The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2415
  • @FENIKUS!!! No one thing I can point my finger at. I lived life too hard. Fell two stories once. Got rear ended bad once. A couple of neck compressing hits in football. My problems started in earnest while I was running across a concrete taxi way on 22 November 1989. My foot hit the pavement and my neck said Oww! But truth be told, I think it is genetic. My sister has the exact same problems. Bad discs.
  • @Rat I hope you don't lean over a desk to look at your i-pad. I know that kills my neck whenever I do it.
  • @Kelani Nope! I've got a higher than normal table with a gel pad to rest my forearms on.

    Edit: Actually, it's two gel pads configured to angle my arms just so.
    Edit 2: It makes for a stable platform to fling from. Might be a reason I do well. Stability.
  • Night Ma
  • @Rat I also have a few gel pads. laptop-wide, so both arms fit on them. They're a bit narrow, so I stuck two down. Love 'em. I always end up hunched over, though, even though I've got comfy chair I could recline in.
  • Interesting how that works, @Rat. I've been having pinched neck nerve problems for well over dozen years now but for the life of me I don't know what caused it for sure. Just woke up one morning not able to move my neck even an inch and stayed like that for a week. Nothing as serious as your condition but still affects my life significantly so I can (somewhat) relate.
  • You need a taller table @Kelani. Trust me. I can't lean forward at all. The height fixes that.
  • @Kelani, if you meant if I got OpenSSL to work -- I gave up. Mac terminal stuff is all Greek to me, will have to try it on Windows.
  • @fenikus For a lot of years the doctors just threw muscle relaxers, anti-inflams and pain meds at it. It wasn't until 1991 that a neurologist ran some tests and saw that C5-6 was fragmented (three pieces). One piece was pushed up against my spinal cord. He told me that was the reason for the weakness in my legs. I was in surgery two days later.
  • I still have problems rotating my neck @fenikus. Some days better than others. But if I didn't have a camera on my car, I wouldn't be able to back up. I still don't drive most days. The vibrations use to drive me crazy. But the time released morphine took care of that. Yea! Now I can travel. Sometimes.....
  • @AEX10 your level idea looks interesting; ) I agree with @mvnla2 though that they probably won't select a level with a user name. .but good job otherwise:D
    @fenikus nice to see you back; )
    I'm about to hit my pillow .. I don't think I snore bout then again How would i know lol..

    Night @Pa
  • @Rat well if I'm a munchkin like you think I am, any table should be reeeeallly tall :)

    I need to just forget the desk and recline in chair. I can't get rid of the table. It's a handmade 100% quartersawn oak work table from 1939. (yet another gem my idiot neighbor left out for the trash man.)
  • @Kathy You're definitely more optimistic than me. @reader1984 on Big Setup 11-11 hasn't been on in over 2 years. If you get a reply, I'll... I dunno. give you a medal or something. :)
  • Good morning to you @all.
    Thanks for the support yesterday.
    I'm feeling little bit better as yesterday, it seems that there is progress.
    I have to point to the issue that I don't have a sleeping problem. It could be that I don't get the sleep I think I do. But let's see what happens
  • @kelani congrats with your puppy, tried myself, without success.
    Tomorrow I will my doctor again. Although it went really well today I have to report that this evening it is aweful again. I'll keep you @all informed about the (hopefully) progress.
  • @bernersenn luck++ man. I hope it goes well tonight, and at doctor tomorrow :)
  • Hardly flung for a week, and guess what? PUPPY today!
    Well done too @kelani
    Drinks, bacon bits and everything on me today......

    PS must have been the pea and ham risotto I cooked for tea that helped ;-)
  • (Hug) @bernersenn you'll be OK soon
  • @estar I already told you I take back what I said about Seasons :P I still hate many of the older levels that are slower/less gravity/destruction, but I found a few I like. or maybe I've just run out of games that aren't soaked in powerups. :)

    btw, I wanted to say something nice about how your videos probably make you the mother of thousands of puppies, but I couldn't find a way to say it that doesn't sound really awful :)
  • I know @kelani I know, I was just teasing ya, but nice job! All of you new puppy owners! Need to catch up on the convo in here, but it is past midnight again :(

    Hahahahah yup that sounds ermmm kinda spooky, but I know it comes from a good heart @kelani [[hugsie]]
  • Ooh. it's KathyBirthday?
  • Hey @HunnyBunny can I have lurking
    Lessons? ;)
  • Good night @EStar!
  • What!
    I did not know its Kathy's Birdday!?
  • @AEX10 I think it's tomorrow. Estar's just gonna be busy then.
  • Thanks for the awesome Birthday banner @Estar :)
    Yep @Kelani and @AEX10 it's tomorrow unfortunately i have to work but I'll be in after !!
  • @Kathy you'd better. :) and HappyEarlyBirthday
  • @kathy too bad you have to work.. sending early birthday wishes your way! :)

    @kelani hello Mr. I-don't-like-Seasons-hey-look-at-my-new-puppy. Nice flinging!
  • Thanks @Karen68 and @Kelani ;) :)
  • @Karen68 I'm slowly changing my opinion. Congrats to you as well :)
  • Sorry to be a popper but i gotta say good night I'm beat have a good night all. .
  • Night @Pa
  • @Kathy when you show up tomorrow, pick a genre, and I'll post you a birthday kelsong.

    Oh Joy, I know. :P
  • Night @kathy - hope you can at least get away from work a bit early.
    @kelani thanks, I snuck in right under the wire.
  • Night Ma
  • Good Morning @Ma.

  • @kelani Loved your music - yes, including Part 3! Super of you to share it with us! Here's a quickie vid for you now, as later will be rather busy . . . -:)

    (Alwayth a thong in my heart for you, Kel. . .)
  • @tompuss Well that's just amazing. :) I'm glad you liked it (especially part 3). There's a few hundred more tunes, but I'll save them for special occasions.

    btw, great video. Can't beat angry Beethoven. My first thought: Hey! that guy has a better guitar than me! :) I can't believe that video has 779 dislikes. I wonder how many of them are just out of envy?

    LOL at thong in my heart. Thank you. I needed a chuckle to wake me up :)
  • @kelani I'm sure some of them are from nasty trolls, just for the sake of it. I've given up reading YT comments, too many sickos in there.
    Me and Hubz big Jewel fans BTW.

    @rat Hoping you're feeling better, sending ((((vibes)))) to chase the pains and headaches away.
  • Enjoyed the video @TomPuss. How does someone learn to do that? Wow!
  • @Rat lots of practice. lil bit of talent helps.

    @Tompuss Really? I like Jewel also, Her older stuff much more, though.

    So how similar do you think Jen was? Some people I let hear that thought it was a clever edit of the CD track, so I had to do another version with Jen stopping in mid-sentence and "saying It's me singing the damn song people!". :)

    Ok, bedtime here. I let half the night slip by me once again. Shame on me.
  • Greetings @TomPuss, @Kelani, @bernersenn, and @Rat9! How has everyone been? Sorry, I don't have time to catch up reading over 5 pages. I'd get too confused who said what, and then you'll really think I've lost my marbles!

    Nighty-night @Kelani, and sweet dreams!

    I must come back in the morning and bring in some goodies for @Kathy's Birthday.

    My bed's calling to me, so I better get going.

    Have a good night @all, and a good morning to those across the pond.

    *rushes to get out the earplugs and places baskets in each booth, and two on the bar*
  • I hate these stupid time Zones. I'll probably be in bed by the time you get back from work @kathy but hopefully you'll get to read back later on....or sneak out at lunchtime ;)
    Have a wonderful evening when you finally get home and celebrate XXXX
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