The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2416
  • @kathy, @JLZ666 @all Remember this? Typical Britsh pub chat? -:)

    Dud and Pete discuss women

    Not sure if y'all stateside have ever heard of these two. . .
  • Well, it seems I'm in the market for a new ipad. My cousin's gonna be moving in with my grandma and taking over more shifts, so she'll need it practically all the time. Good thing I'm caught up on most AB releases, 'cause I may be without one for a while.
  • @TomPuss -- Enjoyed the "Beethoven", but I like the original better (not to mention it's harder to play). I would guess a lot of the dislikes are from people who think that version would send Beethoven twirling in his grave. Tried to follow it with the music, but it is difficult, especially since he took some liberties with the notes.
  • @mvnla2 I'd be willing to bet most of the dislikes are just envy. I was tempted to hit it :)
  • @TomPuss -- Too bad that pub is in Tennessee (I think that's were it is). I wonder how far from LA you'd have to go to find one. Almost makes me want to taste their beer, and I'm not a big beer fan.
  • @Kathy -- Happy BirdDay! Hope the non-work part of your day is fantabulous, and the work part better than normal. When I was working, I frequently took my birthday off. Don't know if you can do that.
  • Sorry I haven't been in since my hol but my very own Mumsie is not too good at the moment so ...... Anyway @Kathy hope you've had a lovely day and that you are being spoilt by one and all!
  • Sorry, it's a bit large to post here, but it is a castle!!!
  • @mumsie so sorry to hear about Mumsie senior! My thoughts are with you my dear Mumsie!

    @kathy I wish I could pop in for real and stay, but I need to get off my bum asp... I am not going to cut into any of the marvelous cakes everyone has brought, but they do look yummy... save me some, I could do with a sweet breakfast tomorrow morning :)

    Enjoy your Bday evening and I hope work flew by... did they celebrate your Bday at work as well? Hope so, you do deserve a day of "you" time! [[[huggs]]] and kisses my friend!
  • @kelani Yes I found Jen's voice very akin to Jewel's - lovely. Not sure of the dates of Jewel's songs but we both love Proud Mary with Beyonce, the Missoula song and many more.
    Sorry to hear about your iPad - may the new one not be long in coming. . .

    @mvnla2 You wouldn't like this beer one bit - I've had it, it's swill! But the video is fun:

    @kathy Here's the voice of an angel to see you and @all to dreamland. . sorry so early, but I'm making my way there now:

    Aled Jones sings Walking in the Air (beautiful)

    Goodnight @all, enjoy the party, sweet dreams xoxo
  • @TomPuss -- Another great video. I've seen several of that guy. He's great! Did you mean you've had some beer from the ipad, or just the kind served in that bar?
  • @TomPuss -- For the Aled Jones video I get a message saying it is not available in this country. : (
  • Thanks for all the Birthday wishes everyone I need a few minutes to read back lol and watch videos just wanted to pop in and say Hello and thanks. Sorry to hear about byepad @Kelani also sorry to hear your grandma needs more full time care i wish the best for her and good for your cuz to move in to care for her thats most impotratant so 'meh you still have the pc to play on for now. .maybe you can get a cheap tablet on ebay ?
    Anyway I'll be back lol
    OB Cristal for everyone and one for me while i catch up
  • @mumsie -- Sorry to hear about your mother. Hope things improve with your mum.
    @kelani -- Is your grandma's condition worse, or just that your cousin is taking more shifts?
  • Great guitar version of Beethoven @TomPuss!
    Awww @Jlz666 awesome 'my own under the sea/Nemo world!! Lol s' ok good mixture I loved the little mermaid also. . And my very own treasure chest of movies ♡ I wish we could curl up abs have a girls Disney marathon day that would be awesome. .
    Love the cake to pretty to is probay delicious!
    Thanks so much and ya I hate the stupid time zones but we are all together in our heart♡
    Thanks @Annifrid for the colorful birthday wishes; )
  • @TomPuss no i don't remember those guys except i think you showed a similar video before lol I still can't understand a darn thing they said haha.
    That pub in Tenesse looks inviting if I'm ever in oak ridge I'll be sure to look for it (not likely I ever will be but you never know!
    @mvnla2 I'll meet ya there someday lol. And thanks for the wishes, no we don't get to take our birthday off. I could have used a vacation day but i did yesterday so i'd have the long weekend also had an appt. so killed 2 uhmm things with one stone:) NO Ob Not birds! !

    @Mumsie thanks for the angry birds cake
    And @hunnybunny for the Castle hey with a castle the bigger the better in my eyes; )
    K gonna listen @TomPuss videos now bbinab
    Sorry for the half a page pposting I don't want to miss anyone wishes; )
  • Estar no worries ♡ you made my birthday bright☆☆☆
    I know these time zones stink
    And yes @Mumsie thank you for taking the time to think of me I hope and pray Mum gets feeling better soon♡
  • Yep that one worked @mvnla2 thanks. .Wow what a voice Amazing! !
  • @Kelani glad to hear your grandmother condition hasn't woresened , so the three daughters also work full time on top of taking care of her?
    So good of you to let cuz use iPad:)
  • Happy birthday @Kathy! I hope you have a wonderful day today.
  • @Kelani I can't think of a 'genre' I'm sure I'll enjoy anything you come up with:)
  • @Kelani -- I'm sure that taking care of someone is exhausting, especially on night-shift. I think I would go crazy if all I could do for 20 or 40 hours a week was play computer games, I think I would go crazy. Maybe she should sign up for some of on-line college class or learn the piano or guitar, or drums even (just joking about the last one).
  • @mvnla2 she's going to college (will be all done in a few months), working full time and interning at another company part time, so, she's definitely not in need of any more activities. :) I'm sure she'll mostly just go there and sleep half the time.

    @Kathy My mom and one aunt work full time, the other is retired...I think. She's retired and gone back to work so many times, I've lost count.

    Yeah, ain't I sweet? :P No really, it just makes no sense for her to drive 15 miles twice a day to drop it off and pick it up. I'd rather she kept it at the house where it's useful.
  • Well @Kelani maybe you can find a refurbished or something somewhere I hope in the meantime you still have pc.. you couldn't possibly have played all available levels?
    Maybe you'll develop a love for Seasons lol;)
  • @Kathy since I got a puppy on Seasons yesterday, I've taken back my extreme hatred of it. :)
  • Lol @Kelani I'm sure actual i saw you admit that to the Queen of Seasons hee there you go plenty of flinging to do:)
  • Wow beautiful fireworks @ABCrazy thank you:)
  • Just a quick popper, sorry. Wish I could do more.
  • That's o.k @ABCrazy I appreciate the thoughtfulness:) hope all is well I'm sure your busy with the school beginnings and all..Ooh and I'm gonna send you a pm soon; )
  • ooh. Pretty. I love strontium. even in a painting.
  • It's nuts. I don't understand people who think teachers are lazy. I'm swamped just trying to keep up.
  • @ABcrazy people still say that? Wow. I thought the fact so many teachers get gray hair in their 30s was proof enough to refute that. :)
  • @kelani well, I guess just like anything some do their jobs better than others. Or at least try to. I like what I teach, have mostly good, smart kids, and lots of fun tools & toys to play with.
  • I can imagine @ABCrazy! Being swamped especially at the start of the year!
  • Now, if I could just teach them some sense. :-D
  • @Kathy HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I can only pop in right now but I hope it's been a marvellous day :D
  • @ABcrazy I have several friends who are teachers & they work pretty darn hard. You all have my respect.
  • Thanks @Karen68 :) np I understand the popping ♡♡
  • Btw there should be a good space station pass tonight. At least for the gulf coastish area.
    Time: Tue Oct 07 7:31 PM, Visible: 5 min, Max Height: 66 degrees, Appears: WSW, Disappears: NE
  • Is that 7:31 central? heh
  • Yes, in about 30 min. Houstonish time.
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