The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2414
  • Nightly night @bernersenn hope you sleep well and feel better
    @estar enjoy you show thanks for the sneak peak I will check it after the movie
    @kelani your video in the challenge isn't playing;, I have to hit the you tube link to make it work:/
  • grr. on PC they're PVR files, and there's supposedly a pshop CS5 plugin to handle it, but can't find one. Only other app is 3rd party.
  • @Kathy there's a youtube bug. Affects ABN and member videos differently. Works on PC, but you have to do that weird stuff on iOS and I guess android
  • Oh o.k thanks @kelani its no big deal really just thought I'd let you know. .oh and check out that high score:/

    Edit: I guess its not impossible now that i look at the leaderboards; )
  • @Kathy Eh, I don't really buy super high scores by people who haven't been on the site in years, especially if they didn't do anything here but enter scores.
  • And didn't post a strat or screenshot so obviously not after a puppy:/
  • Ouch! Just met Crivit in Rio TT, all my scores will fall...
    What a flinger! And a gentleman. So can't complain :-)
  • Lol @hunnybunny yes @crivit is an excellent flinger and always willing to reply and help if he can:) sorry bout your score though. .
  • Thanks @mvnla2 :) I am sure they will still have to do enough work on mine as well to make it work in the game. I am not going to submit it just yet... It's almost like the idea I had from the beginning, so I am holding on to it for a couple of days to try to get that final touch I want.
  • @Kelani PM will be on it's way shortly ;) ow and THAT's the extension I was referring to... prv.. I haven't found an easy fix either to get those to open up. If I do I will let you know!
  • @Hunnybunny yep, if someone must thrash your scores, he's a great choice. At least you'll never have to wonder if he did it honestly. :)
  • @estar I just downloaded a tool called PowerVR which may be able to encode/decode them. Or not. I'll have to try it later. :) At least it "handles" PVR files. So, we'll see.

    Oh yay. an E-PM! I'll keep my eyes out for it :)
  • Well I've had my fill of the Challenge for today. .I improved some 4k not looking for a puppy so back to space :)
    OB I'll have a SpacePigKiller please; )
  • Funny @bernersenn. No, I'm not playing under aliases, attacking from all sides. (note to self: look into Rat aliases) I'm barely attacking at all anymore. I feel your pain on the sleep issue. Hopefully it's just a passing virus, bug, or whatever and you'll be back to your energetic self soon.

    I knew @Estar couldn't pass up a chance to play with the graphics on the Escher problem. Good job!! It's a different medium from another great Dutch Master.

    Sorry I haven't been around much. Like @berersenn, my sleep, or lack thereof, is controlling my life. Not really flinging, but I'm still lurking.

    Edit: Sorry @Estar. I didn't mean medium quality. I meant medium as in oils, watercolors, or in your case, computer graphics.
  • Neat, I just made my 1,001st comment on ABN (not in here).
  • Was the last comment you just made your 1001st or 1002nd? It's that day of the week problem all over again @Kelani. ha ha ha
  • @Rat Last post was 1,001. #1,000 was congratulating @crivit on his TT #12 score.
  • So you wrote about your 1001st before you posted your 1001st @Kelani. I'm so confused. How can you say you've had 1001 if you've only posted 1000? ??????
  • @Rat @Kelani -- Let's not have a long discussion about how to count! LOL!!!
  • Sowry @Mvnla2. I'm done. ha ha ha
  • Thou I'm not in to using those fancy editors
    And stuff
    I like the old school way... Drawing
  • @Rat Did you miss the (not in here) part? I was talking about ABN proper. In the BP, this post makes my 4,858th.
  • Congrats @Kelani on your announcement of 1001 posts becoming your 1001 post. .hee hee neat trick;)
    Ob I'll have a regular old PigKiller please in bbetween levels atm taking a break:)
  • Grrrrr
    haven't used my scanner in a bit
    Can't get it to work Lol
  • @AEX10 -- You must be confusing me with @E-Star's level which was posted on the previous page. She is a great computer artist. My level, which is in my album, is a few pencil scratches and a lot of words. No one would call it art.
    Ok, some constructive criticism. Hope you don't take offense.
    Not sure what a "Minecraft version" means.
    I don't think Rovio will use a level with your name as one of the major features. You could get rid of most of the image: the lower half, and a lot on left and right, a little on top. I can see, but barely, the TNT, but I can't tell what is in the left green "O". The colors aren't traditional AB, so you will have to explain what material the various colors signify.
    You probably should also describe a strategy or what happens. Only 2 birds?
  • By minecraft version I mean this is a simplified version made in minecraft
    Without any details and I won't be summiting this. (No offense taken :)
    Thanks for the advice thou
  • I'll try and scan it later
  • @aex10 Can't really tell. It's showing sideways for me.
  • Hey @kel are you submitting a Level?
  • If I make a level, it's gonna be a TEN birder. Something with substance.

    I'd also have to pshop it. I can't draw.
  • Sorry took it in portrait mode (will be fixed soon!)
  • I can draw.
    Can't use those PROgrams
  • Is ok. I just can't bend my neck that far, and laptop seems stuck to the table for some reason.
  • @bernerseen, read about your fatigue problems couple pages back. I can only echo what others have said and recommend you do a sleep study. I did it few years ago and was diagnosed with sleep apnea and now (try to) wear a CPAP mask at night. If you can tolerate it well (which I unfortunately don't) and sleep through the whole night with it, the difference in energy levels during the day is astounding.

    Also, if left untreated, sleep apnea can cause a host of other problems, because you're not getting enough oxygen during sleep.
  • We need to tie a tripwire across the door for when @fenikus dashes in and out like that. :)
  • @AEX10 -- Your drawing is sort of blurry, so I can't read everything you wrote. Scanning would be a lot better. In your previous image, it looked like the grass on the lower left had something inside it?
  • @Kelani @bernersenn- I did a sleep study and the tech told me the only times I woke up were pain driven, not apnea. You could see on the tapes where my blood pressure elevated among other things. What wasn't on the tape was a low blood/ox level from where I would have stopped breathing. But the Doctor, who I probably saw five seconds, told me I had sleep apnea anyway and gave me a CPAP. I wore it religiously for six months and got no help at all. I hate Doctors who don't do their jobs. (Texas?) I hope you both have better luck.
  • @fenikus -- Hi! and Bye! Good to see you.
  • @rat @fenikus @kelani @bernersenn @Iforgetwhoelse -- Do people with sleep apnea snore a lot?
  • @mvnla2, I think so -- I snore like a Stihl chainsaw. The only time I religiously wore my mask was when I had someone living with me -- she couldn't stand the snoring! (Which the mask gets rid off, btw).
  • @Mvnla2 I use to when I slept on my back for the first thirty-five years of my life. Now I'm forced to sleep on my left side but don't snore.
    Funny fact: I didn't know SWDNF snored until my spinal problems arose. I slept like a log as soon as my head hit the pillow for the first 15 years of marriage. And she snores like a freight train.
  • So what started your pain problems, @Rat?
  • when people snore like dat it drives me CrAzY!!!
  • Yeah mvnla2 I will scan it tomorrow
    too lazy to do it right now ;)
  • Well all of you talking of sleep has got me sleepy!
    Good night @all :)
  • @fenikus did you fix your key problem?

    I've been digging around in my data files, looking at what Rovio tracks. I expected a lot of it, but I must say, I'm a bit afraid at just how much stuff is recorded.
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