The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2467
  • best of luck @annifred :-)
    yeah, I can also concentrate pretty well when it is night. But really ? You don't sleep a little bit during your exam ?! wish that I also can get those eyes :P
    and for cheese, I like it (not smelly though ;))
  • Lol @bird-watcher
    *sets out baskets of earplugs on all the tables and along the bars for tommorow 'Whine Tuesday' , with an extra on the table by the door*
    Good night all and Happy Flinging :)
  • @BirdWatcher I did sleep through almost the whole day yesterday ;)
    @Kathy I hope I won't need to whine :)
  • No no Whining for you @Annifrid unless its about piggies not Math exams; ) you'll do fine really just take some deep breathes and be calm..all that you have studied will be clear in your mind;)
  • Night Pa ♡
  • @Hunnybunny, thanks for the heads up on Rio High Dive 8 -- I didn't have time to play it on Sunday but just snagged a 140K+ score and the second place. Too late for a puppy but 3K improvement in HD was huge for me with @crivit breathing down my neck :-)

    I hope 2015 is treating everyone well…things are already looking up for me!
  • Night Ma
  • @Kathy and @EveryoneElse I got an A from my first exam :D OB, drinks on me if someone comes today ... I'm gonna get some sleep and then learn for the second one!
  • Hello @all. I'm back from the dead. Miss me? lol Don't answer that!!

    Congratulations on that "A" @Annifrid. We knew you could do it.

    Is that a remote activated toy @bernersenn? I see a remote attached to it.
  • @rat no, it's fixed to it. There is a label on it, it says that this is a Star Wars toy. As far as I know does the red bird in SW wearing a light saber.
  • @bernersenn That's one awesome plush Luke Skywalker ;)
  • @annifrid thank you. It indeed is Luke Skywalker, that is also cleared. And awesome he is, he is about 20" high. He is now sitting in a chair in the living room.
  • @tompuss this one cannot travel with us during Holiday, takes up to much room (in the car)
  • That's one fine Red Bird @bernersenn.
  • @rat that was one hell of a strategy on an SS Bonus you posted. Must be feeling so much better.
    Sorry @kathy you get two @mentions from me. I thought Mister Rat was talking about the level you posted on the other day. And they are nothing to do with them
    Confused, I am....
  • @ bernersenn nice plushy!
  • And anyone looking for a "notable" post 123456 is coming soon....
  • @hunnybunny thank you. He is huge, and more important - I convinced my wife that it has to stay in that chair. Took a while, but she agreed finally. So, not only the covers of the Ipads, Iphones, keyhangers, etc, no also present in our living room. I am not addicted, no.
  • @bernerseen Did your dog receive any Angry Bird toys for her birthday? My cat may have some AB balls with bells in them for batting around. You do win the addiction contest, none of my furniture is occupied by the birds!
  • Ha ha @catsnbirds @bernersenn my addiction is huge. But no plushly, gifts, or whatever from Rovio. Just straight forward flinging
  • @annifrid I think A or A+ at least for the next one :-)
  • Goodnight all. Flung a little in Finn, in top 50, long hard slog.
    Hope you all have a wonderful (flinging, or whatever) day xx
  • Good Night Mrs. Bunny. You succeeded in confusing me as well as @Ma and yourself.
    No great feat to confuse me though.
  • Thanks everyone :)
    I have 5 (yeah FIVE) plush Angry Birds, plus a green pig. They're all only 8" though ...
  • Night Pa♡
  • I'll read up tomorrow see lots of interesting stuff i missed. .night
  • Night Ma
  • @Annifrid -- Congrats on the A. Hope you got some sleep today before studying for tomorrow's test.
    Fortunately I only have 2 AB pencil-toppers, which I use as Christmas ornaments. I don't think I need to advertise to the whole world how addicted I am. All my relatives and close friends know, and are at least tolerant. What more can you ask for? Oh yes, several of them have had periods of mild addiction, which helps.
  • Good morning to you @all. Interesting that most of us confirm that they are addicted to our feathered friends. And @mvnla2 - people don't see it on the things that are around here, they also know "little time free for Theo is doing something on his Ipad".
  • Hello all, just want to pop in to say there's lots of puppies up for adoption with this Challenge, Birdday Party Cake 4, level 10. So far there are 9 qualifying scores but only 8 posts ... GL all
  • Hello @justpast40! Yes, I've been tracking those puppies, so we've got another 8 hours, 48 minutes left until the challenge is closed. It'll be a puppy party, as @cali_mom said! I'll be breaking out the doggie treats and chew toys (the kind that squeaks, of course) soon!
  • Good evening to you all. Saw @sweetp comment, wanted to alert everyone, it's puppy time! So go and get it.
  • Hold on there, @bernersenn. Let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet! There's another 5-1/2 hours left in the Challenge, so chances are we'll have more puppies to adopt.
  • @sweetp I did sent already sent alerts to some of my friends. So let it be a huge, happy litter. Yeah
  • Calling all AB Addicts! @steven-dunn-5648 posted a great video on one of the AB Epic forum pages. I hadn't seen it before, and it is great:
  • @Justpast40 -- Thanks again! It isn't all that often that I get a puppy. Hoping for a cute golden retriever.
  • Soorry i still have a bit of catching up to do but again is late of the hour:(
    Night all
  • Night Pa♡
  • Night Ma
  • @mvnla2 that clip is great :-))))
  • Whoo Hoo!!!

    I challenge @all to join me in the newly established underground "Top Six Club". @BeautifulVVorld's fantastic flingin' in Beak Impact #1 has forced me to get all my scores to top six or better. Only two more levels to go before I make it to the "Top Four Club".
    As an added incentive, all members of the "Top Six Club" drink for free at the Bloated Pig. It's on my tab.

    Keep pushing @Romo. Ha ha

    P.S. Come join me in the club Mrs. Bunny. It's lonely having a club with only me as a member. Even I don't like me that much. lol
  • Bloody Hell Mr Rat! That's a hard challenge, and I'm not sure I like you that much either!
    Good night all, I'll think about the challenge......
  • Having nightmares before bed
    Just me and the rodent in a club of our own arrgghhh
  • @HunnyBunny If it was easy, everybody would do it.
    Ha ha ha ha ha Gotcha! Enjoy your dreams.
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