The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2549
  • @rat9 Ha! Like it would be the first time some stray cat appeared and then accidentally started to live here. After I took them to the vet for checkups, and shots, and deworming and neutering so that they would be easier to find homes for. And, sure enough, they found their home.
  • @Kathy -- I wouldn't classify myself as a cat lover. Cats are OK, and I enjoy all the stories about everyone's cats, but I'm really in the dog-lover camp.
  • Oops sorry Pa ,i wasn't thinking of the heyyou and getouttamyway hunruplets , but I'm sure they'll get along just fine, and np @mvnla2 we already have tons of puppies ,speaking of which ' congratulations on the new badge Pa:)
  • OB I'll have a Pigkiller please, and a Wwwwwwihhhhhiiiiinnneee on the side!
    I'm tellin ya PD 4-2 is killing me, 2.5 days and can't get above average :(
  • I'm dog rather than cat
    And indeed, bird rather than pig.
    Just back from seeing the new James Bond film. It's good
    Night all
  • @kathy can't give a hint on PD 4-2
    It's just of those levels you open, fling, get an ok score, and forget.
    I'll have a whine on your behalf, get OB to prepare a very crispy pizza for you and whatever drink you want. My tab
    Night all, again
  • Thanks so much @hunnybunny for the drink and crispy pizza :)
    I've about given up on 4-2 1k below average but meh' 2.5 days to many lol, I'll move on to another that will most likely be whining about shortly lol.
    Nighty night
  • There's trouble in the Rat Kingdom Ma. @Sglouk is systematically taking over.

    @Sglouk Another AWESOME posting in Cold Cuts. I guess it's only a matter of time before I must give up my Space crown. Wow! I only wish I could play with you. This is the type of competition I've always wanted but you arrived too late. I'm basically benched until further notice. Whaaaaaa!!!!!!
  • Whhiiinnneeeee for @Pa :(
    @sqlouk that's right kick a flinger when he's down. .hrrmpphh !
  • Whiiiiine Wednesday, like predicted!
  • Woooot!!! Gooo Pats!!
  • Lol @knichy yep you called it! There might be a couple Whhinnee coming up soon but it won't be about football, strictly AB whining :)
  • Is anyone playing the new Seasons levels? They are quite good.
  • @Mvnla2 you mean the Invasion of the egg snatchers?
    I played through it for 3☆ , it does look fun, I'm trying still to conquer Pig days *sigh* lots of tough levels and the new ones are coming now. But yes IotE is a fun episode :)
  • you guys have way too much time on your hands. its all I can do to research a new laptop and get me a smart phone. much less download every version and fling! Oh the humanity. Oh the ignominy!
  • Lol sorry @knichy good luck..uhmm nighty night
    And Woot !! Goo Pats 7-0 :) deflate that hee hee:)
    Night Pa ♡
    Edit..yes had to Google ignominy :( aww knichy i really do feel for ya, i was there b4 :(
  • @knichy -- Well, many of us have been playing AB nearly from it first started. Makes it a lot easier to keep up with the updates.
    Are you a Mac or PC user, or Android?
    Personally, I'm all Mac, and love them. If I were you, I would get the newest, lightest Mac laptop (as long as it had enough memory, etc.) and the newest iPhone (I don't like the larger ones, because I have small hands).
  • PC/Droid. $$$$. Seems like tec gear becomes obsolescent so quickly
  • @mvnla2 @knicky I play exclusively on iPad. My second generation now replaced by Air2
    Never lost a score, easy transfer by cloud from one to the other.
    But @knicky my Dell laptop, guessing two or three years old is dreadful. Just wondering if iMac, eye watering price, is worth the money as a replacement
  • Yes, the cost is dear. but they look oh so nice. Not sure if iMac has a UNIX emulator, though. Maybe i'll look into it.

    I do love to fling om my son's iPad Mini. I've upped my high scores on 30% of the levels just trying to 3-star everything
  • Halloween songs

    Hope the links work

    WOW I love this!

    You have to sing "a-hooooooo" on this one

    The longest and best video

  • @kathy spooky blue one for me please
  • Ob make that 2 Haloween Hypnosist drinks for Hunnybunny and myself:D
    Great choice of music Mrs. Bunny :)
  • @hunnybunny Do you think the new update may have affected the reported 'Seasons got easier levels? I'm finding some Pig Days levels have got harder, like the tennis one, Big mama that sits on left end of the net Is Made of stone! @pauliboy has confirmed this as well:/
  • Sorry I've been absent so much lately. I've been having a few medical problems. For example...I just got home from my third colonoscopy in twelve months. Geez I hate the prep for those things. And I've started the process (still on the fence) of letting the neurosurgeons take another crack at my nerve entrapment/pain issues. Even more fun. But I'll survive better than my ranking in Space will evidently. @Sglouk is seeing to that in my absence.

    And thanks for your support Ma. So sweet. But it's misplaced. I'm very impressed with what @Sglouk has been able to accomplish so far. Very impressive! Such single minded dedication to taking me down. Personally, I agree with @kinichy. I can't fathom flinging at luck levels for days until a top score is achieved. But if he's willing to put in the monotonous repetition...six weeks non-stop on CC 2-5? Wow! Don't get me wrong, he's very skilled. But if he beats me, it will be because of the boring tedious levels. Keep flinging @Sglouk. Only seven hundred and eighty-five thousand points to go in Space. Your almost there. he he And then there's always Mirrors Space too. ha ha Good luck.
  • @kathy no idea! Certainly one of Pig Days got harder after the Tropical update, as documented. Goodness knows what goes through the heads of Rovio peeps when they bring out a new episode that changes what went before.
    I'm still struggling through Invasion of the Egg Snatchers. I'm doing ok. And there's some interesting comments. Our mate, the charming AD, actually being charming and asking people for their strats! And a guy, when questioned about a score, said, "oh,I chucked the phone I made that one on, I'll check" and took down his score. Just confronted him on another.
    I play now for personal satisfaction, hardly a player, other than the old timers you can trust. Sad, but true
    Night night xx
  • Aww nighty night @hunnybunny :/ it is sad why Rovio chooses to change existing levels when adding new,makes no sense:/

    Hi Pa sorry your feeling poorly:? Why soon many colonoscopys?that aint gonna solve your pain issues I'd tell em ' where to go (was gonna say..ermm never mind)
    My apologies @sglouk you have my complete support, as long as it's o.k with Pa;)
    And all kidding aside Great flingjng! !
  • Why so many colonoscopies you ask? Because I need the sleep. Going under anesthesia gets me some of my best sleep. Michael Jackson did it at home all the time. Plus there's the added benefit of weight loss. You can't gain weight prepping for a colonoscopy. Win/win. You believe me don't cha Ma? ha ha
  • Lol K @Pa TMI sorry i asked :/
    @knichy how about Wwwwwwihhhhhiiiiinnneee Friday?
    I hear ya on the obsolete thing, my phone is a year old, is freaking ancient droid Samsung 5:/
  • Nighty night Pa
    TGIF..see ya all over the weekend, bf wants to watch scary movies but i can't do that
    Any suggestions on old not so scary but supposed to be movies?
    Ex: The Blob
  • How about "Plan 9 from Outer Space". That should put you to sleep.

    Night night Ma
  • it has been a long (too longggg) time that have dropped in the BP, it took me a couple of hours to even catch up. It was lovely to read all of your adventures, troubles (wow @jlz you probably won if it were a contest! So sorry hon, hope things are looking more up than down nowadays!) and flinging.

    I am not going to comment on every individual thing, but @tompuss so nice to see you are in the BP again and dropping those lovely videos. I so need to catch up with you. Hope I will take the time soon to write you a proper note. LOL @kathy yes you are right, that Simons cat IS Jaapie hee hee. Luckily we decided to have the vet over last year instead of shoving him into a carrier and having to travel, we just had to keep him out of his hiding place. It was so much better, not only for Jaapie, but for our nerves as well.

    Mister @rat so sorry my friend to hear you are back in the medical cycle, but I do hope it will pay off and they will find a relieve of some of those new pains and who knows maybe take away some old pains as well. Be safe!

    @mvnla2 I did play a couple of the new levels and I like them too! Granted I am wayyyyyy behind on so many levels in Seasons, but I still plan to catch up at some point.

    Nice to see new faces and regular ones popping in! @knichy a pleasure to see you are enjoying this little pub. An amazing place to meet all kinds of wonderful birdies across the world.
  • Happy Hallowe'en @all! Lovely to see you, @estar bird! @hunnybunny @kathy @JLZ666 @mvnla2 @everyone!

    Hallowe'en cake:

    Cutest Hallowe'en owl:

    Dance music - nothing to do with Hallowe'en but lots of fun! "Uptown funk" set to 100 different movies. Activate the closed captions to see if you got them all right!

    @rat9 Lol! "Plan 9 from outer space"!!! You're so right. Did you see "Ed Wood" with Johnny Depp?
    To cheer you up (?) after all those coloscopies, here's a vid which one of our Nester gals already posted some time ago - thanks to whoever it was. . . I kept it in my Fun favourites!

    Bowser & Blue with. . . THAT song!

  • OMGiraffe! "Happpy Halloween Everyone:D
    And Happy Birthday @surfcow , as E-star says although we haven't seen you lately, ABN create great lasting friendships that reach far beyond the Nest! Hope you have a wonderful day:)
    Hey @tompuss nice to see you, thanks for for the cake:D Funny i was just thinking of you and here you are!
    @E-star thanks for having OB drag out the Jukebox :D
    Drinks on the House today !!
  • @surfcow happy surfing birthday in Kansas xx
  • Lol @hunnybunny, maybe @surfcow surfs downhill on the grass¿~~
  • @tompuss loving the Uptown Funk Mash Up. I'd be lucky to name thirty of the films, but great fun.
    And I would have a slice of cake, but there appears to be bunnies on the top. Can't do cannibalism!
    Happy Halloween all, have one of Kathy's spooky drinks on my tab. I recommend the Hypnotist
  • @Surfcow -- Happy Birthday! And just about everyone celebrates it. Are you dressing the part?
    @all -- Are you sure it's Halloween? It's 86 F here now. They say it will be cooler next week. About time.
  • Happy Halloween all! Got my pumpkins lit & my spooky music playing, just waiting for the all kids to show up!
    Nice to see the Halloween jukebox dusted off, thanks @E-star :)
    @tompuss I agree with Kathy, that owl is awesome.
    Happy birthday @surfcow, wherever you are!

    Hope everyone has a good night. If I have any leftover candy I'll bring it by later. Maybe. If I don't eat it first :D
  • You too @karen68? What am I suppose to do with all this candy? Very few treaters this year. Thank goodness we got the good stuff that we like.

    @TomPuss Thanks for the colo-rectal song. I hadn't heard it before. It had me laughing in the end.

    Happy birthday wishes sent out to @Surfcow. Hope they catch up to you surfing the web somewhere. We miss your novellas.

    Well Helllooo Stranger. We've missed having our @Estar to light the way. Hope all is getting better every day.

    Watch out what you wish for @Mvnla2. You might have a blizzard close the grapevine next. Weird weather lately.

    Nighty nite Ma.
  • @rat9 What end, exactly??
  • @TomPuss Exactly? Ha ha
  • Hope everybody enjoyed a spooky Halloween!

    Mister @rat I know I know... I so want to come in and shine my light, but sometimes things do still get overwhelming. Have to maintain the balance in order not to slip up. But yeah most of the things is getting better every day. Just jobless with a pita (fortunately the pita is reduced a bit, so more manageable), but other than that I keep myself busy with volunteer work, reading and stuff like that. Things that my brain actually classifies as "totally up to me" and not "mandatory" or "with a (social)pressure" or the worst of all "something my brain think it has to do even though others don't expect me too". That is the reason why I guess I am so way behind in AB and my videos. Even though no is putting any pressure, I am my own worst enemy, always have been. Just playing the birds has a little voice in my head "get a good video, so you can share it with all your friends, all you HAVE to do is play, record, collect, edit, upload and comment... that is all WHooooahahahaha (sinister laugh)" and I feel my body turning against me and I stop again. So I have to find zen in playing the birds... did anyone managed to play like that? if so, hand me over a tutorial to playing like that... just for fun, no inner desire for 3 stars, high scores or videos... hmmmm maybe not the best place to look for a lesson like that huh?
  • Ditto @Estar

    I'm trying to sit on the bench and watch the up and coming future King of Space take over my realm. Must find inner peace, my zen. @Sglouk is really doing some amazing things.
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