The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2508
  • HHey everyone :)
    Wow @karen68 Thanks for the heads up on the sesons GE.. I'll be heading there !
    and ty @J@J@Jlz666 for pointing to the levels.. nice flinging! !
    sorry to hear about your cruise delay @hunnybunny that is awful. I'll do without the Pizza but i still get castles right? lol
    Soo you All know my history of hoodoo voodoo devices right..Well my tablet had a loose port , wouldnt charge Soooo I bought a new one..Same Android OS but instead of Nexus i went back to Samsung.
    Well i downloaded all my AB apps And I'll give you all One Guess as to Which of the 5 Doesn't work!!!
    it makes Nooooo sense..SSame as the Tab 3 that i had before when it worked just now is a Tab 4. like i said same OS same version..
    Rovio has replied thanks to @@wingmanjuan but they just gave me the standard " clear cache for dummies 101' and they havent replied back to any further contact!

    4 out of 5 work perfectly fine it makes nooo sense..
    OB I have some cheese with my Whiine lol..
  • Hubby is threatening to flush my phone down the toilet so very quickly, Easter eggs Big egg.
    And I'm outa here X
  • @kathy Is there a sommelier in he house? If so, uncork a bottle of 2007 Castello di Ama, Bellavista, Chianti Classico DOCG. Let it breathe, serve it up, and then, Kathy, we'll have to run the tab!
  • Yes There is @zebung! Ob would you please check the W(h)ine cellar :)
    and follow zebung instructions ..Then Yes we will run a tab..aactually bring up 2 bottles ty is gonna be a loooonnng night!
  • @ Kathy Noooo! I meant run OUT from the tab! They cost a couple of hundred dollars apiece!
  • Arghhh @zebung lol I'm sorry i misunderstood ha ha Now OB knows the plan..uhmm Ob we were just kidding heehee we'll have a couple Pigkillers on my tab please..;)
    Jeez That was close. .*wipes brow *
  • @ZeBung -- What are you celebrating with that great wine? Unfortunately, I can't drink red wine, but I'll join you with some Blange Arneis. Cheers!
  • And @mvnla2 saves the Night !! Ob I'll have what she's having..3 glasses please

    *Cheers *
  • Hey Wait a minute I Can't run out on a I'm part owner of this pub hahaha!! Even if i ran out I'd stilll pay in the end So Ya OB 3 glasses of what that wine @Zebung ordered.

    Oh Wait make it 2 and a glass of what @mvnla2 likes :)
  • @Kathy -- I think @Zebung can afford to pay for the wine he ordered. @rdnzlrips82 stocked the wine cellar with some excellent wines, and we only pay what he paid, not the current price.
  • Haha Thanks @mvnla2; ) @zebung Your off the hook for the tab.. I forgot my Partner is a Wine Conasuir! I'm sure he paid only cost and quantity prices; )
  • Night Pa♡
  • Night Ma
  • Good afternoon everyone.
    @kathy my apologies,I was typing on the other page and didn't see your message. Hi!!
    @zebung Red wine is my weakness so thanks for uncorking something special! I miss rummaging in Ripsys cellar lol! If there's any left in the bottle I'd love a glass to go please?
    @all @karen68 Well I found some more levels that definitely need looking at. To be honest it's as well starting from the beginning and working your way through them as I've improved on probably 80% Now some are possibly because I haven't played them in a while and I've just improved on my own but there are a few that have given me over 10k improvement. Pretty much anything with TNT now has extra oomph. It's been loads of fun! Here's what I found during lunch break
    Easter eggs 11
    Easter eggs 16
    Summer pignic 22
    Wreck the halls Big cookie
    Piglantis Big seashell
    Back to school Notepad
    Haunted Hogs 39
    Winter wonderham 41
    Happy flinging!
  • @kathy @mvnla2 @rdnzlrips82 @JLZ666

    I'd love to try Blange Amies! I'm actually not celebrating anything important, just that I submitted my translation to the editor yesterday.. Only took eons to finish, but it is an interested online wine magazine. This was my first project with them - their previous translator retired. Anyway, just glad to send it off.

    If any of you are interested in wine, PM me your email and I'll send you the PDF...

    Now on to the weekend! Kids and ex #2 are all out of town, i.e. no soccer tournaments or gymnastics competitions. I don't really know what to do! Guess I'll go to the pub.
  • @Zebung Congratulations on your first project with them. A journey begins with the first step. Have fun at the "real" Pub.

    Hi @JLZ666
    I'm not playing Seasons atm but you're doing a lot of flingers a great service labeling the changes. Thanks.
  • @zebung Congrats on your project! Enjoy being child and ex free this weekend! I hope you mean you're going to the real pub and not this virtual one? (No offence OB)
    Hi @rat I wasn't flinging anywhere in particular so the thought of finding thousands of points was a no brainer! If it helps others then I'm happy :D
    Sorry to be short but I'm being forced to watch a review of the fallout from today's UK election. I loath politics but have to admit it's been a shocker today and we need to discuss.

  • @Zebung -- Congrats on your article. What languages were you translating from / to?
  • @mvnla2 Swedish/English. Thanks! It was a pain in the you know what with deadlines pushed forward and new articles sent to me the night before deadline. Whatever, feels good to be done. The previous guy just turned 80, and judging by the content of earlier editions it was time for him to stop. Would have never put my name on those articles.

    @JLZ666 the pub was fun. I usually get to be the DJ, trying to get 20 year-olds to appreciate good music.

    @Rat Wise words. Will have to wait and see where this goes. They have two quarterly magazines, i.e. eight annually. Good money but quite a lot of work...
  • Puppy Alert!
    Three won already, two with scores too high to enter on the leaderboard
    Looks like Rovio changed the dynamics of this one
  • @jlz666 Pig Days also seems easier. As well as today's challenge, I made an extra 5k on (my rather dreadful) score on #1 in a few attempts. And two of my shots were atrocious.....
    Getting strange looks from Mr Bunny, supposed to be finishing the packing!
  • @zebung I don't know how you get 20 yr olds to appreciate good music but being in an establishment with booze helps ;)
    Thanks @hunnybunny I'll give it a bash. Happy travelling!
  • @hunnybunny, @jlz666 Pig Days 2-11 is another one being a lot more generous with the score :)
  • Thank you @hunnybunny @karen68 Huge improvement in both! There doesn't seem to be as many in Pig Days though. You don't think the whole of seasons has had a boost do you? *gulp*
  • Hi birdie friends of mine! I need to catch up on the chatter, but even though it isn't tuesday... I need a whineyyyyyyyyyyyy... I thought today was going to be my day to get a puppy... the news of this morning that the level has been tweaked put a smile on my face and I started the challenge hopeful... after hours of flinging I am happy with my 13k improvement, but still haven't broken the 328,870 to earn my puppy :((

    So far I am stuck on 326k... 10th place is nice, but whineyyyyyyyy... although I did see a message from Mister @rat with a screen of 324k... Mister @rat .... did you make a mistake or am I that clueless about the challenge and I already did earn me my puppy of the day??
  • @Estar you didn't make a mistake - the score to beat is curite's score of 328870.
    @rat you're not quite there yet.. but I'm sure you will be soon :)
    @jlz666 I know you gotta wonder, how many levels have changed?
  • Awww and I see I missed AngryAdvisors birthday!! So sorry my friend, I have been a bit preoccupied lately and didn't read the comments in the BP for a couple of days. I hope you except my belated happy birthday wish!

    LOL @mvnla2 and here I was looking at pictures of 10 years ago and looking at recent one… I was thinking age is starting to show… thanks for making me feel better and commenting on how young I look hee hee

    oh and @Sweetp no need to be sorry for missing my birthday… timezones are a puzzle and I just love the goodies you brought, so they made up for it big time :)

    @karen68 thanks for the heads up on the changes in the GE levels.. I still have a ton to catch up on, but I will remember to put the GE levels on my list as well :)

    @hunnybunny so sorry to hear your trip got delayed.. that ehhhh isn't nice to say it mildly. Not only delayed but shortened as well! Hope you will sail off into the sunset tomorrow and have a marvelous trip despite the rocky start.

    @zebung hope you are enjoying your quiet time and found something to keep you occupied. Sounds like you successfully ended a big project and celebrated in a pub with 20 year olds. I just listen to the good music in the comforts of my own home without the 20 year olds looking at me funny hahahah
  • awwww, shoot... well boo hoooo... guess I still have a couple of hours to try to earn a furry friend... thanks @karen68 for letting me know!
  • @estar @jlz666 @karen68 I tried my nemesis TorT 2-12 didnt better my score, but it just seemed easier to break the blocks. Who said "Have they made all of Seasons easier?"
    Perhaps they have? They did a mirror space!
    Off to try any seasons level to explore, for a couple of hours, before bed. Then holidays, otherwise there be no hope for my addiction....
  • Bring out the very best stuff OB @estar just got her first puppy!
    Sorry I can't hang around to celebrate, this bunny is early to bed, our cruise ship finally sets sail tomorrow. Yippee on both counts

    Goodnight, Good flinging @all xxx
  • Wooot:!!! Congratulations @Estar * clink*
  • Whoooooooohoooooo.... persistence finally paid off!! Uploading the video as we speak, after which I can comment using that as proof :-)
  • Yay @hunnybunny Happy to hear Your Ship has come in !! Have a wonderful fascinating cruise
  • Thank @hunnybunny *clink* and cheers for seeing my victory without me even posting the proof :-)
  • and night night @hunnybunny smooth sailing tomorrow!
  • Enjoy @Estar and Congrats again...cant wait to hear the name of the new pup;)
    Mine is SnowDrop @jlz666 suggested and I like it my first and one and only ♡
  • Haahaaa! You smashed it @estar! Excellent vid! So what's his name then? Enjoy the telly,wine and hubby (in no particular order) ;D
    My pup was called Etta because "At last" I got a doggy!
    *sniiiiiifff* It was me that suggested the name snowdrop @kathy ;(
  • Have a safe and fab trip @hunnybunny! Say Hi to the sun for me and hope to see him soon :)
  • Ooh so sorry @jlz666 it was You that suggested Snowdrop i have just the worst memory !!
    .. I always associate @sunshine with flowers and she sent pics of Snowdrop in her garden cuz i didn't know what they were.
    Sorry :( I love the name :)
    can't wait till Estar names her first pup:)

    Speaking of Snow is about time i change out of my Winter hat ya think?
  • No worries @kathy. I think of her everytime I see a flower!
    @estar just posted her newborns name is Frodo!!!!!!! Welcome wee hairy one! Mine was called Etta as "At last" I got a doggy!
    @rat super congrats on pup and top score!
  • Geez! I mess up the challenge. I get ribbed all over the place. And I miss a coffee klatch with the Ladies at the BP. I'm not having a good day.

    Congratz to all the 1st puppy winners. Especially @Estar. How could you not have one yet?
    Btw, my puppy's name is a version of how I felt. Embarrassed. I can't post it here, but if you have any imagination, you know.

    Yea! Mrs. Bunny is going cruisin'.
  • Ohh didn't realize The King of Space got Top Dog in the seasons challenge !! Congrats Pa ;)
  • Thanks @jlz666 fir understanding my mistaken memory ♡
    And Congrats to yourself as well on the puppy !! How many you have now? ?
    I'm thinking of getting some more when I get my new tablet I'm going try anyway ;)
    OB Keep the bubbly flowing please :)
  • Thanks Ma. You too. *clink*

    Edit: Just eight puppies. I haven't flung the challenge for about a year. It was an embarrassing fluke today.
  • JLZ!!! Hi!! awww and you ladies are too precious, your excitement of me getting a puppy really warms the heart! Mister @rat I never played the challenge and like I told many times before, I am not in the game for the top scores... it is lonely at the top... I rather be somewhere in the top 25 and I am ever so happy... that way I won't be sad if I drop one. So I hardly ever obtain a trophy, or keep it for long... so I never fooled myself thinking i was worthy of a puppy... but this almost free chance was one I could not pass up + it was a Seasons level + it was the weekend... so all the stars aligned and me got myself a new furry friend :)

    Now you got me curious as to your first furry friend, but I thought it was something like "hey you" or something like that... might have to dive in the archives of the BP to find out ;P
  • Oh and congratz Mister @rat with your 8th pup and your chance to fling for them in over a year. Also congratz sweet JLZ for giving a sweet little slipper-chewer a new home as well. Sorry you can not go and adopt one @kathy today, I am sure you would have shined and brought home a new friend for Snowdrop. [[huggss]]
  • Got one eye on telly (Aerosmith at Woodstock '94) and one eye in here. *Clink.* to @estar and @rat!
    No probs @kathy! I'm so sorry you're yet again having trouble. Might I suggest a fruity change? Haahaaaaa! It's not like I have problems ;)
  • Thanks @Estar Same as you I'm not often into the challenge for top score usually until I got a Rat biting my butt and puhing me to fling to new heights in Space 'Where no flinger has gone before' hee hee.. I'm happy with my Snowdrop for now; )
  • Hmmm @jlz666 what do you mean by a fruity change?
    ohh and aerosmith was at Woodstock? You'd think I'd know that right lol .. they live in my neiborhood and they are one of my fav's!!
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