The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2448
  • I'm alive ! Sorry for the disappearing act..thanks @sweetp for your concern not to worry ; )
    Yes Pa I've been lost in Space chasing snowballs lol
    It's been so quiet in here as of late I missed the rush of patrons.
    OB I'll have a PigKiller please while I read up.
  • Wth go figure !! Page changer Not a Good time @Princess !!!
  • Mmmm rice krispies treats @Rat9, that sounds delicious! Be careful you don't burn your mouth biting into one that's still hot in the middle. I've done that and it was no fun. Good to hear Mrs. Rat is on her way home and not going anywhere for awhile. My goodness, she's got her work cut out for her when she gets home! Just think, half of that stress will be gone as soon as you see her.

    @Estar, thanks the door is now closed, locked and key thrown away. But still waiting for HWDNF to come home from work to collect on those hugs!

    Well, I've got to get dinner on the stove, so I'll see you all later!

    It's FRIDAAAYYYY! Have a great weekend everyone!

  • @BPC I'm so sorry for the loss of your mom. I'm truly sorry .i know there are no words to ease your feelings of loss but i pray that knowing now she's at peace and not suffering any longer will bring you some peace eventually.She sound like she was a fighter and now she can rest.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    The 14th was the 14th anniversary of my Own moms passing into the clearing at the end of the path and with a mixed heart i still remember her well and i know it sounds cliche but Time does ease the immediate emptiness, it does not Heal but eases .
    Be strong and may all the prayers and thoughts of folks from around the world help you to get through these times (((((((Hugs)))))))
  • The curse continues. SWDNF is on the ground, but her luggage is not. Whaaaaaa!!!
    An anniversary gift, one carat diamond earrings, was in that bag. Double Whaaaaa!!!
    One for each ear.
  • @kathy !!! thanks for popping in and ease our minds! sounds like a rough month for you, no wonder you were laying low. [[hugggsss]]]

    @sweetp good for you, hope your hubby comes home soon.

    Mister @rat ouch! hope the luggage will arrive asp, but glad to know it's not the other way around and SWDNF is safe and sound back on the ground. Enjoy her coming home.

    Sorry but I have to get off my behind, so I am off to watch some telly. Night night everyone!
  • ((((Hugs)))) @Estar so sorry for making yous worry:(
    Enjoy your telly maybe catch up over the weekend ☆☆☆☆
  • Wahhhh @Pa noo way. The luggage is missing! ! Is it insured? Jeez that's terrible :(
  • Yaay, the Princess is in the house! So good to know you and your family are safe @Kathy. ((((((Hugs))))))

    OH NOOO @rat, what an awful feeling that must be. I can't imagine how frustrating this is! I sure do hope her luggage wasn't stolen, and they find it soon! I've always been paranoid about my luggage getting lost, so I always stash my jewelry in my carry-on bag or in my purse. Go and make that baggage lost claim and at least get the value of the earrings so they can be replaced. I know, not the same thing...
  • @rat9
    oh ! luggage is missing ?! what a trouble .....

    enjoy the television show .
  • Time to settle down and eat some dinner and get cozy to watch some recorded shows tonight.

    Have a good evening everyone.
  • Thanks @Bird Watcher.

    You too, @Estar enjoy the telly!
  • No worries @sweetp we didn't get that snow that hit NY
    Hi @Bird watcher nice to see you :)
    I'm off to Fling Space and back to my book , last one in the series thank goodness!
  • @all
    OK, I am off now...........goodbye
  • Myabe see you later @bird watcher ;) have a good evening
    I'll be lurking
  • Aww @Kelani that's really a raw deal for PC users sorry bout that:( but thank goodness you got your mypad now :) believe me i know what is like starting over lol..which remind me gotta do a backup over the weekend !
  • We try not to check luggage if we can avoid it and never put anything of value in checked bags. We've had a bad track record with luggage. A few years ago, we were going home for X-mas with our luggage full of wrapped gifts for the family. Needless to say we had a lot of nephews and nieces that got gift cards that year. But someone hit the jackpot if they needed a prepackaged X-mas. Another trip we lost two 35mm cameras, four lenses, an electronic flash and about $500 worth of accessories. At least they left the slashed luggage that time. The worst thing about losing my luggage is that "One size does not fit all". At six foot five inches, I can't run to the store and get replacement clothes. Because of this, I ALWAYS have a change of clothes in my carry-on. Especially underwear.

    But SWDNF was tired after traveling for the last month and, against her better judgment, checked her carry-on bag. She didn't want to lug it through all the connections. I haven't asked, and she hasn't said, but the diamond studs weren't the only things in that bag. I did a little sleuthing. Her carry-on also included a solitary emerald drop necklace as well as a diamond and emerald necklace. Two more anniversary gifts. She likes emeralds and we have been married for quite some time now. Thirty-nine years. She didn't get them all at once. Thank goodness she was wearing the diamond and emerald encrusted Rolex I got her for her anniversary this year.

    But on the bright side, her bag will probably show up tomorrow. And if it doesn't, the airline insures your luggage against loss anyway, right? ha ha ha ha ha
    Come on 2015!!!!!!!!!!
  • Night Ma

    I'm headed to bed.
  • Night Pa ♡ sweet dreams
  • Ok,stand down the BOLO. The Princess is in da house! Well she's in bed now actually,damn time zones :( Lovely to have you back with us @kathy. I'll speak to you later. Just about to start work....bleughhhh :( Actually while you're reading this I'll be finished so I'll speak to you shortly lol!!
    @kelani it must be horrid going from big screen to little. Thank goodness you were already used to the iPad but that sucks having to start over. Just be thankful you don't have to switch to an iPhone ;) Talking of which,I need to get on the phone and have a "discussion" with Vodafone. They said 3-4 weeks for my iPhone 6 and I'm at week 5 :(((
    @rat that's serious bad luck with your luggage! Poor Mrs Rat. Her stomach will be in knots till that chap on the door. Yeah insurance is all well and good but they're sentimental. Good luck.
    2014 has indeed hit us all hard :( I'm sick of it hurting my friends. I really don't know what we've all done to deserve it? Within my group of friends here the situation is just getting worse. I was talking about it to hubby last night and the *cough* "sweetheart" that he is suggested that it was me!!! I've got a 666 curse and maybe I should drop it!!!!
    Ok I'm going to grab one of @sweetp's cookies,a take out coffee (not a man) and start my day.
    Have a lovely Saturday everyone X
  • Happy Saturday all! OB, please spread some cheer around the BP. Everyone is getting pretty gloomy. Hope the gloom is not contagious.
    On the brighter side, we went to part of Hurricane Mama's 10th birthday celebration last night. It was blow your socks off (literally) fantastic! Confused? Hurricane Mama is the organ in the Walt Disney Concert Hall, and it is 10 years old this week. The organ is one of the greatest organs in the world, and the concert was all organ and orchestra pieces, including Saint Seans' Organ Symphony. If you've never heard it, you should. If you have, you've never really heard it until you hear it played live with an organ and orchestra of the caliber of the LA Phil.
  • Good morning all. Popped in to say hello and meet some folks upon the kind invitation from @sweetp hope everyone enjoys their day!
  • @bpc - so sorry to hear the sad news - hope it helps a little that people from across the globe are thinking of you and sending warm thoughts and prayers your way,
  • 2014 Update:

    Still no luggage.

    Keeping with the theme of an ugly year, an associate of SWDNF decided to kill his wife this morning. At least he had the decency to commit suicide afterward.

    COME ON 2015!!!!
  • Good night @Ma

    I'm going to try sleeping until 2015.
  • Omg al Pa!!! That's awful..!! And still no luggage :(
    @butters so sorry to have missed you hope you had a pleasant day and please stop in again.
  • @mvnla2 thanks for sharing that wonderful piece. Unfortunately i dont have a speaker system just my phone , I tried my headphones and it is very moving but i think better speakers needed.
  • @Rat -- How awful!
    P.S. Let us know the outcome of the missing luggage. Ouch! Guess I didn't post this earlier.
  • @Butters -- Welcome to the BP! Please read the first page to learn the rules of the BP, and some of its history. Your first order of food and drink is on the house. You can order anything you want, even if it is not on the menu.
  • hello everyone......
    nice to meet you @butters :-)

    still no luggage! that is really awful.
  • N ight Pa
    Night all
  • Yea! Luggage arrived late and a little dirty, but intact.
  • congratulation @rat9 !
  • @Rat -- Your luck is turning! The rest of the year should be good!
  • Hey everyone, back from my vacation had a great time!
    Luggage all fine, glad you got yours @Rat
  • Hi everyone, long time no see. I have news! An ABO update is out! It's for AIDS awareness and looks like it's just a Golden Egg level.
  • @dmsral -- Yeah, my excitement was pretty short-lived. There is one new golden egg level, and if you buy "red's mighty feathers" you get to use that power up in all levels forever. Cost goes to AIDS awareness. I may have screwed up one of my pure high scores by trying out the red's mighty feathers power up. Oh, well. All for a good cause.
    I was wondering what to do next in the AB universe, since the latest Epic Event ended earlier today. Guess I'm still wondering.
  • Have any of you ever seen this Angry birds bench before? It's outside Eggheadz Cafe in Tinley Park, Illinois. A friend of mine was visiting there yesterday and saw it. She thought I'd like a pic of it. It is kinda cute.
  • @Kelani what a cool bench! Perfect location, in front of an Eggheadz Cafe!

    Woo-hoo @Rat9, good to hear the luggage has been found!

    I heard the update is only for iOS. :( I hope they have one for Android soon.
  • Night Pa
  • Morning Ma
  • hello @rat9 . glad to see you .
  • I am noticing for somedays that my avatar is not appearing in the old forum.
    why ?
  • @all Thank you to all who offered condolences and words of comfort. I can't tell you how much your comments helped. My mother was 85, but it still hurts to lose her now. Just a few years ago, we all thought she would live to 100, she was so strong and active. We very rarely took a trip of any kind in which Mom did not come with us. It will be so strange to go to our usual vacation beach house and not have her staying in "Mom's Room".

  • @aryamoitra Avatars work a little differently in here. Basically, to get it to show up here, you have to upload it to BUT, that will make it not work on the rest of ABN, so you have to go to your profile and re-upload the same avatar. That will fix it, and it will work in both places.
  • @BPC my mother died two years ago, three days before her 86th birthday. It's hard, but some things will remind you, and in time make you laugh, smile, remember
    Trying to explain what made me remember, and grin all over my face this weekend. It was to do with pronouncing "Tredegar" House - a local landmark, which was featured on a BBC TV programme this weekend. I'm not good on phonetics, but:
    It's pronounced Tree-de-grr Mum pronounced it Tread-eee-gar. Little things mean a lot

    @jlz-666 there I am looking at my ball gowns and cocktail dresses (cruising outfits, for goodness sake, they have to be posh!) Some new, some old. I thought they were a bit modern, a bit vintage, a bit cutting edge. At the end of the day, they all looked seventies! Showing my age......
    Will post a picture, soon

    @rat glad to hear your extensive jewellery collection bestowed on Mrs Rat is still intact. May I suggest a Jean Schlumberger piece for the next big occasion. And back to the sad day when your mother dies. Mine left a letter with her will, asking me and my sis to buy some jewellery to remember her. Schlumberger ring was my choice. With my grandmothers gold bracelet, my grandfathers Garrard's gold watch, and my wedding ring, they are the four pieces of jewellery I treasure above the rest.
Post in the New Forum!