ is good to have you back , sorry you lost me with all the gobbledyguck#$@& and technical troubles hope it works out for you,,and jeez sorry to hear you've got blanks on your boards :(
    What do you mean your on a quest in the wild? Like a safari?
    Anyhoo i just piped in to say good night all,
  • Good morning to you @all. Have a nice sunday.
    @jlz666 missed a whole week? I missed about half a year. Bad boy, I know.
  • @tienshenlong THAT is a lovely quote. I will write it down, and use it in the future. Thanks
  • With friends so can't stay but @hunnybunny our hearts are broken. 1 point,....... one flippin point. We've never been so close. It was gut wrenchingly cruel to watch *sob*
    Nobody left now. England,Ireland,Scotland & Wales are all out. Guess my money's on the All Blacks ;)
  • Sorry to hear @jlz666 @hunnybunny, your team lost, i take it?
    Hi @bernersenn, yes been a very quiet few days here
    OB drinks for anyone who pops in
    Back to flinging
  • Not that I've been really active in the BP but have certainly been flinging. I finally got the Rio update to install, finished the new Treasure Hunt over the weekend, and promptly bricked my android phone. looks as if all apps and app data are 100% gone gone gone. Including ABS, MW, Rio, and classic - and the Google Play store. won't even connect to internet. Luckily, since my home 'puter is still down, I was taking paper notes, wrote my scores down, and a few final strat tips Looks like I actually popped some top 5 scores toward the end, probably because I had 6 hours to wait between levels 8*).
    I'll probably be off for a while, I don't have another device for now, and am going to attempt some data recovery techniques so don't want to mess with anything until 100% sure the entire partition is gone.
  • Hi all! Got back from our very interesting cruise to the "Undiscovered Greek Islands" and a couple of days in Athens. Details later. Have a lot of catching up to do. Unfortunately, one of the souvenirs I picked up was laryngitis and a bad cough. HWDNF said he enjoyed my silence for a while, but now wishes I would talk a bit more. : D
  • @jlz666 @hunnybunny, at least you're not American Football Redskin fans! Heartbreak is a way of life here in the Mid Atlantic. I've been getting far more enjoyment out of local youth Soccer.

    @mvnla2 - at least laryngitis doesn't affect the flinging fingers, although the cough could lead to some unintentional releases and activations.
  • @Kathy - my 'puter was up and running for not quite 48 hours 'til my teen son fried it again. Then see prior - bricked my phone so no flinging for a while. While I may LOOK and even sometimes ACT like a teen, it's been about 30 years since I have been a teen 8*).

    I did get "carded" at a restaurant recently!
  • @knicky I got called out buying ciggies, you know the 'funny' are you over eighteen? question. Yes, I am. Well you'll need your ID next time. Laugh.
    The guy ran out the shop shouting at me, I won't serve you next time, unless you bring your ID
    He must have been on glue, I'm 55!
    Mr Bunny was kind. He said I'd pass for 35 with good lighting...

    Sorry, everyone haven't read back, but still hugging and crying with @jlz-666
  • The part of the "I got carded at a restaurant recently" that I left out is that the waitress made me go out to the car and get my permit, in the rain, even though my oldest son, who is also over 21, was sitting right there. And got served. But he had his ID. Boy did he have a good laugh about that!

    Mr. Bunny sounds very tactful - keep him around!
  • @knicky surely you mean "truthful" not " tactful" ...
  • Ha ha ha ha ha
    Ha ha ha ha ha
    OB, I want whatever Mrs. Bunny is drinking.
  • Aww sorry about your progress loss @knichy Believe me Ask anyone I'm the Queen of, ,well i had to be..* knock on wood* I've gone through many devices since, I'd say 6 phones, 4 tablets and every time lost progress. Now lucky i learned to backup.
    I've got carded many times , when I'm well over 21 and the same thing once even when my daughter was with me And she had her Id ..*sigh*
    I see you just said Redskins lol..what a tradegy ,but good the league and owners are staying strong and not changing it, i presume that's what you meant ,but ya football is becoming too political all the way around. As you can see I'm a Pat's fan, but i harbour no hard feelings..well maybe against the h
    Jets oohh and the colts of course lol..
    Don't even go there hahaha
    Hope everyone is having a good evening
    @Pa i deleted or pm by accident, can you send me a note there so i can retrieve it
  • Oohh almost forgot, tomorrow is Whiinne Tuesday,
    And may as well setv the tables now before i hit the hay as I'll have no time in the morning, it's Tuesday somewhere right?
    *places baskets of earplugs on the bar and the booths, the table by the door.
    Welcome to Wwwwwwihhhhhiiiiinnneee Tuesday eveyone, get your frustrations out and let the AngrybirdsGoddess hear you! !
    Nighty night all. .
    Night Pa ♡
  • Yessss, I see you are a Pat's fan, all the talk about Tom and his balls drives me nuts, let the poor guy be - if I suspect a ball is underinflated (real football, mind you) we have it checked right away - not halfway through the game!

    yeah, the PC of being in DC is annoying, as is the train-wreck of a team we have hear.

    non-AB WHINE!
  • @knichy That's why I don't give my heart to any particular club/team long term. I couldn't stand it. I'm pretty sure @hunnybunny isn't a "team" supporter either. We only got wound up and heart broken because it was our countries teams playing in the World Cup. It's a whole different pain when you know the entire country is weeping! @hunnybunny It would be a great meet up but think hubby would kill me! Time is unfortunately an issue. We'll travel down on the Frid,meet the guys and go to game,them head back up the road on Saturday morning. However I am trying to persuade him to have one more night so watch this space! Even though you can't see the stadium any more I'm assuming when the wind is right you can hear it?
    @knichy your loss of game progress chills me to the bone :( You're not alone in here as @kathy said. It's happened to quite a few regulars. Thankfully *touch wood* not me. Thank goodness you've got paper back up lol! No,seriously though,that sucks. :(
    @mvnla2 There's a lot of it around ATM. Glad you had a great time. Get well soon.
    @all The U.S is just great for boosting your ego ;) Even though you look and feel like crap it's always great to be carded!
    OB could you please put a large dram of the good stuff on my tab please and make sure @karen68 gets it if she pops in later? She very kindly gave us all a heads up to an "easier" level in hunnybunnys seasons forum and got top score! Unfortunately I kinda pinched it! Sorry Karen! It never feels nice doing that. I hated that level and was just happy to improve! I'm only above you by 100 points though!
  • @jlz thanks for the sympathy. I am not really a big follower but where I live and work they take their (US) football pretty seriously. I did have a cousin that played on the Redskins back in the '90s though, got traded to the Rams in '99 three weeks before the end of the season. good timing.
    I have to find the paper backup of the last Mirror Worlds Brass Hogs episodes I played, I think I got level 27 completed and maybe 28. Sometimes I'll write down the 3-star and avg scored for a group of levels then scribble mine on there as I go if I know I won't have much computer time on a weekend. But I don't know that I have the dedication to finish Space again AND all the MW levels, I'll probably go to another AB game. Any suggestions? I couldn't get seasons to load, but if I completely reformat I may now.
  • @rat it was a joke, glad you laughed
    @knicky @jlz-666 we support Glamorgan cricket. We are used to disappointing games, leagues, seasons. A lifetime of disappointment. Well they did win the league, I think it was on my mother's sixtieth birthday, so that's 28 years ago!
    @jlz-666 have you been to Cardiff before? 24 hours is not enough. You need to convince hubby to stay longer. Are you driving or coming by train? Have you booked your hotel? I'll pm some good places to eat and drink
  • All -- Trip report:
    Cruise was marvelous, and very interesting / educational on a lot of levels. Political comments are not allowed in the BP, so suffice it to say that we got some interesting Greek perspectives on the Greek financial crisis and the refugees.
    The weather was perfect, not too hot, not to cold, and it only rained when we were on the boat or in a bus.
    We saw lots of interesting archeological sites and amazingly quant towns. I had no idea the Greek islands were so mountainous. Also, given the fact that we went to the “smaller” Greek islands, they were much larger than I expected.
    Two of the islands we visited are the main places that refugees try to get to from Turkey, because they are very close and provide rapid transfer to the mainland. The Greeks are trying to deal with this crisis as humanely and expeditiously as possible. Most of the refugees we saw were young men, because families have priority for transportation to the mainland. For their part, the refugees are very well behaved, because the last thing they want is to be sent back.
    We also learned that there may be a limit on how small a boat you want for a cruise in the Aegean in Oct. We had 2 sea-state related changes to the itinerary, and there were 2 evenings / nights when a lot of people had serious seasickness problems. Fortunately not us. Less than half the passengers didn't make it to the Captain’s farewell dinner. Some didn’t try, while others turned back after trying to negotiate the hallway. Negotiating the dining room was even more of a challenge. The Captain also didn’t show, although everyone agreed that we much preferred his staying on the bridge.
    The first itinerary change was that the ship was not allowed to leave the harbor one evening because of the rough seas, so we didn’t get to the next day’s location until the next afternoon, instead of first thing in the morning. The second was that we could not get to the island on our itinerary furthest from Athens, because the rough seas would have turned a 12 hour trip into 24 hrs each way. Although I’m sure this was a real headache for the cruise director, she managed to get all tours rearranged so that you could hardly tell that there had been a change.
  • @knichy -- There are some very good tutorials on this site on backing up progress in AB games. It's something I don't do frequently enough, but only losing some progress is a lot better than losing all.
    I think the last time I was carded, HWDNF tipped the waiter to do it. : ( And that was many years ago.
    @all -- Still have tons of catch-up. May not get to all of it.
  • @mvnla2 Sounds great! Hoping for a cruise in the spring - I'll keep boat size and sea state in mind.

    I popped a note as I was entering the last of my Space MW BH scores - found my note sheet but forgot to write down 2 scores. I know that I had 3-starred all but one (26) all the way up thru 28 so I entered the minimum 3-star score. if that breaks the honor code i'll remove them, but I am sure they were much higher than the minimum 3-star. I had lots of time on those as I was waiting day by day to complete the challenges and open new BH, and thusly MW BH levels so I was mostly >avg before even entering scores.

    Very sad I can't readily go back and tweak those few back > avg.

    At least I finished Treasure Hunt and got those entered - put me at the #40 overall slot which is up from 59 where I sat before. I guess once @kelani et. al. return i'll watch my slow decline. At least with Rio though I only have to pass the levels to get to the ones I want to improve.

    whiiiiiiine, sob, sob.

    Peace - out for now

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