The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2469
  • Thanks @sglouk I'll try it..
    Thanks Pa I'll look forward to some pointers..i must be missing something. .
  • Have you got it yet @Ma?
  • Just got it Pa.. about to read it now Thank you:)
  • @kathy

    1st shot as I understand it:
    Aim BB slightly above the topmost small shard (at 9:00) of the left side of planet. Split when you enter gravitational field. Central and right BB will hit the planet, left BB will hit base of gallow, which is enough to collapse it. Damage depend on luck and possibly other things (gallow is moving, there may be some better shooting windows). Look at the "Mercedes star" at 11:00. If you have it, then it's OK (I hope @rat9 will agree). If not, DON'T reset, as you have to train with 2nd shot.
  • @Sglouk I shoot at the planet just below the scaffold. Activate very late. Time your shot to the sway of the scaffold so that the debris goes to the right and leaves a clear spot for the stone to hit on the second shot.
    And don't forget you need that star. That signifies that it only takes one more hit to explode the crystal. Reset if you don't get it. Don't worry whether or not the piggy died. He's not important.

    Second shot skim the right side of the concrete ball. You want red to angle to the right and move the concrete balls in the wooden boxes slightly. Otherwise they'll miss the sweet spot on the bottom crystal.

    Anyway, that's my approach.

    Edit: Shooting it this way will explode the bottom crystal occasionally but don't get excited. About the best you can get is 105k if it blows on the 1st shot.
  • @SweetP -- Hope all is going well, or at least better, in your world. Hope you got some golf in.
    Played today wearing shorts! HWDNF said it will get warm quickly. HA! Didn't see the sun once today, and the high (~62F) must have been 10 deg lower than the prediction. Nonetheless played pretty well, for me, and had fun!
  • @rat9

    Well, even with the star, the planet does not always burst with one extra hit. Do you have any estimate on how much points you lose when you burst the planet with the BB?

    Edit: OK, you say it above
  • Thanks Pa sorry got called away for a bit..bbinab
  • Don't get upset if you don't score above 110k. It takes a two birder and luck to get above that score. Be happy with 109-110k. @Burpie and I are fanatics. Crazy I tell ya...CRAZY!
  • Lol Pa you don't have to tell Me that..hee hee I've seen you and @burpie in action haha; )
  • @Sglouk
    The concrete ball has to hit a smooth unobstructed surface of the crystal to blow it. That's the reason you want the timing on the scaffold just so, to have the debris fall to the right.
  • @Ma Looking at @Sglouk's scores, we may have to reserve him a room in the nut house with @Burpie and me. lol
  • Yeppers Pa I've seen @sglouk with great scores.. that's why i bug him so much in the walkthroughs lol and I've finally dragged him in here hee hee;)
  • @Ma
    Yeah, but now he'll see my tips that I give "only" to BP patrons and start whoopin' up on me worst that he is already. ha ha ha ha ha
  • Hahaha @Pa ;) he is a good flinger and always shares as well so it's no harm that he sees your "Bp patrons only" tips ;) ;)
  • I jut got a two birder @Ma. But it was only 107k. The crystal blew on the first shot so I shot the second more into the concrete ball to force Red further to the right pushing debris towards the other planet. It's great for bragging rights but not for high score.
  • I'm still using 4 birds sending bomb into the Mercedes planet at the last up to 104 k now.. i almost had 2 birds but the concrete ball bounced useless :( pthh pthh pthh nuttin:(
  • @Ma
    I just got a three birder for 110k. The second bird didn't quite kill the pig in the well on the upper right planet. It was close. The boulder dropped part of the way. I had to use the third bird to finish it. That means a 120k score is possible. Good luck.
  • Thanks @Pa i just can't get that Mercedes planet to blow on my second shot:(
  • BTW @Ma I'm shooting the second shot at full low power a few pixels in from the left corner of the second crystal. It blows the upper crystal every time and pushes one or two concrete balls to the left side of the lower crystal.
  • Ahh o.k my concrete ball as i said just bounces useless on the cracked planet below. I'll try that; )
  • Sorry @mvnla2 didnt see you there in the admist our babbling about Cc . And my feeble whining..cant say i feel bad about your 62° weather though lol..try 23° and windy sea breeze Hah 'breeze ' they call it. . Hope your golf game went well I'll have to read up to see whats up with @sweetp sorry i haven't been keeping up and as always ty for doing so:)
  • Hello everyone !!
    couldn't able to come here these days for some health issues.
    by the way, I was playing CC too. but 7-5 really is annoying me : /
  • Hi @bird-watcher sorry to hear of health issues.. and sorry I'm on my way to my pillow.. I'll look at 7-5 tommorow and see if i can help out..I hate time zones:( Night good luck
  • thanks @kathy . I can't get in the top 100 at least ! trying to get there though.
  • @rat9
    I don't know if I am as crazy as you, but as a matter of fact I am less skilled. In case I succeed to spend enough time and energy to beat you on 3-10, then, Ok, I will officially be crazy. But I am still far from that, I think.
  • @aryamoitra
    7-5 is platform dependent. If you still have the v1.6 Android version, then you have eight pairs of maces and you can (more or less) easily have 85k, and 90k+ on a lucky day. If you have only 6 pairs of maces, then 80k is already good, although I already got 82k once. My (far from efficient) strat: aim BB between the two leftmost pairs of maces, with central BB as low as possible above the bottom one. Split early, so that left and right BB will push top and bottom pairs of maces on the planet, whereas central BB will graze above crystal planet and then go toward rocky planet. On a good day, both pairs of maces land on the planet, without destroying it (less than 40% of the time, but not super rare), and in addition, central BB will kill between 0 and 2 two pigs (the big on and the one below) on rocky planet, the more the better. Odds to kill both pigs are again less than 50%, but not super rare.

    Second shot then if to send Red just below SW pair of maces, so that he gently pushes it on the crystal planet, as well as the next one. If both pairs of maces fall simultaneously on the planet (there is one or two clicks that make it happen), you make most damage to the pairs of maces, and then you have to hope that one debris kills any surviving pig on rocky planet (the rarest thing of the whole strat given my understanding of the physics of the level). Note that sometimes the crystal planet breaks up after being hit by a single pair of maces, and some other times, the four pairs of maces are not enough to break it. Therefore, nothing is very repeatable there, but after one hour or two, you should have something in the 75k-80k range.
  • thanks for the details @sglouk !
    I have to fling some more right now !
  • @Sglouk I'm impressed with your 152k on 3-10. My highest score prior to my surprise 158k was 149k. I guess I'll have to give up the dream of catching @Fidslady's score. ha ha
  • Don't give up @Aryamoitra.

    @Sglouk I think I got my score on the six mace setup. I timed my shot so that the second mace on the top hit the crystal a split second before the two from the side. This gave extra damage to the maces as well as allowing some debris to travel to the planet. Super hard timing shot for obvious reasons. lol
  • @rat9
    Well, my 3-10 score is not enough to put me in the top10, therefore it cannot be that impressive. But thanks anyway. Yesterday, I was on my way to get a 153k, but the far right pig decided not to roll down the building. Another time, perhaps, if I don't give up.
  • @Sglouk
    You can't count @Fidslady's and my score. Hers was a zero birder and mine was just an apparition. That puts you in top eight.
  • @rat9
    Your score counts, just as Top score of level 2-5 counts, as unreachable as it seems to be.
  • @Sqlouk
    I went back and looked at 7-5. I believe your right. There were eight maces when I got my score. I didn't know they had changed it. Sorry.

    Edit: I wish Rovio wouldn't do that. It's unfair!!
  • yeah, it is unfair @rat9 .
    just got a 79k score so taking a break. Maybe should try other level later. kinda bored and wanna try a new one.
  • Just a quick pop in.... Mister @rat excited about the new SPACE levels!!! It is MAJOR!! New episode Brass Hogs (unlock with missions!) and all the previous levels have mirror levels and let me tell ya... they are just up your alley. I already hate them and I am only at Pig Bang M1-5 grrrrrr
  • Hi @Estar
    I'm still not flinin', but I'm doing a little better mentally. But I didn't know there were new Space levels out there. Thanks for the heads up.
  • any chance for avatar contest 2015 @estar ?
    just curious :)
  • You better not start with the new update then Mister @rat ... with all the new mirror levels there are 200+ new levels out there... o_O
    But good to hear you are doing better mentally!
  • thanks @estar .
    I was absent for some days and forgot to check the forums . sorry for that :)
  • Morning @all
    Sorry I haven't come in a while,
    Happy Birdday! @Karen98!
    Hope you feel better @mumsie!
    Get better @Rat! You Don't want to give Romo a head start, do you?
  • Hello @All
    new space, what? Yes, new space.
    @Rat , little better mentally? Can we help?
  • @bernersenn
    My physical problems got worst and drained me mentally. I got depressed for the first time in 25 years of dealing with this crap. I'm trying to pull a Swift "Shake it off". I'd be able to deal with this easier if I could fling.

    200+ levels??? Y'all start without me. I'll bring up the rear and whup all you "Whippersnappers". It might take me six months to do it. But I'm persistent, if nothing else. lol
  • @rat that's really rude. Sorry pal. I suppose you tried every therapy that exist, not only the common ones?
  • @all
    What's the timer counting down on the main page of the new Space levels?
  • @rat9
    The time you need to wait to unlock the next levels, I think.
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